Petra: Football Town USA

  • QIC: The Riddler
  • When: 02/05/16
  • Pax: The Riddler, Radar, Italian Job, Water Boy, Schrute, Catfish, Bogey, Bill Nye, Popeye, Turbine
  • Posted In: Uncategorized
    Needless to say that the Rock Hill F3 boys live in a two high school championship football team area. We also have our Carolina Panthers going to Super Bowl 50!

    With that being said I figured for this slow burn we would toss the old Football!

    The Thang

    Circle Up
    SSH x20
    Cherry Pickers x20
    Low Squats – pass the ball around the circle holding squats for 4 rounds.
    *Anytime the ball was dropped we did 10 merkins OYO.

    Work out
    Line up for a run.
    Leader passes the ball back as we mosey,
    Until it reaches the back. That person runs to the front.
    Full parking lot run.
    *Any Drops equals a stop and 10 Merkins for all Pax.

    Return to Start
    Line up
    Long throws,
    First person is QB
    All Pax run out,
    QB throws to the person to the right
    *Any drops equals 10 Merkins for all Pax.
    Rinse and repeat, Full sprints the the person to the right throws.

    Line up Pax for a Hill run.
    One Pax runs up hill,
    Pax to the right throws to sprinting Pax
    *Any drops equals 10 Merkins for all Pax.

    At the top of the Hill receiver completed 10 Merkins.
    All other Pax complete QB’s workout choice until receiver Returns.

    Quick Toss Across Parking Lot.
    Start in center run to one side, then to the other returning back to the middle.
    Along the way passing from right to left, then left to right.
    *Drops equal 10 Merkins for all Pax.

    Quick Routes
    Lots of Speed throws
    Forcing Pax to cut quickly working out legs in the process.
    *Drops equals 10 Merkins for every Pax.

    Two Minute Warning
    Line up Karaoke pass to the person behind you.
    Reverse and repeat back to middle.

    Long Run pass
    First person runs out with Ball pass back to Pax to the left.
    Each pass sprints to one side with the ball and passes back.
    *Drops equal 10 Merkins for all Pax

    Apparently we have some good receviers. However there were several drops from YHC and other Pax. Merkins were well over 100! But we are better for it!

    Mosey Back to COT
    “He said to his disciples, “The harvest is great, but the workers are few. So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask him to send more workers into his fields.””
    ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭9:37-38‬ ‭NLT‬‬

    Yeti Feburary 20Th sign up!
    Come to the Second F that day!
    Today Jason’s Deli Downtown Charlotte, Epic Center 11:30 – 12:30 2nd F lunch.
    Krispy Creme Doughnut Run Feb 27th
    Doughnut F3 Dads Same day 10am Patriot!

    York AO The Dragon Launches this Saturday at York High School. Clown cars leaving Best Buy on Dave Lyle 6:15. Be There!

    Welcome back Radar!!

    I am out, see you in the Gloom!

    The Riddler

    TClap |

Jump’in for Justice League: Pre-blast

  • QIC: Chicken Hawk
  • When: 02.28.2016
  • Pax: All PAX, Ms and 2.0s
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

The Thang: It will be exactly 1 year on 2/28/2016 since the launch of Justice League @ CAH.  One year ago, the Pax embraced the idea of supporting the children at the home on a continual basis in fitness, fellowship and sharing our faith with them.  Over the last year, over 30 guys have engaged with the children during one of these bi-weekly events and many have supported these efforts repeatedly.

This celebration is for any of the Pax that have repeatedly supported Justice League or the Pax that have never had the opportunity to support the F3/CAH partnership.  Please bring Ms and 2.0 as this is a family event just like any Justice League event.

Where: Sky High Sports, CLT – 601 N Polk St, Pineville, NC 28134

When: Sunday, February 28th 4:00 – 6:00 (Arrive at 3:45 for check in)

Activities Included: Tampoline, Ropes Course (bring sneakers), Laser Tag, Foam Pit

How Much?  – $10 – $15 (price is being negotiated based on the number of participants that sign up); Regular price is $19.50 for 90 minutes.  Pizza will be included as well.

Please commit and sign up now so that we know how many participants we will have from F3 and our extended families.

TClap |

Pre-Blast: Black Diamond SOB Land Launch 2/10/2016

The first SOB land “Black Diamond” workout is scheduled for Wednesday 2/10/2016.  We will launch at the Vine Restaurant (home of Bagpipe, Swift, and The Brave) at 515 sharp. The workout will be 60 minutes in duration. It WILL be difficult.  It may not be the hardest workout you ever did, but you will feel smoked when its over.

The “Black Diamond” is a designation used (typically on ski slopes or mountain bike trails) to indicate that a “advanced” or “expert” level of experience is required to successfully navigate.  I certainly encourage PAX of ALL fitness levels to attend, but consider this a fair warning.  This is probably not the workout you want to bring that EH you’ve been working on for the last 6 months…unless you hate them…then by all means.

