Is your core strong?

  • QIC: Dark Helmet
  • When: 06/15/15
  • Pax: Decibel, Longshanks, McGruff, Uncle Si, Javert, Uncle Kracker, Bogey, Catfish, Apache, Lumbersexual, Assassin, Green Wave, Gridlock, Blackhawk, Howitzer, Backdraft, Huckleberry, Dark Helmet (YHC), Lucky Charms (FNG), Al Bundy (FNG), Callahan (FNG), Band Camp (FNG)
  • Posted In: The Armory


1. Windmills x 10 (IC)
2. Imperial Walker x 20 (IC)
3. Imperial Squat Walker x 20 (IC)
4. Moroccan Night Club x 30 (IC)
5. Squats x 20 (IC)
6. Merkins x 15 (IC)
7. Elbow Plank x :30
8. Mountain Climbers x 20 (IC)

Quick mosey for ¼ mile (big lap around the lot)

Carry bells over to adjacent part of lot for a little pep talk… Remember, one of the main points of a KettleBell workout is to strengthen your core. That is not just abs, it is 29 pairs of muscles that go all the way to your center. In all that we do in our workout today, focus on keeping your core tight and engaged. There are a lot of small muscles in there, that as you strengthen them, will make these difficult workouts less difficult over time. Having a solid core reduces risk of injury, and protects your vital organs. It helps improve your balance, and assists with better, more confident posture. This is the same in life. What is our core? There are a lot of ways to look at that, but in my world, our true core is our relationship to a higher power. In my case, it is a relationship with God and Christ. Then, my relationship with my wife and kids. Then, my relationship with my F3 brothers and other friends. As I keep those things strong, I build a foundation of spiritual muscle that will protect me, help me with balance, give me confidence, and make me stronger to face the day. Just like every other exercise is improved and our physical abilities are made better by having a strong muscle core, so are our mental and spiritual abilities strengthened and improved by having a strong spiritual core… Aye? Very good… let’s get to work…

1 minute AMRAP of each of the following and 20 seconds rest:
1. Swings
2. Curls – Right arm
3. Curls – left arm
4. Chest Press – right arm
5. Chest Press – left arm
6. Around the world – try not to do a hula dance
7. Goblet Squat
8. Single arm Shoulder Press (Kettlebell Press) – right arm
9. Single arm Shoulder Press (Kettlebell Press) – left arm
10. Figure 8
11. Slingshots

Little bell break…
Partner up, size does matter…
1. Partner Power Merkins x 15 (Partner 1 does Derkins off of Partner 2’s back, then Partner 2 does Merkins with Partner 1’s legs on his back) – Flapjack
2. People’s torture chair – Who has the heaviest bell? Put them on the end. Do people’s chair, then pass that bell down and back.
3. BTTW – to failure. As a man fails, he runs one short lap and then begins leg raises until the last man goes down.

But the bells are calling… Calling………….
1. Pullovers x 15
2. Russian twist x 15
3. Situps using bell at feet
4. Bell Webbs – 1 to 3 ratio for 3 rounds (Jack Webbs with the bell, up to 3 merkins on the bell and 9 overhead presses)


As always, I am honored to lead. Work hard, strengthen your core, make a difference. We were put here to act, not to be acted upon. We have the power to intentionally create for ourselves the life that the SkyQ wants us to lead, through our everyday choices.
Life is amazing, go live it to the fullest. Support your brothers.

Helmet out…

TClap |

The Fort 2015 #MemorialDayMurph

  • When: 05/25/15
  • Pax: All-Star, Aqua Man, Assassin, Audit, Back Draft, Barry Manilow, Beast, Bounty Hunter, Burgandy, Cake Boss, Catfish, Chaser, Convoy, Corruption, Dark Helmet, Duggar, General, Geppetto, Google Maps, Gunny, Howitzer, Jeckle, Maximus, Old Bay, Opie, Padre, Pebbles, Peg Leg (FNG), Pepperoni, Rebel, Ringer, Rooney, Sharknado, Slinger (FNG), Soluki, Spitz, Stang, Sump Pump (FNG), & Trucker
  • Posted In: Flight Plan, The Armory, The Snake Pit

