Bogey Q at The Thunderdome

  • QIC: Bogey
  • When: 06/14/16
  • Pax: Smokewagon, Catfish, Burr, Outlaw, Cabasa, Clark Kent, Smiley Face, Birdcage, Dreamhouse, Cornhole, Cobra ki?, Crabcakes, Doubleshot, Watson,
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

What a great job we all did on this humid morning! Everyone pushed themselves to the limits this morning and are better for it today.

The Thang:

Catfish lead a lap around the parking lot to let the Q gather his thoughts since the alarm didn’t go off until 5am…..

Bogey took over with a plan in place that did not involve putting the kettle bells down for the entire workout.

We did a kettle bell exercise at the bottom of the parking lot then head up to the top of the parking lot while doing a set of exercises on the way up. Once we reached the top we did another kettle bell exercise before moseying back down to the bottom. We did 3 rounds of this craziness until we could not hold the kettle bells any longer.

We did a slow mosey over to the hill for some ab lab and some hill work.

We moseyed back over to our tokens to do another 3 rounds of crazy without setting down the bells!

Great job men and what a great bunch of guys to workout with.

TClap |

Time to ManU-p…

  • QIC: Dark Helmet
  • When: 06/09/16
  • Pax: Reborn, Choir Boy, Amphibious (adopted from GSO), Iron Sight, Burgundy, Sweeper, Dark Helmet (QIC)
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

I’m really not that clever, and that is a terrible title for a Backblast, but, you get what you pay for…

Big VQ happening elsewhere in the Hill of Rocks, so the crowd was small at Man U that morning. But no worries, these guys came to work…

Little warmup with a lap around the lot and some jumping and stretching… It was pretty standard. SSHs, Windmills, a Merkin or two… You get the idea.

The Thang:
I decided to do a repeat (with a little variation) from my Q at The Ranch a couple of weeks prior. AMRAP workouts are always a pleaser, AMRAP with cinderblocks really makes us happy…
So the deal is, everyone does the exercise to failure (or if you’re Burgundy, until you get bored, because I think he could do these things literally all day) then run a lap. If there is a still a Pax there doing the exercise when you get back, keep running. If not, plank and get ready for the next exercise when the 6 gets in.
The exercise rounds included (in no particular order):
1. Curls
2. Squats
3. Straight arm hold (hold the block straight out in front of you until you drop)
4. Bent Over Rows
5. Triceps Extensions
6. Shoulder Presses
7. Partner Leg Presses (you had to be there, but one Pax gets on 6 with legs up in press position, partner takes block and leans forward onto first partners feet. First partner presses to failure, then flapjack)

I know there were a couple others, but I can’t recall… Chalk it up to old age, or that I may have blocked it from my memory because it was awful. I don’t know… At any rate, you get the idea…

Always a good time when you cross the river. We should all do it more often. The Fort has seen what I feel is bordering on ridiculous growth these past few months, and it’s good to get out and to visit other brothers and to get other terrible ideas for workouts… So keep the Spirit of Spitz alive even after the AO challenge is over, and get out there.

Helmet, out.

TClap |

Incoming’s VQ

  • QIC: Incoming
  • When: 6/14/16
  • Pax: Cake Boss, Mayhem, Reborn, Iron Sights, Van Gogh, Italian Job, Dark Helmet, The Riddler, Mr. Rogers (FNG), Capt. Kangaroo, Maximus, Zima, Mr. Clean. Schrute, Spitz, Slow Pitch, Sir Topham Hat, Honeypot, Lil’ Bear, Choir Boy, Skippy (FNG), Sgt. York, Samurai, Double D, Gears, Sweeper, CSPAN, Corruption, Crash, Lil’ E, Hotsauce, Apache, Pistol, Kelvin, Bill Nye, Incoming (QIC)
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

Today 36, you read that right, 36 PAX enjoyed a VQ beating at the hands of Incoming. For the sake of brevity, here’s what we did…

The Thang

  • 25 SSH (IC)
  • 20 Moroccan Night Clubs (IC)
  • 15 Windmills (IC)