This workout is intend to appeal to F3 veterans who enjoy a little extra misery in their lives, but again-ALL ARE WELCOME

The following is a few basic operating principles of the BD workout:

-The Black Diamond workout WILL be difficult (if you’re still not clear on this, please re-read the section above)

-The Black Diamond will “travel”- Following completion of the Black Diamond workout, a PAX (typically a participant of workout) will be nominated/selected/volunteer/whatever to lead the next Black Diamond. The selected PAX will have approximately nine days to plan, schedule, promote, and execute, the next workout.  The new workout can be at a known AO, or a completely new location. The “on-deck” BD Q will select the time and location of the next BD workout. 

-Be creative.  Any jackass can say “500 burpees” to make a workout hard, but the PAX will not enjoy that workout, and their form will fall apart.  My advice is to keep the reps per set low, but increase the total number of sets, as well as decrease the amount of rest.  You will also want to be aware of the the order of the exercises in your workout.  Do not repeatedly hit the same muscle group/energy system back to back to back.  You will get much more work done overall if you move through the muscle groups/energy systems; thereby, allowing time for the inactive muscle groups/energy systems to recover. But I digress…

Tips/suggestions on planning a BD:

-Try to pick a centralized location, this will make it easier for PAX to get to and increase the numbers at your workout.

-Do not pick a ridiculously early time. People will laugh at how silly you are and not show up.  Try to keep it between 0500 – 530

-Please do not launch at an AO that has a normally scheduled workout that day.  This may “pull” PAX from that regularly scheduled workout which could case unnecessary butt-hurt for the regularly scheduled Q.

-Feel free to pick a “new location”, but please do your necessary recon to ensure a safe workout for everyone.

-Start promoting early.  Pick a location and time and tweet it to F3 Black Diamond Twitter as soon as you can.

Thats all I got for now-See you in the Gloom


TClap |

CSPAN visits #BombSquad

  • When: 01/27/16
  • Pax: Varsity, Pool Boy, Thumper, Mr. Belding, Penelope, Snokie, Geno, Lombardi, Jingles, Early Bird, Handy Manny, & Bling
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

So I was headed to the beach to have a case heard, and a few of my friends offered me a Q slot @BombSquad so after an afternoon RECON session…this was just way too good of an offer to ever pass up…so…

0530 is such a nice time to post

Disclaimer with no lawyers present

And 13 of us were off and running…tried to take it out “hot” and I forgot that you can’t out run Manny…we looped around the building…chatter was high and spirits were strong…Snok, Varsity, and Manny are #FIT

Lined up in parking lot and did a really long arkloader series…mostly because my back was tight…

#MumbleChatter stayed at a low roar…

Tossed in a few of my favorites…burpee broad jumps and a couple others…

Chatter start to quiet down just slightly…

Few more bear crawls…crab walks, duck walk, soccer stretchs…CDD suicides…Squat suicides…you get the idea…

We did a nice sprinter suicide sequence… blueline, redline, blueline and back pick up the 6 (hockey guys get the routine)

Chatter stopped…gasping for air was the only sound…

As in life…we did more suicides than we should of…we did recovery suicides and made the fast guys hold a push up before we started…seemed fun




Prayer or Praise

Prayer and dismissal

Naked Man Moleskin

Workout seemed like I made it too easy…#COBAINS on a very late backblast

My Sermon was full of #truthnuggets and was well received

Full disclosure on my 2015 and #HIM and the 2016 #UvsU locker room speech

Find an “accountability” #HIM/comrade…and you may have to give your very best to make that man better…and that includes all three Fs

I lost my case that I traveled for…brought the employee back with full backpay…#OUCH!

@F3GrandStrand is awesome…a couple of years ago I am sitting in Cracker Barrel pinging @Fountainhead & @Chaser about how crazy it is that @F3Nation is not a stronger presence in Myrtle…and “snap” here we are today…and all of @F3Nation are watching your success… and that stems from local leadership from each #HIM getting the core values and principles that F3 brings….just awesome to watch from 4 hours away…proud of you

It is always an honor to Q, and thank you so very much for always making me feel welcome @F3GrandStrand

Be a better man today than you were yesterday,




TClap |

Who the Heck is Dwayne?