Perfect weather bright blue skies at NAFOHS

Most men attended their normal Monday F3 AO and than #doubled at #Murph

3 hard chargers ran their a “hilly” 6 to the #Murph = Jekyll, Maximus, & Rooney #REDPILL

NAFO gate keeper arrived to let us in…#NAMECHANGE

High quality disclaimer, witnessed by Legal Department…#RealChaser

Warm-ups in cadence = old and slow = #chiropractorsarecrazy

Moment of silence and quick discussion on #HIM and #Murph trying to prepare his men for battle, & BOM…and impact #HIM has on his men

Murph = 1 mile run, 100 pull-ups, 200 push-ups, 300 squats, & run 1 mile = as fast as you can for time

  • Winner with Weigh Vest = Ringer
  • Winner with #RESPECT = Gunny
  • Winner with raw speed = Burgundy


Google Maps first mile was #impressive

Pebbles ability to talk smack throughout = #reallyimpressive

Effort by each and every man to challenge himself = #priceless

Naked Man:

3 extremely fit FNGs = welcome brothers

2nd BOM was awesome with men calling out who they want to remember #T-Claps to Howitzer #HIM

Appreciate your enthusiasm

I love how patriotic The Fort is, around here “we understand the cost of freedom”







TClap |

Bodies in Motion

  • QIC: Stang, Solid State
  • When: 05/25/15
  • Pax: Crash, Transplant, Dark Helmet, Change Order, Catfish, Assassin, Howitzer, Trucker, Sharpshooter, Jerry Lewis, CSPAN, Stang, YHC FNG: Pickles
  • Posted In: The Armory, The Fort

The Stang Thang:

Stang with a VQ warm up:

Winding indian run around the parking lot, (pick up CSPAN along the way).

Back to the circle

  • SSH x35
  • Slow merkins x10
  • Two-point windmills x15
  • Slow diamond merkins x10
  • 10 burpees OYO

Hand off to Solid State

Grab your kettle bell, let’s roll…

Mosey to the far corner of the parking lot, line up…

Ladder time
Run to the top of the parking lot, (don’t forget your kettlebell)
10 goblet squats at the top, back down to the bottom (don’t forget your kettlebell)
1 curl each arm, back to the top of the parking lot (don’t forget your kettlebell)
9 goblet squats… two curls each arm. you get the picture… down to 1 and 10.

Parking lot lap for recovery.

Stop at the next ladder…

Haul the KB to the top of the parking lot, 7 kettlebell burpees,
Down to the bottom of the parking lot 1 merkin,
Back up the parking lot., 6 kettlebell burpees… repeat down to one.

Fortunately, time ran out… back to the circle.

Peter Pointers (thanks Assassin), then Change Order protractors.

Great leap to Winnsboro last Saturday
Leap to Asheville next Saturday
F3 Dads throughout June – (Anyone know what time this begins? Let’s get this announcement out…)
Lots of new AOs, Colleseum tomorrow, Tega Cay Elementary this Thursday, Varsity on Friday, post at these new sites.

Memorial day, much respect to those who served and gave all.
Respect to Tatanka’s family dealing with a recent loss.
Veterans park Memorial service in FM this morning @ 10
Prayers and support for the Forest Hill mission group (10 brothers, 10 days in September)

Thank you to Sharpshooter for taking us out with remembrance of our veterans.

Sometimes we just have work to do, plain, simple, (unimaginative) work. This is how I would describe ladders today. As we dug in, there was very little mumblechatter. Further into the grind, it was humbling to hear words rise out of the pax. The words spoken were those of support, brother to brother. Aye!

On this fine day, all honors and respect to those who have gone before us.

TClap |

What’s the purpose of F3?

5 men answered the call for an Assassin led workout service project…(?)