Mosey to the Student Center

  • 20 Flutter Kicks (IC)
  • 15 Carolina Dry Docks (IC)
  • 20 Hello Dolly (IC)
  • 15 Carolina Dry Docks (IC)
  • 3 – 5 Minutes Super Man and V-Ups

Mosey to the hill

  • 1 – Burpee and run down hill for 10 Bombjacks
  • 2 – Burpees and run down hill for 10 Bombjacks
  • 3 – Burpees and run down hill for 10 Bombjacks
  • 4 – Burpees and run down hill for 10 Bombjacks
  • 5 – Burpees and run down hill for 10 Bombjacks

Break into 4 groups

  • At the first station 15 Calf Raises (Normal, Outside, Inside)
  • At the second station 25 LBCs
  • At the third station 20 Diamond Merkins
  • At the fourth station 30 Seal Jacks
  • Shampoo

Mosey to the top of the hill

Form 2 lines for a long Indian Run back to COT


TClaps to Incoming on bringing the heat in his first Q. Awesome preparation and good delivery. Welcome FNGs Mr. Rogers and Skippy. I know the first workout is tough, but you survived and hopefully caught a glimpse of the comradery the PAX has. Thank you Riddler for spending time getting to know our new guys. I appreciate your efforts to help our newest guys feel included. Special thanks to #SpitzArmy for joining us south of the river (Cake Boss, Dark Helmet, Maximus, Zima, Mr. Clean, Spitz, Sir Topham Hat, Double D, Gears, Sweeper, CSPAN, Corruption, Crash, and Lil’ E). It is always a pleasure to spend time in the gloom with my brothers. Excellent work again by our #Respects (Spitz, Samurai, Capt. Kangaroo, and Pistol). Iron Sights and Choir Boy, thanks for sharing this thing we call F3 with our FNGs. Our community needs more #HIM like the ones in which we share the Gloom. Another strong day by our veterans Mayhem, Reborn, Schrute, Sgt. York, and Apache. Hotsauce, you’re teetering on vet status, and after your Q last week, I’ll add you to the list. Awesome effort by our youngest PAX, Van Gogh. Soon enough you’ll be faster than your Pops. I think it’s time to get some of our newer guys on the Q schedule (looking at you Slow Pitch, Honeypot, Lil’ Bear, and Kelvin). Don’t forget to post tomorrow in support of Bill Nye’s VQ. Something tells me school will be in session.

Incoming spoke today about humility and how none of us can know what others are going through. When he was a junior in high school, he realized his parents couldn’t afford to pay for his college. So, he found the best way he could figure it out; he joined the National Guard. Incoming went to basic training during the summer of his Jr. and Sr. year of high school and then finished his training after graduation. Several years went by and while he was serving for one of his annual trainings, he was tasked with doing a nightly stand down. As he was scanning the perimeter, he saw his opposing force trying to get past his lines. He trained his 50 caliber machine gun on them and realized the remorse he would feel with himself if he took another man’s life. He finished his enlistment and left the Service. He elaborated that many of our brothers and sisters in the armed services are placed in that situation and they aren’t as lucky as he was to just to be training. We all have the same goal in life – to get through today and have hope for tomorrow. Sometimes circumstance define the choices we make and every day is our opportunity to be the better #HIM.


This Saturday is the Hog and Coyote launching from Gold Hill Middle at 0600. Ruckers launch at 0500. Show up and show out. This CSAUP has become a crowd pleaser.

F3 Dads – every Saturday in June at 1000 Walter Elisha Park

Fort Picnic – July 23 at 1200. Check pre-blast for details.

Star Command Convergence – July 23 at 0700 in Spartanburg. Pre-blast here.

Ragnar Race – teams are assembling. Read the pre-blast and contact Reborn for details.

