Wishin they were fishin at the Armory

  • QIC: Bass-o-Matic
  • When: 06/27/16
  • Pax: Gridlock, Peabody, Anchorman, BarryManilow, HotSauce, Snoopy, Pinup, Geronimo, MP, Zimmern (FNG), Bass-o-Matic
  • Posted In: The Fort

11 Pax hit the gloom on Monday at the Armory for a “Wishin they were Fishin” workout.

The Thang:

  • 10-Windmills
  • 10-Imperial Walkers
  • 10-Sumo Squats

Lap around the lot with some interspersed high-knees and butt-kickers

Back for some Merkins and Carolina-dry docks to finish the warmup.

Short mosey over to the low wall with bells for some pain circuits.

Circuit 1 (Lap between exercises)

  • 10 Dips with bell
  • 10 Skull crushers
  • 10 Lawnmower pulls each arm

Circuit 2 (Lap between exercises)

  • 10 Curls each arm
  • 20 K-Bell swings
  • 10 Deadlift High pulls

Circuit 3 (Lap between exercises)

  • 10 Figure 8’s
  • 10 Round the world
  • 10 Shoulder Press

Slow mosey over to the curb for more circuits

Circuit 1

  • 10 Dips with bell (lunge walk across lot to next space) Some PAX wanted to do figure 8s during lunge walk.  Terrible idea.
  • 10 Skull crushers (lunge walk back across lot bell overhead)

Circuit 2

  • 10 Lawnmower pulls each arm (lunge walk across lot to next space some figure 8ers.
  • 10 Curls each arm (lunge walk back to curb)

Circuit 3

  • 15 K-Bell swings (Omaha from 20) Sorry Snoopy you didn’t know what Omaha was.  (lunge walk across lot to next space) No takers on figure 8’s this time.
  • 10 Deadlift High pulls (lunge walk back to curb)

Circuit 4

  • 10 Figure 8’s (lunge walk across lot to next space)
  • 10 Round the world (lunge walk back to curb)

Mosey back to COT for some Mary.

  • 10 –  Flutter Kicks bell over head
  • 10 – American hammers with bell
  • 10 – LBC’s OYO with bell.

Thanks for the opportunity to serve.  Enjoyed bringing the pain today.

TClap |

Van Wilder’s Sand bucket and run! (Better late than never BB)

  • QIC: Van Wilder
  • When: 06/17/16
  • Pax: Chappie, Cornhole, Shrute, Rattletrap, Dreamhouse, Smileyface, Apache, Drifter, BillNye, Capt.Kangaroo, DawgPound, SwampFox, CakeBoss, ItalianJob, Mr.Rogers, IronSights, Reborn, Zima, OldBay, Gearz, NailPop, Spence, CatFish, FNG-KindergartenCop, HotSauce, YHC
  • Posted In: The Fort

Was honored to lead my fellow brothers prior to my heading out on the family beach vacation. A la, The sand bucket and run themed beat down at PETRA.

The Thang:

Started with a good stretch of shoulders, arms, and hammies.

Steady run around parking lot where we circled up around the sand bucket where multiple exercises were pulled and completed. Following each exercise, the PAX ran out forty yards (the orange cone) and back.

The following exercises were completed in no particular order…

Bear Crawl, American Hammer x-20, Low Slow Squat x-20, Carolina Dry Dock’s x-10, Moroccan Night Clubs x-20, Merkin’s x-20, Burpee’s x-10, Ab/Leg throw x-20, Box Cutters x-20, Freddie Mercury’s x-20, LBC’s x-20, Bomb Jacks x-10, SSH x-20, Jokers Wild – CakeBoss selected calf raises.

Between runs and exercises, 10 counts were also pulled from The Bucket.

Upon completion of the bucket, we grabbed some wall and sat in the people’s chair with the clap, knees, ground in cadence, x-20, 2x’s.

Returned to the AO. Discussed the brothership and looking to our brothers for the push and pull pre the H&C. Philippians 4:13, I can do all things through him who strengthens me. Proverbs 27:17, Iron Sharpens Iron, and one man sharpens another.

TClap |

Nightmares from more than one Hill

  • QIC: Decibel & Maximus
  • When: 06/25/16
  • Pax: Trucker, Pick 6, Photobomb, Fish Sticks, Mr. Clean
  • Posted In: Alcatraz, The Fort

We rose to greet the sunrise this morning and got right, mentally as we welcomed the PAX to the Alcatraz rock. There is a level of respect that comes with this AO and all it has to offer. You see, when you post here, you know you’re coming to work. So, with Decibel and YHC on Q this fine morning, we tried not to disappoint.