No disclaimers needed here. These seasoned veterans knew the implications of their attendance at this post… The call was to show up and get to work, so we did…

The Thang:
– Partner up – Partner 1 grabs a lawn mower and mows half the back lot / Partner 2 grabs a weed eater and attacks the back fence lines and edges of the lots around the building
– Rinse and repeat with the front lot – continue for 45 minutes
– Next, 2 men grab round up and spray the parking lot weeds (excellent grip strengthening workout) while 1 man grabs the backpack blower and goes to town clearing the parking lot and driveway
– The other two men, um… supervise for this part… I won’t say whom, but it was Dark Helmet and Catfish…

End with some solid 2nd F and a sense of gratitude for men who have it in them to serve, and for the incredible abundance we all enjoy in our lives…

So, a few days ago, the twitter machine buzzed, almost unnoticed, with a call by Assassin to come and help clean up the lot around where the new Fort Mill Care Center will be re-locating.

To me, this is one of the absolutely beautiful things about F3. A guy tweets, some guys respond. Lives are made better. It’s simple. The workouts aren’t a lot different. A guy tweets, some guys respond, we workout hard, and individuals are made better. What Assassin did, in my mind, was plant the Virtual Shovel Flag where betterment was needed and we were able to respond. To me, that’s what the shovel flag is. It’s a man solidly planting his intention to make lives better for that hour for those men who answer the call.

In fact, the whole point of the workouts is to “invigorate male community leadership”. And that’s what Assassin did. He heard a need, he rallied the troops, and made lives better. The people from the Fort Mill Care Center, certainly. But even more so, me. Opportunities to look outside ourselves abound. In our marriages, our families, our workplaces, and in our communities. Answer the call… Leave your mark… Be a HIM.

TClap |

Assassin’s assault on #F3TheArmory

Posted for “my guy”, Here are his notes:

Really nice 25 count for 60 degree dry morning for a parking lot tour with a few stops along the way.

Warm up with SSH, IW, Tunnel Touches, Flutter Kicks, Merkins and Good Mornings (Hamstring stretches)

Light jog with bells for the tour, with parking spots of assignments such as:



Figure 8’s


Russian Twists


Floor Presses



Squat Slingshots

Two groups strutted out separately for a round of 10, then back again for a round of 15.

Met up for a few SSH’s, IW’s, Flutter kicks and Good Mornings, then, back for one more lot tour with a round of 10, with each of us leaving our bells behind for a pot luck for the next group.

All Pax thoroughly enjoyed the confusion of find their own bell again, then we gladly ran through another set of SSH’s, IW’s, etc., before COT

Oh, wait, we had 2 minutes — Finished strong with my signature Peter Pointers..

Many thanks for the chance to lead this morning!

TClap |

Thanks Anchorman…

  • When: 04/27/15
  • Pax: 50-CAL (FNG), Assassin, Boy Band, Car Bomb, Catfish, Change Order, Cheddar, Chicken Hawk, Dark Helmet, Deacon, Destiny, Duggar, Grid Lock, Huckleberry, Longshanks, Lug Nut, McGruff, Senator, Sparks, Spitz, & Trucker
  • Posted In: The Armory

Disclaimer, 1 FNG “who will now be forever known as 50-CAL”, and welcome to #TheArmoryF3 . My man Anchor is fighting a nasty he asked me to step in to Q.

NOTE: We are still looking for a replacement AO-Q (Tatanka is moving) for the Armory.

COP near the funeral home side of FHC-FM.

SSH, IW, Squats, Seal Jacks, Windmills, and a couple of others as a very quick warmup…you’re welcome because my chiropractor thinks I need it…#old.

I had forgotten that the #mumblechatter at this AO is “Top Shelf”…we should have done more bombjacks…I appreciate your enthusiasm and comedy show attitudes…makes Q’ing that much more fun.

