F3 Dads – Fort Mill – Popsicles and Pain

77 Dads and their 2.0’s took to the fields of Walter Elisha Park to spend some quality time with each other.  We split into two groups and Anchorman and Sir Topham Hat corralled the younger 2.0’s and YHC led the “Big Kids” to the soccer field.

The Thang:

Young ‘ens
Circle Up – SSH – Froggy Squats – Merkins w/2.0’s on back – Goofballs

Sprints – Dads vs 2.0’s. – Dads start furthest from finish line.  Kids start halfway to finish line.  If dads catch kids before they cross the 2.0 does 5 merkins.  If dads don’t catch, dads do 5 burpees. Rinse and Repeat.

Water Break

Jacobs Ladder – Partner with 2.0.  Run to the tree and do 5 merkins while dad planks.  When they get back, dads runs and does 5 diamond merkins while 2.0 planks.  When dads get back, kids run and do 4,3,2,1 – Dads number goes up – 6,7,8,9


Water Break

Zoo of Pain – Bear Crawls – Crab Walk – Bunny Hop – Inch Worm

Tunnel of Love

Water Break

Freeze Tag

Circle up for LBC and Boats and Canoes

Older Fusion Age Kids – Mosey to the soccer field.

Circle Up – SSH – IW – Mtn Climber – Squats

Ab Lab – LBC’s – Protractors – Superman – Flutter

11’s to the end of the soccer field – Merkins and Squats – We started to feel the heat and humidity halfway through – Called a water break and explained You vs You.  Continued on

Found some shade and Planked in a Circle – Tap the shoulder of the person to your right x 5

Jack Webb to 1:4 Merkins to Overhead Claps to 5

Plank O’Rama

Moseys to the trail – 5 merkins and 5 LBC’s and each marker sign.  Stopped at 3 signs

Circled up for Prayer, and Popsicles.  Thanks to Mrs. Anchorman for the Popsicles! #crowdpleaser


Last Saturday, YHC was driving through my hometown of Louisville, KY with my 2.1.  We happened to drive past a middle school where my father would to track work.  I don’t remember the specifics, but 35 years later I still remember the time I spent with him.  Watching him run, trying to catch him on the track, and wondering when I’ll get to come back with him.

That’s what each Saturday in June is about.  An opportunity to make memories and cherish the time together. It is unlikely that our kids will remember many of the specifics, but they will remember the time that we spent with them.  Let’s continue to build these memories.

TClap |

WEP – VQ – Quiet Cadence

Thanks all for came out and tolerated my VQ I didn’t expect such a large group of distinguished PAX. Thanks to Pusher for giving me the opportunity to do so.

The Thang:
Mosey – From WEP lot to Aerospace lot


Windmill(20), Side Straddle Hop(20), Imperial Walkers(20), Merkins(10), Low Slow Squat(20), Moroccan Night Club(20)

Mosey up the hill to parking lot

OYO – Merkins (20) – run to end – Sumo Squats (30) – run back (Rinse and Repeat 3 times)

OYO – LBC(25) – Bear Crowl to end – Bomb Jacks(10) – Lunge Walk back (Rinse and Repeat 3 times)

Mosey to school lot

Dips(forget how much) – Crab walk across the lot (short ways) – run back

American Hammers (forget the count)

Mosey again (me trying to think of stuff to do)

10 Man Ups

Here is where the Quiet Cadence was in effect.

4 Corners workout in the parking lot.

I forget the count on these: Burpees (I think) – run to next corner – Supermans – run to next corner – lunges – run to next corner – merkins

Mary: Boats in Canoes, Protracter, American Hammers, LBCs

Thanks all again hope you were sore in some area afterwards.

TClap |

ManU – ABC’s and 123’s

29 Pax showed up in the ManU gloom for a Van Wilder, VQ. It was established that there were no FNG’s, and a quick disclaimer to that effect was made. The theme of the day in honor of the last day of school was made. The Pax was informed that the alphabet of exercises would be used! No time to waste so, we were on our way!

The Warm-Up: A quick mosey around the ManU parking lot to the drop zone where the throw down began.

