That probably wasn’t a good idea…

  • QIC: Schrute
  • When: 06/30/2016
  • Pax: Bill Nye, Whitney, Water Boy, Pony Boy, Chuckie, Foghorn (FNG), Turbine, Anchor Bar, Honey Pot, Falva Beans, Sgt. York, Bull, Bogey, TB (FNG), Stang, Mayflower, Kelvin, Slow Pitch, Money Bags, Sapper, Roxanne, Mr. Big Stuff, Tinker Toy
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

YHC joined 23 other #HIM for a tough workout this morning at The Tavern. This AO is only a few weeks old, but is already showing tremendous growth in Rock Hill. Combined with ManU, it gives men in Rock Hill two amazing AOs to choose from each week. Having some foot issues and coming off a week of vacation in Mexico #nomoreguacamole , I wasn’t sure how I would do.

I arrived at 5:02 with a parking lot full of men, including 2 FNGs. Disclaimer was disclaimed at 0515, and the workout began (with one Pax arriving about 0518).

SSH x 20 IC
Imperial Walker x 20 IC
Hillbilly Walker x 20 IC
Windmill x 20 IC
Merkins x 10 IC
Mountain Climber x 20 IC
Merkins x 10 IC

Jog over to Harris Teeter parking lot.
Parking Lot shuffle (side shuffle on parking spots to the end). Plank when done.
Line Up on Parking Row, High Knees to next parking row, then Toy Soldier to next parking row.
Back with lunges, butt kickers

Now is when the pain started:
4 corners (in the huge parking lot) 10 reps at first corner, 15 at second, 15 at third, 10 at forth
Calf Raises

After each, we had a 10 count. First one was a traditional 10 count, the 2nd one, I talked about what makes F3 different. More on that below.

Finished up with 4 corners Prison Cell Pushups 5-10-10-5

Prayer requests:
The young man Tinker Toy continues to work with.
Mr. Big Stuff’s wife and her family
The group from St. John’s as they go on a mission trip soon to Winnsboro
Several Pax who are dealing with family issues

Kudos to all men who posted this morning. Several things have come up recently to get me thinking about F3 and the impact it is having:
1. The M and I were talking about the difference between F3 and other “programs”. (yes, F3 is not a program, that’s the #1 difference). I brought up to her that it doesn’t stop at Fitness, it is about being better in everything we do. Going and getting the 6, which today’s group did a fantastic job of is a huge part of that. We are all the 6 at one point or another in an aspect of our lives. Being picked up by our brother is what we are called to do.
2. Vacation: I woke up each day during vacation (despite being in a different time zone) as the workouts began and woke back up during COT. I just thought that was interesting. I used that time to pray for the men of F3.

TClap |

Hills are Bigger than they look!!

  • QIC: Real Tree
  • When: 06/28/2016
  • Pax: Black Lung, Dry Dock, Drifter, High Pockets, Witch Hunt, Royale,The Riddler, Orvis, Goal Keeper, Baby Conan, Wash Out, Michelangelo , Rucker, Corn Hole, Sea Turtle, L captain, Real Tree, Horton.
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

Started out with about a 1/2 mile run, stopped at a short wall to do 22 dips and 22 derkins. took a quick mosey across the road to find what I thought was a small hill. We partnered up for burpee mountain, one person ran up the hill backwards three times while the other one done burpees until we reached 100 burpees. Then we moseyed over to the Post office parking lot and played a little black Jack with murkins and Hello Dolly’s.

TClap |

The Iron Academy Kettlebell Beatdown

  • When: 6/28/2016
  • QIC: Turbine
  • The PAX: Bogey, Smiley Face, Prince (FNG), Double Shot, Dreamhouse, Catfish, Bull, Turbine

7 men took the DRP and unfartsacked themselves to come out and patiently particiapte in my KB VQ. Disclaimer was given, the PAX and FNG were welcomed, and the Warm-Up began!

