Fun with Burgundy Workout

  • QIC: Burgundy
  • When: 7/16/2016
  • Pax: High Pockets, Dry Dock, Opie, Washout, Snapshot, NASA, Cutter, Cedar, Redwood, Spider, Bergin (?), Dabo, Goalkeeper, Real Tree, FNG (Pooh Bear), Joe Dirt, Orvis,
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

I was invited to Q a Saturday at F3 York (The Dragon) on Saturday and I couldn’t pass it up. I did warn the guys I like to do a lot of running and upper / lower body work and they seemed okay with it.

We started with the Pledge of Allegiance


Run to the backside of York Comp. High School

Normal Warm-up (SSH, Mountain Climbers, Moroccan Nightclubs, etc.) 

10 Rounds of 10 Merkins – 10 LBC’s – 10 Squats

200 Single county SSH

5 Rounds of 5 Hand Release Merkins – 5 Reverse Crunch – 5 Lunges

Caterpillar Walk which is basically a merkin – walk your hands up to your feet – then walk out to do another merkin and repeat until you reach the end

100 Freddie Mercury 

150 Monkey Humpers 

Ran back to COT and held a plank until the clock hit 8 AM!

The guys – while didn’t love the workout – gave it their all and we stayed together as a group the best we could.
Enjoyed the mumble chatter and the time with these York guys.
Welcome Pooh Bear to the PAX.

TClap |

The Riddler: 1 Year Anniversary Q

  • QIC: The Riddler
  • When: 07/21/16
  • Pax: The Riddler, Smiley Face, Apache, Schrute, Italian Job, Samurai, Al Bundy, Pony Tail, Outlaw, Deacon, Sweeper, Mr. Rodgers, Sapper, Black Hawk, Yoda, Skippy, Roxanne, Cool Table, Burgundy, Incoming, Brotien Shake, Watson, Hops, Crab Cakes
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

365 days ago, I was invited by Smiley Face to go to this F3 thing. I was over at his house and he had freed to lead sitting on his couch. He also had amazing black bean burgers on the grill as well, I’ll save that story for another time.

When I first arrived at the workout I did not have gloves or any idea of what would be put upon me. Cake Boss was the Q that day, he talked about the importance of our names. It all led to a workout in which I almost passed out three times. That was a horrible morning as well, getting up that early was not something that I really wanted to do. However I returned to ManU the next week, and continued my journey with F3.

Now I have completed a 10K Race, Half Marathon, The Yeti(solo), and The Hog and Coyote(solo). Now I am training with a team for the BRR, so call me crazy but I have probably doubled down on the Red Pill.

With that being said I have met some awesome people to many to name. However several of the folks that were at my first workout, and still lifting me up today.

So with one year under my belt I have learned a whole lot, and I decided I would share that with some of the new folks that I haven’t met as I have been away from Rock Hill for the SpitzArmy Challenge.

Warm Up & The Thang
We did not need a Warm Up We started with the BOARD OF PAIN
Getting the trophy for Most Improved when we had this at ManU last year was a highlight of my F3 Career. However I had a lot of other pain to dish out so we did two reps for each of these in cadence. This allowed for form and a preview of what the board of pain could look like

Calf Raises
Ski Abs
Deep Squats
Carolina Dry Docks
Russian Twists
Mac Tar Jai
Jump Squats
Mountain Climbers
Shoulder Raises
Mary Catherines
Hello Dolly
Wide Arm Merkins
Squat Jacks

Mosey Over to the larger Parking lot

Italian Job Brought a workout back from the fine group over at F3Alamo in Texas called BOMBS. I wanted to introduce everyone to it. So we partnered up I was thankful just like my first workout Smiley Face was my partner again today! Guys is a true #HIM and a great friend!

We completed the following workouts, each partner did as many as they could of each until their partner completed a run across half the parking lot and back

B – Burpees(Kraken Style) Thank Lake Wylie F3 for that one 🙂
O – Overhead Claps
M – Wide Arm Merkins A walker favorite but I think he makes them more difficult
B – Big Boy Situps The real mccoy and they are amazing
S – Squats these are one of my favorites, especially if you do them to Sally Up by Flower

Then I really enjoy a good game of blackjack, but like I said we had a lot to do so I changed it to Seven Card Stud

We started with 6 reps on one side ran to the other and did 1 rep of the other exercise. Rinse and repeat until the other side has 6 and you have 1.