The Thang:

20 American Hammers, In cadence
Bear Crawls worthy of the length of 4 lined parking spaces
20 Carolina Dry Docks, In cadence
20 Diamond merkins, OYO
15 Elbows to knees, In Cadence
20 Flutter Kicks, In cadence
15 Gorilla Humpers, In Cadence
20 Hillbillies, In cadence
Indian Run, Double lined around ManU parking lot
12 Jump Squats, OYO
15 Knerkin – Knuckle merkins, OYO

Broke out into Three groups

20 LBC’s, In cadence

Moroccan Night Clubs/Sprint – Pax did MNC’s while lone pax sprinted

15 Narrow Stance Squats, In Cadence
OYO’s – Any Q exercise, Apache chose merkin’s for the Pax
Planks up/down/6inches, People’s chair
Q’s choice, Chose Burgundy who decide we’d do 5 burpee’s
15 Rosalita’s – In cadence
20 Side Straddle Hops, In cadence
Toe Taps – 1 minute, OYO
Up Downs
Vertigo Run – Dizzying effect!
20 Windmills, In cadence
20 X & Y’s, In cadence

Jailbreak Back to the AO for 3 minutes of Mary where Bogey led us in a good ab cool down. Great work by all!

It was truly a pleasure leading such a great group of HIM!


Read your Newsletter

Hog & Coyote, June 18 at 0600

1 Year Winnsboro Convergence June 4 at 0600. Clown car leaving from BestBuy parking lot at 0500.

Prayer Request

Family, Friends and Community as we mourn the loss of one of Rock Hill’s own, Larry Bigham.

Jared Larsen, aka, SolidState as he moves to Minnesota. Godspeed our friend!


Thank a teacher! 

TClap |


  • QIC: Royale/Real Tree
  • When: 06/01/16
  • Pax: Chappie, High Pockets, Nunchuck, Shoeless Joe, Drifter, Royale, Snooki, Dry dock, Witch Hunt, Real Tree, FNG WarBucks, Vila.
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

12 posted in the gloom for a beat down at the Maze (Clover Middle School).

Royale started things off with how we should be humble and not afraid to show humility. One by putting yourself last in order of GOD, Family, then yourself. How we should be the ones to step up and not be boastful but to step back show humility.

Then Royale started us on a warm up around the parking lot, doing some high knees and butt kicks. From there 25 side-straddle hops, Merkins, Moroccan Nightclub, and Ski Jacks. The he handed it over to YHC.

Mosey to the practice field, from there we started,

LT Dan’s to the 20 yard line sprint to the 50 yard line 50 merkins ran back to goal line 50 Side-straddle hops, Lt Dan’s back to the 20 sprint to the 50. Continued with 50 mountain climbers ran back to the goal line finished with 50 Dolly’s.

Mosey to the bowl field partnered up and completed Burpee Back Mountain. Which consist of One partner running backwards up a hill 5X while the other partner does burpees, switching off until you reach a combined number of 100.

Mosey back to the AO for name-o-rama and COT.

Announcements:Hog and Coyote CSAUP

Prayer and Praise: Continued prayers for Dabo and his family, Royale’s neighbor.

TClap |

5/31/2016 – GRIT – Trinity

  • QIC: Witch Hunt
  • When: 5/31/2016
  • Pax: Joe Dirt, Chappie, Drifter, Energizer, Apache, Black Lung, Dry Dock, Cutter, Real Tree, Redwood, Snoop Dogg, Hot Pocket
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

13 posted today for a beat down in the gloom of downtown York

I told everyone to bring their GRIT to the AO today, you’re gonna need it.

The Thang:

Mosey to library parking lot with some high knees and butt kickers to get warmed up.
In honor of Chappie leaving I decided to spell Chappie as part of the COT:
Circle of Berp
Hillbillies x15 IC
Air Squared x15 IC
Plank Jacks x20 IC
Prisonser Squats x20 IC (Low and Slow)
Imperial Walker x15 IC
Extensions x15 IC

Told the Pax that I wanted everyone to find their GRIT today. GRIT has two main parts; passion and perseverance. So many people think talent over GRIT, but talent does not guarantee achievement, GRIT does. Getting up and posting (many of the Pax had already posted once this week and more doubled down yesterday) so they already had passion, now we needed to test the their perseverance.

Mosey to Tile Works parking lot for some Lazy Dora 1,2,3;

Partner up for:
100 Merkins while partner planks (switch every 10),
200 LBCs while partner holds 6′ (switch every 20), and
300 Step ups while partner holds low squat (switch every 25)

Plank up when finished. (We were treated to a very slow 6′ 10 count from Snoop Dogg)

Recover with a 10 count and mosey to library parking lot.

Quick round of 7’s (Diamond merkins and Bomb Jacks) to finish things up.


Mosey back to Trinity for COT

I congratulated the Pax on proving they had all the ingredients for GRIT. However, I challenged them saying GRIT here is easy. Its selfish GRIT that makes US better. Real GRIT is the kind we practice at home with our wives and children. Find the passion for your wife and kids and persevere through the hard times at home. F3 gives us the opportunity to prove things to ourselves that we can then take home apply to our daily lives.

Winnsboro Convergence

Prays and Praises:
Continued prayers for Dabo and his family, as well as Olive and his family.