Prayer Requests

  • Stang and his family remembering his son
  • Popeye’s mom’s mastectomy and cancer treatment
  • Zima’s grandmother and her doctors finding what the issue may be
  • Our brothers healing at home
  • Cake Boss’s brother’s knee surgery
  • Swamp Fox’s new baby on the way very soon
  • Those affected by the senseless violence in Orlando
  • Continued prayers for Olive
  • Unspoken requests
  • Bill Nye’s wife’s job search
TClap |

The Jungle Guns & Roses style

  • QIC: High Pockets
  • When: 6/13/16
  • Pax: Drydock, Red Wood, Chappie, Baby Conan, Flintstone, Cedar, YZ , Vila, Watchout
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

After the disclaimer and ensuring we had no FNG’s we were off…

Warm up

The PAX joined YHC  for some work while listening to The Jungle. During the song while only instrumental was playing we did MKC OYO, once the music and instrumental were going SSH OYO until you hear “Jungle”.  For every “jungle” we did a Flying Squirrel.

Next song “Yeah” by Joe Nichols.  Starting of the song all PAX in Plank position. On every “Yeah” the PAX did 1 Plank Jack, for every “Girl” we did 1 mountain climber all other time was spent in the plank position.

Mosey half a block, what’s that you say…I left my Wiekie back at the AO…double back to the AO to retrieve the Wiekie and mosey down to the grass field.

The Thang

Round 1 Escalator at 4 cones (Imperial walker to each cone);


1st cone 10 SSH

2nd cone 20 Merkins

3rd cone 30 Squats

4th cone 40 Lunges (20 each leg)

Bear craw back to the start (1st cone)

Round 2 Escalator at 4 cones (Hillbilly to each cone)

1st cone 10 SSH

2nd cone 20 Crab cakes

3rd cone 30 dying Cockroaches

4th cone 40 LBC

Imperial walker back to start (1st cone)

All PAX on our 6 in a circle, with legs together and elevated 6 inches.  Together we spelled out the alphabet with our feet.  All capital letters.

Rinse and repeat round 1 and 2

Jail break back to the AO

Prayer Requests

  • A number of HIMS with friends dealing with cancer.
  • Traveling mercies for those coming and going on vacation


  • Reminder of Hog and Coyote this weekend

It was an honor to serve these HIMS today

Reach High, your best will be good enough….

High Pockets out!


TClap |

Get Back Up

  • QIC: Italian Job
  • When: 6/13/16
  • Pax: Backdraft, Long Shanks, Dark Helmet, Sweeper, Broteinshake, Schrute, Pistol, Gauge, Gears, CSPAN, Cake Boss, Zima, Popeye, Reborn, Incoming, Swamp Fox, Honeypot, Bill Nye, Samurai, Sgt. York, Van Wilder, The Riddler, Roxanne, Cartel, Iron Sights, Blackhawk, Kelvin, Apache, Stang, Italian Job
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

YHC was joined by 29 men from across The Fort region this morning for a hot beating at #OldTown. Thanks to our celebrity guests for making an appearance (Backdraft, Long Shanks, Dark Helmet, Sweeper, Broteinshake, Gears, CSPAN, Cake Boss, Zima, and Stang). You guys brought it for sure #SpitzArmy.


Disclaimer was disclaimed, mumblechatter was growing, so we took a short mosey (more of a jaunt) to a slightly larger lot for:

  • 25 SSH
  • 20 IW
  • 20 MNCs

Long Mosey down Main Street to the hot box.


The Thang

  • 5 Burpees at level 1
  • 10 Merkins at level 2
  • 15 Diamond Merkins at level 3
  • 20 Hand Release Merkins at level 4
  • People’s Chair (in cadence) at the top
    • Run back down to the bottom
    • Pause for the Word – read more below
  • Squats
  • Windmills
  • Partner Carry to half level
  • Trade off and repeat
  • Pull-ups (AMRAP)
  • Partner Carry to next half level
  • Trade off and repeat
  • Pull-ups (AMRAP)
  • 15 Cliffhanger Merkins each
  • People’s Chair
  • Seated Moroccan Night Clubs
  • Seated Italian Night Clubs
  • Take the stairs back down
  • Lunge Walk to next level
  • Bear Crawl to next level
  • Crab Walk to next level
  • Nur to next level
  • Burpee Broad Jump to next level
  • Nur to the top
  • American Hammers x15
  • LBCs x25
  • Box Cutters x10
  • Mosey to the Freedom Center for Reverse Bear Crawls (or as I call them, dental deductibles) up the stairs
  • Mosey to Brick Alley for:
    • People’s Chair
    • BTTW (2 -10 counts)
    • BTTW Merkins



