Keilbasa Beat down

10 Swings


Swings, Squats


Swing, Squats, Curl (L/R)


Swings, Squats, Curls, BBS


Swings, Squats, Curls, BBS, Shoulder Press


Squats, Curls, BBS, Shoulder Press


Curls, BBS, Shoulder Press


BBS, Shoulder Press


Shoulder Press

10 min of Mary

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Never Forget. 9/11/01. The Hive.

Never Forget. 9/11/01. The Hive.

Light stretch- mosey to shovel flag. Stats on losses that tragic day, and remember we are still losing people everyday from issues caused on that day. Pledge of Allegiance.
Dynamic warm-up.
Circle up with bells.
20 single handed KB swings each hand – 10 Merkins, repeat down to 8, 6, 4, 2 on the merkins.
Take a lap
Complete the following exercises
KB Squat, Snatch Press, Alternating Lunge, Merkin with hand on bell, single arm curls r and l. first set 20, second 15, third 10, forth 5.
Mosey for a lap.
Circle up for abs.
Prayers for kids and teachers.

Prayers to Cash and lifting up his family as he lost his battle with cancer. JAY GRIGGS 52 CASH.

Never Forget.

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Shakin it up at Footloose

I had to follow Rebel’s lead from Block Party this week to keep it interesting.  The 11 PAX definitely accelerated today.  A quick disclaimer and a little mosey down to the COG lot.  There was lots of mumble chatter during the warm-up by Twister & Destiny.  I guess they had a lot to catch up on.

We did some stretching to kick things off.  Then a few exercises to get the blood flowing: SSH, imperial walkers, windmills, Mtn. Climbers and a few burpees to try to quiet things down.  That didn’t work.

The bulk of the workout entailed 3 minute intervals with 4 exercises and a run up the stairs in between intervals.  First interval was merkins-10, mtn. climbers – 16, shoulder taps -20.  Then finish with a burpee stack (ask Rebel).  Continue round for 3 min.  Second round was abs: big boy situps – 10, american hammers – 16, flutters – 20. Third round was legs: squats – 10, monkey humpers – 15, and calve raises – 20.  We were able to get 6 rounds in total.  Nice work by all pushing forward.

Thanks for the opportunity Boss Hogg.


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It’s a Keeper Again

We did some warmup

Main Event

5 Rounds. Each Round has it’s mode of transportation.  There are 5 exercises that were repeated each round. Do the 1st exercise, then do the transportation, do 2nd exercise, etc.  When done with all 5 exercises.  Repeat with the 2nd transportation.  Added some * options to modify harder if needed.


Sprint – 2 aisles

Side shuffle – 2 aisles  *add bell

Lunges – 1 aisle *pass thru with bell

Bear Crawls – 1 aisle *Crawl Bear back

NUR – 2 aisles


Curls – 10 ea arm or 20 both

Squats – 10  *20

Overhead Press – 10 ea arm

Tricep Ext – 10  *20

Swings – 10  *20

Got thru it all with some time for hip flexor work and abs.

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Football not Footloose

Its September!! Are you ready for some football? Well, Boss Hog apparently isn’t since he tweeted out YHC was bringing a truck load of pain via from some crappy college program, that team from the south (fans of that team from up north will get that joke). Of course Boss Hog was just trying to poke the bear. Of course it worked seeing that I am not a fan of either of those programs (WE ARE PENN STATE), the weinke was developed to be not-a-moderate and emulate a typical football conditioning workout – kuddos go to watching my son and the PKMS football team practice this week.

The tweet definitely brought out some #HIM and a PAX posting for his second time (Ranger)!

Mossy to church parking lot for COP: windmills, low slow squat, Moroccan nightclubs, IW…while we were in COP we noticed the Minnow Pond PAX heading down the hill so we decided to give them a warm welcome by lining up and performing Monkey Humpers as they passed by.

Mossy to other church parking lot for and individual OYO pain station:

100 Merkins

50 Squats

100 LBCs

50 Side Lunges

100 CDD

50 Big Boys

100 American Hammers

50 Mountain Climbers

As PAX were completing this, they took a lap around the church.

Once done, mossy back to other church parking lot for 2 rounds of:

Suicides (whats a football conditioning workout W/O them) – those who had injuries planked as PAX did suicides. Up/Downs – running in place then doing burpees as called out.

Toy soldiers to Withers Street.

3 rounds of:

Run to top of hill, 10 merkins, run back, 10 LBCs. Those with injuries did 10 burpees, 15 merkins, 20 LBCs.

Mossy back to COT

Thanks for PAX pushing through a muggy warm morning. Good mumble chatter as always.

Prayers to Teachers, Students, Parents, Cash, other PAX family/friends who are sick.


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Core Blast at Ballroom

Due to personal knee injury, I planned an all core workout.

2 rounds of 10 exercises. 1 min per exercise, 10 sec rest.

Lost my weinke sheet, so doing best to remember

LBC, Reverse Crunch, BB SItups, WWI Situps, Heels to Heaven, Mak Tar, Flutters, Superman,

Ended with Airborne’s Hip Flexor routine

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What Hill?

As always, love having the opportunity to lead.

Today, kettlebells at The Snake Pit…

15 HIM looking to work hard came out for the latest edition of what I would like to characterize as a solid beatdown, most others would call stupidity.

Off we went.  Hold up – I broke the cardinal rule of disclaiming the disclaimer…and what was worse, we had an FNG.  Fear not, we have a astute bunch that quickly pounced on the oversight.  So I disclaimed the disclaimer and we were off – for reals this time.

For those who have not participated in a SoD beatdown, running with the bells in commonplace. We mosey’d to the top of the hill, next to the football stadium, to collect the 6 and begin our warm-ups.

A cocktail of warm-up exercises including SSHs, windmills, imperial walkers, planks, and mountain climbers were served up over several stations as we made our way down the hill to the main event.

At the bottom of the hill, we found ourselves at the base of different hill perfectly suited to run up and down (with the bell).  This was the main event…

Rotating through the exercises, the PAX were instructed to perform and 1 exercise at the bottom of the hill, run to the top, perform a different exercise, run back to the bottom, and then rinse and repeat with the next exercise.


(1)Plank Rows w/ merkin, (2) Curl into O/H Press, (3) O/H Press into Tricep Extension – all with the bell


(1) Box Jumps, (2) Step Ups, (3) Calf Raises – all with the bell

Once the PAX completed 3 sets 9 times up and down the hill, some additional upper body and leg work was completed (going up and down the hill), followed by a few “jail break” sprints back up the hill.

With several minutes left before COT, the PAX mosey’d their way back up the original hill to the reward of body destroyers until COT.

Count-o-Rama, Name-o-Rama, FNG Name:(Gilligan), Announcements, Prayers/Praises, Closing Prayer

As always, great to lead this group of HIM – everyone challenged themselves and put in some nice work this morning.

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One time at Bandcamp….RPG Style

Band Camp came to RPG with one objective, prepare the Pax for the Sweati on Saturday morning.  Objective achieved!  

BROGA prepared the Pax for the SWEATI -CSAUP and offered a subtle reminder of the importance to add in some flexibility training during the week!

Bandcamp directed the Pax thru 30 mins of BROGA, then turned over the RUN/RUCK option to Bass-o-Matic (RUN Q) & CakeBoss (RUCK Q).

15 mins remained,  for a 1-mile tempo RUN with Bass-O-Matic or the all-important 3rd F Ruck with Cake Boss!

What are you doing to Get Right, Live Right, and Lead RIght?  POST somewhere to get better!

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