No cops at Trinity this morning

  • QIC: Nunchuck
  • When: 07/12/2016
  • Pax: Drydock, Royale, Cutter, High Pockets, Redwood, Orvis, Realtree, Michael Angelo, Washout, Black Lung, Spitz, Stranger
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

It was great to see everyone at the Trinity AO this past Tuesday morning;  Royale came, sans police force this time around.  We kicked off the muggy morning by means of:

Moroccan Nightclubs
Side to Side Lunges
Knerkins in cadence

Time for a little Mosey around the church, down main street,  and pausing for a moment at the crowd pleasing wall to knock out some:

Peoples Chair – Hands up, 45, and 90 degree counts
Wall Planks – Feet on the wall starting at 90 degrees, then 45 deg, and on to full Balls to the Wall

Mosey to lower parking lo where we teamed up in two groups.
Group 1: Merkins and LBC’s while Group 2 bear crawl to the top of the hill for 30 Deep Squats.
Return and swap.  Rinse and repeat dropping counts by 10.

Mosey back towards Trinity with a brief stop for 20 dips on a knee wall.   Once back at the AO, YHC gave a brief word on recent study of book of John, witnessing and awesome sermon by Phil Robertson with Drifter, and how Jesus boiled commandments down to a simple statement: “Love each other, as I have loved you”.   This world needs that and I challenged the PAX to give that some focus through this week.

Finished with a Chappie classic:  Hands of TIME!!

Nunchuck, out!

TClap |

The Maze untapped AO

  • QIC: Apache
  • Pax: YHC, RealTree, 6 sigma, Vella
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

Work in progress

Will complete soon after tomorrowsQ at the Tavern

Honored and humbled to be leading all the different pax across our region and amazed at the different awesome  AO’S thanks for letting me lead you gents.

Hoping to make  a positive impact on their lives as they make on mine

Aye Apache


Here is also a #Maxwell #TruthNugget to start your Hump Day

“Strive for excellence. Elbert Hubbard said, “The best preparation for good work tomorrow is to do good work today.” Nothing breeds enthusiasm like a job well done. If you’ve allowed yourself to ease off when it comes to your work standards, redouble efforts to do things according to your highest levels of excellence.” #Maxwell

Feel free to apply as needed today…

Thanks Cspan for your daily words

You and all the other HIMSHIP PUSH AND PULL me through the daily gloom

TClap |

Timely Respect

  • QIC: Bill Nye
  • When: 07/12/16
  • Pax: Pistol, Samurai, Water Boy, Captain Kangaroo, Mr. Big Stuff, Sapper, Roxanne, Yoda, Mayhem, Money Bags, JAG, Bazinga, Reborn, and Anchor Bar.
  • Posted In: Uncategorized


Things were a touch crazy at the Nye household which resulted in my being a few minutes late this morning. As I turned onto the street I saw a group of men running off in the other direction. Fortunately this is a small AO, so it only took me four guesses to find them…

However, being the wonderful HIMs that they are I had a loyal servant take charge of the COP and initial mosey, meaning that these men were ready for a paired board of pain by the time I caught them.

The Thang: Grab a partner and let’s go to work. One man will complete these exercises while the other makes a quick mosey. Switch off each lap. 500 cumulative moves for the team.

  1. 100 Burpees
  2. 100 LBCs
  3. 100 Rosealita
  4. 50 Diamond Mercans
  5. 100 Calf raises
  6. 50 Wide Arm Mercans

After we completed this we had a little mosey up the nearby amphitheater. Each level we rotated between shuffle right, shuffle left, sprint. Rinse and repeat. Rinse and repeat.

Mosey to the AO.

I don’t think anyone had any problems keeping their heart rate up today. Hard work by all. Good work by all. Minimal mumble chatter. Was it the lack of Apache or were we working that hard?

Always a pleasure to lead such a respectable group of men. A special shout out to the many that are having their respect affirmed during name-o-roma. It is super impressive to have these guys out here working this hard to get better. I think we need a shirt with the picture Dark Helmet posted on twitter the other day.

