Board of Pain – Week 1

  • QIC: Italian Job
  • When: 8/6/15
  • Pax: Toro, Aqualung, Riddler, Sweeper, Catfish, Geppetto, Mailman, Sgt. York, Schrute, Tinker Toy, Burgundy, Posh
  • Posted In: The Fort

This morning 13 of Rock Hill’s finest attacked the Board of Pain. Special thanks to Jekyll for sharing the pain with the boys across the river. There was no warm up, just jumped right in to 100 burpees. Excellent work by the Pax pushing themselves past preconceived limits to get stronger. Below was the outcome:

Board of Pain Challenge:
(1/4 mile run between each exercise) Week 1
Burpees – 100
Calf Raises – 150 (50 regular, 50 toes pointed in, 50 toes pointed out)
Ski Abs – 100
Merkins – 100
Deep Squats – 100 Toro, Riddler, Aqualung – 60
LBCs – 200 Sweeper, Catfish
Carolina Dry Docks – 100 Geppetto – 75
Russian Twists – 100 Mailman – 50
Mac Tar Jai– 100 Sgt. York, Schrute, Italian Job
Jump Squats – 100 Tinker Toy, Burgundy, Posh
Mountain Climbers – 100
Shoulder Raises – 200
Mary Catherines – 100
Hello Dolly – 200
Wide Arm Merkins – 100
Squat Jacks – 100
Nippler– 100
Burpees – 100


Again, I’m so proud of you guys. You are not only strong men, but your determination knows no bounds. Great work! Fantastic job by Rock Hill’s fittest, Tinker Toy, Burgundy, and Posh.


8/7 Petra workout tomorrow behind Bojangles on Cherry Rd followed by new 3rd F Bibles and Biscuits. Workout will be moderate.

8/7 – 3rd F event at the Fort recognizing our leaders within the school district

8/8 – Gladiator Games in IL, Pancake Breakfast at Applebees on Dave Lyle Blvd and F3 Golf in the afternoon

8/15 – Looking for some F3 men to help Fort Mill Care Center move. Details here

York County Sherriff’s Blood Drive (check with Popeye for details)

  • Friday – Piedmont Medical Center 7-7
TClap |

A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss

  • QIC: Solid State
  • When: 07/27/15
  • Pax: Deacon, Spits, Uncle Psi, Lucky Charm, Change Order, Copperfield, Cheddah, Socrates, Scrum, Snare, Howitzer, Anchorman, Dark Helmet, Boy Band, Lugnut, Chicken Hawk
  • Posted In: The Armory, The Fort

Morning Gents,

The goal today was variety in motion. We will do a number of new exercises and haul the bells from station to station. Keep the heart rate up while we max out our 45 minutes together.

Warm ups:

Lap around the parking lot

– SSH x35

– Low slow Squats (10x at 12 count)

– Moroccan NC x 15

– Imperial Walker x 15

– Arm Circles x 10

– Windmill x 18

– Merkins x 14

– Superman / rip chord 10 counts

– the Funny KB Lean 10 x each side

Pain Stations
Move KB to the first pain station , take lap…

Station 1 – 

– Military Press (outside) 10x each side

– Gunslinger Curl – Lunge w/kb to side, curl as you rise – 5x each side

– Freddy Mercury – 10 count

– KB Burpees – 10 count

– Over-under (from peoples chair, over/under thighs) – 5 each side

– One Arm Swing (Up to shoulder) – 10 each side

– Clean and press (from ground up to the air) – 5 each side

Move KB to next station , take lap

Station 2 – 

– Upright Row (Elbow on or near knee) 10x each side

– Pass Through Lunge (pass between legs) – 8 each side

– Russian Twist – 15 count

– KB Merkins (50/50) – 10 each side

– Around the waist – 15x

– Two Arm Swing (full) – 15x

– Pull Ups (squat from ground, raising to chin, elbows above ears, smooth movement) 15 x

Move KB to next station , take lap

Station 3 – 

– Overhead Tricep presses – 10 each side

– KB Squat – 10x

– KB LBC – 15x

– KB Burpees – 5x

– Halos – 10x

– Renegade Row (From Plank, grab a curb for increased range of motion) 10 each side

– One Arm Swing (Up middle, raise to shoulder) – 5 each side

– Clean and press (from ground up to the air) – 5 each side


Learned a lot from the Pax today (as always). Honored to post (and sweat) in the gloom with such a fine group of men.

