Black Diamond Start to the Week

  • QIC: General
  • When: 08/08/16
  • Pax: Ringer, Fahvra, General
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

YHC was bringing back an oldie but a goodie launching a MONDAY morning Black Diamond from the Original Tomahawk site. We got a short downpour approximately 15min before launch just to slick things down and keep it cool for an early August morning. 3 warriors chose to up the ante and elected to start the week on a high with YHC’ s Black Diamond


  • Quick paced loop around the AO and back to launch site
  • 20 SSH
  • 10 Wind-mill
  • 15 Mountain Climbers

The Thang

  • Incline merkin “walk” using the curb (apprx 40ft, felt like 100) 20 curb dips at the end
  • Incline merkin “walk” with curb jump after each merkin (same 40ft) 20 curb dips at the end
  • Incline Diamond merkin “walk” (same 40ft) 20 curb dips at the end
  • Heavy bucket carry suicide (advance bucket to first island, drop and sprint back to start line. Run back to bucket at 1st island,pick up and advance to 2nd island. Drop and sprint back to start and repeato to 3rd island…then work the suicide back to start. Rinse and Repeat (x2)
  • Mosey over to carpool loop containing 4 pain stations
  • Station 1 (10 burpees), run to Station 2 (20 merkins), run to Station 3 (30 curb dips), run to station 4 (40 single count F. Mercury)
  • Repeat the same loop, however this was far from the same. This loop would be a building loop…Station 1 (10 Burpees), Station 2 (10 burpees, 20 merkins), Station 3 (10 burpees, 20 merkins, 30 curb dips) finish at Station 4 (10 burpees, 20 merkins, 30 curb dips, 40 F. Mercury) AT THIS POINT Ringer and Fahvra broke a sweat
  • Repeat the initial loop…NO building, to the dismay of…NO ONE
  • Mosey over to the nicely soaked hill for some Jacob’s Ladder (6counts) – Dive Bomber Merkins (bottom), Air-press (top). Repeat replacing Air-Press with Jump Squats. Repeat replacing Jump Squats with Bomb-Jacks (3x total)
  • Finish how you start (1 more set of Inline Merkin Walks – 20 dips at the end)
  • 1 last Suicide sprint to wrap things up.


  • Strong work by some of IL/SOBs finest – RINGER has taken the next BLACK DIAMOND. Stay tuned on the Ole Tweeter and Slack
  • Ringer – the dude is always out there getting after it and crushed the pain station loop putting his head down and knocking through the Burpees and Merkins at blazing speed. Burpee competition, my money is on this guy. Awesome work, thanks for coming out and cannot wait to see what is in store for the next BD.
  • Fahvra – I think I finished ahead of him on the warm-up lap…only because he had never been to the AO and had no idea where he was going. I would not pass him up again until I beat him out of the parking lot leaving after the workout this morning. Strong work, I think you can still go hit the chest and tear it up this afternoon in the gym despite 100+ merkins of all shapes and styles this morning


Over and Out – General

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Hills-of-gloom 1 year anniversary

  • QIC: Apache
  • When: 8/7/16
  • Pax: Bing, Howitzer, Mayflower, Catfish, Beast, Pescodora, Samurai, Burgundy, Saw, Corruption, Schurte, YHC
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

On 8/9/15 the Hills-of-gloom became an official Sunday morning running AO. Sense then it has flourished into the complete F3nation AO with all three aspects of F3nation

F1fitness workout running rucking bootcamp
F2 fellowship himship with brothers at the Grapevine
F3 faith with family and friends with SkyQ
The possibilities for this AO are really untapped for future events and convergence.

Let’s keep this f3nation Thang growing and not be hoarders of our nation.
Better than yesterday and bettering ourselves together

This morning we had 10 runners of miles of smiles  and 2 rucking buttercups with a total 12

The running group did from 4 to an amazing 10 miles while the rucking gents did a total of 4 miles of recon of uncharted territory

12 HIMSHIP at hills of gloom 2 rucking buttercups and 10 runners with 6 doing extra credit bootcamp for unknown media outlets

Thanks to everyone that pulls and pushes me and each other through our daily adventures in life and completing the mission of becoming that HIM for our families, country, and our Father

Aye Apache!!!

See you soon in the gloom!!

