11 Hims showed up for work at the construction site – Guns & Moses A/O

  • QIC: Redwood
  • When: 6/20/16
  • Pax: Joe Dirt on VQ, Redwood, Drifter, Horton, FNG - Striker, Dry Dock, High Pockets, 4 2.0's - Big Mac, Quarter Pounder, Cedar, BMX
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

I had the honor to lead a strong group of guys through a simulated construction site.  I am a grading contractor by trade so we had plenty of coupons to play with.

BMX – my 2.0 started us off with a great warm up

  • SSH’s
  • Windmill
  • IW
  • Short Mosey to the field

We split into teams of 3 – 4 stations

Station 1 – Battle Rope

  • 1 man runs the battle rope to represent large cables we have to handle on our construction site.
  • other 2 men – 2 block carry to the cone
    • 20 Berkins
    • 2 block carry back to the start
    • 20 LBC’s
    • Rotate until all 3 Hims finish

Station 2 – Log Flip

  • 3 logs – 2 feet log flipped end over end to the cone
  • 20 Overhead press / squats
  • log flip back to the start.
  • 20 log curls
  • rinse and repeat until rotation is called by Q

Station 3 – Slam Ball

  • 1 man uses 20 lb slam ball – pick up overhead and slam to the ground
    • Man 1 finishes and sprints to the cone
      • 20 hello Dollys
      • Run back to the start
  • other 2 members do box cutters until man 1 completes
    • Rotate until all Him’s finish

Station 4 – Kettle bell hill

  • Him’s grab a kettle bell
    • run up the hill
    • 20 kettle bell swings
    • run back down the hill
    • 20 kettle bell squats
  • Rinse and repeat until Q calls for rotate.

We finished up with a round of Blocktonamo – Check out the Lexicon for explanation

We circled back up in the parking lot for a little 3rd F.  I explained to the PAX that the exercises were picked for a reason.  In my line of work, great teamwork and great leadership can make all the difference in making money or losing money.  I come from a strong line of Him’s.  My great grandfather was a local farmer and ran one of the local cotton gins.  It was located on the corner of Herlong and Ebeneezer Road (another story in itself).  My grandfather was a WWII fighter pilot.  He flew 13 missions in the P51D Mustang.  He came back and started Matthews Construction company in which my dad has since taken over.  I now have the privilege of continuing that legacy.  Growing up, I was groomed to lead and taught that teamwork makes all the difference.  One thing my Dad has taught me is a great leader doesn’t create followers…he creates other leaders.  He taught me to be the first in the trenches and the last one out…to lead by example.  Jesus Christ is the perfect example of this type of leader.  He leads us to the Father even though we do not deserve it.  Ephesians 2:8-10 says “For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast. 10 For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.”  But it doesn’t end there.  We are also sealed with the promised Holy Spirit. God makes every effort to lead us to Himself, to save us.  He knows we are not strong enough to make it on our own so he doubles back and runs with us.  He never leaves His PAX behind.

What made Jesus a great leader on earth was not the number of followers, or the great teaching…Jesus was Humble.  So humble that the King of Kings washed the feet of his followers. Jesus not only knew how to lead…he knew how to serve.  That is the kind of leaders we are expected to be…in our marriages, in our kids lives, at our jobs and in our churches.  

I closed with this thought…. In F3 I have often thought Faith should be the 1rst F.  I am not suggesting any change..just bare with me.  I explained to the PAX that if they will put faith before all else, they will be the leader that God expects us to be in every area of their lives.  

COT prayer request – several deaths of friends and family’s of the PAX – Sorry can’t remember details. 

TClap |

Triceps Takedown at Iron Academy

  • QIC: Italian Job
  • When: 6/21/16
  • Pax: Bull, Fava Beans (Name Change), Hot Sauce, Princess Vespa, Double Shot, Catfish, Turbine, Scrappy, Bogey, Watson, Dream House, Spitz, Smiley Face, Fusion, Italian Job
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

14 men joined YHC for a triceps takedown at #IronAcademy this morning. Thanks Catfish for the Q and thanks PAX for your patience as we worked through my KB VQ. Disclaimer was disclaimed, PAX was welcomed, and the burn began.