  • QIC: Package
  • When: 2/2/2016
  • Pax: Seacrest, Mr Clean, CSPAN, copy, crab cakes, ginsu, Tesh, T-Square, Senator, Trojan, Topham many others but I have ADD -14 total - sorry if I missed you, it's not you its me.
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

Crabcakes was visibly concerned when I saw that I had no gloves on, but with a little reassurance he settled down. I then gave a very lackluster briefing on the “disclaimer” etc. The fog was so bad I couldn’t even see the prematurely balding men clearly so I didn’t waste any time


  • Mosey approx 25′ and form a snug COP-A little stretching to reduce CSPAN’s snap crackle and pops
  • SSH, LSS, some other stuff but I forgot
  • split the group , a) run back and forth  while b) does dips, merkins, incline merkins, step aerobics. Smack it up flip it, R&R
  • post up to the wall and do wall push backs or whatever catchy name someone gives them.
  • Peeps Chair
  • More dips
  • Etc.
  • Mary
  • Finish with sweating to the oldies stretch and honeymooners
  • cool down victory laps
  • COP

Thank God for each one of the 50+ degrees we had this morning.  Perfect ego building temps. Those that know me also know I don’t over prepare my workouts. It’s even be said that I completely wing it. I will neither confirm nor deny. I did actually put some thought since my Hammie is still busted and wanted to run very little, and every day is upper body day.

Prayers for those on the IR, custody battles, et al. Remember this, every person you see is fighting a battle you know nothing about. So just be nice. Even To Dwayne.

It’s always an honor and privilege to lead. Thanks for the opportunity.

TClap |

Strength and Endurance training at The Patriot

  • QIC: Bogey/ Boeheim
  • When: 01/30/16
  • Pax: Limp Bizkit, Posh, Peach, Walker, Smoke Wagon, Winchester, Green Mountain, Rosetta, Al Borland, Van Wilder and 1 FNG Gator Bait
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

We started off with a nice warm-up run around the school.

COP with Bogey – Merkin Merkins Merkins for a wake up call

We worked on arms, core and legs in the COP for a solid 30 min. We incorporated Merkins, Moroccan night clubs, Imperial walkers, High Knees, Squats, Derkins, Irkins, Box jumps, LBCs, Protractor, Bicycle with LBCs, Side Crunches, and a few others.

Gave a little info on what F3 is and stands for to the New guys before handing off to Boeheim.

Boeheim took us straight to the double hill for some Jacobs ladder with BURPIES!!

We moved over to the parking lot and did some 11s with Merkins and Squats! We then did 4 corners with a 25 count of CDD, Squats, Mactarji, and kneetarji with lunges and bear crawls in between.

Full speed run back to COT.

The FNG was warned that anything he said can and will be used against him in the court of F3 during the name-o-rama. He was very carful in his description of himself and  received the name Gator Bait!!

Great job Men! See you next week in the gloom.

TClap |

Actual Slow Burn PETRA….and 5 miles of running

  • QIC: Bogey
  • When: 01/29/16
  • Pax: Tinker Toy, Apache, Shrute, Catfish, Van Wilder, Waterboy, Bill Nye and Smokewagon
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

We had a nice slow burn… actual slow burn this morning at PETRA. A few of the PAX wanted to get some miles in so they broke off and toured cherry road for about 5 miles. The rest of us did lots of stretching to finish off the hard work we all put in throughout the week and to get ready for Saturday!

We all came back together for the COT and had about 5min of second F before moving into the third F with Tinker Toy leading the way for Bibles and Biscuits. Come join us next Friday!

TClap |

A Date with Cindy (Block) and Sandy (Bag)

  • QIC: Schrute
  • When: 01/27/16
  • Pax: Riddler, Italian Job, Apache, Mayhem, Boots, Creed, River Rat, Bill Nye, Sgt York, Mailman, Tinker Toy, Gauge, Schrute
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

Thirteen of Rock Hill’s finest and fastest gathered at PHOP for an old school Padre-like gear beat down. Nine joined us for the gear/boot camp, 4 took off running to train for the Palmetto 200. I remember being told the story of PHOP starting–and from the start, there was a gear part to the workouts. Since Padre moved, we’ve missed out on some of that, so I attempted to bring it back with a few purchases from the Blue and Orange Hardware stores…in honor of the man who gave the world Farmland Fitness, of course.


Mosey to other side of church.

SSH x 20

Windmill x 20

Merkins x 10

Right Arm High, Left Arm High, 6 inches. Apache count to 10 (more like 100–I instantly regretted asking Apache to call the 10 count)

Mountain Climber x 20

High Knees Up Hill, jog back down

Butt Kickers Up hill, jog back down

Karaoke up hill, jog back down

Karaoke opposite direction, jog back down

After the warmup-we went over the gear stations: (each was approximately 2-2.5 minutes, as many reps as possible)

Station 1: 50 lb sandbag lunges up hill and down

Station 2: Cinder block curls

Station 3: Cinder block Power Clean

Station 4: Cinder block Squats

Station 5: Tire Flip

Station 6: Cinder block overhead press

Rinse and Repeat (2x)

As we were finishing our 5th rotation of the last set of exercises, the P200 group came in flying! (and I do mean flying!)