Heads Up:
Camp Care 5K – 12 Sept, 2015 – Support a great cause
8/7/15 – 3F Convergence – Eternal Church w/ local school
8/8/15 – Post, Gladiator Games,
7/31/15 – Justice League
7/29/15 – Mormons in the Community Baxter Library 6-6:45
Prayers for Baby Harris, born early

Thank you Socrates for leading us out.

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Pre-Blast for BRR Triple Down

  • QIC: FunHouse
  • When: 08/01/2015
  • Pax: BRR runners and anyone else wanting to do something stupid
  • Posted In: Alcatraz, The Fort

Attention BRR runners and other PAX wanting to get in some good miles. YHC will be leading the Triple Down this Saturday, 8/1/15. The Thang:

Post #1 – Start 0500 – WEP 10k BRR time trial run – Start at WEP. You know the route if you ran LILO today. The down and back on Old Nations Road, details at the start. (6.2 miles)

Post #2 – Start 1130 – Baxter Starbucks 5 Miler – Start from Starbucks, go down 160 to Sutton then to the circle on Harvest Point via Mills Lane. (5 miles) here is the link on Mapmyrun – Baxter 5 Miler

Post #3 – Start 1800 – Tega Cay Hill Run – Start at Trail Head (park right past the fountain in Tega Cay) and run the trails and around Tega cay until you come back… (3.5 miles) here is the link for the route : Tega Cay Hill Run

So I know that start times have changed and venues have changed but the final run down is pretty stout and your legs should be good and tired on Sunday. I hope to get this done again before the BRR, but Germany calls and someone else may need to pick up the slack to get another Triple Down completed before 9/11/15.

See you in the Gloom, the afternoon Oven and the evening Jungle….


TClap |

A Heart for the Harvest

  • QIC: Italian Job
  • When: 7/30/15
  • Pax: Catfish, Popeye, Apache, Mailman, Transplant, Padre, Swamp Fox, Lucky Charm, Sgt. York, Schrute, Riddler, 3D
  • Posted In: The Fort

This morning YHC was joined by 12 other men looking to get stronger, faster, and better. The conditions were near perfect if you like not being able to breath and your sweat sweating. Suffice to say, the pain was plentiful but the men were up to the challenge.


  • 25 SSH
  • 25 Imperial Walkers
  • 25 Moroccan Night Clubs
  • 25 Reverse Moroccan Night Clubs

The Thang

Mosey in front of TJMaxx

Since we brought Sally up Monday, I figured we’d invite Roxanne to ManU. Every time the Police said “Roxanne,” we did a merkin. Anytime the band said “red light,” we did 2 mountain climbers. Anytime in between, we held the plank…and enjoyed Apache’s rendition of the song. Today I learned that the men of ManU are tone deaf. It was glorious!

Mosey back to the fountain

  • 25 Box Jumps
  • 25 Calf Raises (each leg)

Mosey behind the ‘Shroom.

Today YHC introduced “Blackjack.” As in blackjack, the goal is to reach 21. First we did 20 jump squats, ran the length of the parking lot and did 1 LBC. Then 19/2, 18/3, 17/4…all the way to 1/20.

  • 231 total LBCs and Jump Squats.

Long Mosey back to COT.

Naked Moleskin

We covered over 3 miles this morning with nary a complaint. I promise the Pax will never hear “Roxanne” the same way again.

It truly is an honor to embrace the suck with these men. I know I can count on them to push past their perceived limits and work their tails off for the betterment of their mind, body, and spirit. I’m always proud to see the progress each of you are making.

Today we discussed the farming theme throughout Scripture. Reaping, sewing, pruning…these are examples of how Christ brought the Word to life in the hearts and minds of His people. Today, we have to realize that we reap what we sew. Every action has a reaction, or better yet, every decision has consequences. I encourage you guys to continue sewing good seeds. Continue getting better with your fitness, fellowship, and most importantly, your faith. Have a heart for the harvest. There are people that need the hope of Christ – as John 4:35 says, “I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields? They are ripe for harvest.” So do it. Go get them. Share the love of Christ with them. Show them what we have. Be His hands and feet in this world.