The Thang

Warm Up

  • SSH
  • IW
  • Windmills
  • Mosey around the Parking Lot

We did the following:

  • Around the body (switch after 10)
  • Upright Row x15
  • Around the body x10
  • Overhead Press x15
  • Lunges x15
  • Curls x15
  • Single Arm Overhead Press x15
  • KB Swing x15
  • Around the body x10
  • Squat and Upright Row x15
  • Merkins x15
  • American Hammers (IC) x15
  • LBCs x15
  • Press x15
  • Skull Crushers x15
  • Mosey around the Parking Lot
  • Around the body x10
  • KB Swing x15
  • Two Hand Overhead Press x15
  • Calf Raises x15
  • Upright Row x15
  • Hammer Curls x20
  • Single Arm Overhead Press x20
  • Press x15
  • Skull Crushers x20
  • Oblique Swings x15
  • Curls x20
  • Triceps Extensions x20
  • People’s Chair for a long 15 Count


It was a beautiful morning with temps in the 60s and low humidity. We will really appreciate mornings like this in the coming weeks when our sweat is sweating and we can barely breath. Many of the PAX were still powering through some pain from this weekend’s Hog and Coyote. Some of us have aches in muscles we didn’t know existed.

  • Bull – the only man I know that will rock tights when the temp goes above 40. That being said, I may need to get some camo tights if it will make me sling the bell around like you did today. Great work!
  • Fava Beans – so Strings wanted a new name. You’re lucky Catfish didn’t get his way or you would be forever known as tampon. Glad we found a nice alternative that goes along with your psychology degree. Here’s a little context for you. In 1992’s Silence of the Lambs, Hannibal Lecter (Anthony Hopkins) warns Dr. Clarice Starling (Jodie Foster) against pushing him too far with her questions. Explaining how he dealt with a census taker who had also “bored him,” he utters one of the film’s most iconic lines: “I ate his liver with some fava beans and a nice chianti.”
  • Hot Sauce – nice push again today. Thanks for the challenge on the running portion of the workout. You know I cannot backdown from a race.
  • Princess Vespa – every day you are getting stronger and faster. I know your goal is to finish a mosey without taking shortcuts, and you are closer than you’ve ever been. Great effort today.
  • Double Shot – Suns Out, Guns Out. Great job slinging that bell.
  • Catfish – thanks for your leadership, brother. I’m glad to have PAX like you that lead by example. Thanks for the demo on the swings and for correcting my poor execution.
  • Turbine – the beard is looking strong, bro.
  • Scrappy – The silent assassin, kicking butt and taking names. Great work today.
  • Bogey – you make that 30+ lb bell look like an Easter basket. You tossed that thing around like a rag doll.
  • Watson – glad to have you up from Lancaster. We are working on getting some AOs closer to your neck of the woods.
  • Dream House – rolling in a bit late but putting in all the effort. I like your style.
  • Spitz – thanks for crossing the river and joining us this morning. Your #SpitzArmy Challenge has really brought the PAX together. Thank you for that. Also, I don’t think I’ve ever heard a description of KB swings quite like yours. Something about exploding through and puckering up your sphincter like you are crushing a walnut. Classic stuff right there.
  • Smiley Face – great form today. It’s always a pleasure to share the gloom with you, brother.
  • Fusion – where did that extra speed come from today during our mosey? Have you been sandbagging us? Great work!

3rd F Moment of the Day

Why do we continue to live with the shame of our sin? Scripture tells us in 1 John 1:9 “if we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.” But sometimes we don’t feel forgiven. The memories of the past guilt us into thinking we aren’t cleansed. Those reminders aren’t from God. Romans 8: 1-2 tells us “there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit who gives life has set you free from the law of sin and death.”

He has given us new life. He has set us free. As a result, there is no condemnation. If we hold on to guilt and shame, we are saying that we don’t believe that what Christ did is enough. If we still hold on to the guilt and think we are not forgiven, God would say otherwise. He would look at you and say there is no condemnation. You are forgiven.

Remember who’s you are when the enemy tries to bring up past transitions. Remember that you are a new creation in Christ and He has your back. Now, go and make disciples of men.