It is always humbling to workout with some of the most fit guys around (looking at you, Long Shanks). As we continue to grow this F3 thing, we have to remember that the only way we get better is to push ourselves past our pre-conceived limitations. Today was a great example of what one can do when there are others there encouraging us. TClaps to everyone for finishing strong and completing the workout without much complaining.


Backdraft, you make our Monday’s look easy. Great job.

Long Shanks might be a machine. All effort, no sweating.

Dark Helmet, thanks for the extra push (literally) on the planks. Next time I’ll work in extra time to talk about your feelings.

Sweeper, I think I speak for the region when I say we’re proud of the work you put in each day. When all your friends are sleeping, you are getting stronger. And CSPAN and I are convinced you are getting taller each workout too.

Broteinshake, glad to have you in the ‘Thrill this morning. We’ll have to send some folks out your way soon.

Schrute, the mumblechatter was strong this morning thanks to you and Apache.

Pistol, 57 years young. You are my inspiration.

Gauge, another strong day from one of Rock Hill’s finest.

Gears, I found out today that you were injured and were still at the front of the PAX. If this was you injured, I fear how fast you are healthy.

CSPAN, happy belated birthday, Grantan. Thanks for your leadership.

Cake Boss, can we officially change your handle to Calve Boss?

Zima, I think I finally recovered from your Paintheon Games. Hopefully the payback wasn’t too bad.

Popeye, welcome back from vacation. No one told you it would be like this.

Reborn, always impressed by your humble nature. We appreciate all you do.

Incoming, someone is starting to look like a professional out there. Another strong day, sir.

Swamp Fox, so good to have you back in the group. Thanks for leading the group back down the ramp today. Good pace.

Honeypot, thanks for carrying me along today. I picked the right partner.

Bill Nye, back in uniform and getting better. Looking forward to your VQ Wednesday.

Samurai, sorry about the bloody knee. It did make you look pretty tough though.

Sgt. York, another strong day by one of our strongest.

Van Wilder, you look like you had fun today. All smiles at the end. Good work.

The Riddler, good to have you back out with us after your trip last week. Thanks for taking care of the 6 today.

Roxanne, you know that name is growing on you.

Cartel, I don’t think you sweat today either. I’m going to have to make the next workout harder.

Iron Sights, TClaps for making today’s workout even tougher with a pre-run. I don’t even want to think of how difficult that was in today’s heat.

Blackhawk, great job again today. You’ve quickly become a veteran around these parts. Looking forward to seeing your continued growth.

Kelvin, dude, you are fast. Like, really fast.

Apache, workouts just aren’t the same when you aren’t here. When you are here, the mumblechatter is epic. Thanks for your support.

Stang, your beard is looking more and more glorious every day. #envious


Today I shared a message from Proverbs 24:16.

“For though the righteous fall seven times, they rise again, but the wicked stumble when calamity strikes.”

No matter who you are, you will face struggles. You will fail. Be it at work, at home, or in a marriage, we are all fallible. But what separates us from the wicked is that we continue to try. Failure has the hidden ability to toughen you up for the next bigger challenge. So when you fall, pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and do it again. And when you overcome that struggle, look down at your scars as a reminder of those times God healed you.



This Saturday is the Hog and Coyote launching from Gold Hill Middle at 0600. Ruckers launch at 0500. Show up and show out. This CSAUP has become a crowd pleaser.

F3 Dads – every Saturday in June at 1000 Walter Elisha Park

Fort Picnic – July 23 at 1200. Check pre-blast for details.

Star Command Convergence – July 23 at 0700 in Spartanburg. Pre-blast here.

Ragnar Race – teams are assembling. Read the pre-blast and contact Reborn for details.



Prayer Request

Please forgive me for the prayer request I may have forgotten.