We completed these two exercises
Prison Cell Burpees – These came from my good friend Padre
Seal Jacks – Always a good choice!

Then we did a Quick Mosey to the large grassy hill that had me passing out at my first workout. We completed a NUR(backwards run, thanks for these Pop-Eye) and Karaoke in between this mosey.

Performed another Seven Card Stud Routine
Freddie Mercuries – Italian Job started the jukebox –

Bear Crawls to the top of the hill

Side Straddle Hop – I am pretty sure Apache owns the record for the longest SSH count in F3. POW POW

Another Quick Mosey to the front of TJ Maxx

Wall Sits

Then another Italian Job Treat – In squat postion, and in cadence reach for the air, then tap knees, and then tap ground. We did 20 of those to the tune of “We Will Rock You” which did not throw YHC off of the count at all. Took me a year to be able to over come the mumble chatter.

Then we complete BALLS TO THE WALL!
I did a nice slow count to five held it, then down to one and held it again. Some one said “Riddler is just rude!”

Mosey Back to COT with a lot of Sweat pouring out of my face.

That Fine AC/DC tune

So we went into plank position. CSPAN I believe invented the Flying Squirrel Burpee. Do enough of those and they hurt. However I wanted to get some form in. So we started in Plank and with each thunderstruck from the song, we would jump forward keeping our arms on the ground.

Closing out our time, We did the following:

Honey Mooner
Then we pulled the chute and we were at COT

So many awesome guys have encouraged me in F3 over this last year. Through helping me with my VQ(Apache), to bringing me out(Smiley Face), to reaching out when I was in a bad spot(Schrute) to just being a motivation factor for me to get better(Italian Job, Burgundy, Catfish, Reborn, SGT York, Mail Man, Deacon, Davinci, and so many others I couldn’t count).

Thanks for letting me lead in F3, I am only better because we do this together! Thanks for all of you in F3 being HIM!

I closed with this

Mark 12:28-31

And one of the scribes came, and having heard them reasoning together, and perceiving that he had answered them well, asked him, Which is the first commandment of all?

And Jesus answered him, The first of all the commandments is, Hear, O Israel; The Lord our God is one Lord:

And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this is the first commandment.

And the second is like, namely this, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. There is none other commandment greater than these.


Humble yourselves before the Lord, and each other a simple conversation can change someones life!


Tomorrow Convergence Slow Burn Fort Mill – Spud will be speaking and giving an amazing testimony

Saturday – Padre Star Command Convergence, Clown Cars leaving Target on Dave Lyle 5:15 should be back by 11.

Saturday – The Fort Picnic

Our Country
Our Families
Those traveling missions and leisure
Parents getting ready for school
F3 PAX to continue to be #HIM in our homes then let that overflow outside in our daily lives.

Thanks for a great first year

The Riddler


TClap |

Block Party and Red Solo Cups @PHOP

  • QIC: Nunchuck
  • When: 07/20/2016
  • Pax: Hot Sauce, Al Bundy, Swamp Fox, Schrute, Opie, Sapper, FNG - Uga Duce, Bloody Knuckles, Cool Table, Bill Nye, Chucky, Burgundy, Kelvin, Tinker Toy, Dog Pound, Washout, Redwood, Nunchuck
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

PHOP was the first AO outside of York I visited when I first got involved with F3.  It was a privilege to get an opportunity to lead the Q for it this morning.  18 pax came, and Hindsight being 20/20, I guess I should have spoke up at the start to let everyone know we were challenged by WITCH HUNT to a Burpee Amrap with the loser doing an additional 25.  More on that later.

Warm up consisted of some Outside Knee Strikes, Imperial Walkers, Windmills, SSH’s, Moroccan Nightclubs, Mosey around the Church with High Knees and Butt Kickers, and ending with 10 1-leg Knurkens In Cadence.