Thanks to all the Pax for posting. Always an honor to lead a F3 workout.


TClap |

Memorial Day in Old Town

  • QIC: Schrute
  • When: 05/30/16
  • Pax: Bogey, Incoming, Lugnut, Sweeper, Flash, Pusher, Posh, Spitz, Voigt, JAG, Apache, Pistol, Van Wilder, Samuari, Cartel (FNG), Burr, Sapper, Riddler, Scrappy, Gandalf, Mayflower, Bill Nye, Schrute (QIC)
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

YHC had the privilege of leading the PAX of Rock Hill and Fort Mill in a Memorial Day beatdown in Old Town. Its been amazing to see the growth of F3 in Rock Hill and Fort Mill in the past few months, and today just continued to show that growth.

We started off with a short prayer to remind us of those who had paid the ultimate sacrifice to defend our freedoms. From there, we took a quick mosey over to the Freedom Temple.

Once at the Freedom Temple:
Run up and down the steps, then
Bunny Hop up and down the steps.
Plank and wait on the 6.

Then off to the Hot Box we went. I should add that I almost got Q-jacked by the man of the week because I went back to get the 6. I came back around the corner and the Pax were already doing SSH without me. (Its okay Apache, if it was anyone else…)

SSH x 22 in cadence
Moroccan Night Club x 22 in cadence
Merkins x 22 in cadence
Low Slow Squats x 22 in cadence

The Thang:
The Zipper – Run (or do exercise) across a level of the parking deck, go up the stairs to the next level. This did get a bit confusing…but we worked it out. Level 1 stayed on Level 1, Level 2 stayed on Level 2, etc. Only went up and down on the stairs. At each door was a card with exercises on it.

Level 1 (going Up) 30 Carolina Dry Docks, then sprint to next door
Level 2 (going Up) 10 Prison Cell Merkins, then sprint to next door
Level 3 (going up) 20 Merkins, sprint to next door
Level 4 (going down) 25 Jump Squats, Bearcrawl to next door
Level 3 (going down) 25 Jump Lunges with each leg, Alligator Crawl to next door
Level 2 (going down) 40 Calf Raises, Burpee Broad Jump to middle of level 1

Realizing that I had this as a rinse and repeat, I called an Omaha and moved on to the next thing…which turned out to be a worse idea.

The Inverted Jack Webb — This was horrible. Bad idea. Never will do again. (are you reading this Tinker Toy?)

We all know the Jack Webb, YHC read a backblast about the Inverted Jack Webb. I figured…why not? Tinker Toy will surely love it. (he proceeded to have other plans today)

Normal Merkin–but instead of the overhead clap, you do a BTTW Merkin (or overhead press, technically). The goal was for us to get to 5 merkins, 20 BTTW Merkins. We got to 2 Merkins before Omahaing into a regular Jack Webb.

We then moseyed over to the Old Town Amphitheater. We grabbed some wall and did 20 Dips and 20 Derkins.

That was followed by box jumps up and down the Amphitheater, followed by running up the steps of the Amphitheater, lunge walking across, running back down. We then moved over to COT.


Every man that posted today, all 23 of you could have slept in and no one would have blamed you. You chose to post on a “vacation day” because you wanted to get better. That commitment to your fellow man and to yourself to get better is what makes our country work. You are all inspiring.

Prayers for those families who today means something more than just a day off. JAG specifically brought up those in York County who this is the first Memorial Day without loved ones who died defending our freedoms. For me, I chose to remember Charlie Mac Pannell, who I grew up with playing sports.

It was an honor to lead this morning!

TClap |

WEP Backblast 5/28/2016

  • QIC: Pusher and Hasselhof
  • When: 05/28/16
  • Pax: Quack Attack, Bubba Gump, Slinger, Flat Tire, Longshanks, Chaser, C-SPAN, Bounty Hunter, Crab Cakes, Dark Helmet, McGuiver, Ringer, Tesh, Rock Thrill, Rebel, Airborne, Pitbull, Assassin, Skippy, Rooney, Trucker, Matlock, Package, Pusher, Hasselhoff
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

25 PAX came out for a weekend beatdown by Pusher and YHC.

We all got a partner and each pair took turns running with the flag during the workout.

Pusher started off with the warmup in the middle.

Then to the hill. At the top of the hill there was one burpee then at the bottom of the hill there was two burpess. Kept going until we got to 11. There was a high volunteer rate to run with the flag during this…..

Then to the playground – three rounds of pullups and partner runs.

Moseyed to the Veteran’s Memorial to say the pledge and honor our veterans for their service.

YHC took over with a moment of silence.

Started with the Ring of Fire – everyone held the plank while each PAX did 10 merkins.