  • Stang and his family remembering his son
  • Popeye’s mom’s mastectomy and cancer treatment
  • Zima’s grandmother and her colon cancer treatment
  • Our brothers healing at home
  • Cake Boss’s brother’s knee surgery
  • Swamp Fox’s new baby on the way very soon
  • Those affected by the senseless violence in Orlando
  • Continued prayers for Olive
  • Unspoken requests
TClap |

Hills of Humidity…oops..Gloom

  • QIC: Bing
  • When: 06/12/16
  • Pax: FishSticks, Sharkbait, Gauge, Mongoose, Bull Winkle, Bear Grylls, Kobra Kai, Pikachu, Mayflower (Respect), Sgt York, Corruption, The Riddler, Blackhawk, World Wide Leader, Spitz (Respect), Crab Cakes, Rice-a-roni, Sapper, Bing (QIC)
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

Weather: Humid, upper 60’s

Honored and humbled to be asked to lead this fine group on the Lord’s day.  While a Q at Hills of Gloom requires very little planning, the pressure of keeping the group quiet enough so not to get yelled at by the neighbors is strong.  We quietly executed the name-o-rama, offered up announcements and prayers, and all went along their way down the riverwalk trail. Always great to see the Pax with their ruck sacks along side all of the runners. It seems like those ruck sacks are multiplying by the day.


  • To Corruption – water bottles go in the back on the belt
  • Hog and Coyote -Sign up
  • Go Ruck sign-ups. Need to get to 56 to get the remainder of the wait list in. 10.5 months to train.


  • Daughter of Co-Worker/Friend of World Wide Leader.

After all completed the distances of their choice, coffee was had, including some taste testing offered up by Rice-A-Roni. A great way to start a Sunday.

TClap |

Sapper VQ!

  • QIC: Sapper
  • When: 06/03/16
  • Pax: Bogey, Drifter, Lucky Charm, Honey Pot, Slow Pitch, Mr. Clean, Fun-house, Catfish, Gandalf, Bill Nye, Tinker Toy, FNG Devil Dog, Nun-chuck, Dream House, Black-hawk, Apache, Samurai, Chicken-hawk, Fusion, Italian Job, Incoming, Mayhem, Voit, Water-boy, Dog pound, Stang, Iron sights, Scrappy,
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

Thirty Four pax showed up in the Petra gloom for a slow-burn with the Sapper! Although four pax went for a 4-6 mile mosey, the remaining pax commenced with the program.  We were fortunate to have one FNG a.k.a “F3Gracie” to join in the suffrage! After a quick disclaimer and demonstration of skills needed to accomplish the workout it began. The theme of the day was to honor the core values and physical abilities of SGT David Franks based on his actions in Ghazni, Afghanistan.
The Warm-up: We conducted the overhead arm-pull stretch, the windmill, Moroccan Night Clubs, SSH’s and some Merkins.

The Thang:  We started with a short mosey around the Petra AO that led us to the Wall of Pain for the workout to begin. Upon negotiation of the obstacle, we broke into three-man teams and performed a two-man battle carries for a distance of about 100m. We then conducted an additional round of Merkins while waiting for the six to arrive. We then continued to mosey down to additional (and higher) Walls of Pain. Upon negotiating those, we continued to mosey back to the AO where we conducted additional rounds of Merkins, Wide-arm Merkins, Staggered Merkins, Carolina Dry Docks Monkey Humpers and finally, the Wave of Merkins. We ended with a slow-burn of LBCs while we waited for the runners to return
Announcements: F3 Dad/Child Event that will take place at 10:00 at the park in Fort Mill
Prayer Request: Reborn-unspoken,  Apache M-Day-1

TClap |

PreBlast-RAGNAR Trail Relay Race – Fort Mill, SC

  • QIC: Reborn, Bolt, & Gauge
  • When: 10/07/16
  • Pax: All F3 PAX
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

F3 Nation . . . Knowing the PAX likes to be challenged, we have something special just for us . . . Ragnar Trail Carolinas is coming to Fort Mill, SC, at  Anne Springs Greenway on October 7-8, 2016! The deadline for Ragnar Trail Carolinas is Sept. 8th.