  • Read you newsletter
  • F3 Dads is coming to Rock Hill (The Patriot) in July
  • CAH home this Friday

Prayer Requests

  • Our children as they grow up in this broken world
  • Double Shot’s friend’s kidney transplant to her dad
  • Unspokens
TClap |

AYG @F3RockHill #oldMOTHERtown

  • When: 06/20/16
  • Pax: Crabcakes, Black Hawk, Apache, Mudhole, Iron Sights, Incoming, Trucker, Samurai, Witch Hunt, Pusher, Long Shanks, Mr. Big Stuff, Sweeper, Fender (FNG), JAG, Roxanne, Sapper, Sgt. York, Hot Sauce, Pistol, Superfly (FNG), Ajax (FNG), Bazinga, Bill Nye, Tinker Toy, Reborn, Whitney, Mr. Rogers, Honeypot, Popeye, Twister, Burr, Burgundy, Package, & Italian Job
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

Apologies to Package, Trucker, and Long Shanks as the ride to @F3RockHill was brisk this morning in the Jeep with no doors.

Disclaimer and “THE” Legal Beagle was not present to witness…I think he just needs to rest up for his Q Colosseum in the morning.

Workout was meant as post Hog&Coyote friendly…you should have known better by reading the tweet which included the pre-blast.
David Green/CSPANF3 (@cspanf3)

6/19/16, 1:22 PM
I have the Q tomorrow @F3RockHill #OldTownF3 and it will be Ruck and post H&C friendly #UvsU
#PBx10=⬆️⬇️⬆️⬇️=1 pic.twitter.com/xTz6xOqw0v

So here is our morning:
AYG (all you got) to #TheHotBox
10 Flying Squirrels
Up the stairs
10 Flying Squirrels
Down the ramp
Up The ramp
10 Scorpion Carolina Dry Docks
Down the stairs
10 Scorpion Carolina Dry Docks
Run across the bottom floor and that cycle equaled one repetition
AYG until 0550
COP as we waited to collect the 6
22 push-up challenge and a few others in cadence…nothing difficult
AYG home
COT = Prayer or Praise = BOM

Naked Man Moleskine and everything else in my notes

• Thank you for the invite to Q and @F3RockHill has momentum
• 3 FNG this morning and 2 are on their way to The Citadel and were brought by a Bazinga who was an FNG for #Hog&Coyote2016 = Strong and T-Claps whoever EH that #HIM
• #HotSauce gave a great testimony on #MrRogers and commitment = living as an example of dedication
• #SpitzsArmy was strong today and I am convinced #Sweeper got taller since the wisdom teeth were removed last week
• #TEAMTinkerToy and his band of brothers were strong this morning hitting 5 full cycles, and fitness level seems to continue to improve or I am getting slower…
• #Apache & #Twister were silent today…or I was so far in front (or behind) them I could not hear them…
• #CrabCakes left early = it was not my fault if he got injured = #Run&Gun last summer…still have some guilt as that Q…he needed a few months to rest/recover…big man with a big heart
• #ItalianJob is a good one, treat #HIM right…
• Read your newsletter
• Read “Freed to Lead” to help understand F3 = https://www.amazon.com/Freed-Lead-Unshackling-Modern-day-Warrior-ebook/dp/B00JJQB2Z8
• This workout was based on a @F3Metro Mothership workout I did a couple of years ago…maybe Swiper was the Q…? or Fishwrap…? Somebody fit…
• #Mantan and I had a good visit and he loves a good vacation…glad you are back brother
• No sermon today…I was tired from #Hog&Coyote
• Continue to pray for #Spud and his family
• Get involved with Whetstone or find someone to hold you accountable, we all need friends
• Lots of great #HIM today, and I appreciate all of the encouragement given today

Final note on the 3rd F, and if you have questions seek me or any of the men from the local churches out, you don’t need to carry the weight of the world on your own.

Be a better man today then you were yesterday,

TClap |

Pistol’s VQ Debut

  • QIC: Pistol & Smiley Face
  • When: 06/18/16
  • Pax: Bogie, Peach (respect), Captain Kangaroo (respect), Roxanne, Cornerstone, Hot Sauce, Watson, Mr. Big Stuff, Limp Bizkit, Slow Pitch, Fusion, Mr. Rogers, Devil Dog, and two FNGs...welcome Hoffa (respect) and McEnroe!
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

It’s not often you get the opportunity to Q in mid June with comfortable temperatures and humidity, but that’s what awaited Pistol and I on this wonderful day at The Patriot. We pondered the turnout and believed it would be low as a result of all the HIM action taking place at the Hog & Coyote. Imagine our surprise when 15 pax and 2 FNG’s showed up to make a downpainment on their himship! The disclaimer was disclaimed and Pistol took us on a short mosey to the adjacent parking lot.