  • Pistol- When did you turn into such a beast? Knocking out those diamond mercans faster than anyone else and running stronger each day. I cannot keep up with you any more man!
  • Water Boy- Good to see you still pushing the rock. Went back and watched a few old name-o-romas the other day, do you realize how far you have come?!?!
  • Captain Kangaroo- Nice work today, you have put in a lot of work and it shows.
  • Mr. Big Stuff- Great work. You seemed like you were struggling with the burpees, but then caught your second wind and started pounding them out in convincing fashion. Good to see you getting better!
  • Sapper- You are a tough man. I thought that I had broken you because you were in the “reverse plank”, but a very quick ten count later you were back smiling and working. I appreciate what you bring to the F3 nation brother.
  • Roxanne- Great work today. Can you see how far you have come since you joined? It looked like you were barely breathing hard by the time we got to the COT.
  • Yoda- Your strongest performance to date. “Try not, do or do not. There is no try” was embodied by your actions today- You did not try anything today. Instead, you did everything I could throw at you and kept looking around for more.
  • Mayhem- Appreciate the push and support today. You were in front of me all morning- it makes me realize that I need to step up my game.
  • Money Bags- We talked for 30 seconds after old town yesterday, you might not even remember it but it really stuck with me. “I really needed this”. It’s nice to see you have the same epiphany that I did. The intertwining of the 3 Fs is powerful.
  • JAG- A freaking workhorse. Nearly twice my age and nearly twice as fast. You are an inspiration.
  • Bazinga- Great work, you earn every bit of the respect we call out after your name. Keep up the hard work!
  • Reborn- The fastest dude I know. I really appreciate your inspiration and support. However, you better keep an eye on Pistol, that guy is creeping up on you!
  • Anchor Bar- Always a pleasure. Keep grinding and remember: it doesn’t get any easier, you just get better. I tell you that because there were several times today where you just made it look simple; that’s just evidence of you getting better.


  • Jay’s Loop
  • Star Command
  • F3 Picnic
  • Read your emails


  • Injured PAX
  • Our nation
  • Troops
  • Families
  • Several specific instances of illness.
  • Acceptance

Bill Nye Out!

TClap |


  • QIC: Hot Sauce Apache
  • Pax: Hot sauce, Apache, turbine, Bogey, Bull, Smiley face, Voight, Watson, Twister, Italian Job, POPEYE, River Rat, Schrute
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

Work in progress


Alot happen will put to words this evening.

Awesome group of guys and humbled by the leadership from the pax in boomsville USA

Aye Apache

TClap |

Moderate Merkin Monday@ Independence

  • QIC: Iron Sights
  • When: 7/11/2016
  • Pax: Blackhawk, Sapper, Snapper, Kindergarten Cop, Swamp Fox, Samurai, Cartel, Bazinga
  • Posted In: Uncategorized
Disclaimer: Not a professional modify as needed
1 min Stretch OYO
15- SSH (IC)i
15- Wind Mill (IC)9
15- Imperial Walker (IC)
15- Merkins (IC)
15- Big boy Sit-Up (OYO)
1- lap around the parking lot
The Thang:
Partner up: One partner does exercise while other does Kings Chair on wall then alternate( 40 yards up hill)
– Bear Crawl then jog back
-Lunge Walk then jog back
-High knees then job back
-Sprint the jog back
– 2×10 count
Mosey to next wall
– 50 Dips (OYO)
– 20 Irkins(OYO)
-20 Derkins( OYO)
-20 Merkins (OYO)
– 1x 10 count
Mosey to library ( incline hill)
-20 lbc
-10 Rosalitias( IC)
-15 Box Cutters (IC)
-15 American Hammer( IC)
-15 Flutter Kicks (IC)
Carolina dry Docks
10 then 15 yard jog and do 9.. back and forth until your down to 1
Slow mosey back to COT
Circle up each pax takes an exercise
Bazinga- diamond merkins
Cartel- mountain climbers
Sapper- Superman/ Pull the cord
Samurai- Slow squats
Kindergarten Cop- Planks
Iron Sights- Merkins
Swamp Fox-Hello Dollies
End with some cool down stretches
       – Read your news Letter
      – Country
     – men in blue
    – Everyone out traveling and doing missionary work
    – Sick friends and family members
SAPPER – great prayer to lead us out.
TClap |

Beat the Clock

  • QIC: Burgundy
  • When: 7/11/2016
  • Pax: Italian Job, Tinker Toy, Schrute, Pistol, Anchor Bar, Money Bags, Incoming, Bill Nye, Waterboy, Sgt. York, Radar, Roxanne, Voit, Popeye, JAG, Sweeper
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

17 Pax showed up ready to conquer Old Town this Monday 7/11/2016

Began with a Pledge of Allegiance

Good Stretch

Ran to Parking Garage (lower entrance)

Set the clock for 1 Minute – During that time we did 10 merkins / 10 LBC’s / Sprint to the wall and back and when you were done you just waited (however fast you finished you had that much cool down time) until the next minute.