Main goal for today at PHOP was a block party.  Riddler was kind enough to pre-place 17 nice cinder blocks in the front parking lot, which everyone noticed as soon as they walked up.  The plan was fairly simple; Cones laid out every 8 yards across the back yard of the AO, although I forgot to go get more cones so I resorted to Red Solo Cups for markers.  Start with an Exercise, then 20 curls to the first cone, Run all out to the other parking lot and back then plank for six.  Once everyone is in, Next exercise was called, executed, then 20 curls on the way to the next cone followed by the run.  Repeat to the end.   Exercises at each cone included Man Makers, Squats, Lunges, Merkins, 6″ Chest Press, Kettle Bell Swings, Dizziness, Puking, grumbling and sweating.  Okay, I may have exaggerated a little.

Returned the blocks and gathered back at AO for a brief 3rd F.  More from my study of book of John, focusing on three key verses; “Everyone who sins is a slave to sin”, “If you live in my word, you are truly my disciples. You will know the truth and the truth will set you free”, what is the truth, John Chapter 1, “In the beginning was the word, the word was with God and the Word was God” – verse 14, “The Word was made flesh and dwelt among us”.  Christ lived the life we couldn’t, and paid the cost for our sins.  I do my best to live right, but still fall down, yet, through his grace I am forgiven…That is Freedom that I have no words to describe.  Ending with the same challenge I gave to York AO; If you have a relationship with Christ, put some extra focus this week on “Love each other. As I have loved you, you must to likewise” this world needs more of that right now!

Burpee Amrap….The pax were true troopers.  After the block party beat down, they had enough gas in the tank to pull off an impressive 32 average on the 2 minute Burpee challenge.  Great work by all.

Welcome FNG – Uga Duce!


TClap |

A Bull is loose on the streets in Downtown York

  • When: 07/19/2016
  • Pax: Nunchuck, El Capitan, Sea Turtle, High Pockets, Real Tree, Rhinestone, Chef, Undertaker, Joe Dirt, Red Wood, Cutter, Stranger
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

I grew up Rodeoing in Missouri where I competed in rough-stock, Bull Riding, for a little over 7 years.  Felt the highs of riding good and the lows that come with: Broken Left Wrist, 5 broke ankles, 3 broke ribs, bruised kidneys, broken left leg, more broken noses then I care to count, broke left hand, C5-C6 vertebrae is fused, tore left arm completely apart and learning to use my fingers again in rehab by picking beans out of playdoah, BUT,…the raging BULL from Rock Hill brought a whole new level of PAIN this gloom at THE TRINITY AO.

We new we were in for it when BULL opened up his car and started stacking coupons on the ground.  These coupons consisted of 4ft of pipe filled with sand that became our traveling buddies as we toured 4 corners of downtown York.

Warm Up: SSH, Imperial Walkers, Merkins
Mosey around the block east of the Church, returning to the AO to grab our coupons.

4 Corners.  Starting with, 100 Triceps Extensions, Mosey to next corner with 100 straight arm raises, Mosey to the 3rd corner for 100 Deep Squats, Mosey to 4th corner for 100 “Curls for the Girls”.

After 1st 100 Curls, we did a series of 3 stage Merkins that consisted of: 1: Center “Normal” Merkin, 1: Wide Arm Merkin, and 1: Diamond Merkin making 1 complete set.  After a series of 3 sets, we repeated 100 Curls and ended with 5 of the Merkin Sets again.

Mosey back towards AO with a stop at the knee wall in front of Will Mitchell’s Insurance office for a series of Step Up’s for each leg.   Ending at AO for captain choice AB Lab.

Really great to have Bull back in York.  He did a fantastic job Q’ing as we all expected he would!  Each Pax brought their A-Game and dug deep to give it their all!  Keep up the hard work Men!!!!


TClap |


  • QIC: Dawg Pound
  • When: 07/18/16
  • Pax: Blackhawk, Iron Sights, Captain Kangaroo, Ponytail, Dollywood, Sapper, Samurai, Van Wilder, Howitzer, Chuckie, Hydrant, Gauge, Dreamhouse
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

Peanut butter and jelly, ice cream and cake, bacon and eggs, pancakes and syrup, peas and carrots, Hall and Oates, fish and chips….

Some things are great on their own, but can be even better when paired with a perfect complement.  I believe Moderation and Monday fit that category.  They are both great on their own, but can be even better together.