That Thang:

Mosey to the adjacent parking lot for a quick COP with the following IC:

  • 15 SSH
  • 15 Low Slow Squats
  • 15 CSPAN Style Windmills
  • 15 Merkins

Mosey to the football field for a little track work when we realize the track is locked and the sign on the gate indicate, “Trespassers Will be Prosecuted to the Fullest Extent of the Law!”, Pistol (respect) calls an audible and we continue to mosey to the practice field on the far side of the tennis courts.

  • 25 Merkins and run 30 yards
  • 25 Squats  and run 30 yards
  • 25 Carolina Dry Docks and run 30 yards
  • 25 LBC’s and run 30 yards

Rinse and repeat 3X

  • Lunge Walk to transformer
  • High Knees back

Rinse and repeat.

Pistol focused us on “Finish the Race” sharing  2 Timothy 4:7, “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race”…encouraging each of us regardless of fitness level to fight the good fight. Pistol then led us through Matthew 7:13-14, “Enter through the narrow gate, for wide is the gate and broud is the road that leads to destruction” finishing by sharing the importance of sharing the Christ with others. Pistol encouraged us to step out of our comfort zone, step out of our circle, and finish the race.

With the Q passed to YHC I added a few words regarding humilty and how we are wired to believe we control the outcome of lifes events, and it’s not until our arrogance destroys our hearts that we learn true honor comes from humilty.  Pax was challanged to love their neighbor as we do ourself and consider setting up a grill in the front yard with chairs to extend the reach of our hearts. Partner with the pax to your left and mosey.

  • Mosey to the hill
  • Partner 1 Squats while Partner 2 Bear Crawls up hill for 20 LBC’s then runs down hill.
  • Partner 2 then Squats while Partner 1 Bear Crawls up hill for 20 LBC’s then runs down hill.
  • Rinse and repeat until 200 LBC’s

Quick COP with the following IC:

  • 10 Italian Night Clubs
  • 10 CSPAN Windmills
  • 10 Grass Pickers

Mosey to wall adjacent construction site and plank while waiting on the six.

  • 5 Merkins OYO
  • People’s Chair and 10 Air Presses counting in unison.
  • Rinse and repeat 5X

Mosey to AO site for  short stretch session then discuss the importance of each of us stepping out and becoming the HIM that will result in being better stewards of those we impact. The mission is critical, and sad clowns await. With that said i challanged those of the Pax who have yet to Q to lead a quick 10 count. Thank you:

  • Slow Pitch – 10 Diamond Merkins IC
  • Cornerstone – 10 SSH IC
  • Mr. Big Stuff – 10 Mountain Climbers

Leaders leading leaders! Prayers lifted for all request and extra sent to Hog & Coyote Pax…and then they started showing up! Pistol and I are honored at the opportunity to lead and especially grateful for those who picked up the six! You know who you are and you rock!

TClap |

Pre-Blast F3 Dads – Rock Hill, July 2016

The Pax of Rock Hill are excited to keep the #summerof16 going in The Fort region by inviting all Pax and their 2.0s to F3 Dads in Rock Hill in July!

Where: The Patriot (behind Sullivan Middle School)

When: Each Saturday in July, starting at 9:00 AM (Summer is hot!)

Who: All men of F3 and their 2.0s, age 3+ (if they can walk, they can do it!)

What: Normal F3 workout with “kid friendly” exercises. It will push the Dads and your 2.0s will love it!

Why: 2.0s need one thing from us: TIME. What a better way to give it to them!

Hope to see you out there!


TClap |

Scattergories at SlowBurn

  • QIC: Mainframe
  • When: 06/17/2016
  • Pax: Barry Manilow, Beats, Cotton Eye, William Penn, Gilmore, Pin-Up, The Riddler, Newman, Plymouth (Respect), Culture Club
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

Another warm and humid morning. No FNGs but disclaimer was partially disclaimed. Mosey down to parking lot in front of Empire Pizza. Warm-up with 20 SSH, 15 IW, 10 Windmills, 10 Squats, 20 MNC, 10 Merkins, 10 Peter Parkers, & 10 Parker Peters.

Mosey to guard-rails behind Lowes. 15 dips, 15 calf raises out, 15 incline merkins, 15 calf raise out, 15 toe touch LBCs. Rinse and repeat.

Mosey to other side of Lowes. 20 jump overs, People’s Chair, BTTW. Rinse and repeat.

