- QIC: Redwood
- When: 6/20/16
- Pax: Joe Dirt on VQ, Redwood, Drifter, Horton, FNG - Striker, Dry Dock, High Pockets, 4 2.0's - Big Mac, Quarter Pounder, Cedar, BMX
- Posted In: Uncategorized
I had the honor to lead a strong group of guys through a simulated construction site. I am a grading contractor by trade so we had plenty of coupons to play with.
BMX – my 2.0 started us off with a great warm up
- SSH’s
- Windmill
- IW
- Short Mosey to the field
We split into teams of 3 – 4 stations
Station 1 – Battle Rope
- 1 man runs the battle rope to represent large cables we have to handle on our construction site.
- other 2 men – 2 block carry to the cone
- 20 Berkins
- 2 block carry back to the start
- 20 LBC’s
- Rotate until all 3 Hims finish
Station 2 – Log Flip
- 3 logs – 2 feet log flipped end over end to the cone
- 20 Overhead press / squats
- log flip back to the start.
- 20 log curls
- rinse and repeat until rotation is called by Q
Station 3 – Slam Ball
- 1 man uses 20 lb slam ball – pick up overhead and slam to the ground
- Man 1 finishes and sprints to the cone
- 20 hello Dollys
- Run back to the start
- Man 1 finishes and sprints to the cone
- other 2 members do box cutters until man 1 completes
- Rotate until all Him’s finish
Station 4 – Kettle bell hill
- Him’s grab a kettle bell
- run up the hill
- 20 kettle bell swings
- run back down the hill
- 20 kettle bell squats
- Rinse and repeat until Q calls for rotate.
We finished up with a round of Blocktonamo – Check out the Lexicon for explanation
We circled back up in the parking lot for a little 3rd F. I explained to the PAX that the exercises were picked for a reason. In my line of work, great teamwork and great leadership can make all the difference in making money or losing money. I come from a strong line of Him’s. My great grandfather was a local farmer and ran one of the local cotton gins. It was located on the corner of Herlong and Ebeneezer Road (another story in itself). My grandfather was a WWII fighter pilot. He flew 13 missions in the P51D Mustang. He came back and started Matthews Construction company in which my dad has since taken over. I now have the privilege of continuing that legacy. Growing up, I was groomed to lead and taught that teamwork makes all the difference. One thing my Dad has taught me is a great leader doesn’t create followers…he creates other leaders. He taught me to be the first in the trenches and the last one out…to lead by example. Jesus Christ is the perfect example of this type of leader. He leads us to the Father even though we do not deserve it. Ephesians 2:8-10 says “For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, 9 not a result of works, so that no one may boast. 10 For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.” But it doesn’t end there. We are also sealed with the promised Holy Spirit. God makes every effort to lead us to Himself, to save us. He knows we are not strong enough to make it on our own so he doubles back and runs with us. He never leaves His PAX behind.
What made Jesus a great leader on earth was not the number of followers, or the great teaching…Jesus was Humble. So humble that the King of Kings washed the feet of his followers. Jesus not only knew how to lead…he knew how to serve. That is the kind of leaders we are expected to be…in our marriages, in our kids lives, at our jobs and in our churches.
I closed with this thought…. In F3 I have often thought Faith should be the 1rst F. I am not suggesting any change..just bare with me. I explained to the PAX that if they will put faith before all else, they will be the leader that God expects us to be in every area of their lives.
COT prayer request – several deaths of friends and family’s of the PAX – Sorry can’t remember details.