This was my first time posting at #independence, let alone Qing it.  Its a great AO with lots of options for things to do, whether its in the Dinkins Parking lot or the Quidditch Field(I saw them playing Quidditch there once, so that’s what I call that field now).


With the Board of Moderation anxiously awaiting the PAX the warmup was simply a short mosey around the parking lot. Warm-up was built in to the Board of Moderation.

Meat and Potatoes(I’m trying to make this a “thing”)

Phase I

PAX partnered up and performed the exercises splitting them as they saw fit.  Also at the men’s discretion they ran down and back the length of the parking lot 3 times during the completion of Phase I.

  1. Imperial Walkers x100
  2. Overhead Claps x150
  3. Squats x100
  4. Peter Parkers x100
  5. Italian Night Clubs x150
  6. Windmill x100
  7. Merkin x150
  8. Side Straddle Hops x150
  9. Carolina Dry Docks x150
  10. Monkey Humpers x100

Phase II

In this phase we flipped the board, front to back.  I think this caught most of the PAX offguard.  But as a teacher I believe in posting the objective daily and this was no different.

During the phase the exercises were in the parking lot and we moved just a bit.

  • Crawl Bear(reverse Bear Crawl)-down and back 3 parking spot lengths
  • Bear Crawl-down and back 3 parking spot lengths
  • Bunny Hop-down and back 4 parking spot lengths
  • Carioca(not karaoke-Google it, although as an employee of a district that uses Microsoft I might be contractually obligated to say Bing it, I will have to check, Schrute can you confirm this?)-down and back 4 parking spot lengths

Phase III

  • The Abdominal Station
  • Flutter kicks x30 OYO
  • LBCs x25 IC
  • Rosalita x25 IC(en Espanol-although we werent a very worldly group and sorta stopped county at vente)
  • Partner Leg Throws x40 or to failure whichever came first

Phase IV

Today’s Greatest Hits-when planning this portion of the workout I initially thought of straight dealer’s choice opening up any exercise, but then I thought I better Walker-proof and Apache-proof it(before I learned Apache was on Q at Old Town) and make it only exercises we had done earlier, that way nobody could sneak any burpees.  We all know that a workout cannot be called moderate if there are burpees included.

I cannot recall all the exercises we repeated but I remember Merkins, Carolina Dry Docks, Squats among others.

Circle of Trust

PAX were counted and Names were Name A Rama’d.

Praises and Prayers

  • Prayers for our nation/law enforcement/race relations
  • Chuckie’s mission group on their departure and return from their Salkahatchie week
  • silent prayers
  • Prayers for one of our more humble, private HIMs, I will leave his name off here in deference to him.

Again, men, it was honor to lead you for a few minutes.  This AO has a lot of potential.  A lot of ground o


TClap |

Oldtowne = Run&Bootcamp

  • QIC: Apache
  • When: 07/18/16
  • Pax: Posh, POPEYE, Italian Job, AnchorBar , Mr Big stuff, AL Bundy, Swamp fox, JAG, Voith, Waterboy, Money Bags, Sweeper, Burgundy, Hot Sauce, Broteinshake, FNG Pecsador, The Flash, and Stockyard
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

I had the honor and pleasure leading 18 Hims in the gloomness. Had three different workouts on hand #justincase I needed a backup plan and glad I did, because the old train being stuck on the track doing his morning duties kinda messed things up. So revision plan #3 was best option.

The Disclaimer 

So the disclaimer was given with 1 fng in the ranks. Brought out by our brother Posh. It’s been too long brother glad you are back in town for a few days. Really miss your push and pull in this daily battle of the gloom

The warm up

110 SSH in cadence = 220

20 Seal Jacks in cadence = 40

Let’s mosey

Pain station #1 HOTBOX 

#1 group merkins while #2 group runs parking deck and swap up when the 6 is in. No planking waiting on 6 Do SSH

Round #2

#1 group LBC while #2 group runs parking deck and swap up when the 6 is in. No planking waiting on 6 Do SSH

Let’s mosey

Pain Station #2 Fountain park 

Rings of merkins 5 rounds with increasing the number by 1 each time the waverage rotated

Let’s mosey

Pain station #3 The amphitheater 

Group #1 does 5 merkins on each row going up and the Group#2 did merkins going down

Let’s mosey

Pain station #4 small parking deck

20 Italian night clubs backwards

Let’s mosey to the stars and stripes on main Street and pledge allegiance to our FLAG 

Let’s mosey

Pain Station  #5 Final circle up BOOM BOX EDDIE RABBIT 

Play the song “I love the rainy nights” preformed by my boy Eddie Rabbit.

