“Limbers” popular frozen treat in the carribean

WARMUP: Windmills & Cherry Pickers
THE THANG: PAIN STATION IN Dora Style execution:
All of the following x 10:


MARY: Mosey for two laps around the parking lot & 200 yd Farmer Carries
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read your local newsletter. Check in your spam.
COT: Stays in COT

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Managing in a Crisis

The rain showed up and so did 7 other HIMS for the workout. Honestly I was surprised because I was only there because I was the Q.

Left the parking lot and moseyed to covered are for warm-up of Stretching, SSH, IW, HW, Merkin, Windmill.

The main event was a series of 3 exercises done to designated count and repeated 3x. Series 5 groups of 3 exercise. After each group run to the end of covered walkway and back for next group.
10 Bomb Jacks
15 Merkins
20 Dips

10 Squats
15 Monkey Humpers
20 LBC

10 Diamond Merkins
15 CDD
20 Flutters

10 Big Boys
15 Heels to Heaven
20 Flutters

10 Wide arm merkins
15 Dips
30 sec Plank

Back to COT

Message on leadership was all around the class I took on Managing Through a Crisis. The class was designed around Captain Sully and the Miracle on the Hudson. Best class I have taken in my professional career. See attached link for the 6 key takeaways.


Prayers for parenting and raising teens, healing and the victims in the Israel War.

Thanks Cyclops for the opportunity to lead. This definitely got me out in the rain 🥴

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Coach Dr. Seuss

9 motivators
Low slow squats

Would you like burpees here? Or there?

You do not like them.
So you say.
Try them! Try them!
And you may.
Try them and you may, I say.

Suicide runs at each 10 yard line 1 burpee at each turnaround

Mozy to pull-up bars
1 minute Dead hangs and planks

Stations – hub and spoke style

Hub: 2 pull-ups

10 reps each
Station 1

Station 2

Station 3
Bear crawl across pavement 2x

Station 4

Station 5
Bomb jacks
Mountain climbers

Round 2 do everything in slow cadence. 6 count burpees

<2 minutes of gut work ANNOUNCEMENTS: Sober October. See slack for deets COT:

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3 lessons, lucky 7’s & Dora Jr.

WARMUP: mosey to gym parking lot
All exercises were 10 D/C I/C with 5,4,3,2 & 1 burpee respectively in between sets

Imperial walkers
Hillbilly walkers
Low slow squat – holding people’s chair on the last rep then did 10 MNC’s D/C I/C
Plank with stretches along with merkins and shoulder taps.

Side straddle hops x 30 D/C I/C

THE THANG: off to the west side of the high school for lesson 1

Lesson 1 – all leaders are readers
7’s between the light poles – squats and hand Release merkins

Mosey to the pull up bars with 5 burpees OYO half way there.

Lesson 2 – Habits compound daily. 1 penny that doubles for 30 days yields $5.37 MM. As we lay bricks, remember this.

7’s – pull ups and Diamond merkins running between the bars and the entrance. Group stayed together. No man left behind.

Mosey to small east side parking lot for lesson 3.

Lesson 3 – accelerate with someone else. We can’t maintain discipline on our own like we can with others. In that spirit……

Partner Dora Jr. – 50 hand release merkins and 100 squats. Flutters upon completion and a mosey to COT.

MARY: no time
COT: 5th core principle

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100 yards of fun

Quick mozy around the perimeter of the band practice area (parking lot/football field).  Brief warmup of mountain climbers followed by squats and plank jacks.

– Partner leapfrog starting in the endzone with partner 1 lunge walking to the 10 yard line and doing 10 merkins.  He then runs to the 20 yard line.  At the same time, partner 2 does 10 merkins in the endzone then runs to the 10 and lunge walks to the 20.  Flip flop until full length of field covered.  
– With minor confusion after round 1, we modified and returned as a group to the original start with bear crawls, jogging and 15 squats every 20 yards.

