Old Man Playlist

This morning I brought a little double trouble to The Hive. Each exercise perform 15x first round and 20x the second with a run half way and at the reset.

It was a great sweat fest and I was feeling the humidity.

Great job fellas

Kb swings
Shoulder shrugs

goblet squats



tricep extensions

Sumo squat

skull crusher
Rosa lita

Dead lift
calf raises

American hammer

One arm dead lifts

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Sublime KB Tabata No Wind, No Problem Stankfest

WARMUP: YHC was 2 min late prepping for the workout. Bandcamp lead us in SSH and Swings, Imperial Walkers.
I continued with:
– Windmills
– Cherry Pickers
– Peter Parker’s
– Dying Cochroaches
Tabata workout: 1 minute per exercise, 20 sec rest
Run a lap after completing a group
Group 1.
– Swings
– Curls
– Flutters
– Deadlift
– OH Press
Group 2
– Snatches
– Goblet Squats
– Tris
– American Hammers
– Renegade Rows
Group 3
– Halos
– BO Rows
– Calf Raises
– Side Lunges
– Chest Press on six

We went through groups 1-3 once, back to Group 1, did 2 from Group 2, then ran it in to COT.

Guys shared many prayers on their minds and we ask that these be repeated and lifted up.

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No Run Dora

Had my weinkie prepared by Wed. afternoon. Participated in the SweatyBarry on Thursday night. Immediately afterwards grabbed the weinkie and reduced the rep count by half. I and the rest of the PAX this morning thank you .

WARMUP: Started with 2 laps around the Bob Jones parking lot while mixing in some high knees, buttkickers, and karaoke. Circled up near the flag and performed the following: 10xMNCsinIC, 1 burpee OYO, 10xCPsinIC, 2 burpees OYO, 10xLSSsinIC, 3 burpees OYO, 10xIWsinIC, 4 burpees OYO, 10xHWsinIC, 5 burpees OYO. We were warm and ready.

50 – Alternating KB Lift, Clean & Press
1 partner performs the exercise until the other partner completes 10 Kraken Burpees, then switch until total rep count is completed

75 – Alternating 1 Arm KB swings
1 partner performs the exercise until the other partner completes 20 SSH IC, then switch until total rep count is completed

125 – 2-handed KB Thrusters
1 partner performs the exercise until the other partner completes 20 MCs IC, then switch until total rep count is completed

150 – KB Bent Over Rows
1 partner performs the exercise until the other partner completes 25 LBCs IC, then switch until total rep count is completed

175 – 2-handed KB Swings
1 partner performs the exercise until the other partner completes 25 Flutters IC, then switch until total rep count is completed

MARY: No time

ANNOUNCEMENTS: CSAUPS, Blood drive in Massey this weekend, lots of 2nd F opportunities out there so get involved, read your newsletter.

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Check Ya Neck

WARMUP: (all IC) – SSH, 5 x Lt. Dan (10 count), Moroccan NC, 4 Lt. Dan, Imp.Walkers, 3 Lt. Dan, Neck Stretches, 2 Lt. Dan, Planck-Jack w/ Merkin (4 count), 1 Lt. Dan

OYO – 20 BB situps

THE THANG: ON THE GRASS (4 cones – ~20-yards distance): Fireman’s Drags down… return with Wheelbarrow walk/hop… switch (3 reps each partner)
Flutter presses w/ KB till 6 is up
“Double-Backed Beasts” (AKA Wrestler Sit-ups) 30 Dora
Partner Bent-over Rows 30 Dora … Recover

Rack KB & walk to PARKING LOT STATION.. Reps were cut to accommodate Time
30 KB Swings, 10 Bicep curls, 4 Weighted Knee-tucks, 8 KB Halos each Side
Indian Run Around Lot

MARY: Dirty Dogs (21 count) and Oma-Plata Hip Thrusters (5 each side)

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Sweaty Barry this Thursday, Dad’s & 2.0’s next Saturday, Yaeger + Tortoise & Hare later in summer.