While the song plays preform plank Jacks when our guy Eddie sings out “rainy nights” do a merkin. Really appreciate and time I can do merkins but Eddie says rainy nights alot

And we moseyed back to COT and closed out right on time


It’s always a humbling experience for me to lead a group of high impact males who are leaders ready to lead. So with that being said look around your COT and BOM and tap into the pax that has not lead a workout and give y I your Q away. Don’t be a hoarder of the groom

Leaders leading leaders


I’m going to close out the backblast with a few nuggets that really got me through a busy day

“You can claim to be surprised once; after that, you’re unprepared.”

“Preparation may not guarantee a win, but it sure puts you in position for one.”

The F3 Lexicon defines TEN THOUSAND HOURS (#10KH) as the amount of time a #HIM spends to become Competent at a Skill.

So the real question for today is what are you really preparing for?

Aye Apache






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Best Advertisement from an AO Award = #F3Stonehenge

  • QIC: CSPAN & "THE" Swiper
  • When: 07/16/16
  • Pax: Swiper, Favrae, Wingman, Geraldo, Fire Hazard, Lex Luther, Bull, Thin Mint, Tagalong, PaperJam, Pebbles, Wild Turkey, Mr Bean, Fireman Ed, Freely, Nard Dog, Overhead, 1-Niner, & CSPAN
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

Twitter exploded Friday morning with by far the best advertisement of a guest Q that I have ever seen #T-Claps

Site Q’s (1 present and 1 on his own guest Q assignment) they both get an A+ from The F3 Sales & Marketing Department.

0558 Perfect weather (for nobody) 78 degrees, overcast, and 100% humidity

Disclaimer in detail

Warm Up COP in cadence, apparently that is referred to as a “Jane Fonda Video”, I was just going #oldschool, so off we went on a good pace mosey with lots of #mumblechatter, and so I ran us around in a random pattern to annoy the locals, and not explore the beautiful AO, so i just ran us on to a big parking lot.

From there we did a series of #F3Arkloader exercises across the parking lot, more #chatter, more laughing, more #chatter, all this while admiring Pebbles perfect and extremely slow repetitions #weird, which lead to more #chatter, and the only part the settled the natives was the flying squirrels/broad jumps…more laughs when I called for a “#switzer”, quick sermon on leadership, continuing to EH men into F3, and being a #HIM, from there I handed off to “THE” Swiper.

Swiper took off like he was on fire (he is really not that fast)…mosey to hill with non-stop calling on “car” and “game-on” references, we got to hill for 3 reps of a crazy backwards running 3 burpee, partner loving nonsense, from there more running, more #chatter, more laughs, more running, more #chatter, toss in some ABS, more running, stop at The BB&T #F3QuizShow, more #chatter, more running, more ABS, more laughs, time was up. Bird Landed perfectly with no injuries.


Naked Man Moleskine

Appreciate the opportunity to Q, great AO, it was fun to get to see “THE” Swiper, and appreciate the large crowd of PAX, hopefully we didn’t make it too easy.

Great to see my @F3IndianLand Crew #Malemodels #Fit

Nice to see my @F3SOB & @F3Area51 friends that I had not seen in a couple of years

YOU HAVE to follow #HIM @nturkas & #HIM @JRRTolkienF3 on twitter just to watch the promos for Saturday Qs, I had no idea how many photos of CSPAN you could google search…little weird, but very very funny.