TClap |

Dirty Deeds (Done Dirt Cheap)

  • QIC: Drop Thrill
  • When: 08/06/16
  • Pax: Belly Flop, Hair Band, Shepherd (respect), Woody, Happy, Hello Kitty, Drop Thrill (QIC)
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

Some time ago my time at F3 Union County started to twindle. First it was back issues, then I was part of the launch of F3 Mint Hill, then I moved to The Fort!  As HB told me, it was like I was leaving you guys a bit at a time (my translation of what he said).

But now I’m all happy and settled in my new house in Fort Mill and as I haven’t been roped into any site q responsibilites yet, I have more options on Saturday.  So it was high time I made a return to Outland to q.

I am not a professional, but I will try to melt your faces off like one today. Aye!

This ruck friendly workout started with COP

Circle up!

With my shiny new GR1 GORUCK ruck on my back it was time to get down to business.  Who turned on the heat?

15 – Side straddle hops
15 – Imperial walkers
15 – Windmills
15 – Happy Appies (aka Hillbillies*)

After COP we moseyed to the Outland-staple raised brick walls for some He Hate Me or Cindy as you call it.

10 (yes each leg) step ups OR jump ups
10 dips
10 derkins or incline merkins

Perform each set until q calls time, or you strangle him for making you work this hard in this heat. Whichever comes first.  I threw in some time on the wall with pass the ruck (twice).  The people rejoiced!

At 0730 (yep I made you work that long) we took a break from the action to head to the hill(s) for QUADRAPHILIA!

Quadraphilia on dry grass is bad enough, on this dew-soaked earth was even more-so. Thanks Sky Q! #madprops

The pax walks backwards up the hill, at the top they performance squats, at the bottom burpees. We were supposed to be doing 11’s, but everyone including YHC was getting massive O2 dep at this point and everyone’s math was getting slightly fuzzy.

Everyone pushed hard and we all finished our 11’s (or mostly did). Looking at you q!

We circled up for some Mary and some weird stretching moves and we were done!

Excellent work out there men and young man!  I was very excited to be back at Outland and missed seeing my brothers Glass Joe, Double E, Horsehead and Counter Top.  I know where GJ and EE were.  Not sure about you other guys.

Good to meet Woody and Hello Kitty for the first time.  Strong work out there brothers.  Strong work Belly Flop, who has been training to become the next David Beckham all week.  You make us old guys look bad.  Keep it up.  Can’t wait for your first q!

HB, Shepherd and Happy always strong work and good to be back in your prescence after many months away.

Thanks Belly Flop for taking us out.  You can pray for me any day buddy.

Congrats to Turnpike on his upcoming baptism tomorrow.  You weren’t there in body brother but still thinking of you today.  Way to go deeper with your relationship with God!

I have to say an huge thanks to Sky Q for getting me through this last year.  Last year this time I could barely walk and told I felt GREAT on q. Really amazing healing and transformation in my life this past year.  God is good!

Don’t forget to order your F3 Union County shirts if you need one, or don’t.  Early Christmas presents for you, random guys, whoever!

Thanks for allowing me to lead. Always a priveledge, honor and blessing to do so.

DT over and out.

TClap |

We Got Your Back!

  • QIC: Smiley Face & River Rat
  • When: 08/05/16
  • Pax: Slow Pitch, Mr. Big Stuff, Anchor Bar (respect), Kindergarten Cop, Gracie, Lucky Charm, Double Shot, Iron Sight, Captain Kangaroo (respect), Foghorn (respect), Chucky (respect), Skippy, Money Bags, Smiley Face (respect), Corruption (BRR run), McEnroe, Italian Job (BRR run), Catfish (BRR run), Mayflower (respect & BRR run), Flop, River Rat, Schrute (BRR run), Smokehouse, & Stockyard.
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

24 HIMS circled up in anticipation of an epic slow burn when it became apparant that our Q may be dealing with technical difficulties…as in, “We don’t see him!” Knowing that several of Rock Hill’s finest F3 leaders were training for the BRR, River Rat and I quickly formed an alliance by jacking the Q so our BRR buddies could take off into the gloom. YHC started off with a short slow mosey to the bottom of the lot to clear the vehicle mayem at the upper lot.


  • SSH x25 IC
  • Hill Billy Walkers x10 IC
  • Cherry Pickers x10 IC
  • Morrocan Night Clubs x15 IC

That Thang:

We moseyed toward Big Lots but stopped short at the end of the parking lot forming a long line. Let the lucky 7’s begin with squats followed by a two row sprint for merkins. Pax planked up waiting on the six with a little right arm/left arm high action.