Mosey to lot beside kids indoor playhouse. On the wall was a list of exercises by letter and dice from Scattergories. Each PAX rolled the dice to see what lucky exercise the group would do. There was some nervous looks when they saw X=25 burpees, Y=50 burpess, and Z=100 burpees. I finally had to share that there were only 20 letters on the dice. 2 rounds of rolling the dice doing various exercise: squats, plank jacks, LBCs, Freddy Ms, merkins, etc.

Mosey back to COT.

Humility is the focus this month. I shared some words about how many people have the wrong idea about being humble. They think humble means groveling in front of others or thinking we’re no good and others are better. That’s not the true meaning of being humble. God says that when you’re humble, you are free from pride and arrogance. Godly humility is being comfortable with who you are in the Lord and therefore putting others first. The picture of humility in the Bible is one of a strong person who loves others:
Do nothing out of selfish ambition of vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves (Philippians 2:3)

Thanks Barry Manilow for the opportunity.

Logging off,

TClap |

MAN U – A Day at the Park with a touch of Discipline (Claves)

  • QIC: Cake Boss
  • When: 06/16/2016
  • Pax: Cool Table, White Lightning, Simile Face, Choir Boy, Van Gogh, Funhouse, Crab Cakes, Gears, Zima, Mud Hole, Skippy, Snapper, Iron Sight, Mr. Rodgers, Corn Hole, Black Hawk, Shrute, Incoming, Cornbread, Reborn
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

The Rock Hill tour continues and on the menu today was MAN U, so the clown cars from The Fort came in from all directions and the PAX arrived on this humid morning at Moe’s parking lot. Funhouse and Zima spent 15min talking bodily functions and everyone else had perplexed looks on their faces. Its what old age looks like so we were all getting scared!! 21 PAX was the number and with a quick check for FNGs and the disclaimer, away we went for a mosey.

Mosey to Park across the street

Bear Crawl Bridge and Mosey to Main Building between soccer fields for COP

Plank waiting on 6

  • 10 Inch Worm Merkins
  • 20 Squat
  • 15 Carolina Dry Docks
  • 20 Hillbilly Walkers
  • 5 each leg – 1 leg Inch work Merkins
  • 15 Seal Jacks

Mosey around building and Partner up with someone you do not know well

  • Cumulative 100 dips
    • Partner #1 Runs around building
    • Partner #2 Dips

Mosey to HIll – Plank waiting on 6

  • Cumulative 100 derkins
    • Partner #1 Runs Uphill
    • Partner #2 derkins

Mosey to Playground – Plank waiting on 6

  • Cumulative 200 LBCs
    • Partner #1 Bear Crawl through Jungle Gym and down slide
    • Partner #2 LBCs

Mosey to Pavilion – Plank waiting on 6

Cumulative 100 Boxjumps/Step Ups

  • Partner #1 Run around building
  • Partner #2 Box Jumps

Mosey back to COT:

First off, I would to commend the PAX for the encouragement, comradery and fellowship this morning. It was a humid morning and the weather really takes it out of you and all the encouragement across all the PAX keeping everyone engaged was amazing to witness.

I spoke to the PAX about discipline and how hard we work for the things of this world and what we line up as priorities. Our schooling, work, our physical fitness. These are important and we apply a great deal of discipline to each to make sure we make the grade and arrive on time to work and complete our tasks as well as waking up at crazy hours to run or crawl in the grass to get physically better. The challenge to all PAX, and starting with myself, is are we applying this discipline across all areas of our life. Are we in balance? Marriage is a full time job like our occupation yet we seem to slack off in the discipline it takes to make it the best marriage it can be. We have 1 shot to raise our kids with the knowledge, understanding and tools needed to stand on two feet and face life. Are we applying the discipline it takes to train them right and not spoil them or are we worried about “me” time?? Bottom line is you have Sky Q to help you and you have the brotherhood to help you align yourself to the things than need more “discipline” in your life. No excuses and its time to start today to make the necessary changes and apply where needed!!

Prayers and Praises : Riddler’s mom and Popeye’s mom and for Spud and his family dealing with los of son. Celebration of life service tonight. Praise from Snapper and his Grand mom.

Hog and Coyote is Saturday. Hit regular AO or join in the fun and fellowship.

Thanks Reborn for the Q. Humble and Honored as always!