After the brief “don’t sue me” disclaimer, the 7 of us took a mosey which consisted of a whopping 20 steps to one end of the parking lot. The leg warm-up began with a light jog the length of the lot then double-back to the start. Next were the walking lunges 1/2 way down followed by butt-kickers to the end. Then followed by a good set of wind mills. And at this point, the work would begin. Mosey to the top of the infamous hill.

At the top, hold the squat for 20 seconds, jog down the hill then give it all you got as you sprint back to the top.
Now, hold the squat for 40 seconds, jog down then all you got back to the top.
Lastly, hold the squat for 60 seconds, jog down then all you got back to the top.

This was about the time we were greeted with 3 additional PAX in bike shorts cruising by for a little Spoke & Mirrors. After a little commentary, we had to grab a step or a curb, whichever you prefer. 100 calf raises as a group.

Mosey back to the outfield for a visit from our favorite Service Member, Lt. Dan.
1 Squat : 4 Jumping Lunges for a total of 10:40 (plus a few 10 counts). Yup, that hurt.

Time for a little Mary:
Heels to Heaven
High Slow Flutter
Grave Diggers
X & O’s

Hand off to Decibel:
So much for an easy transition. Why don’t we bear crawl to the dugout then crab walk up the hill to the road? Sure, why not.

Run down the hill to utilize the back side of the hill. See that bench way off in the distance? No? Trust me, it’s there. That’s our target.
Run up the hill to the bench, 20 CDD, back down the hill, 10 burpees, LBC until the six is in.
Run up the hill to the bench, 20 Wide-Arm Merkins, back down the hill, 10 burpees, Freddie Mercury until the six is in.
Run up the hill to the bench, 20 Diamond Merkins, back down the hill, 10 burpees, Hello Dolly until the six is in.

Regroup ourselves and run up the front side of the hill, 20 Merkins, LBC until the six is in.
Plank series.
Mosey back to the outfield and bear crawl 30yds, crab walk 20 yds then bear crawl 30yds.
Mosey to the playground and grab a partner for 2 sets of:
15 good form pull-ups: partner assist as needed
25 dips

Announcements: Lots of goings-ons in the community between CAH activity, 2nd F picnic, F3 Dads, etc. Bottom line, read the weekly newsletter.
Prayer Requests: Family member’s job loss, enjoyable upcoming vacation, voluntary closure of water activities at the USNWC, and safe/uneventful travels for all the summer driving.

PAX, we enjoyed and appreciated the opportunity.
Decibel & Maximus

TClap |

Man U …Well that escalated quickly

  • QIC: Fusion
  • When: 06/23/16
  • Pax: Twister, Smiley Face, Blackhawk, Iron sights, Short Sale, Birdcage, Burgundy, Murdock, Cool Table, Bill Nye, Mayflower, Flat Tire, Pusher, Atticus, Bloody Knuckles, Washout, Reborn, Italian Job.
  • Posted In: The Fort

19 #HIMs took the wall squat challenge and walked a little different on Friday!

The Thang

Mosey to the parking lot

Side Straddle Hop
Mumble chatter
Imperial Walkers
More SSH

More Mumble Chatter

Work out
Mosey to the 60 yard side wall of TJ Maxx.  A few strides of confidence… if you have done one wall squat.. you have done them all.

Next, we fit 20 still delightful smelling men in a 10 yard section at the end.  Wall squat mule train ensued.  Person on the very end lunge walked to the front of the line while the pax are shoulder to shoulder in a wall squat.  Every pax lunge walked to the front of the line.  Very little confidence remained as we still had about 40 yards to cover.

For the next three rotations the end pax ran to the front of the wall squat line.  In all about a 5 minute wall squat (I was walking funny on Friday….)

Mosey to Manchester park playground.  Partner up.  Partner one mosey around the playground while partner two does the exercise in a covered, poorly ventilated, picnic area.

A lot less mumble chatter in the hot box

150 Incline Merkins
150 Decline Merkins
200 Dips

The pax finished those so quickly we got to rinse and repeat!!

100 Incline Merkins
100 Decline Merkins
150 Dips

Then we finished off the morning with 5 minutes of mary while all the pax finished their reps.

Mosey to the COT

Word for the day was simple and straight forward.  If you have kids, pray with them.  If you don’t pray, start.  If you do, keep it up, it will mold them into something far greater than we can ever imagine.  I shared with the pax that normally at bedtime prayer consists of my wife or I praying and our daughters listening.  If they do pray, it is normally the dinnertime blessing (nothing wrong with that).  Last night however, my four year old Alli Grace wanted to say the prayer.  She started praying and what seemed like 20 minutes later my wife and I were both in tears.  It was incredible.  She prayed for everything she could think of (Italian Job and his family even got a shout out).  For the longest time I thought my daughters only picked up on the bad things I do.  The curse words that slip out, etc, but they also (thankfully) absorb the good things we do.  So keep up the good fight, it will resonate to those around you when you least expect it.