Mosey to the opposite upper side of the lot looking for a clear space to do some infamous Popeye “Let a Bear be a Bear” adventures. Bear crawl to line then merkin, rinse and repeat until all lines complete. I’m pretty sure there were 100 lines based on the ever increasing sweat droplets but reality is maybe a 30 merkin bear crawl adventure. I’ll count it later. Couple of 10 counts later and we moseyed to the Big Lots wall for a little Peoples Chair arms up 10 count. Drop it lower and repeat, drop it lower and repeat.

While I had the group in a low mumble chatter mode I took the opportunity to remind all that we follow a strong iron sharpens iron mindset…where leaders lead leaders. Knowing that our Q was a no show simply means prayer from us to HIM, and then we step up and have his back! He would do the same for us.

Mosey to the Bingo wall curb for 20 clave raises, 20 Irkins, followed by 20 derkins. Hand off to River Rat.

River Rat wasted no time lining us up on the crosswalk where we did Butt Kickers to the next crosswalk, High Knees to the next crosswalk, Lunge Walk to the next cross walk and then Karaoke to “The Wall”.

Elevens he hollered and my sweat started to sweat! American Hammers at the bottom, climb, jump, or crawl the wall then Bomb Jacks. Mosey down and rinse and repeat. At this time a little “I thought this was going to be moderate” mumble chatter started to pick up but quickly shut down as oxygen preservation was at a premium. A couple of 10 counts later we moseyed to an open area circled up for a little Ab Lab.

  • Flutter Kicks x25 IC
  • Rosalitas x25 IC
  • Hello Dolly x25 IC

Mosey to the AO for a quick stretch while the BRR boys joined the COT. Announcements announced, praises reported, and prayer request noted. River Rat brought us home calming our hearts via Sky Q. Dog Pound…River Rat and I are honored to have your back brother!

TClap |

Merkin Square and Burpee Path

  • QIC: Pistol
  • When: 09/03/2016
  • Pax: Italian Job, Posh, Popeye, Mayheim, Iron Sight, Roxanne, Pusher, Cool Table, Flop, Jag, Ponytail, Tuscadora, Mayflower, Apache, Saw, Spartacus
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

17 Hims took on the BTC center this morning.Started with some warmups of 10 Windmills,10 Imperial Walkers and 15 Side Straddle Hops

Talked about Forgiveness and how often Christ asks us to forgive and then I asked them to forgive me as we headed to Merkin Square which consisted of 7 Merkins at each corner of the BTC building running in between. We then mosey over to York Technical college on a nice run and had another talk about Forgiveness and I used an example of Chris Singleton whose mother was one of the 9 murdered people in Charleston a little over a year ago. This young man asked for Forgiveness of Dylan Roof who had just murdered his mother and helped the community of Charleston to heal. I then asked for forgiveness as we headed down Burpee Path which consisted of a mile run towards First Baptist Church with 2 Burpees at each lighted pole. When I came through earlier only half the poles were lite but when we started the run they all started coming on. More pain than I expected. Please forgive me.. Once in the parking lot we proceeded with toe touches and lunges between light pole in the First Baptist parking lot. A brief recovery and another mile run back to BTC where we did leg throws in sets of 15 with a partner, rinse and repeat and finished with 4 corners of American Hammers ( 10 ) at each corner of the BTC. Humbled and honored to lead 17 HIMS on a great adventure ( 3.2 miles ) this morning .


TClap |

Future F3 Leaders Stepping Up

  • QIC: Cedar
  • When: 08/01/16
  • Pax: Redwood, Rhinestone, High Pockets, Drifter, Dollywood, Hulk Hogan, Drydock
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

Due to a scheduling conflict, the Q scheduled for Guns N’ Moses had to cancel a couple days before the workout. When 10 year old Cedar (YES I SAID 10) heard the news he asked if he could have his VQ at the AO. For those that don’t know Cedar, he is very competitive and never short on energy. 7 PAX showed up to endure what they knew would be a high energy session.