The Thang:

Warm Up:

  • LS Squat
  • Arm Circles small then big then small
  • MNC
  • Imperial Walkers

KettleBell WO:

  • Basic KB Swing
  • R arm swing
  • L arm swing
  • Rinse and repeat
  • Right to left exchange
  • Left to right exchange
  • Active Rest Mosey
  • Gun Slingers, Right then left arm
  • Basic KB Swing
  • R arm row
  • L arm row
  • Rack the bell, right arm press
  • Rack the bell, left arm press
  • Active Rest Mosey
  • Tricep extensions
  • KB behind the head squats
  • Peoples chair with arms extended with bell
  • LBCs with either handle up or down modification of the bell
  • American Hammers with the bell
  • Heel to Heaven with bell on chest
  • Using the bell to lock your feet, Big Boy Sit Ups
  • Merkins of course!
  • Last active Mosey

Naked Man Moleskin:

A very humid morning that required very little effort to obtain a full blown sweatfest. All worked themselves to maximum exhaustion, which made me proud and honored to lead. The moaning from the big boy sit ups and heels to heaven proved the PAX were spent!

Bogey: Rolled in hot, joined right in and killed that 32 pound KB again! Nice work! The basic swing with that stainless steel was impressive.

DoubleShot: SOGO brother! You smoked it today! I especially liked you driving away from the workout with your gloves still on!

Dreamhouse: You are making some awesome progress! Keep it up! We need more KB Qs!

Smiley Face: Always an honor to post with you brother! Thank You for your effort in the gloom! Your positive attitude is contagious.

Catfish: NOTE: layoff the big dinners on the night before a Kettlebell WO!! Nice job this morning.

Bull: You owned that 25lb bell this morning! The tricep effort was on point, you worked to failure to get stroinger! I’ll def insert some curls next time just for you brother! Your commitment over the last few months is amazing, and I thank you for helping me get stronger everyday.

FNG – Nic Bowman now known as Prince!: Thanks for coming out and welcome to F3 Nation! Great effort.


Read your email

F3 Dads in July at the Patriot 9am to 10

P200 Registraion is open. Start talking it up and let’s begin buildign teams. There are many who prefer 9 or 12 man teams.


New opportunities for Doubleshot and Smiley Face to pray and consider. We are in prayer beside you brothers.

Friend of Catfish is in processing of adoption, prayer with their family.

Until Next Time!

Turbine out!



TClap |

The VQ that almost wasn’t

  • QIC: Dawg Pound
  • When: 06/29/16
  • Pax: Apache, Mailman, Tinker Toy, Kelvin, Sgt. York, Mayhem, Waterboy, Cool Table, Sumac(FNG), Washout, Amphibious, Gracie, Snapper, Kindergarten Cop, Dollywood(FNG), Gauge, Van Wilder, Burgundy, Mr. Rogers, Bazinga, Money Bags, Mayflower, Opie, Schrute
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

After nearly oversleeping for my VQ it would have been perfectly understandable if the PAX had mutinied yours truly, however I owe a debt of gratitude to brother Apache for taking the reigns and welcoming all in the PHOP HIMSHIP and sharing the disclaimer.  As “that guy” who ran late for his VQ I felt it appropriate to once again declare that I am in no ways a professional.


50 SSH(IC)-admirably led by Apache

30 Moroccan Night Clubs(IC)

25 Imperial Walkers(IC)

20 Windmills(IC)

The Meat and Potatoes

Most of the workout was laid out the night before by YHC and  our esteemed SiteQ The Riddler the evening before, however I asked Apache and his crew to gather up the weighted PVC pipes.  In the meantime we divided into three groups and went to the following stations rotating every 10 minutes.

Station 1 Bucket Carry

2 PAX carry two buckets each filled with stones the length of the “warm up lot” and back.  There was a twist, though, as there is always a twist.  The men did 5 shrugs at the beginning, 5 shrugs at the turn, and 5 shrugs at the finish line.

Those waiting on the buckets did front raises and front holds, alternating.

Rinse and repeat until it’s time to rotate.

Station 2 Tire Flips

The tire flip is long a staple of any “gear workout”.  This one was no exception.

While three men flipped tires 8 times on the grass yard behind NRHC the “tireless” alternated between monkey humpers and mountain climbers.