The Ragnar Trail Carolinas is an awesome F3 team CSAUP challenge and a great opportunity to hang out with fellow PAX, family, and friends. Through this event we will be afforded the opportunity to promote the mission of F3 to those in the “Ragnar Village” campsite area.

Our goal is 15 F3/FiA teams from all regions. So, The Fort Region is extending an invitation to the entire Nation to enter this event.  Allow us to be your hosts and offer support to you and your families as you attend this CSAUP event! Organize a team or sign up individually and we will find a team for you!

Quick Race Details. 8 men (or 4 men Ultra/twice the distance) to a Ragnar team. Each teammate runs, on a rotating basis, trails with distances of 3.3, 5.3, and 7.5 miles for a total of 16.1 miles per runner (team total 128.8 miles).  Between your running, hang out in the Ragnar Village which will be filled with various activities, food and socializing with PAX, family, and friends.

About Ragnar Trail Relay. The Ragnar Trail Relays are held around the country and bring teams together for a 1 night, 2 day challenge. Teams “camp out” in the Ragnar Village while a teammate runs one of the 3 trail loops. More info:

Team Organization, Costs and Registration. Register your team for Ragnar here. Use special F3 code CT16MF3 for $150 off team entry.  Cost after F3 discount and fees is approx. $145/runner.  Registration includes: Team parking at Greenway, camping space, finisher medal and shirt, meal and S’mores on friday evening. After registering, please add your team’s information to our F3 tracking spreadsheet hereIndividuals, or partial teams, please enter your information here so that we can assist in filling your team.

Free team entry fundraising opportunity with RunningWorks. RunningWorks, a non-profit organization in Charlotte, is offering a FREE team entry opportunity. Also, in conjunction with Ragnar, for every F3 team who uses the F3 discount code, $50 will be donated to RunningWorks by Ragnar.

In partnership with RunningWorks, whose mission is to use sport to empower individuals and families to break cycles of abuse, neglect, poverty and homelessness – one stride at a time, F3 teams have the opportunity for a free team entry.  If teams desire to serve RunningWorks, they will raise a total of $3600 per team to earn their free entry into the Ragnar Trails Carolina event.  If your team is interested or if you want more information, contact Reborn.

How RunningWorks and Ragnar are working together. View article here.

Ragnar Village Campsite Area. F3 Teams will be camping overnight in an F3/FiA designated campsite within Ragnar Village. Food and drinks will be available in the Ragnar Village, and you are welcome to bring your own food to the campsite.

Special Workouts for F3. This is a great opportunity to meet your fellow PAX and to spread the word about F3 in the Ragnar Village to other Ragnarians. We will be holding workouts every three hours during the event which should elicit interest from others in attendance. NEED: Campsite WO Qs – Contact JRRTolkien to be added the the Q list. ***You do not have to be in the race to Q a workout.

Additional Information.

  • Start times are on Friday 10/7 between 9:30 am – 4:00 pm (Slower teams start earlier).
  • It is highly recommended that all teams have a volunteer to be a runner for anything the team needs.
  • Each team should be prepared to bring their own food. Generators are not allowed.
  • There are bathroom facilities on the Adventure Road side of ASC, but showers are TBD. 
  • Friends and family will be able to come and go without being charged a fee into ASC.
  • Fort Mill Area PAX!  We are the host region for this event. We need your help in organizing F3 efforts and making our fellow PAX from other regions feel welcome!  Contact Bolt to help with organizational and social efforts. Contact Reborn for general Ragnar information. Contact Gauge during the race for any information. 
  • View the Ragnar website for Schedule of Events for both Friday and Saturday.

Helpful Links. If you are new or even a veteran to trail running, a great website to help you get started or perform better is

TClap |

Earmuffs and Empanadas

  • QIC: Bounty Hunter
  • When: 06/02/16
  • Pax: General, Fire Hazard, Ringer
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

Not feeling very creative this day so I decided to proudly borrow a HIIT workout from my friend Argonaut. With some guidance the night before I proceeded to download the app & music he kindly referred to me… and just like that everything was setup for the next morning. One thing to note, the two playlist he sent me was not kid friendly (#earmuffs).