Don’t waste your time, effort, and energy filling your mind, heart, and thoughts with discontentment and despair. Don’t compare yourself to others. There are only so many minutes in the day – use them to glorify your Father in Heaven. You have been blessed, so be a blessing to others. Pour out love, not hate. Consider your mind a suitcase. There is only so much room to pack things in. Fill that suitcase with positivity. The less room that is occupied with negative thoughts, the more room there is for good things. Realize that you have been blessed. Count your blessings – I assure you they outweigh your curses.

I’m proud of you guys.


7/31 Petra workout tomorrow behind Bojangles on Cherry Rd followed by new 3rd F Bibles and Biscuits. Workout will be moderate.

8/1 FiA starts in Rock Hill at 8:15. Send your Ms.

8/7 – 3rd F event at the Fort recognizing our leaders within the school district

8/8 – Gladiator Games in IL, Pancake Breakfast at Applebees on Dave Lyle Blvd and F3 Golf in the afternoon

8/15 – Looking for some F3 men to help Fort Mill Care Center move. Details here

York County Sherriff’s Blood Drive (check with Popeye for details)

  • Monday – Moss Justice Center 8-1
  • Wednesday – District Office (behind York County Natural Gas)
  • Friday – Piedmont Medical Center 7-7
TClap |

Lower Half of The Patriot w/ a Splash!

  • QIC: Boeheim/Winchester
  • When: 07/25/2015
  • Pax: Cheeto, DaVinci (Cheeto's 2.0) Padre, Walker, Bandit, Italian Job, Jeter (Boeheim's 2.0), Fusion, Silver Bullet, Limp Biscuit, Gavel, Mayhem, Popeye, Apache, Bogey, Boeheim, Winchester, Tread (FNG), Turbine (FNG), Shingles (FNG)
  • Posted In: The Fort

YHC hadn’t been to The Patriot in a long time and was excited to get back there.  No complaints to be had about the weather, the attendance or the work we put in.  As it turned out, every bit of pain was administered down the hill past the tennis courts.  Calling it the “Lower Half” is my creative initiative.  The Splash was thanks to FNG Tread when he let the merlot fly during Winchester’s half of the Q.

The Thang:

Mosey to the lower half for COP

SSH x 50

IW x 20

Mountain Climber x 20

Windmill x 20

Merkins x 20

MNC x 25

Low Slow Squat x 20

Peter Parker x 20 & hold for


Stoll over to the hill for Jacob’s ladders.

1st one – 7 trips – Burpees at the top from 7 to 1; Flutter Kicks at bottom 5x(trip#) for 35 at the end

2nd one – 4 trips – Merkins at the top from 7 to 4; LBC’s at top 5x(trip#) for 20 at the en

Hand Off to Winchester

Working the football field – crab walk the short side, burpee broad jump the long side (if you are an FNG that later gets named Tread, you splash merlot on the long side) crab walk the short and burpee broad jump the long side to complete the field. Great challenge by Winchester!

11’s – Start w/ 2 merkins & 9 bombjacks; then 3 merkins & 8 bombjacks until you’ve flipped flopped to 9 merkins & 2 bombjacks.

End with a “Merkin Mess”  (or might have been Merkin Mashup) – Half the pax shoulder to shoulder in plank position facing one way. The other facing the other way. Group 1 counts a Merkin (DOWN – 1) while Group 2 holds the plank. Then switch. If your knees hit the ground you’re supposed to be “out” but everyone would plank back in until we got up 10 merkins per side. I had never seen this before and I don’t see it in the lexicon. But it was awesome!

Mosey back to the parking lot for COT.  Never made it to the soccer fields, playgrounds or running path. The Patriot has a lot to offer, especially w/ co-Q’s like Winchester.  I won’t wait this long to get back there, and neither should you!


August 1st – Southern Discomfort – Metro’s version of Hog & Coyote – Walker challenging The Fort & Rock Hill Pax to represent so he’s not alone.

August 7th –  3rd F at Eternal Church 6:00 in Fort Mill. Leaders from Fort Mill Schools for an information session.

August 8th – Gladiator Gam @ Indian Land; World’s Largest Coffeteria @ Applesbee’s on Cherry Road – 8am. 2nd-F Gold gathering 1 PM – Carolina Links

Prayers from all the Pax as Bogey went around the horn. Then he had us all grab the shovel flag for the closing prayer. A great touch he learned from the old man C-SPAN.

Those that are in the BRR, grab those opportunities to run!

Boeheim out!