Rinse and repeat until it’s time to rotate

Station 3 Cinder block carries

Since there were plenty of blocks available every group opted to work together on these and travel like a wolfpack.

Taking place in the side parking lot starting at the top PAX carried the 30 lb blocks overhead and did 30 LBCs at the bottom and then restarted the Sisyphean task of carrying the block back up the “hill” to the other end of the parking lot at which point the PAX would hold a plank for a 30 count only to rinse and repeat until it was time to rotate.

The Wind Down

After a quick cleanup of all the gear we gathered in a circle and played a little “Dealer’s Choice Abs”.

Freddie Mercury’s-YHC

American Hammers-Van Wilder


10 burpees in cadence-Mayhem

Unspecified number of Merkins as we started in cadence but then Apache decided to do single count to 16

By this point our running brothers who are preparing for the Blue Ridge Relay had rejoined the PAX.

Naked Man Moleskin

I want to thank all the PAX who showed for my QC.  The Riddler for asking me to Q.  Schrute for bringing me into the fold and most of all Jesus Christ.

As previously stated this workout did not start smoothly, but thanks to an abundance of #LeadersLeadingLeaders the stations went smoothly and everyone got a lot out of it.

We also welcomed two FNGs: Sumac and Dollywood.  Hope to see a lot of them!


Monday July 4th a yet to be named moderate workout will launch at Winthrop University. Blackhawk is the site Q.  It will take place outside Dinkins Hall. Check Twitter for more details.

Starting this Saturday F3Dads will be at the Patriot.  I believe the start time is 9am and not 10am.  Popeye and Burgundy will be Qing this workout.  Having been to their Qs last week, I believe there will be some kids crying and this could possibly be the last F3Dads workout done in The Fort.


Former CAH resident will be moving back from Florida after living with his sister worked out “like a turd in a punch bowl”.  If you would like to help please contact Tinker Toy and of course lift this young man who has lived his life behind the 8 ball up in prayer.

Hot Sauce’s daughter will be leaving for a mission trip to India shortly

Praise and thanks for Tinker Toys daughter turning 9.  He remembers picking her up in China like it was yesterday.  Enjoy, cherish and love your children.

Prayers for the family of the little girl who drowned in Great Falls. Prayers for all of Great Falls as Apache, The Riddler and anyone else familiar with it can tell you how close knit that community is.



TClap |

The Maze: Don’t Get Lost

  • QIC: Drydock
  • When: 06/29/16
  • Pax: Drydock, The Riddler, Twister, Short Sale, Six Sigma, Baby Conan, Villa, Real Tree
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

So the Spitz Challenge keeps rolling on for me in York, and I had the pleasure of another DryDock BeatDown. Two in one week! Myself, Twister and Short Sale all showed up to the wrong parking lot having never been to the maze. Thanks to a post from Royal on Facebook we found our way to the front and met up with some York Originals. It was super dark the school did not have the lights on today.

With that being said…

Warm Up
Slow Merkins
Moroccan Night Clubs
Left over right stretches
Monkey Humpers

The Thang
Mosey to Practice Field, FYI it is turf which is super nice to run on.

From one End Zone we Partnered up for a series workout

200 Merkins
300 LBC’s

Other partner runs to 50 yard line completes 5 burpees
Then continues to run to the end zone then back to partner at the other end zone

Repeat until all reps are finished

Zig zag all 5 yard lines in a Mule Run Formation to 50 yard line. Gotta be careful with these on turf quick turns could be busted ankles!

Mosey down to Soccer Practice Field, at this point you have to aMAZEd at what The Maze has to offer the Pax.

We did a black jack routine on a double wall started with 1 squat at the bottom hop both walls 10 merkins at top of second wall. Hop back down the wall increase squat by 1 decrease merkin by 1. Continue until you reach 10 squats and 1 merkin.