Cake Boss

TClap |

What Happens when the Guest Q doesn’t bring a KB to a KB workout

  • QIC: Longshanks
  • When: 06/16/2016
  • Pax: Olive, Iron City (respect), Hot Webb?, Packer (respect), Bunion, Octo, Bandwagon, Frogger, Blackberry, Ditka, Snoopy, Log, Over Budget, Kabouse, Kojak, Omega, Eyore, Denim, Dry Rub, Dill (respect), Longshanks (QIC)
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

21 showed up the Dragon Slayer for a Guest Q from YHC. Little did I know that many were expecting a kettlebell workout. Disclaimer – I wasn’t told it was a kettlebell workout until about 3 minutes into the workout when one of the PAX claimed we were already running too much for a kettlbell work out. Told him all we do it The Fort is Run. #F3RunClub After a quick disclaimer with no FNG’s we proceeded to go.

The Thang

Mosey back and forth through the parking lot while adding in Butt Kickers, High Knees, Karaoke, and Toy Soldiers.

Circle up for COP
SSH x 25 (IC)
Windmills x 15 (IC)
Imperial Storm Troopers x 15 (IC)
Slow/Tempo Merkins x 15 (IC)
Peter Parkers x 15 (IC)
Mountain Climbers x 15 (IC)
Parker Peters x 15 (IC)

Mosey to the hill at the back of the church.

1 burpee at the bottom 6 squats at the top
2 burpees at the bottom 5 squats at the top
Keep going until you have 6 burpees and 1 squat.
Plank when finished

Mosey to the Pit where the tires and other fun equipment is. Roll out the 3 tires (2 medium, 1 large)
Get in 3 groups
Person at the front of the line does 3 tire flips while the others in line do squats. Keep flipping the tire until you get to the next light pole. Once there LBC’s until the last group finished.
After all groups finished, the tire was picked up by the group and placed over your head. 10 tire presses as a group, then carry the tire over your head back to the start.

Get in groups of 4. 1 person at each of the 4 station.
1. Running to the light pole and back
2. Pullups/Toes to bar
3. Sandbag shoulder press
4. SSH
Runner is the timer, when he gets back everyone in the group rotates. Runner goes to the bar, bar to sandbag, sandbag to SSH, SSH to runner. Keep going until all team members have gone through each station 3 times.

Mosey down to the Home Depot wall.
People’s chair for 20-30 seconds
Balls to wall for 30-40 seconds

Mosey back up to the church for some quick Mary. Flutter kicks while waiting on the 6.
Hello Dolly x 15 (IC)
Dying Cockroach x 15 (IC)
Peter Pointers x 10 (IC)


Announcements – didn’t hear them as I was running back to my truck to get my phone. But everyone was invited to come to Hog and Coyote in the Fort this Saturday.

Prayers – Spud and the loss of his son. Olive as he continues to grieve the loss of his daughter.

40 minutes. That’s how long it took me to drive from my house in Fort Mill to GCC in Huntersville to lead a 45 minute workout. Took even longer to get home. And people wonder why. I will tell you why. It’s more than just a workout. It’s a brotherhood. In what other group would a man go to wake of someone they didn’t even know, but went only cuz he knows too much about the tragedy of losing a child? In what other a group can a man show up and lead 20 of his brothers that he doesn’t even know, yet they follow him anyways? In what other group when your done sweating, getting dirty, and maybe even bleeding, can you wrap your arms around your fellow brother and pray together as men? I can’t think of any group of men who I would rather start my mornings with. And it doesn’t matter if it’s in The Fort, or Rock Hill, or Isotope, or Metro, or anywhere else this group means so much more than just a workout.

Thank you to both Olive and Ditka for allowing me to come up and lead this workout today. Next time I will remember to bring the Kettlebell. And I Apologize if I get your name wrong in the PAX list.

Longshanks out!!

TClap |

Bill Nye VQ

  • QIC: Bill Nye
  • When: 06/15/16
  • Pax: CSPAN, Gage, Popeye, Swamp Fox, Walker, Honey Pot, Gears, Cake Boss, Sargent York, Spitz, Opie, Apache, Cool Table, Zima, Incoming, Blackhawk, Mr. Rogers, Mayhem, Cornhole, White lightning, Hot Sauce, Schrute, Van Wilder, Pistol, Washout, Bloody Knuckles, Mail Man, Italian Job,and two FNG’s Mud Hole, and Mr. Big Stuff
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

31 of the F3 male models gathered today for a PHOP happening. We tried to emphasize a little bit of teamwork. The disclaimer was given, our two FNG’s were warned, and then stuff started happening.