See you in the Gloom!

Fusion Out

TClap |

It’s all fun & games until Popeye brings Jenga

  • QIC: Popeye
  • When: 6/24/16
  • Pax: Honey Pot, Iron Sights, Italian Job, Ajax, Pusher, Bazinga, Catfish, Hot Sauce, Pistol, Bull, Samurai, In Coming, Anchor Bar, Dawg Pound, Mr. Big Stuff, Mayhem, Bill Nye, Apache, Sapper, Kindergarten Cop, Dream House, Drifter, Short Sale, Twister, Whitney, Popeye
  • Posted In: The Deep, The Fort

26 #HIM men showed up to #Petra this morning for YHC’s 2nd Q of the week with full warning from the Facebook and Twitterverse of what in store. It’s amazing what you can buy at a dollar store. I can’t take all the credit from this F3 game of Jenga. My M came up with the awesome idea when she bought mini jenga games at the Dollar Tree for my 2.0s.

On each block there is written an exercise. I made full use to the Lexicon and Exercon on F3Nation.com to come up with this gem of a workout. There was much mumble chatter to be had.


Warm Up:

  • SSH X15
  • Feet together Stretch
  • IW X15
  • Left over Right, Right over Left stretch
  • MNC X15
  • Merkin X10
  • Butterfly Stretch

Mosey to the Front Door of the Bingo Hall

To save time from the regular game of Jenga, I changed to to reverse Jenga. Each PAX reached in to the mix bag of bricks and pulled out the exercise. Then once the exercise was read, the person stacked the brick in a plus fashion. If the bricks toppled over the penalty is 10 Bomb Jacks
Lets go ahead and say the stack fell over on “accident” or on purpose three times.

The bricks pulled are the following – in no particular order:

  • 5 LBCs
  • 15 Merkins
  • 20 County People’s Chair
  • 5 (each leg) Mail Box Pissers (A Bogey Special)
  • 10 Merkins
  • 1 Lap (around the whole parking lot)
  • 15 Irkins
  • 5 Mr. Miagi
  • 15 SSH
  • 5 (IC) Hello Dolly
  • 5 WW2 Sit-ups
  • 10 Dips
  • 1 Lap (around the whole parking lot)
  • 10 Diamond Merkins
  • 20 Wide Arm Merkins
  • 15 Squats
  • 1 Lap (around the whole parking lot)
  • 30 count Plank
  • 10 (IC) Rosealita
  • 10 Calf raises
  • 5 Flying Squirrels
  • 5 Wide Arm Merkins
  • 20 Sumo Squats
  • 10 (IC) Hello Dolly
  • 10 Plank Twists
  • 20 Calf Raise
  • 20 Dips
  • 5 Flying Squirrels
  • 15 Plank Twists
  • 20 (IC) MNC
  • 5 Merkins
  • 1 Lap (around the whole parking lot) Finishing at the COT

Once in the COT I spoke to the PAX about laying off stress. Talked about this story:

Professor sat a glass of water down on a table and asked the class to estimate how heavy it was. Class answers varied from a few grams to a pound. The teacher said the weight doesn’t matter. It depends on how long you hold it. If you hold it for a minute no problem – If you hold it for an hour your arm may ache – If you hold it for a whole day you may have to call an ambulance.
In each case the weight stays the same. The same goes for stress – the longer you hold onto something stressful whether its work or something in life the heavier it gets.
I challenge you to put down that glass of stress you are holding onto this weekend – Pick it up later. Spend time with family and the important things in life.

Matthew 6:34
Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Today has enough trouble of its own.


  • Pusher & Mayhem explained to the newer PAX the 5 F3 principles and what th 3 F’s are.
  • Cotters: If you know of a person that hasn’t been to F3 in a while reach out to them. To again quote Dredd “There are guys out there who need this. There are guys out there trying to figure out what this life is all about.”
  • F3 Dads WEP Saturday
  • F3 Dads Coming to Rock Hill in the month of July.
  • Read your newsletter.


Popeye OUT!