Mosey to far parking lot for “Pyramid of Pain”

  • All exercises included bell except burpees and CDD.
  • Shotgun Start
  • Run a parking lot lap after every station
Station Reps Exercise
1 50 LBC
2 40 Calf Raises
3 30 Squats
4 20 Americans
5 10 Burpee
6 20 Americans
7 30 Squats
8 40 Calf Raises
9 50 LBC
10 50 Flutter
11 40 CDD
12 30 TRI-EXT
13 20 Curls
14 10 Burpee
15 20 Curls
16 30 TRI-EXT
17 40 CDD
18 50 Flutter


T-Claps to Senator, Shanks, and Huckleberry for getting in a full rotation.

Quick sprint off to close out the morning.


Prayer & Praise, BOM, and a post fellowship


Always an honor to Q, here is everything in my notes:



And in case I have not said it lately, “Be a better man today than you were yesterday”


CSPAN – over & out







TClap |

Badgers Basket(Bell) Beatdown…just Like Kentucky

  • QIC: Longshanks
  • When: 04/06/15
  • Pax: Stang, McGruff, Boy Band (respect), Senator Tressel (respect), Change Order, Crash, Lugnut (respect), Trucker (go Big Ten), Duggar, Anchorman, Greenwave, Cheedah, Spitz, The Librarian, Car Bomb, Longshanks
  • Posted In: The Armory

16 of Fort Mill’s finest showed up at The Armory with their kettlebell not knowing what to expect.  Most didn’t realize YHC was on the Q after a late night switch from Tatanka.  YHC asked who had the Q and he said I could have it as he was supposed to but was still nursing an injury and preparing for the Mud Run.  No need to worry a s YHC can come up with a workout plan real quick.  Advantage of being a PE Teacher.  Trucker chimes in on twitter machine about a Wisconsin themed workout in honor of their National Championship appearance tonight.  Thanks Trucker!!!

The Thang

Warmup lap around parking lot. Then COP of:

10 Windmills (IC), 15 IW (IC), 21 Mountain Climbers (IC), 24 Peter Parkers (IC), 44 SSH (IC)

Informed the PAX that this was the Badgers Basketbell Beatdown.  The numbers 10, 15, 21, 24, and 44 represented the numbers of the Badgers starting 5. 10 -Nigel Hayes, 15 Sam Dekkar, 21 Josh Gasser, 24 Bronson Koenig, 44 – Frank Kaminsky. So we would do 10 Kettlebell Burpees, 15 Kettlebell swings, 21 Upright Rows, 24 Kettlebell Squats, 44 Plank rows (22 on each side), then run to the second light pole and back.  Rinse and repeat until 5 rounds are complete (5 wins to get to Championship game).  Upon completing 5 rounds 12 bicep curl (6 each side) 12 tricep extension. (in honor of number 12, Traevon Jackson, who is also the 6th man).  Continue curls and extensions, until the 6 has finished 5 rounds.  Last exercise was 41 situps with kettlebell extended in front of face.  This was to honor Wisconsin’s last National Championship in Men’s Basketball, 1941.  Finish with COT and BOM

Announcements – Mud Run and Spartan this weekend.  Be safe.  Check email/newsletter for all other information

Prayers – Truckers friend going through divorce.  Flattire’s M.  Safety for guys running Mud Run and Spartan this upcoming weekend.

Moleskin – Even with late notice and not a lot of time to plan, it’s always still an honor to get to lead this group of fine men.  Not sure if I made the PAX Wisconsin fans or Duke fans for tonight’s game, but at least they are a little more knowledgeable.  Not a lot of mumblechatter except guys not remembering how many reps of each exercise.  Kind of like not a lot of mumblechatter from Kentucky after losing to the Badgers.  Enjoy the pain in the morning, and enjoy the game tonight!!!!! AYE



TClap |

There wasn’t any Running at Armory today….

  • QIC: Trucker
  • When: 03/30/15
  • Pax: Trucker, Decibel, Maximus, Sen Tressel, Destiny, Crash, Change Order, Catfish, Solid State, Greenwave, Dugger, Dark Helmet
  • Posted In: The Armory

As I sat on my couch last night watching the Penguins outlast the Sharks in a shoot out, I as browsing Twitter and saw a post by Tatanka that he was looking for a substitute Q for the Armory. In my mind, I was already HC to Flightplan to add some miles under my feet in anticipation to the USMC Mud Run. But I felt this calling that I needed to help a Brother out since my opportunities to Q are limited due to work travels. So I quickly accepted the challenge and had to develop my weinke in less than 10 hours…..oh what should I do?? Twitter then started to blow up between Catfish and Maximus as one PAX noted that Maximus was a physical prowess and might need something bigger….