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Launch of “PETRA”! #Greek #Lookitup Friday in RH

  • QIC: Bogey
  • When: 07/24/15
  • Pax: OSHA, 3D, Riddler, Catfish, Italian Job, Twister, CSPAN, Padre, Shute, Tinker Toy, Lucky Charm, Hasselhoff, Pop-eye, Swamp Fox, Apache, Toro
  • Posted In: The Fort

We kicked off the 6th workout day for Rock Hill this week! Congratulations #F3RockHill #TheFort ! Good job men! Keep Turkey Punchin and get the PAX out here!

This workout was kicked off on 7/24 in Rock Hill so I looked up 7/24 in the bible and there it was!

Matthew 7  24“Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. 25The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock

So with Italian Jobs great AO naming skills by our side, we named this AO “PETRA” #Greek #Lookitup!

Bibles and Biscuits also kicked off at the new AO right after we had some fun and what a great turnout and a good word from Tinker Toy!

Next week we will have Apache on Q at PETRA and Padre leading the Bibles and biscuits! You will not want to miss either of them so c’mon out and bring your friends!

The Thang:

COT Warmup – Mosey Sprint – COT Warmup with Toro “VQ in training” leading us in an exercise.

Mosey to a small patch of grass near some dumpsters and attempted to do an AB lab while the trash truck was stirring up a smell in the dumpsters that made it hard to breath!

#OMAHA to get away from the trash and found some handrails with about 6 horizontal rails on them. Started on the lowest rail doing 5 inclined merkins and continuing up without moving your feet doing 5 on each until you reach the top. Flapjack to derkins and repeat. #embracethesuck!

Stretching on the handrails inspired by a story FIA Jelly (my wife) told me she did in a class at Pure bar. We will erase that exercise from the memory books…..

Walking lunges for about 30yrds.

Mosey from Office depot all the way over to Pop-eyes and run the CORK-SCREW. C’mon out to find out if you are wondering.

Mosey over to “Bogey’s Wall” This is the best obstacle that this AO has to offer. 2 walls running parallel that range from 3′ tall to 6′ tall and you have to hurdle both to get to the top!

Jacobs Ladder

5-burpies at the bottom

Climb both walls

1 bomb jack at the top

Mosey back around and down

Rinse and repeat until you reach 1 burpie and 5 bombjacks

Mosey over to Bo jangles for Alligator crawls and a few cool down exercises lead by some of RHs finest AO Site Qs. Twister, Italian Job and Padre

Padre had us do Prison cell merkins (modified burpie that is harder!)

COT- See video – Youtube New AO Petra Bogey’s house of biscuits


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Partner Work

The morning 18 of the area’s finest showed up for a beating beyond preparation. T claps to Transplant for rocking his VQ warmup and first half of the workout. Hard work from the Pax and a strong word from Mailman. You fellas know how to bring the pain.

The Thang (courtesy of Transplant)

  • SSH
  • Imperial Walkers
  • Dips
  • Merkins

Mosey to Manchester Events Center

  • Run length of parking lot – 10 Merkins, run back – 50 LBCs
  • Run length of parking lot – 20 Merkins, run back – 100 LBCs

Mosey to Heartbreak Hill

  • Reverse Bear Crawl Up
  • 10 Bomb Jacks
  • Run down
  • Rinse and Repeat

Handoff to Mailman

Partnered up in teams of 3 according to similar size.  Two partners ran “the chute” (about .2 down and back), while one partner stayed back and did the exercises.  Every time the runners returned, teammates  switched off so that only one person stayed back to do the exercises.  Each team performed: 100 burpees, 200 jump squats, 300 LBCs.  This was a real crowd pleaser. Running the length of the lot and back once was tough. Doing it twice before the next exercise was even worse. All totaled, this was about 2 miles of running.

Next up, “Catch Me if You Can.” One team member carried a teammate on his back while the remaining team member did 20 monkey humpers.  After he finished with the monkey humpers, he ran to catch up with his teammates and trade off.  The team did this down the chute and back.


There was no rest for the weary this morning. Transplant jumped right in with a great start and Mailman closed it out with a Tinker Toy-like beating. After the workout, Mailman reminded us why we did so many partner workouts today (see more here He reminded us that Christ is there to carry us when things get tough. His grace and forgiveness are free. We can’t earn it. Just like we didn’t deserve to be carried by our partner today, we don’t deserve Christ’s grace. But, He extends it to all who call upon His name.