TClap |

Morning Sauna

  • QIC: Gilmore, Tesh
  • When: 06/24/16
  • Pax: Barry Manilow, Gilmore, Old Bay, Pinup, Dilbert, Zima, Package, Bolt, Opie, GreenWave, Culture Club, Plymouth, Change Order, Beacon, Newman, Tesh
  • Posted In: Slow Burn, The Fort

This morning it started out warm, then it got hot…


  • Mosey to parking lot at Empire
  • Windmill – 15 count
  • Mara con Night Clubs – 25 count
  • Imperial Walkers – 20 count
  • Mountain Climbers – 20 count

Heat 1

  • Mosey to back of lowes parking lot
  • Dips (15), calf raises (20) and box cutters (10) X3

Heat 2

  • Partner up – “aggregate” 1 doing exercise while 1 runs to the 2nd cross walk Mosey to bounce house
  1. 100 Carolina Dry docks
  2. 150 LBC
  3. 200 Sumo Squats

At this point YHC takes over.  There were no FNGs so I did not feel too compelled to provide a moderate workout (modify when needed).

Heat 4

  • Mosey to I77 side of Lowes to the Great Wall (there was no breeze here… who knew)
  • 30 second wall sit, sprint
  • 10 bombjacks (fairyjacks @F3SwampRabbit)
  • 60 second wall sit, sprint
  • 10 bombjacks
  • 30 second wall sit, sprint

Heat 5

  • 10 slow merkins
  • 30 second plank, bear crawl
  • 10 slow merkins
  • 60 second plank, bear crawl

Out of time, mosey back for COT


  • Read the newsletter
  • Prayers for the family of lost / sick loved ones.  Praise for good diagnoses.  Keep Spud in thoughts.
  • Prayers for Pax as we all go through lifes frustrating challenges, such as a leaking water heater (that’s not on the first floor).
  • Prayers for the injured Pax.  Lets pray everyone that needs F3 is healthy enough to get out.

Afterthought: I always feel privileged and fortunate to be able to work out with you PAX.  Getting to know someone a little bit more is one of the bigger reasons I climb out of be at 4:45 (and I would classify myself as an introvert).  Get out and divert a PAX’s attention from pain, or get out and give a guy your ear.  That could be the best part of his day or the emo-bump he needs.

TClap |

The Hive- Sweat and legs

  • QIC: Backdraft
  • When: 06/24/2016
  • Pax: Waldo, Bassamatic, The Chaser, Matlock, Cakeboss, Airborne, Backdraft.
  • Posted In: The Fort, The Hive

7 posted at the hive for a little kettlebell fun or so they thought. Great to see Waldo there. Had not seen him since the palmetto 200.

At 0515 the Q gave a quick disclaimer while cakeboss finished tying his shoes and the approval of legal counsel.

We starte this thing with a mosey around parking lot and little warm up that consisted of SSH, IW’s, Windmills, Merkins, CDD’s, and Plank Hold.

Pick up your bell and mosey to lower parking lot. Start with right and left side arm curls. then with the bell lunge walk about 20 yards repeat exercise and lunge walk back. We continued this with deadlift highpulls, skull crushers, figure eights, and around the worlds.

Mosey with your bells to driveway hill. At bottom do 20 KB swings run to top of hill 10 merkins run to bottom wait for the 6. repeat but at bottom do 5 Turkish get ups holding bell on each side.

Mosey to tennis courts at the stands while holding your bell 12 step up followed by 10 dips. repeat twice.

Mosey to COT for a little ab lab. flutter kicks leg lifts, and grave diggers.

Announcements, praises and prayer requests.

Pray for Marriages, children, direction, aging parents and grandparents.

TClap |

Magazine Reload at the Tavern

  • QIC: Sgt York
  • When: 06/23/16
  • Pax: Samurai, Bazinga, Apache, Popeye, Honey Pot, Tinker Toy, Slow Pitch, Mr. Big Stuff, Chuckie, Jag, Hot Sauce, Anchor Bar (FNG), Sgt. York, Pistol, Bull, Turbine, Sweeper, Sapper, Stang, Catfish, Devil Dog
  • Posted In: The Fort

It was an honor to lead and be a part of the 21 men that tackled The Tavern this morning. I’m amazed to see how quickly this AO has begun to produce numbers like this on a regular basis, especially having only been open for a few weeks now. We really tried to explore the space this morning as there are many different options for the nonsense that we like to get into each morning. Another strong effort by all and more importantly another group effort as the push and pull was evident throughout. Here is the thang:

quick warm up stretching

mosey around the Harris Teeter

20 SSH, 20 IW, 20 MNC, 10 squats, 10 merkins

magazine reload – sprint up the parking lot lane, jog back down the next, one burpee and then rinse and repeat all the way to the other end

curb hops across the front of the store

wheel of merkins – 5 each regular, wide armed, diamond, elbows in, regular (superman to recover between each round)

light pole intervals – shuffles and karioke

retention pond – backwards bear crawl down, merkins, bear crawl back up

light pole intervals – 20 mountain climbers at each, sprint to the next


Thanks for the honor to lead!