– Cones were then set out every 10 yards to the 50 with one exercise on each. Pax would run to the 10 and do 10 reps of the exercise shown, then run to the far end of the field to reach the next 10 yard line and repeat the exercise. Pax would then repeat coming back down the opposite side of the field and stop at each 10 yard line for 10 reps.
– After a full lap, Pax moved to the 20 and did 20 reps at each 20. Laps and reps increased until we reached the 50.
– Exercises and total reps completed:
– 10 yard line: 8-count burpees (40 total)
– 20 yard line: squats (80 total)
– 30 yard line: plank jacks (120 total)
– 40 yard line: SSH (160 total)
– 50 yard line: Merkins (100 total)

– With a little time remaining we returned to the end zone and bear crawled the length of the lot. At each 10 yard line we did 10 LBCs. (100 total)

– Closed things out by walking back the length of the field/lot to COT. On the walk we discussed empathy and the importance of understanding other’s perspectives to provide insights into their beliefs and actions. Pax was encouraged to apply it at home, work and while traveling on I-77 during rush hour.


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3 stations…3 pairs of exercises per station…3 sets per pair

Station 1: pull up bars
1a. Pull ups, mnt climbers
1b. Merkins, Bobby Hurleys
1c. Squats, donkey kicks

S2: Benches
2a. Dips and box jumps
2b. Derkins and monkey humpers
2c. V ups and incline merks

S3: Pavement
3a. CDDs and leg lifts
3b. LBCs and burpees
3c. Big boys and SSH

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1000 is never enough

WARMUP: SSH, windmills, cherry pickers and mosey
THE THANG: Dora (one runs -one works)
250 Merkins
300 CDD
350 LBC’S
400 SSH
MARY: Core works Planks 2:00 Heels to Heaven 2:00
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read newsletter, D2D Race Friday 7;00am. sign up

Message: We are always seeking peace and happiness- never achieved through selfish wants and needs always through- helping others and self sacrifice. What are you doing today to get good with yourself..
*call a friend today-that you haven’t talked too
*Do something special for your wife- be a intentional towards your relationship
*spend time with your kids
COT: Prayers for sick and teachers – back to school

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“Blindly Following the Leader: Because Questionable Choices Make the Best Stories!”

10 SSH (IC)
10 Imperial walkers (IC)
10 Squat to toe touches (IC) this was new for the Pax and the count was hard to grasp.

Run to the large parking lot.

Burpee broad jump across the parking lot. Stop half way (10 Merkins) keep going til the end
Lt dan back across
Bear crawl half way / Power skip back the other half

Mosey to the hill near Munn rd

A Bones Special :Basketball shuffle up to the top of the hill.
10 Plank tucks at the top, then Basketball shuffle down the hill. 10 Plank tucks

Suicides with the lamp post
First light post 5 burpees
2nd 5 burpees
3rd 5 burpees
4th 5 burpees
Last but not least the stop sign. 5 burpees
Hold Al Gore for the 6

Mosey down Munn to the 2nd entrance. While crossing the street ask the men the Pax what they are struggling with and be prepared to talk in COT. At the entrance monkey humpers till the 6 gets in.

Continue to Mosey to the 3rd entrance. Hip openers, toy soldiers, duck walks. Mosey to the pull up bars

At the pull up bars
Partner up
Partner 1 Dead hang while partner 2 runs to the gate, flip flop.

1st round
10 Merkins
2nd round
10 fire hydrants each leg

YHC was not paying attention to the time and was called out on it so I Omaha what we were doing and headed to COT.

Notably we held CSPAN style discussion around the circle on what are we struggling with. It’s important to note that as we went around with each Pax’s voicing their struggles we all related to every one of those aspects. Guys we are not alone and it’s much easier to go this journey through life is undoubtedly more manageable when we stand together rather than facing it in isolation.” I implore you to be more vulnerable in COT. Prayers and Praises.

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It’s Science

Moseyed over to to the other side of the parking lot for a quick warmup, then continued to St. Phillips for 7’s with Merkins and Flutters.

Headed back to campus for a Jack Webb with bear crawl and CDDs.

Ran over to the building for some bench work. 40 Split Squats, 40 Step Ups.

Back to COT for some Mary, announcements., prayers, and praises.

– JWow

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Tire Flips and Blips

WARMUP: yep, did it on the run and in between some Indian runs
had some tires to flip and kettle bells to deadlift, press, and swing.

second round was no tires, but still stations
-3 on pull-ups
-1 on merkins
-3 with a kettlebell to squat
The man doing the merkins called up and down for 5 reps at each station

Moseyed back with some mobility exercises throw in (shin box!)

MARY: a tad
ANNOUNCEMENTS: DD hands off Nantan Flag to Esso tomorrow

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