Nice work by all the men, Creed and Boots were doing extra credit on many of the exercises. Mayhem looked like he hadn’t skipped a beat even though he’s been on the shelf a bit. Apache was his usual strong self. Italian Job and Riddler were flipping tires like they were nothing. Bill Nye and River Rat threw around Sand Bags like they were paper.


Krispy Kreme Run 4 Reading is on Feb 27th. Would love to see a good F3 turnout for this crazy event. More details coming soon.

Yeti is on Feb 20th. Keep training for all the options there.

Nun Run and Come See Me races are coming up soon too.

Prayer Requests:

Local School districts and those with Cancer

We also talked a lot about accountability–and finding someone to be transparent with. Used the example of the guy who #fartsacks a workout–that it is very easy to be transparent with missing a workout. But its much harder to be transparent about other parts of our lives, we’d rather hide them in a closet and forget about them.

Always a pleasure to lead these men that I am honored to call my friends!

Schrute out!

TClap |

Not just a workout group

  • QIC: Sir Topham Hatt
  • When: 01/26/2016
  • Pax: Wheezer, T-Square, Gears, Legoland, Howitzer, Boeheim, Senator Tressel (Respect), Family Guy, Gecko, Deacon, Decibel, Short Sale (Respect), Fishsticks, Mr. Clean, Sir Topham Hatt
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

On a beautiful morning, 15 men with a big appetite rolled into the Golden Corral ready to get to work.  Another butcher of the disclaimer and we were off….

The Thang:

Mosey with some butt kickers and high knees to the back of HT.

COP: SSH, IW, Squats, Windmills, Mountain climbers to merkins

Mosey to bottom of the hill for three trips around the Quick Lube.

Trip 1) 5 Burpees, run to top of hill, 10 bombjacks, lunge walk front of Quick Lube, Bear crawl back of QL, 10 CDDs, run back down hill.  LBCs until 6 is in.

Trip 2) Same as trip 1 except run it backwards. run hill backwards, reverse lunge walk and reverse bear crawl.  LBCs until 6 is in

Trip 3) Rinse and repeat trip 1

Short mosey over to half wall behind quick lube for Elevens.  Decline Merkins ascending to 10, dips descending to 1.  Decline Merkin and dips total 55 each  (Grunting high, Mumblechatter low)

Another short mosey to wall by HT for people’s chair.  Round 1, pax on each end run out for 5 bombjacks.  Round 2, stayed on wall for some overhead presses.

Mosey back to cars for 5 Minutes of Mary.

COT: Announcements – Fuel Challenge, Wetstone, Cardiac Rehab 5K – Boeheim, Yeti

Prayers to all who are suffering from illness


YHC had not been bootcamping much lately and I was a little nervous on how it was going to go.  I really enjoyed being back with the pax and looking forward to getting back at it and not just running all the time.  The last couple months have been a complete whirlwind with the loss of my mother.  I always knew F3 was more than just a workout group. However, I experienced the true power of F3 the last couple of months, and I am truly blown away.  From the multitude of text, DMs, emails and visits with the pax, words can not describe how much this thing in the gloom has meant to me.  You have all impacted my life and I can not thank each of you enough for the brotherhood.  I am blessed and my heart goes out to the many men who do not have anything like this in their lives.  Thank you F3, for everything, and I look forward to many more mornings of not being able to raise my arms above my shoulders.


TClap |

The Big Show —- TWICE!

  • QIC: Fusion
  • When: 01/26/16
  • Pax: Apache, THE Apollo Creed, Boots, Fusion, Schrute, Smoke Wagon, Bogey, Catfish, The Riddler, Van Wilder, Burgundy, Popeye, Gauge, and Italian Job
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

QIC – Fusion

The PAX:

14 men showed up for a slightly warmer beat down this week, which was apparent by the mumble chatter in full force!

The Thang

Mosey to water fountain. It wasn’t cold enough, so I was hoping a little mist would get everyone going.


Side Straddle Hop x20

Imperial Walkers x20

Wind Mills x20

Low Slow Squat x20

Side Straddle Hop x 20

Work out

Mosey to The Big Show

Start off with two merkins. Run across the amphitheater and back, increase by 2 merkins each time. 110 in total

Rinse and repeat – Squats – 110

Mosey to the loading docks (Mumble chatter reaches pinnacle!)

Wall Squats 2 sets – 45 seconds each

Balls to the Wall – 30 seconds

Indian Run tour of the campus back to COT.

5 minutes of Mary to get the morning started right.

Great job from all the Pax and great seeing new faces. Schrute’s EH game is on point!

It was a pleasure leading you men this morning. Get our body and mind right so that we can go into the day and do His work.


Recon mission for new AO – 1/30/16 – York High School

Yeti Coming Up in February, Check Newsletter!

See you in the Gloom!

Fusion Out

TClap |