1 Minute – We did 10 squats / 10 Hello Dolly’s / Sprint to the wall and back

1 Minute – We did 10 calf raises / 10 burpees / Sprint to the wall and back

Wash & Repeat

Lunge walk to the 2nd level

Did an Indian Run up the garage and down the garage

Took the guys to Fountain Park for 200 count AB/Core exercises broken up with 4 exercises w/ 25 reps each. LBC’s, Toe Touches, American Hammer, Reverse Crunch, Freddie Mercury, etc.

Then ran to the Old Town Amphitheater

Set the clock for 1 Minute – During that time you did a single merkin at the bottom of the stage – ran to the top did a single merkin – ran to the bottom did a single merkin – ran to the top did a single merkin – ran to the bottom did a single merkin. When you were done you just waited (however fast you finished you had that much cool down time) until the next minute. We did 3 rounds.

Same concept, but we ran around the Amphitheater in two parallel lines and once we competed one loop you did 5 merkins and waited for the next minute.

Proud of these guys. We all stayed together and pushed each other.

Prayers for many people including several PAX headed to Boston for a Men’s Mission Trip.

TClap |

7/10/16- Fort- Custom Goruck Challenge 2017-UPDATE

As of 7/10/17, we have 45 pax HC’s (paid) for the Fort Custom Goruck Challenge 2017! We wanted to touch base and provide a brief update.

The date is set for 5/5/17, mark your calendars!

Goruck has setup a Facebook event page, we can use this for communication, training, general shenanigans:
Facebook Event Page

Here is the running list of HC’d pax: (HC’d and paid!)
List of HCs

Note our goal is to be at 56+ pax, please keep promoting at COTs and EHing guys. Other regions are welcome to join in on the fun too.

To HC, we need your email address (for communications) and send $50 to WWL via PayPal,, its free, send to friend. note you have not HC’d until you’ve paid. There will be two more payments, $50 in late fall and the final payment in March 2017, final price will not be higher than $143/person, if we have more than 56 pax, the price per person will be less (Goruck has a fixed fee for custom events, more pax, lower price per person).

We’ve already been asked about training, here’s the deal, we will organize and promote training to prepare for this CSAUP event. We will promote rucking options at various AOs throughout the region, we will use the Spearhead training program, referred to as “Pathfinder OG”, which is a 12 weeks training program to help pax get prepared for a Goruck event, the program is self performed but we will be promoting that anyone HC’d for this Challenge signup for this training program. To complete the program you will do 30 ruck workouts, 100 miles (cumulative) and 5 challenges. Don’t worry too much just yet, the program is operated in classes and starts quarterly, so we’ll do the Jan 2017 class and send out plenty of info.

Check our Spearhead’s website for further info:
Spearhead – Pathfinder Training

In the meantime, you are welcome to start rucking whenever you want, ruck a normal AO, or keep an eye on twitter for planned rucking options.

Start thinking about your ruck, Goruck is promoting their X-mas in July sales, right now Ruck plates are on sale and every Monday this month something different will go on sale, check out

There are plenty of ruck sac options on ebay and amazon as well, just talk to any pax with a ruck.

We can’t wait come Feb 2017 when you post to a normal AO and there will be more ruckers than bootcamp goers and you’ll be asking yourself, why am I not doing the Goruck Challenge!

As always, reach out to WWL or Cobra Kai with questions.

More to come soon.

WWL/Cobra Kai

TClap |

Black Diamond Backblast 7/9/2016

  • QIC: MaryLou
  • When: 7/8/2016
  • Pax: Bolt, Kid Rock, Thin Mint
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

4 PAX braved the first Brother Ship Black Diamond MaryLou VQ pain with a smile to total about 2 miles, 300 arm, and 320 leg exercises.

The Thang (short and sweet… well the text below is)

Warm up lap around the outer base of the first floor

Five levels / 10 pain stations (with a quick mosey between each station):

  1. One arm plank twist (15 each side)

  2. Single leg squats (20 each leg)

  3. Balls to the wall (20)

  4. Squat jumps (30)

  5. One arm push-ups (10 each arm)

  6. Stationary lunge (20 each leg)

  7. Punch merkins  (30)

  8. Squat kicks (30)

  9. Diamond Carolina dry docks (30)

  10. Burpees (20 oyo)

Mosey down the stairs to the first floor to climb up 5 stories in the middle of the deck using the cable railings.