Partner work reminds us that we need each other as we walk through life. That’s what the second F in F3 stands for: Fellowship. Stay plugged in and find a church home where you can get engaged with others in the Faith (3rd F). Brothers, we are here for each other. Great work today!


NEW AO starting in Rock Hill on Friday at Bojangles on Cherry Rd followed by new 3rd F Bibles and Biscuits. Workout will be moderate. Bring your Sword and lets study together.

7/31 – Food Truck Friday in Rock Hill – Check Twitter for details

8/7 – 3rd F event at the Fort recognizing our leaders within the school district

8/8 – Gladiator Games in IL, Pancake Breakfast at Applebees on Dave Lyle Blvd and F3 Golf in the afternoon

8/15 – Looking for some F3 men to help Fort Mill Care Center move. Details here


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Fort Mill Care Center Move Preblast – Help Needed

The Patriot’s Fusion is looking for some strong men to help the Fort Mill Care Center move food from their temporary location (818 Tom Hall Street) to their new location (2760 Old Nation Rd). We welcome all AOs to come Saturday, August 15th after their regularly scheduled workout. We plan to meet at 8:30 or 9 at the Tom Hall St location. Reach out to Fusion on Twitter @gilletted01 to let him know if you can help. The Fort Mill Care Center has helped our community for many years and this is our opportunity to give back. Trucks, trailers, and Pax are needed. Please take the time to help this worthy cause.

When there is a need and we have the ability, we should set an example for our communities showing that a real man steps in when the world steps out. Let’s be God’s hands and feet and help out. It is what we do.

Fitness: check. Fellowship: check. Faith: check. No excuses, just do it. Many hands make light work.

TClap |

The Fort – “The 40’s is the fastest decade” minus Cake Boss’ speed.

  • QIC: Lugnut / Cake Boss
  • When: 06/18/2015
  • Pax: Photo Bomb, Backdraft, Wheelz, Skinner, Macquver, Pusher, Tatonka, Rebel, Mile High, Iron Horse, Solid State, Greenwave, 1 niner, Masterpiece, Lead, Transplant, Assasin, Flat Tire, Rooney, Sweeper, Lugnut, Spitz, Cooperfield, Mr. Hand, Repeat, Co-Pay, Mr. Clean, Drago, C-Span, Javier, Bass-O-Matic, Aireborne, Chaser, Cake Boss
  • Posted In: The Fort

34 PAX arrived from all directions and modes of transportation. Some driving, some running in from Chick-fil-et, all arrived ready for the Saturday pain-a-topia provided by Lugnut and Cake  Boss

Lug nut at the Q:

No fng, disclaimer

Mosey to largest part of WEP

SSH x18 IC, IW 18xIC, Burpie/flying squirrel 10 oyo, Peter Parker 18xIC

Burpie 10 x IC (hard to count correctly) – Lesson on the correct Burpie

Count off into 1’s and 2’s Mosey to hill

1’s bearcraw up to do 5 bombjacks at top and bottom While 2’s jumping lunge with a squat Flapjack, 3 rounds

Mosey to man hole cover to bear craw to playground (way to far (150 yards) due to lack of depth perception but modify as needed).

Line up in 1’s and 2’s by playground.

One pax to run to manhole and back while other does squats until pair does 200. Early finishers do flutter kicks until 6 comes in,

Morocan night clubs x18IC,

1’s and 2’s again to run from manhole cover and back until 200 CDD. Early finishers do holly dollies until 6 cones in.

Switzer: 40’s are said to be quickest decade in a man’s life due to man being comfortable. But many men need something like F3 to break out of comfort zone and live with a Purpose. Younger men living with a purpose will go through their 4o’s strong and as a leader.

Cake Boss at Q:

Mosey to sidwalk closest to playground in 2 single file lines

Lunge Walk Indian Run – 1/4 mile around to parking lot of WEP, line lunge walks while 6 of each line sprints to front. Real quad burner.

Passed a dead dog on the side of the road while lunge walk and made me sad, as it was a pup and propbably somebody’s family pet…..prayers to that family and God’s creation.

Once at parking lot, Switzer on Roadblocks and Detours. Life gives us detours (lose a job, move to a new city, kids require different school) sometimes they are not part of our plans and roadblocks (can’t find a job, cancer, tragic loss) that stop us in our tracks and we feel we have no where to turn. More to come…..