COT: Prayers for Sprocket’s impending Grandson, Time Machines’ travel to Auburn, Praises for those participating in Outreach efforts

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The Elite 8

WARMUP: Mosey around parking lot.
20 ea. SSH
10 ea. Goofballs
10 ea. Hillbilly Walkers
10 ea. Cherry Pickers
10 ea. Moroccan Nightclubs
carry bells to student parking lot for a board of pain
Round 1:
– 10 American Hammers
– 15 Skull Crushers
– 20 Swings
– 25 Curls
– 30 Lunges
– 35 Bent Rows
– 40 Overhead Press
– 45 Chest Press
– 50 Squats
– 1 lap around cones
Round 2:
– 10 American Hammers
– 15 Skull Crushers
– 20 Swings
– 25 Curls
– 30 Lunges
– 35 Bent Rows
– 40 Overhead Press
– 45 Chest Press
– 1 lap around cones
Round 3:
– 10 American Hammers
– 15 Skull Crushers
– 20 Swings
– 25 Curls
– 30 Lunges
– 35 Bent Rows
– 40 Overhead Press
– 1 lap around cones
Round 4:
– 10 American Hammers
– 15 Skull Crushers
– 20 Swings
– 25 Curls
– 30 Lunges
– 35 Bent Rows
– 1 lap around cones

MARY: none
ANNOUNCEMENTS: read the newsletter
COT: Prayer’s health & travel

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A million reps

WARMUP: side straddle hops, tappy taps, imperial walker
THE THANG: partner workout:
Alternate MOT between Mozy, Farmers Carry, and Overhead Carry while partner does reps.

50 – 1.5 squats
50 – pull through
100 – deadlift
100 – halo
150 – overhead press (right)
150 – overhead press (left)
200 – row (right)
200 – row (left)
250 – chest press
250 – lying lat pullover
300 – flutters

COT: Prayers for family members health and mental health, prayers for sick and suffering from alcoholism, praise for the PAX for helping us get better

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B.O.T wants a HIVE Hat

WARMUP: SSH, CP, IW, we ran to the far side of the parking lot with kettlebells and Olaf lead us in some stretches
21-15-9 WOD
21 left arm clean snatches
21 jump over burpees
21 right arm clean snatches
21jump over burpees
15 left arm clean snatches
15 jump over burpees
15 right arm clean snatches
15 jump over burpees
9 left arm clean snatches
9 jump over burpees
9 right arm clean snatches
9 jump over burpees

Ran to the end of the parking lot with bells did some squats and lunges. Ran back to COT
COT: Closed in prayer

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It really did happen

SSH, WMs, Ethnic Night Clubs, produce pickers, ground work, 50 KB swing buy in. 3burpee partner chase. Hypotenuse 10 step waiter carry 4 squat traverse. Balls to flat surface. Ppl chair kb traverse. Rotating board work.

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Duda Right Thing

WARMUP: SSH, Windmills, MNC
Buy-in 100 KB Swings
Murder Bunnies across the length of the HS parking lot

50 squats with KB
Walked the length of the parking lot while doing overhead presses – rinse and repeat with 50 squats

30 Curls with KB
Shoulder rack the KB and jog to the end of the parking lot – rinse and repeat with 30 curls

30 High Pulls with KB
Passthrough lunge the length of the parking lot – rinse and repeat with 30 High Pulls

Ran out of time to cash out

Tesh found a bracelet with the #Duda Right Thing printed on it

We went over the 5 core principles of F3

MARY: 8 KB merkins in cadence with each arm
COT: Closed in prayer

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Traveling Suitcase

WARMUP: yes, we did some

THE THANG: travel the big parking lot suitcase carry stoping at the corners

Swings 10 sets of 10
Split Squats 3 sets of 12
Goblet Squats 3 sets of 12
Hand switch snatches 12
Lateral Lunge w/ Row 8

MARY: yea, core work is helpful

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