This site has the best commute to breakfast, and the best attended #Coffeeteria% ever

Be a better man today than you were yesterday,
(Swiper you get the next backblast)

TClap |

Slow Burn Moderate Differentiation

  • QIC: Spitz
  • When: 07/15/16
  • Pax: Washout, Opie, Gopher, Patton, Old Bay, Flat Tire, Rain Byrd, FNG-Thelma Lou, Deacon, Figaro, Bubba Gump, Ditch Witch, Change Order, Stang, Gilmore, Socrates, Destiny, Lugnut, Dilbert, Bolt, Rebel, Spitz, Hasselhoff, Beacon
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

Disclaimer and begin with Warm-up

Mosey to parking lot complete:
Side Straddle Hop
Moroccan Night Clubs

Mosey around Lowes:
Dips and Merkins (2X) on rail

Mosey to Wall for Peoples Chair partners with Merkins

Mosey to another parking lot for Chappie’s 35’s
Four stations of Merkins, Squats, LBCs, and Monkey Humpers at your own pace. Begin at first lap doing 35 reps and on each successive lap decrease by 5. Go at your own pace and try to stay with at least a partner with the Six never alone.

Missed out on completing “Hands of Time” and had a jail break back to COT.

Prayer Requests: Keep our country, each other, and the need of the world (to love one another) in your prayers. Remember Zima and his M. Family

Announcements: Park next week in front of Empire Pizza for Spud Convergence. Bring a chair to hear his testimony from 6 to 7.

Lessons for today: Financial responsibility begins with tithing, includes saving for a rainy day, but remembering that the only thing we keep in life is that which we give away.

Welcome FNG – Thelma Lou

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Fourty is Child’s Play

  • QIC: Incomming
  • When: 07/14/16
  • Pax: Mayhem Itallian Job Skippy Captain Kangaroo Smiley Face Stage Coach Black Hawk Shrute Choir Boy Corruption Watson Cool Table
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

We make jokes, mumble chatter is strong, and we get better together while building a community of brothers. All these are the things I love about F3. Someone once told me about Q’ing, one of the best ways to shut down the chatter is to make’em work. This workout started as a happy bunch of #HIMs but when the workout was started it quickly became quiet and all the brothers were driven to succeed.

Disclaimer – I’m not a professional, every suggestion I give please consider it that and modify as necessary for your fitness level.

The Thang
A little warmup to set the tone and theme of 40.

  • 40 – Low Slow Squats (IC) (mumble chatter started slowing right about here)
  • 20 – Windmills
  • 20 – Moroccan Night Clubs

Mosey over to the fountain area.

  • [40] Theme
    • 10 Wall Step-ups (OYO)
    • 10 Inclined Merkins (OYO)
    • 10 Wall Dips (OYO)
    • 10 Decline Merkins (OYO)

Mosey over to the Manchester Event Center Parking Lot.

My 2.0s had already done a recon of the parking lot before the we showed up and wrote some chalk instructions on the ground. There were Four stations so we broke up into 4 groups and began working the stations.

Station 1 – The Pain Station

  • [40] Theme
    • 4 x 10 Rungs on the Pushup Ladders (A mix of diamond and normal Merkins) (OYO)
  • Sprint to the next station

Station 2 – the Cardio coaster

  • [40] Theme
    • 10 – Star Jacks (OYO)
    • 10 – Seal Jacks (IC)
    • 10 – Imperial Walkers (IC)
    • 10 – Side Straddle Hops (IC)
  • Bear Crawl 40 feet
  • Sprint to the next station

Station 3 – the Upper Body Burn

  • [40] Theme
    • 15 – Merkins (OYO)
    • 15 – Carolina Dry Docks (OYO)
    • 10 – Wide Arm Merkins (OYO)
  • Sprint to next station

Station 4 – Tighten your core!

  • [40] Theme
    • 10 – Heels to Heaven (modified- arms straight ahead. Legs start at a 45)  (OYO)
    • 10 – Normal LBC (OYO)
    • 10 – Legs Right LBC (OYO)
    • 10 – Legs Left LBC (OYO)
  • Crab walk 40 feet.
  • Squatted Side Run – 40 Feet x 2
  • Sprint to next station

Repeat x 3

Mosey back over to the AO.

  • End with a 40 … well ok, 60 second session of American Hammers. (the mumble chatter started again so added another 20 seconds)


Closed out with Circle of Trust. Announcements (Read your newsletter!) and Ball of Man.

Final words:

What a great showing, thank you all for coming out and continuing to show me the path to being a strong and true HIM.