Mosey back to COT
Box Cutters
Protractor – FEEL THE BURN

Announcements and Prayers

Spitz Challenge
Last Laces In before board of pain next week

Short Sale – could not ask for a better partner in that Merkin run
Twister – keep eating that humble pie
Six Sigma – Man you went beast mode on those ranger push ups and wall jumps were awesome
Villa – Stronger and leaner everyday you making this F3 thing look easy
Real tree – you are faster after the honey moon
Drydock – great Q awesome setup at the maze
Little Conan – form Chappie

Nunchucks niece
Dabo continued prayers since fathers passing
My wife is cancer free mass on skull all clear
Twister Encouragement of F3

Drydock just keeps getting better at leading here in F3York lots of strong leaders out there today.



TClap |

Push to Failure

  • QIC: Burgundy & Turbine
  • When: 6/25/16
  • Pax: Burgundy, Turbine, Italian Job, Bogey, Fava Beans, Mahiem, Jag, Popeye, Pistol, Saw, Snapper, Hemmingway, Bull, Limp Bizcuit, Nail Pop, Hoffa, Peach, Winchester, FNG-Snake Eyes, FNG-Mugsy, FNG-Kevlar, Cornerstone, Anchor Bar, Chuckie, Sweeper, Twister, Fusion, Hot Sauce, Dog Pound
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

30 PAX ready for a fun morning at The Patriot Saturday for a Burgundy and Turbine workout.

We had 2 FNGs (and another showed up late)

Warm Up-

SSH 30

Windmill 10

Moroccan NC – 30

Reverse MNC- 30

Mountain Climbers -20

Long Mosey around Cherry Park to large parking lot.

Turbine utilized the large crossroads as a the starting and stopping point for 4 different exercises while doing 5 burpees at each return to the crossroads

50 LBCs one side

20 Merkins one side

30 Lunges

50 LS Squats

Turbine then took the opportunity to discuss the word of the month; Humility. The discussion was to symbolize that one must be humble and willing to look up the rungs of a ladder to the next man who needs the support of F3 in his life. We as leaders have a natural tendency to look down the ladder rungs as we reach higher and higher on the ladder, but in reality, we need to always look up. Looking up to lift the next brother with us. Example used was “A” man who has things figured out and is a HIM, while we need to be look for the “B” man who need us and need the uplifting.

Thanks Turbine for stepping in at the last minute to help Burgundy Co-Q.

Burgundy took over and made everyone get in the plank position in a big circle and we did a Burpee wave. One person did a burpee and then got back in the plank position – then the next man did a burpee and we went around the circle. Then we stretched out legs and then did the Burpee circle again just in the opposite direction.

Then we ran to The Octagon (covered picnic shelter) and did two rounds of the following:

10 Merkins

10 Derkins

10 Ierkins

10 Spidermen

10 Carolina Dry Docks

We did one round of the following:

10 LBC’s

10 Flutters

20 Gravediggers (10 each side)

10 American Hammers

10 LBC’s

Now for some fun – we ran to a big soccer field and counted off 1 – 2 – 1- 2 and so on.

The PAX # 1 lined up on the end of the soccer field against PAX #2 and Burgundy was in the middle.

The people on the end had to sprint to the middle of the field to Burgundy and whoever got there first had to give the losing team exercises to do. After several rounds of sprints, we did a bear crawl race and then a burpee broad jump race. Fusion destroyed it!

Then ran back to the American Flag for COT.

It was a hot, humid day and not sure the protocol of taking your shirt off in a workout, but today was a close one of that happening.

So proud and happy to see the guys over 50 (Respect) showing up for a workout. You guys are true leaders.

See the newsletter for the latest news & notes.

TClap |

Guns And Moses: Drydock with some Humidity on Top

10 for a great morning at The Jungle, now known as Guns and Moses. I went to York today expecting to work hard, but not get a beatdown! I have not recovered since the Hog and Coyote, and was not expecting my legs to get wrecked again! However Drydock was on Q and he was ready to deliver it to us. Also the humidity even in the gloom is getting bad!

Warm Up

The Thang
Mosey To Parking Lot of Church

Then we paired off
200 Merkins
300 Squats
Partner ran to back of church and then back to partner performing exercise

Ring Of Fire
Irkins 10 Rounds
Partner Suicides touch each line, partner runs the church and back. Switch back and forth till you reach 100

Ring Of Fire
Derkins 10 Rounds

Mosey on Back to Omaha
Dying CockRoaches
Reverse Donkey Kicks

Drydock spoke to the fellowship of F3 and how it has encouraged him to be a better leader in his family with his friends and in his community.