Warmup:                                                                                                                                                20 x SSH (IC)                                                                                                                                        50 x Moroccan Nightclubs (IC) YES 50 IC                                                                                            25 X Imperial Walkers (IC)                                                                                                                    15 x Slow Wind Mills (IC)

Slow mosey down to the field beside the parking lot we meet in so Cedar’s can explain just how he plans to beat us down. He begins by running a series of 35’s. This is where we drop and do 35 murkins OYO at the start and run to the other end of the field and do 35 LBC’s OYO. Run back to the other end of the field and do 30 murkins and back and do 30 LBC’s. We continue to run back and forth dropping the count by 5 each time until we do the last round of 5. Add it up and that’s 140. (he wanted to do 50’s). When you finish, either bring in the six or plank it up.

Round 2 was rinse and repeat 35’s but change them to Carolina Drydocks and Squats. At this point he called out High Pockets cause he was sure High Pockets skipped 1 round. Little Drill Sargent made him run.

Short mosey to the fire pit for some more pain. If you are familiar with the Hands of Time, cedar created a new exercise similar called the Dips of Time. This is where everyone grabs some wall in dip position and then the first person drops down in the dip and holds till everyone else in order they are in goes up and down like a wave till it gets back to the first person and he can come back up. Then the next person lowers down and it starts again. This continues till everybody has had to hold the dip while it goes around the circle.

If that wasn’t enough, the young gun calls out Durkins of Time. That’s right you have to hold six inches on the decline murkin. Drifter tried to convince him to change it to a Ring of Fire cause our arms were burning but he would have nothing of it, so the pain continued.

Mosey back to the shovel flag and we played a little Dealers Choice to finish the last few minutes.                                                                                                                                        Drydock called out 25 x crab walks (IC)                                                                                            Drifter hit us with 10 Burpees OYO                                                                                  Redwood yelled 15 x Hello Dollies (IC)                                                                                               and time expired.

ANNOUNCEMENTS – Upcoming 5K at York Summerfest and we would like our F3 guys to show up and represent, Ragnar Trail Relay in October at Anne Springs, GORUCK in May 2017

PRAYERS – High Pockets and his M who is 8 months with child (some scares last couple weeks may bring baby early), Joe Dirt and leg issues (DR’s apt today to check for possible stress fractures, Joe Dirt’s M who is having testing done, our group of guys, first responders. Cedar prayed us out in a big sweaty man ball.

Proud of Cedar stepping up and having an awesome VQ. Future F3 leader learning from some great leaders who have shown him lots of love the last few months at AO’s all around Rock Hill and York.

Redwood out!!


TClap |

The Smooth Six

  • QIC: Decibel
  • When: 08/02/2016
  • Pax: Corn Hole, Fish Stick, Aquaman, Copperfield, Chicken Hawk
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

Six men planned accordingly and showed up at Golden Corral for a beat down.

The Thang:

Mosey to side parking lot:  Imperial Walker x25, Wide Arm Merkin x15, Wind Mill x 15, Merkin x 15, Mountain Climber x25, Parker Peter x25 and LBC x30.

Mosey to Guardrail by hill in the Apartment Complex.  A quick fly by from Gears and Zima.

Start with 15 Derkins and 1 Dip.  Decend and Accend to 1 Derkin and 15 Dips.

Mosey to big hill: Run up backward half way then turn around and run up the rest of the way, 5- 3 merkin burpees, run down and do 20 squats.  Rinse and Repeat x4.

Mosey back to parking lot:

20 cart rack pull ups, 20 LBC, 20 Cart Rack Pull Ups, 20 X-O’s, 20 cart rack pull ups, 20 Hello Dollies, 20 cart rack pull ups and 20 Rosalitas.

Mosey to shovel flag.  Circle up: 20 freddy mercuries and protractor.

Thank you for the privalege of leading.

TClap |

Being a leader means investment in others

  • QIC: Tinker Toy
  • When: 08/01/16
  • Pax: Italian Job, Pistol (Respect),Honeypot, Popeye, Schrute, Kelvin, Sgt. York, Roxanne, Bill Nye, Big Stuff, Burgundy, Pescador, JAG (Respect), Ponytail (Respect), Stockyard, Underwood, Reborn, Broteinshake, Tinker Toy (Q)
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

Just as we all need guys in the PAX that we can look to for encouragement, others we can help encourage, and others that hold us accountable for workouts, we need these in our spiritual walk as well.

Who is your Paul, Timothy, and Jonathan/Nathan?