While music was played (that you needed earmuffs for) and a tabata timer, we performed a series of exercises together for 30 seconds, followed by 15 second of recovery to prepare for the next station. After each cycle, run around the parking lot and return for the next round. 7 rounds were completed.

The warm-up segments were as followed:

  • SSH
  • IW
  • Merkins
  • Squats
  • CDD
  • Seal Jacks

Jog a lap around the parking lot (2 minutes)

The Thang:
This second round, I cannot remember what the heck we did… Just know it was a build up as we’re still warming up. That’s what I get for waiting a week.

Jog a lap around the parking lot (2 minutes)

Completed 3 sets of:

  • Air squats
  • Mountain climbers
  • Jump Squats
  • High Knees
  • Alternating Jump Lunge
  • Tuck Jumps

Jog a lap around the parking lot between each set (2 minutes)

Completed 2 sets of:

  • 8 Count Body builders
  • Flutters
  • Tuck Jumps
  • Freddy
  • Bear Crawls (forward 15 seconds / background 15 seconds)
  • LBCs

Jog a lap around the parking lot between each set (2 minutes)

One thing we know is that Indian Land guys are not the best about getting BB up. That being said, there is going to be more push to ensure these get added on a regular basis. Not too many prayer request / things going on other than Hog & Coyote on Father’s day weekend.

Always an honor to lead… Bounty Hunter over and out!

TClap |

Intentional Tranformational

  • QIC: Jekyll
  • When: 6/6/2016
  • Pax: Reborn, Black Hawk, Capt Kangaroo, Incoming, Sgt York, Samurai, Sweeper, Cartel, Gandolf, Apache, Jag, Kelvin, SwampFox, Water Boy, Mayhem, Scrute, Burgundy, Psoh, Pistol, Tinker Toy, Honey Pot, Italian Job, Jekyll
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

I said it.  I tweeted it. I even opened with it at 0514.  I’d been off for a few days and was feeling anxious and ready to be back in the gloom. I knew I would start hard.  ~7 min pace down Main Street, backward bear crawl up stairs, 5 X 3-merkin burpees at the bottom of the hotbox and partner derkins at the top.  Down the stairs… but by the time we got down to the park, I had lost half of the PAX.  A gentle nudge by @Mayhem (I think) that today’s PAX was “23, not 6” reminded me that leadership isn’t showing what a badass you think you are, its working with and for your brothers, friends, coworkers, or family toward a common goal.  To show the way and allow for each to grow.  Long story short:   What started as an unitentional “me” quickly turned to “we” after some #collisionlearning.  More on the “intentional” irony below

Thank you brother @Mayhem for the accountability.

New plan audibled in the park and following COP, we used the 4 corners of ledges included Derkin Wall Crawls, Dips, Step Ups, and Derkins.  Rinse/Repeat X3.  PAX led PLANKORAMA until #six came in.

Mosey down to short garage.  5 Merkins at every Column till the #six.  got to column seven, I think.  6 Minutes of Mary followed with Carolina Dry Docks in between each set.  Usual suspects were in attendance: LBC, heels to heaven, flutter, hello dolly, etc.

Mosey to Shovel Flag for COT


I started the workout with the word Intentional.  Something I have been stewing on lately in my personal life.  Be intentional today.  Be purposeful today. Welllllllll, a much timelier lesson came todayat my own expense and #cobains (all apologies) #lexicon were expressed to PAX.  Sometimes in life we find ourselves half way down a path and whether on our own or someone/thing intervening causes us to realize that it’s not going right.  And we as leaders MUST have the ability to admit fault, course correct and go down the next path.  Parenting, heated conversations with the M, choice of words, maybe even careers!  How about daily choices- honestly- how long do you go down the wrong direction on a highway before you suck up your pride and turn around?  (what?  too literal?)

Much love to all the brothers this morning.  And for the record- my back is sore and I hate backward bear crawls up the stairs…


TClap |