The Thang:

Quick COP with the following IC:

  • 10 Windmills
  • 10 Imperial Walkers
  • 10 Low Slow squat
  • 10 Low Slow Mercans
  • 5 Diamond Mercans
  • 5 Regular Mercans
  • 5 Wide Arm Mercans
  • Mosey the long way around the church

4 corners around the church alternating with 5 Diamond Mercans, 5 Regular Mercans, and 5 Wide Arm Mercans on corners 1 and 3 with 5 burpees on corners 2 and 4.

Some LBCs and Planks waiting on the six. Mosey to the pain stations.

We then rotated between three stations.

Station 1- AMRAP ABC’s

  1. Alternating Shoulder Taps
  2. Block Burpees
  3. Curls
  4. Dips
  5. Elf on the Shelf
  6. Freddie Mercury
  7. Genuine
  8. Hot Potato
  9. Incredibly Careful Tire Flips

Station 2- Teamwork

  1. High 5’s with a partner during 5 Diamond Mercans, 5 Regular Mercans, and 5 Wide Arm Mercans
  2. 20 People’s dips
  3. 50 Leg tosses
  4. 5 Diamond Mercans, 5 Regular Mercans, and 5 Wide Arm Mercans
  5. We also were supposed to do spin drills, but it seemed that some people thought we weren’t that kind of group…

Station 3- 15’s- Well Actually 11’s, but that first group had some overachievers

  • Big boy sit ups and Mercans over a small incline

All Back Together:

  • 20 American Hammer
  • Superman, Pull the cord, Banana Hammock (You know what, I think that name just might stick)
  • 5 LBCs IC
  • Plank – Honeymoon – 10 Bombjacks- Too many honeymoon jokes I guess. But worth it.


I have really enjoyed being a part of this community for nearly 8 months. I tried to convey my appreciation of these HIMS and attempted to relate our journey to the journey of a few men from the book of Daniel.

Chapter 1 Verses 6 and 7

“Now among these were of the children of Judah, Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah: Unto whom the prince of the eunuchs gave names: for he gave unto Daniel the name of Belteshazzar; and to Hananiah, of Shadrach; and to Mishael, of Meshach; and to Azariah, of Abednego.”

And Chapter 3

Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego’s failure to worship false idols angered Nebuchadnezzar and he (Verse 20) “commanded the most mighty men that were in his army to bind Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, and to cast them into the burning fiery furnace.” And by Verses 23 to 25 “And these three men, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, fell down bound into the midst of the burning fiery furnace. Then Nebuchadnezzar the king was astounded, and rose up in haste, and spake, and said unto his counselors, “Did not we cast three men bound into the midst of the fire?” They answered and said unto the king, “True, O king.” He answered and said, “Lo, I see four men loose, walking in the midst of the fire, and they have no hurt; and the form of the fourth is like the Son of God.”

So a group of men with strange pseudonyms built a team grounded in their faith. And it allowed them to walk through fire without being burnt. Seems like a plan to me.

It was an honor and a privilege to lead this group today. Thank you for your support and I think that I am ready to do it again soon!

TClap |

Bogey Q at The Thunderdome

  • QIC: Bogey
  • When: 06/14/16
  • Pax: Smokewagon, Catfish, Burr, Outlaw, Cabasa, Clark Kent, Smiley Face, Birdcage, Dreamhouse, Cornhole, Cobra ki?, Crabcakes, Doubleshot, Watson,
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

What a great job we all did on this humid morning! Everyone pushed themselves to the limits this morning and are better for it today.

The Thang:

Catfish lead a lap around the parking lot to let the Q gather his thoughts since the alarm didn’t go off until 5am…..

Bogey took over with a plan in place that did not involve putting the kettle bells down for the entire workout.

We did a kettle bell exercise at the bottom of the parking lot then head up to the top of the parking lot while doing a set of exercises on the way up. Once we reached the top we did another kettle bell exercise before moseying back down to the bottom. We did 3 rounds of this craziness until we could not hold the kettle bells any longer.

We did a slow mosey over to the hill for some ab lab and some hill work.

We moseyed back over to our tokens to do another 3 rounds of crazy without setting down the bells!

Great job men and what a great bunch of guys to workout with.

TClap |