Started with a very poor disclaimer with the intention to discuss an experience I had the other night with my 2.0s (more to come on that). But never got to that since I was soo excited to Q.

20 SSH
20 IW
15 CSPAN windmills
10 merkins, hold, 5 merkins, hold

10 bombjacks in honor of Catfish
10 burpees with a KB swing in between each

Now for the fun stuff: Pair up
Round 1
Partner 1 does bi-cep curls until Partner 2 runs to/back Shutterfly cul-de-sac, Swap
Round 2 begins immediately after Partner 2 returns: Shoulder Press until partner runs to/back the opposite end of the Forest Hill parking lot, swap
Round 3 begins immediately after Partner 2 returns: Upright row until partner runs to/back the Dialysis center, swap
Round 4 begins immediately after Partner 2 returns: Bent over row until partner runs to/back the end of the funeral home driveway and to the FH dumpster, swap

LBC’s until 6 is back and then mossy to the wall with the KB
Wall sits with shoulder press 2xs
Mossy for 5 burpees with KB swing in between each
Ab Lab for last 2 minutes: Flutter kicks, hold 6″, hello dolly

We ended up running 1.82 miles (Maximus did a little extra credit – as always – so he was probably at 2 miles). So my message that I failed to communicate with at the disclaimer and in COT is that my youngest 2.0 last night was sitting on the couch with me and said, Dad, could you read me a bible verse? Not sure why it hit me hard, but probably since I’m not home every night. I was so proud and honored of this request as my older 2.0 jumped on top of me as well for the reading. To be honest, it has been a tough 2 months traveling to Raleigh 3 days a week and living there and with some house decisions that are weighing on both YHC and the M. It seems lately that I am not clicking right with the M and 2.0. So as I opened up my app to read a verse I didn’t know which one would be calling, but the one that was selected really said a lot:

Psalms 25:1-5 “In you, Lord my GOD, I put my trust. I trust in you; do not let me be put to shame, nor let my enemies triumph over me. No one who hopes in you will ever be put to shame, but shame will come on those who are treacherous without cause. Show me your ways, Lord, teach me your paths. Guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are GOD my savior, and my hope is in you all day long.”

Prayers out to Destiny for his new adventure in starting up his own company, injured and sick, safe travels for Easter, and Isotope Wife, and remembering the meaning of this weekend.

As always an honor to Q in the Fort


TClap |

March Madness – Armory Style

  • QIC: Lugnut
  • When: 03/23/15
  • Pax: Aquaman, Catfish, Grandstrand, Longshacks, Dark Helmet, Gridlock, Green Wave, Senator Tressell, The Librarian, Spitz, Gears, Chicken Hawk, Photo Bomb, Lugnut, Crabcakes.
  • Posted In: The Armory

15 brave Pax worked on basketball skills while YHC had his 1st solo Q. YHC went with his 2.0 to the NCAA Basketball tournament the day before. This started the thought process of having a basketball geared beat down. I requested that Longshanks correct me if I said anything incorrectly as he is a local high school basketball coach outside of F3.

Pre-Warm up


Take a quick lap around the court (parking lot) and stop at the small wall. YHC explained that rebounding is essential to have a winning team.

15 step ups, each leg

15 Derkins (upper body strength is important as well in rebounding)

WARM-UP (March Madness Sweet 16)


16 IW IC

16 Slow Windmills IC

16 Slow Squats IC

16 Peter Parkers IC

16 Parker Peters IC


Common Basketball Drills with KBell (Around the Worlds and Figure 8’s)

15 Around the Worlds

15 Figure 8’s

20 Around the Worlds

20 Figure 8’s

Lay-up Drill – 2 lines with a Pax from each line carrying his bell to the goal and exchanging bells (rebounding) with the other Pax from the other line. While Pax wait their turn to lay-up/rebound, we did kb swings, curls, tricep and KBell squats. Total of 4 rounds. Lots of mumble chatter on getting a heavier bell from rebounding to do the exercise.