Sgt. York






TClap |

Come on legs don’t fail me now!

  • QIC: Popeye
  • When: 06/21/16
  • Pax: Mr. Big Stuff, Samurai, Ajax, Super Fly, Mayhem, JAG, Pistol, Iron Sights, Sweeper, Back Draft, Crab Cakes, Burgundy, Kindergarten Cop, Apache, Dawg Pound, Choir Boy, Water Boy, Mud Hole, Sgt York, Bazinga, Chuckie (FNG), Popeye
  • Posted In: The Fort

22 #HIM unfartsaked themselves this morning at #EaglesNest, even after fair Twitter warning that YHC, planned a new painful undiscovered treasure of discomfort for the PAX this AM.



  • SSH x15
  • Stretch – Touch Toes
  • IW x15
  • Stretch – Left over Right, Right over Left
  • MNC x15
  • Groin Butterfly Stretch
  • Merkin x15

Mosey to what was dubbed Popeye’s Peak / Pinnacle after the dust cleared – The fire escape stairs between Tillman, McBride and McLaurin Halls.

DORA – Partner up and do the following while your partner runs the peak (stairs)

  • 100 Merkins
  • 200 LBCs
  • 300 CDD
  • 400 Squats

There’s only a few times a workout can shut down mumble chatter from Apache and this one I feel may have done the job.

Plank up and about 20 SSH waiting on the 6 to finish.  Thanks to the PAX for sweeping for the 6.

After a few 10 counts to catch our breath I shared with the PAX the verse 1 Timothy 4:8 (ESV) – For while bodily training is of some value, godliness is of value in every way, as it holds promise for the present life and also for the life to come.

I explained a little about the 3 F’s for the newer PAX and how if it weren’t for the 2nd F I would have quit this madness a long time ago. Also how in the past year the 3rd F has been strengthened in my life from help of F3 brothership and of course Sky Q.  YHC was out on IR for 4 weeks and I thank all the PAX who wouldn’t let me slip and fall back, encouraging me to get back out when I could muster the strength to do so. With the 400 squats and running the stairs, our legs were on fire! (at least mine were) As a reminder your body and things in life will always fail you, but Jesus will never fail you… EVER.

Mosey to the Johnson Parking Lot for a Popeye favorite

  • Bear Crawl Merkins – 10 Parking lines
  • Run Back to start
  • Lt. Dans approx 20 Parking Lines

Mosey back to the COT for a few more SSH waiting on the 6

Done. Always thankful to have an opportunity to Q such #HighImpactMen whom are in much better shape than I am.  FYI YCH is on Q at Petra Friday.


  • We welcomed FNG Chuckie to the PAX, EH’ed by Mr. Big Stuff
  • The CAH Justice League workouts continue this Friday at 1900 with Decibel on Q. All men should make an attempt to come out and make an impact in the lives of the Kids from the Children’s’ Attention Home. Contact Chicken Hawk or Decibel for details.
  • F3 Dads in July – Saturdays in July @ 0900 – Patriot – F3 Dads will continue through the month of July transitioning from WEP to the Patriot. See the pre-blast for more details.
  • Star Command Convergence – Jul 23 (Saturday) @ 0700 – Star Command – Get the clown cars ready for a road trip to Spartanburg for a Star Command convergence with PAX from the Upstate. You won’t want to miss the epic #mumblechatter along with both First and Second F’s. See the Pre-Blast for more details.
  • Read more in the Newsletter.

Popeye OUT!

TClap |

Jay Karwatsky Memorial Contribution

In lieu flowers, the Karwatsky family has asked that a contribution be made to Chi Alpha Christian Fellowship of Georgia Tech, www.chialphaatl.org, an organization that Jay Karwatzky (Spuds 2.) was actively involved in and was soon to become a VP.

You can make a contribution directly to Chi Alpha through the link above, or contribute through my PayPal account and make one large contribution representing F3.

PayPal Account: dkelly41@gmail.com

Be sure to note that payment is to a friend/family so we are not charged processing fees.

Once collected, I will inform the Pax of the contribution amount being made.

Also, please plan to attend the Memorial Service on Thursday, June 16, 7pm at the following location:

Carolinas Cornerstone Church

1790 Gardendale Road

Fort Mill, SC 29708

Let us all be the light we are called to be.

Thank you all and God Bless



TClap |