Ran up the hill to the Springs parking lot where we did Four Corners. There we broke into four groups. Each group started in a corner with an exercise – 22 of each to honor the 22 Veterans that commit suicide everyday.

Round 1:

  1. Carolina Dry Docks
  2. Plank Jacks
  3. Flutter Kicks
  4. American Hammers

Round 2:

  1. Merkins
  2. Mountain Climbers
  3. Hello Dolly
  4. Dying Cockroach

Moseyed back to the park with a quick off script (an engineer’s worse nightmare) pit stop for some wall sits.

At the park was the 22 seal team sit ups – although the seals would have been disappointed in our formation.

Group ran to catch the PAX with the flag and back to COT.


TClap |

Petra: Slow Burn Sally

  • QIC: Riddler
  • When: 5/27/16
  • Pax: Noodler, Yukon, Pixar, Italian Job, Pistol, Schrute, Bogey, Dawg Pound, Fusion, Reborn, Van Wilder, BrotienShake, Princess Vespa, Whitney, Black Hawk, Sapper, Bill Nye, Radar, Samurai, Waterboy, Bull, Voigt, Torque Wrench
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

24 HIM showed up today to get better with a slow moderate workout at Petra. I was pretty pumped to be back on Q, it’s always an honor to have the oppourtunity to lead. TCLAPS to for promoting it heavily.

Warm Up
Left over right stretches
Italian Night Clubs – 20
Low Squats Overhead Claps – 20
Italian Night Clubs – 20
Low Squats Overhead Claps – 20
Slow mosey to parking lot across the street
Italian Night Clubs – 20
Low Squats Overhead Claps – 20

The Thang
Mosey back across the street

We performed Alternating Bear Crawls/lunges to each line across the parking lot.
At each line we performed one exercise in cadence
American Hammers
Dying Cockroach
Boats and Canoes
Freddy Mercuries

Mosey over to the Bingo Hall wall
Wall Planks with alternating arm/leg lifts

Then we paired off
100 Leg Lifts with your partner driving your feet back down, burns real nice.
Rotate between each 25.

Grab some wall for squats
40 in cadence head shoulders, knees, and toes.

Mosey on Back to COT
We had time left, so I grabbed my phone for some Sally.
We performed merkins up and down for almost 4 minutes. SO MUCH BURN
Then we performed Superman, and pulled the cord.

We had three FNG’s today, Welcome Noodler, Yukon, and Pixar to the nation!

I spoke to seeking the father in all that you do, marriage community and daily life.
Reborn chimed in on a powerful word, make sure that you are investing in your family. Seeking the spirit as a single unit.

Murph Monday March 31st
Hog and Coyote – June 18th

Check your email for additional announcements and details


TClap |

Something new means change…new creation’s in Christ

  • QIC: Tinker Toy
  • When: 05/26/16
  • Pax: Redfish, Scrappy, Bull, Sapper, Jag, Pistol, Old Bay, Solid State, Mailman, Turbine, Brotein shake, Kelvin, Hot Sauce, Torque Wrench, Lucky Charm, Sweeper, Bogey, Apache, Water Boy, Tinker Toy (Q)
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

As we began, we talked about this new AO. It is a new location, new atmosphere, some new PAX. Just as this AO is an expansion/new creation of Rock Hill AO’s, Scripture tells us in 2 Corinthians 5:17,”if ANYONE is IN CHRIST, he is a NEW creation, the Old is gone and the New has come.” Just as a new AO is unlike another AO and is “set apart,” if we are followers of Christ, we are to be set apart…new creations. The “old me” no longer exists because I have been made new by our gracious Savior and His redemption THROUGH His death on the cross and resurrection from the grave. People should see us live our lives and say “there is something different about that guy, and I want what he has,” and “those men have been with Jesus!” (Acts 4:13)

Apollo Ono’s-20


Hickory Tavern parking lot
Bench Derkins-25
WALL OF FIRE PC-10 Military Merkins

Retention area at Papa John’s
Reverse bear crawl push-ups
Ladder up hill (10 burpees:1 jump squat…1 Burpee:10jump squats)

Harris Teeter shopping cart returns
25 dips chest
Cliff hangers-10/side at shopping cart returns
35 Dips triceps

Partner up push up/squat at cart return-10 IC
Dan Taylor’s-1 squat:4 lunges…5 Squats:20 lunges
Diamond Jack webs-1 Diamond merkin:4 claps…5 Diamond merkins:20 claps
BTTW-Long 10 count


Dabo and family on the loss of his dad

Solid State as he “expands” with F3 to Minnesota. Time to plant a snow shovel flag. We will miss you brother. Go in His strength and plant the seed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and use F3 as a way to make His name known to others and make men #HIM’s because they have come to know our Savior.

TClap |