Defensive Drill- Showed proper defensive stance and did Push Press 15X IC.

Position Drills – The Pax divided into 4 groups to work on position drills (2 minutes each position).  “Dibbled” kbell between legs between stations.

Shooting Guard (scorer) – Kbell Gunslingers and Kbell squat side presses

Small Forward (most athletic) – Burpies and Merkins

Power Forward (rebounder) – Bomb Jacks and Kbell plank rows

Center (rim protector) – Kbell Halos and Kbell Skull Crushers

As all the Pax are Leaders, we did the Point Guard (Floor General) together – Suicides 2x

No time for AbLab or Kbell Jack Webb (Spitz requested)


Read the latest newsletter.  It has a new format.

Prayers and Praises – each Pax lifted up a prayer or praise.

It was an honor to Q this morning. I can’t wait to do it again.

TClap |

Kettlebell Burpees… Yeah… that’s a thing… at the Armory

  • QIC: Dark Helmet
  • When: 03/16/15
  • Pax: Spiderman, Longshanks, Stang, Deacon, Assassin, Huckleberry, GrandStrand, Gridlock, Green Wave, Boy Band, Lugnut, The Librarian, Cheddah, Uncle Cracker, Whitesnake, Destiny, Gears, and myself (Dark Helmet)
  • Posted In: The Armory, The Fort

So, it was my VQ, and I was a little hopped up on what I am dubbing “Qdrenaline”. (I am proposing that be added to the Lexicon, and I will write the full definition at the end of the post)

There were 18 men including YHC which showed up to be worked over for our weekly Kettlebell Beatdown at The Armory. I started by asking everyone to raise their right arm as high as they could. Everyone complied. Then I asked them to raise it two inches higher. Again, all complied. The question was, “So, why didn’t you raise it that high when I said to raise it as high as you could the first time?” So why don’t we give it all right out of the gate? Why do we hold back? The only things that keep us from doing that, and being OnePercenters, is the BS stories we tell ourselves… With that in mind, this workout was designed for each PAX to compete against himself. To push himself to make himself more of a HIM. To walk closer to “OnePercenter-dom”. And so… the Thang:

Warm Up (COP):
SSH x 20 (in cadence)
Merkin x 15 (in cadence)
WM x 20 (in cadence)
Squat x 20 (in cadence)

All exercises OYO at the following stations (RINSE AND REPEAT x 2):
1. Lap run station – man running the lap is the timer for those at the stations
2. Kettlebell Swings
3. Upright Rows
4. Kettlebell Merkin
5. Halo around body
6. Goblet Squats
7. Chest press
8. Triceps curls
9. Halo around body with a hi 5
10. Shoulder presses
11. Kettlebell Walker
12. Squat/upright row
13. Bridge Press
14. Halo around head
15. Arms out
16. Bicep curls
17. Dead lifts
18. Kettlebell burpee

After 2 rounds of that and limited #mumblechatter, it was time to cool down and wrap up:
LBCs x 20 (in cadence)c
Flutter kicks x 20 (in cadence)
Hello Dolly x 20 (in cadence)
Merkins x 15 (in cadence)


So, it was a very interesting and different perspective being on this side of the workout. I have a ton more respect for the men who give up their time and energy to lead us. Don’t be a taker only. F3 can’t grow without you leading, but WAY more important than that, YOU can’t grow without you leading. AYE!

Oh yeah… so “Qdrenaline = the giant adrenaline rush that a PAX experiences the night before (and during) his VQ. Often results in inability to sleep as well as in dreams about the Post. (such as YHC’s dream about the PAX running around like wild High Schoolers and not listening at all to the instructions)

TClap |