From the top – REPEAT all exercises/mosey in reverse order. 

10 minutes of abs lead by Bolt… supposed to not let the feet touch… MaryLou gave into the pain and let’m touch a few times.

Two laps around the base of the deck with a Kid Rock lead sprint on the last straight.

Little less running/speed than YHC would have liked to accomplish with an achilles injury, but it was plenty of pain for me in the end. Next time we’ll work in a sprint to the top.

TClap |

Triceps on fire after 7/7 workout. Honeypot VQ

  • QIC: Honeypot
  • When: 07/07/2016
  • Pax: Slow Pitch, Tinker Toy, Bogey, Money Bags, Gauge, Bill Nye, Schrute, Italian job, Pistol, Posh, Hot Sauce, Kelvin, Twister, Falva Beans
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

The morning started off right because the alarm clock worked this time, but I don’t think it was the alarm clock. It was just the operator setting it for the right time. I went by Slow Pitch’s house to pick him up, but I was 15 minutes earlier than normal, so he came at normal time. I just think I was over energized. Well the workout set me straight on the energized part. I like to thank the 14 HIM’S that showed their support for my VQ.

Disclaimer was given at 0515

No FNG today

Warm Up

SSH X 25 (IC)&(+Tempo)

Chair Pickers X 20 (IC)

Seal Jackets X 25 (IC)&(+Tempo)

Mosey to the Good Year to do some OYO workout on the Hill of Doom. That’s name I gave it on my first trip to The Tavern. Posh was on Q that day, and it was my second day with F3. The next day I was sore. Wait that was a understatement. I looked like I was in a full body cast. I couldn’t move, but I pushed through with my F3 Brothers at Petra.

The Thang:

Workout @ the Goodyear

21 – ( 7 Diamond, 7 Normal, 7 Wide Merkins) Then run around the building up the Hill of Doom and do 7 prison cell Merkins. Then keep going around the building back to the starting point for a rinse and repeat. Two trips around.

Mosey over to building for people chair and balls to the wall.

We sat in the people chair for a few and then each person bear crawled to the end of the line and got back in the people chair position. Then we did balls to the wall for a 15 count.

Warm Up is now

We mosey to the parking lot and did suicides. A complaint was given by Bogey because he ate a big dinner last night.  At the start line we did 7 Merkins and the cross lines we did 7 LBC and ran back to the start line for 7 Merkins. We did a total of 10 lines. We did 70 Merkins and 70 LBC in all. After that we mosey back to The Tavern. We got to The Tavern and we had 8 mins left to workout. The guys still had some chatter left in them. I heard some Talladega Nights quotes. So we had time for some 4 corners.

Corner one 15 slow squats OYO

Corner two 15 HBW OYO

Corner three 15 Calf raises OYO

Corner four 15 Carolina Dry Docks OYO

Rinse and repeat

We had 3 minutes left to circle up for some LBC and some Lance Armstrong.

30 LBC (IC)

30 Lance Armstrong (IC)

30 LBC (IC)

super man – with the pack singing and then pull the cord. Then flip to the banana hammock.

Bogey said wait we have to birthdays today. So we did 35 Merkins, we spilt the deference.

By the end we should have completed about 213 Merkins, 250 crunches and we ran 2.03 miles. Good work guys.


Count off


AnnouncementsRead the news letter

Prayer and Praise

Pray for the young man that Tinker Toy is helping out.

Pray for people on the water this summer. A lot of drowning has happen already this summer. Please be careful and be smart.














TClap |

F3 Lancaster Soft Launch Pre-blast

  • QIC: Italian Job, Outlaw, Watson
  • When: 8/20/16
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

As The Fort region continues to grow, our new expansion area will be Lancaster, SC. We have pegged two site Qs (Outlaw and Watson) and have selected a site AO (Lancaster High School). Our soft launch recon will take place 8/20 at 0630.

Start EHing your Lancaster friends and share this soft launch date. Follow and share Lancaster’s Twitter account (@Lancaster_F3). We are excited about the launch of F3 Lancaster and bringing the principles and values to the men of Lancaster.

  • Who: Men of the Fort Region
  • What: Recon Soft Launch F3 Lancaster
  • When:8/20 @0630
  • Where: Lancaster High School 617 Normandy Rd, Lancaster, SC 29720
TClap |