- QIC: Cake Boss
- When: 05/25/16
- Pax: The Riddler, Dogg Pound, Scrappy, Red Fish, Shrute, Reborn, Jag, in Coming, Bill Nie, Hot Sauce, Drifter, Little Bear, Outlaw, Van Wilder (aka Freelander...lol), Cool table, Sapper, Black Hawk, Waterboy, Mailman, Tinker Toy, Kelvin, Sgt York, Italian Job
- Posted In: Uncategorized
24 PAX arrived at The Loard’s House AKA Padre’s House of Pain. YHC was thinking I’d get there early and plan my course of action and here our brothers of RH are already parked and ready to roll. I found it amazing how much PHOP has grown and overall RH growth. Well done men and keep the EHing going. So the mumble chatter commenced until the kick off time and away we went.
The Thang:
2 lap mosey around the building and then COP
Plank series, squats, windmills, parker peters, Imperial Walkers, Mountain climbers
Pick up Coupons and mosey to other Parking Lot
10 lines for each of the coupons
- Butkickers Down and back, Curls with block, Squats X 3
- High Knees Down and back, Curls with block, Squats X 3
- 50% jog Down and back, Over head press with block, Squats X 3
- 75% jog Down and back, Over head press with block, Squats X 3
YHC pulled up to chat with the PAX about the Storms we face and where to do run to when facing the storms. Storms like rough marriages, loss of child, loss job or house may seem like the world is coming down on top of us. When Jesus told the disciples to get into the boat and we will go to the other side, they did as he commanded. A storm came in that was really rough and they were scared to death. Jesus said to them, did I not say we would go to the other side?? I did not say I would get half way and we would die or I’d leave you hanging, but rather I will get you to the other side!! We are never promised a smooth flight or sailing in this life, but what we are promised is that our every need will be provided, including getting through the storms of our life. Run to Sky Q in your storm….don’t look anywhere else!
Mosey to front Grass for four corners
- Plank walk to the short sides
- Sprint the long sides
- Perform exercises on the cones
- 2 times around
- 10 Dry Docks
- 10 Inch Worm Merkins
- 15 Mtn Climbers
- 15 Ski Hops
Back to Parking Lot for 8 mins of Roll the Dice. My 2.0 wanted us to try this so we gave it a try
- Roll the dice and multiple by 10 for # of reps
- 1 = Burpees = 10
- 2 = Merkins = 20
- 3 = LBCs = 30
- 4 = Imperial Walkers = 40
- 5 = Monkey Humpers = 50
- 6 = SaideStraddle Hops = 60
- We made it a couple of rounds. Was a good cool down
Mosey to COT
Was great seeing all the new faces and some familiar ones. Always honored and humbles to Q especially in Rock Hill with our brothers. F3 is so cool because of the relationships we build. I know and belong to a group of guys across our whole region whom I would never know if it were not for F3. Its better that any networking or social club and the relationships are real…no ulterior motive but to get better together!
Hog and Coyote…..Sign Up and do it! Its fun!!
Lots of Prayers and Praises, but one I want to mention is Mailman and his family leading North Rock Hill Church until a pastor arrives. We laid hands on Mailman and I ask that the PAX continue to lift him up as he courageously leads that congregation. Peace Brother!
Thank you again Riddler. Thank you my brothers of the gloom and always Finish Strong!!!
Cake Boss