Paul-spiritual mentor that pushes you
Timothy-young believer in Christ that you can mentor

“You then, my child, be strengthened by the grace that is in Christ Jesus, and what you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses entrust to faithful men who will be able to teach others also.”
‭‭2 Timothy‬ ‭2:1-2‬ ‭ESV‬‬

Jonathan/Nathan-a brother that encourages, pushes and holds you accountable in your spiritual walk with God.

“And the Lord sent Nathan to David. He came to him and said to him, “There were two men in a certain city, the one rich and the other poor. The rich man had very many flocks and herds, but the poor man had nothing but one little ewe lamb, which he had bought. And he brought it up, and it grew up with him and with his children. It used to eat of his morsel and drink from his cup and lie in his arms, and it was like a daughter to him. Now there came a traveler to the rich man, and he was unwilling to take one of his own flock or herd to prepare for the guest who had come to him, but he took the poor man’s lamb and prepared it for the man who had come to him.” Then David’s anger was greatly kindled against the man, and he said to Nathan, “As the Lord lives, the man who has done this deserves to die, and he shall restore the lamb fourfold, because he did this thing, and because he had no pity.” Nathan said to David, “You are the man! Thus says the Lord, the God of Israel, ‘I anointed you king over Israel, and I delivered you out of the hand of Saul.”
‭‭2 Samuel‬ ‭12:1-7‬ ‭ESV‬‬


Warm up (IC)


SEAL MERKINS X 10 (4 people per group)


Going up-

PC X 20 count
BTTW-10 count


Many children and teens accepted Christ as Savior this past week between a sports camp YHC was able to be a part of and a camp that JAG mentioned.

Popeye’s mom did well through chemo treatment

Big Stuff-no surgery needed for esophagus issues

That we would all find our Paul, Timothy and Jonathan/Nathan in our life.

TClap |

Turbines F3 anniversary Convergence

Work in progress

Boomsville USA 40 pax for YHC and Turbine anniversary F3 Rock Hill Q


  • Message: on finances
  • 2 Timothy chapter 6
  • Partner 100 yard dash – while other partner did Bobby Hurleys, then squats, then mac tar jeis.
  • Mosey to wall
  • Air chair 3 times
  • Al gore
  • Balls to the wall
  • Iron hulk -AKA Jack WEBBS 1/4 ratio
  • Long mosey
  • Mini big show bear crawl
  • Mosey to AO

Aye Apache

TClap |

Sidewalk Chalk and #UvsU

  • When: 07/30/16
  • Pax: Olaf=FNG, HB2=FNG, Slaw, Pizza Man, Dolph, Roscoe, Yo Adrian, Tyson, Freight, Dr. Feel Good, Stroganoff, Short sale, Def Leppard, Ash Pond, Blart, Ringo, Monk, Woodstock, Billy Madison, Bacon, Squirt, Da Vinci, JK2, Hush Puppy, Top Hat, & CSPAN
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

Very hot, sunny, and humid for a 0700 start of @F3GasHouse

Disclaimer without Legal Counsel (#FartSacker)

COP Warm-up with all my favorites, in cadence, to 10 repetitions, and your welcome…#JaneFondaVideo

Mosey to Flag, quick discussion on politics, Pledge in Cadence

Mosey up the street, stop by for some dips, stop dips because of weird #Bromance in the car in front of us, #mumblechatter, #weird, and only @F3Gastonia = Where was that other guys head really?

Mosey to Church Parking Lot

Sidewalk Chalk Board of Pain= (do station than run/bear crawl/long run/bear crawl/ run)
10 Flying Squirrels
20 Diamond Merkins
30 Carolina Dry Docks
40 Squats
50 Calf Raises
60 Seal Jacks
70 SSH
10 Flying Squirrels
20 Merkins
30 Carolina Dry Docks
40 Squats
50 LBC
60 Hello Dolly
70 SSH

We did that for about 40 minutes…Dolph and his group set the pace #STRONG

Pick a partner you don’t know, go to that station you like the least, and do the exercise and hold each other accountable.

Switzer up for a quick sermon

Mosey home at your pace


Prayer and Praise


Naked Man Moleskin / Sermon Notes

-Thank you for the invite to Q
-Package is still sleeping somewhere…
-Read “Freed to Lead”
-Good crowd this morning and strong push on the #UvsU
-Be thankful for the fitness and body God gave you
-A man you don’t know will hold you more accountable than your best friend #whetstone
-It has been amazing to watch @F3Gastonia, what an awesome 1.5 years

Be a better man today than you were yesterday,



TClap |