Goal Keeper: You were out running all of us, this is one fast 2.0

Orvis: Way to reach out and get the location, you were putting in work this morning

Washout: I haven’t shared the Gloom with you much, but you have great form in everything you do

Cutter: You are looking sharp in that F3 shirt putting York on the Map

Joe Dirt: Thanks for being a strong partner and crushing those squats

Reborn: A #HIM if I have ever seen one, it is an honor to share the Gloom with such a humble man

Villa: After Saturday you came back for more, every-time getting better and faster

Nutmeg: Having coming for the First time Saturday, you are helping York become home of the 2.0 beast!

Drydock: Amazing Q, you are become one of York’s Finest, keep making leaders leading leaders

Lots and Lots of Good Stuff in the newsletter!

SPITZ CHALLENGE GOING ON NOW UNTIL 8/31. Get out and see the world. York is a great Place to Visit!


TClap |

How does a Godly man approach Financial Responsibility

  • QIC: Chicken Hawk and Repeat
  • When: 07/29/2016
  • Pax: All PAX Invited
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

Where: Eternal Church (1787 Pleasant Rd, Fort Mill, SC 29708)

When: Starting at 6:05 sharp

Money is one of the major contributing factors to relationships issues in our marriages, a main factor that can lead to depression and a consistent source of conflict between friends and family. This convergence is not about solving debt issues, or providing a 5-step process to financial freedom.    This convergence is about understanding that money matters are a universal challenge that all men are confronted with and to be comforted that you are not alone in money matters.  We will hear from #HIMs that have perspective on healthy approaches to manage the challenges that are caused by money.

What is the Financial responsibility of a godly man? It goes beyond the expectation of ensuring that our family’s basic needs for nourishment, shelter and security are provided for. Financial responsibility of a godly man requires humility, discipline and wisdom to be good stewards of the financial resources that we have been given custody of. We must be humble enough to recognize that our finances are a gift from God and not from our own doing. We must be disciplined enough to not become a slave to our finances caused from excessive desires that leads to debt. We must be wise enough to discern how we use our Finances to extend the kingdom of God.

The objective of this 3rd F convergence is to engage as godly men in the topic of financial responsibility. We will have Pax as part of a panel share how they have been impacted by financial decisions and the role of money in their lives. We will also have a call to action and resources that  you will be directed to that can be leveraged based on your need.

TClap |

How can we be better Fathers? and add burpesides

I was excited to get back to the new AO in Clover at Clover Middle School. Did some recon the night before with my boys, and we played a little football on the amazing field they have at the school. So I figured we’d spend most of our time at the field Wednesday morning.

I arrived at 5am to set up some cones…and there were already several cars in the back parking lot. Come to find out F3 is not alone in thinking this AO is great. A woman’s group meets there on Wednesday mornings for field work as well! I talked it over with their clip board holder (the only guy with the group) and we both agreed to use the field from 5-6am.

Went back up to the parking lot and started seeing our PAX pull in. Great to have HIMs like Cornhole, Apache and Dry Dock come from so far away to support this newer AO!

We hit 5:15am so I said the disclaimer, and we took a lap around the parking lot for some dynamic stretching including high knees, butt kickers, karaoke, and toy soldiers.

Circle up for COP
25x Side Straddle Hops
20x Imperial Walkers
25x Moroccan night clubs
20x Mountain Climbers
10X Merkins
15x Carolina Dry Docks

Quick thought around focusing on how you can be a better father today then you were yesterday.

Mosey to the football field

Time for “Burpesides”
There were cones set up every 20 yards.
Start with 1x Burpee at the Goal line.
Run 20 yards do 5x Burpees
Run back to Goal line do 1x Burpee
Run to the 40 yard line 5x burpees…etc, until you run all the way to the other goal line and finish 5 burpees
When all said and done, we did 30 burpees and ran 500 yards

Just like these #HIMs typically do, when complete those at the front went back and continued to put in work with the 6. The PAX just keeps pushing each other!