Italian Job – Thanks for bringing the mumble chatter in the beginning. You continue to be a supportive and energizing part of this little thang we call F3. Your energy, support and chatter is always appreciated. Oh and thanks for  giving me the push towards the end and always being the HIM I’ve come to respect.
Skippy – You were one of the FNGs at my VQ and like all of us who were in your shoes spent by the end. Thanks for keeping coming back and working hard today. I watched for a minute and you were working it. Keep it up! It’s really true the workouts don’t get easier you just get better! I saw an example of that in you today, Keep it up!
Captain Kangaroo – Your output is always an inspiration and today isn’t any different. I always know it’ll be a good day in the gloom when you are there. Thanks from being the engine that could today, Respect!!
Smiley Face – I see how you got your name. You seemed to keep a smile the entire workout no matter how ugly it got. I’ll try harder next time. 😉 Thanks for hanging in there and being a true HIM
Stage Coach – I hope you enjoyed the change of scenery. You were far from home and drove a bit to get here from your hotel and I appreciate the F3 dedication and fire you showed today. We’re a brotherhood and I’m honored to of Q’d your introduction to our neck of the woods. I can’t wait to post with you again sometime in the future.
Black Hawk – Brother what can I say. You were the first to step up and do a HC for this morning. From my first day in the gloom you’ve shown fire and I saw it again today. Thanks for being there and I’m always proud to say, together we are stronger!
Shrute – You are the man to be heard. Your mumble chatter is legendary and the fitness you show it impressive. Even today I find myself working to keep up with you and have grown to respect the energy and genuine interest you show in helping make F3 workouts the place to be in the gloom. Thanks!
Choir Boy – Energy and drive are always shown by you. I appreciate your work today. I’m proud to post beside you in the gloom. Stay sharp, iron sharpens iron.
Corruption– Amazing showing today, thanks for bringing it and pushing through! Next time we post together you need to tell me how you got your name.
Watson – I appreciate you coming out and it was a great workout with you being in my group. You’ve got a great thing going in your area and I think you will show everyone the HIM you are!
Cool Table – You are doing great work here and with your life. Thanks for the posting and being a regular. I saw your drive today and was impressed. Keep it up.
Mayhem– I know when you took over ManU as Site Q you’d bring great things here and you haven’t disappointed. Thanks for posting for all the time you could. You missed the American Hammers – 1 Minute, just saying!!
Incomming– I’m just a humble man trying to be fit and ad whatever I can to this thing we call F3. I was reflecting about this earlier, I could do anything. Sleep in (which has sounded good on a day or two or five), I still have a gym membership that goes to waste that I could use,  I could work out later but instead I choose to wake-up at 4:30 most morning and 3:30 this morning to be here in the gloom. It’s all the great guys that make up The Patriot and the other F3 Areas. I know I can come to any of our AOs and be welcomed and shown the path to being the better man. F3 – Getting better together, it’ll change your life!

When designing this workout, it was my goal to work every major muscle group and prove to myself that while I hit a milestone of birthdays, I can still hang. I wanted to challenge my fellow brothers and myself. Looking at where we ended up I believe we all did. Thanks for lifting me up and helping lift all the brothers that post! Until next time. Iron Sharpen Iron, Aye!

TClap |

The tavern

  • QIC: Apache
  • When: 7/14/16
  • Pax: Gauge, Sapper, Tinker toy, Pistol, hot sauce, Money Bags, Short Sale, Bull, Anchor Bar, Dollywood, Waterboy, Gracie, Samurai
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

Last of my 4 Q run for the week thanks to all the HIMS that posted with me as we gather together to better ourselves in the gloomness and our daily walks of life

Truly honestly honored and humbled of the life changing events that is taking place around us towards the postive.

With all the negative things that are going on in the world our glorious gloomness brings us together as men to become better Leaders for our families and communities.

Surround ourselves with positive like minded people and great things will happen.

Thanks CSPAN you really do an awesome job on my daily push for my betterment 👇⬇🖒💓

““Everyone is looking for a quick fix, but what they really need is fitness. People who look for fixes stop doing what’s right when pressure is relieved. People who pursue fitness do what they should no matter what the circumstances are.”

I will post a summary of all 4 workouts I Qed this week. Thanks to all pax at 4 different AO’S that are literally townships apart but we gather at different locations and for the same purpose to push the rock and sharpening of iron in the gloomness to better ourselves together with This f3 fitness fellowship and faith

Aye Apache



TClap |