1’s Run Camel back path to T at end and do 5 donkey kicks and come back

2’s 5 merkins, 5 wide arm merkins, 5 diamond merkins


Repeat with 10 of each excercise mentioned

Switzer – when faced with detours and roadblocks we need to turn to Sky Q for the answers. When left to our own ablitites we will take laps in the wilderness until we realize we need his stregnth and guidance on all things. Trust in HIM and he will remove roadblocks and reveal the right path for you!

Mosey down path to large hill, run up hill, down road and back to COT!

Strong PAX today. It was Hazy, Hot and Humid. The beatdown was rough and conditions ever more rough, but the PAX really encouraged each other and lifted each brother up throughout the morning.

8/7 – 3rf F convergence at Eternal Church with area school principals to discuss upcoming school year and leading our kids.

8/8-Gladiator Games – Indianland 6:30am

8/8 – Worlds Largest Coffeeteria – Applebee’s Dave Lyle Blvd Rock Hill 8am-10am $7/plate

Many prayers and praises. Please continue to lift up PAX members that are sick, injured, going through health issues with family and all other prayers.

Once again, humbled and honored to be part of this PAX called THE FORT!

Be a leader and don’t let your 40’s fly by without pouring into other men and being there for someone. Great words by Lugnut! Something to challenge all PAX is to lift someone up today with some encouragement!!




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Abs are at the end!!

  • QIC: Maximus
  • When: 04/21/15
  • Pax: MacGuyver, Green Wave, Cake Boss, Rebel, Bam Bam, Back Draft, Trojan, Chicken Hawk, Lil' E, Freebird, Santini, FNG (Dirty Dozen), Seacrest, White Lightning
  • Posted In: The Colosseum, The Fort

My name was drawn to Q on my home turf of the Colosseum this fine, muggy Tuesday morning. It’s always nice to come home, even if the darkness keeps you from seeing a brother 2ft away. With all the Twitter-chatter about celebrity Q’s at neighboring AO’s, I wasn’t sure I’d have any more PAX than a few guys I’m going on a mission trip with. That thought was crushed as high beam after high beam rounded the corner and headed right toward us. Such a welcome sight!

Shout out to Santini for the EH at Church. Morgan, now Dirty Dozen, will likely not sit next to you again. After an FNG-friendly disclaimer (welcome Dirty Dozen), the 15 of us took off into the darkness and made our way to the warm-up.
Mountain Climbers
Carolina Dry Docks
Flying Squirrels
30 Second Step-Ups (each leg)

Abs (it’s never too soon):
100 LBC’s OYO then run the loop. After a few looks that implied I should know abs are at the end of the workout, I just told myself, they’ll eventually start…won’t they? Once you finish, do the long loop.
Kettle Bell-passing Russian Twists: Shoulder to shoulder, doing Russian Twists while passing a 35lb KB from end to another and back. Again, I got a few looks but…

Ongoing plank series:
Merkins into Oblique V-ups left into Dips into Oblique V-ups right
Peter Parkers into Oblique V-ups left into Dips into Oblique V-ups right
Parker Peters into Oblique V-ups left into Dips into Oblique V-ups right

Mosey to the playground and skip most of the rest of the Weinkie:
12 Swing Knee Tucks
12 Pull Ups
12 Diamond Merkins

Mosey to the GHMS front wall for a prolonged wall-sit:
2 men do the walking gator merkin to the end of the line while the PAX wall sits. Go until everyone has a chance to gator-walk. Don’t forget to congratulate Cake Boss on his great form.

It’s never easy for an FNG to hold his own but our own Dirty Dozen did just that. He did so well that he received F3’s fastest name change. He was originally Baker’s Dozen but 30 seconds later, the guy who EH’d him, Santini, nominated Dirty Dozen. All in favor…AYE.

Announcements: 8/8 Gladiator Games, Pancake Fundraiser for the Colombia Mission trip, Golf Outing. Keep an eye on the ever-expanding list of AO’s and get out to support the new ones. 8/7 is the 3rd F Convergence at the Eternal office behind Zaxby’s for a talk with Principals and Teachers of our schools.

Prayer Requests: Pray for Rebel’s daughter and the procedure to remove wisdom teeth. Prayers for CSPAN’s daughter and her mission with CRU (Campus Crusade). Reach out to Cake Boss or CSPAN to learn more about what she’s doing in the name of Christ. Praise for Olivia’s 3rd birthday. Added prayer request for my family as my M’s business gets under way. Many hours are put into this venture and it can be stressful.


TClap |