Once we all hit the goal line we finished with 25 LBCs in cadence.

My 10 count was based on a post-father’s day message. In short, I’m a BAD father. I’m quick to anger, don’t put in the quality time that I should with my kids. Like many of the PAX, I’m the main bread winner in my family, and I used to assume that this was the #1 most important thing I needed to be as “Dad”. Not correct. Be present, put the phone or the iPad down. Play dolls with your daughter and legos with your son. Or baseball, or F3 Dads, whatever…but your time is the most valuable thing you can give to them!

Time to get back to work…

Next field exercise
Bear Crawl 10 yards
20x Flutter Kicks
Bear Crawl 10 yards
20x Freddy Mercury’s
Rinse and repeat until we make it the full 100 yards to the other goal line

The message I had next was related to your kids. They hear and see everything. And they usually remember the bad moments more. The yelling, swearing, disappointments stick harder than the good times. Try and set the right example at all times.

Time to Mosey! So we left the field and ran up towards the other open field behind the school. At that field they have this great two step concrete riser. Each step is about waist high. Great alternative to a large hill for some 11s!

At bottom do 10 Bombjacks
Hop the two ledges to the top
Do 1 Ranger Merkin
Hop back down

Continue this pattern until you’ve reversed the count to 10 Ranger Merkins at the top and 1 Bombjack at the bottom.

Final 10 Count message:
Put your M on a pedestal for your 2.0s to see. Complement her, support her, thank her. Remember they see and hear everything? Make it positive, and we know that it’s not always easy but YOU need to make that effort! Teach your daughters how a man needs to treat a woman properly, and teach your son’s the proper way to treat a woman. They will continue this pattern into their own relationships in the future.

Mosey back up to COT

F3 Dads – WEP in June the Patriot in July
F3 Picnic

Prayers and Praises:
Pray for Spud and his family during their loss
Prayers for all those that have lost loved ones

Final Thoughts:
None of these Fatherhood ideas are mine…I’ve gathered these ways to be a better Dad from the messages shared by other PAX all over the Fort over the last several months and meetings. But I’m trying to be better and I take their words to heart!

A few notes on the PAX today:

Orvis came back from a 3 week vacation and brought his 2.0 “Goalkeeper” (age 10) to this difficult workout. Goalkeeper barely broke a sweat and kept up with the men!

Apache worked his magic and had my Q promoted to 17 different regions, on multiple technology platforms, and then started tweeting MORE at 3am… I’m always glad to see Apache and his positive energy. Real pleasure seeing him so much in York and Lake Wylie!

Villa has been going at this for around a month now? Glad to see he keeps coming back for more, and he doesn’t quit! Keep pushing it brother! You’ll be leading in no time (I’ll make sure of that…)

Dry Dock lead the way and kept up with Apache, he’s one of the first guys to turn and pick up the six with some positive reinforcement. Great job today, and good work sharing your stories and helping solidify the Fatherhood message I was trying to share. I appreciate you coming out to support the Clover group!

Cornhole, respect! I think he made the longest drive today…and passed two other AOs to get to the Maze! About 30 minutes later he showed up in Clover, ready to roll! This man is one of the PAX I consider a mentor, and I always know the PAX will get help from a veteran like him. At the end of COT he gave me a nice little memento for completing the #22Kill pushup awareness challenge related to veteran suicide. He’s always thinking about others!

An honor to Lead,


TClap |

20 for exploring @PHOP with DORA

  • QIC: Blackhawk
  • When: 06/22/2016
  • Pax: Mayhem, Twister, Cool Table, Short Sale, Sapper, Mr. Big Stuff, Bazinga, AJAX, Superfly, Tinker Toy, SGT York, Bloody Knuckles, Wash Out, Dog Pound, Roxanne, Mayflower, Hot Sauce, Incoming!!, Honey Pot
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

20 HIMs embraced the suck this morning and joined YHC on a exploring adventure that tested the entire body. Thanks to Twister for getting out of bed Continue reading

TClap |