Little push, little pull

WARMUP: Light rain was in the forecast and it was cold…so going to chalk those factors to the low numbers but Barkley and Farmers were not deterred. We did a quick lap by the elementary school along with the following warmup: SSH, windmills, low slow squats, cherry pickers, merkins, sprinter stretches, lower back stretch, and finally some hamstring and more lower back stretches.
THE THANG: Before we jumped in, these boys needed some old school Jack Webb because who doesn’t love JW! I know Jiffy does, miss that guy! 1 pushups, 4 overhead claps, 2 pushups 8 claps…up to 10 and 40. These guys loved it. We did this over by the small parking lot at the top of the school hill.

At the top of this hill, then down at the valley/bottom, then at the KW parking lot entrance we did:
– 10 diamonds at the top
– 10 jumping squats at the bottom
– 10 4-count flutters at KW
– Rinse and repeat starting with 10 diamonds at KW and so on.
We did this for 3 full sets and managed to eat up a good amount of time.
MARY: Airborne special
COT: prayers for our family, jobs, each other…and lots of things we can’t control.

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1% better at Slow Burn

YHC was honored to be given the Q stick at Slow Burn and challenged the Pax to get 1% better this AM. You see, status quo is comfortable and safe because it is known. Showing up to an AO offers disruption because you do not know what you will encounter from the Q. As a Fort Redwood I dont have tons of new ideas but I do challenge those in attendance to get better as I am confident that this momentum will carry you through the day as it has for me over the years.

Mosey to Persis parking lot and circle up
Windmills x 10
SSH x 20
Mtn x 20
MNC x 10
IW x 10
Lets go!
Mosey to Lowes with (3) stations. At each station, we completed max number of reps for each exercise within a minute. Pax were instructed to use sidewalk chalk to note their number

Station 1

Station 2
Diamond merkins

Station 3
Big Boy

Rinse and repeat but with a caveat to do 1 more rep of each exercise with a partner

Twister on Gas Pumpers
Boogie Nights on LBCs
Barry Manilow on Dying Cockroaches
Assassin on Peter Pointers

Read your newsletter

Prayers for safe travels, new jobs and for grace

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0 burpees

SSH, windmill, low slow squats, butt kickers, high knees, soccer hips
Perform an exercise at a column, then move down two columns and perform the next. Repeat this twice. Run back to the beginning.

Round 1, 3, 5
Side lunge – 10
Jump squat – 10
Mode of transportation was bear crawl

Round 2,4,6
Merkins – 10
CDD – 10
Mode of transportation- lunge walk

Round 7, 9
Leg raises – 10
LBCs – 20
Crawl beat

Round 8, 10
Dips – 15
Can’t remember
Lunge walk

Finished with airborne hip exercises


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Simple, but not easy

14 at the Sink this morning survived a surprisingly difficult beatdown. Conditions were not terrible for February (40s with a breeze). Here’s what we did.

Warm Up
– 10 Low Slow Squats (IC)
– 10 Merkins (IC)
– 10 Mountain Climbers (IC)
Mosey to Gold Hill Rd.
– 5 Manmakers
– 10 Overhead Press
– 15 Curls
– 15 Squats
Mosey to Hubert Graham
– 5 Manmakers
– 10 Overhead Press
– 15 Curls
– 15 Squats
Mosey to Waterloo
– 5 Manmakers
– 10 Overhead Press
– 15 Curls
– 15 Squats
Mosey to Revere Cove
– 5 Manmakers
– 10 Overhead Press
– 10 Curls
– 15 Squats
Mosey to the Traffic Circle
– 5 Manmakers
– 10 Overhead Press
– 10 Curls
– 15 Squats
Mosey to Waterloo
– 5 Manmakers
– 10 Overhead Press
– 10 Curls
– 15 Squats
Shuffle back to COT
2.1 miles, 30 Manmakers, 10 Overhead Press, 75 Curls, 90 Squats

This workout was simple, but not easy. I’m not sure what made it difficult – it was only four exercises done six times over a couple miles, but I think I’m going to feel it later. The beauty of its design was you had the opportunity to converse with the guy next to you between sets and see what is going on in his world. I heard laughs, grunts, celebrations, and struggles. Men shared their hearts but still put in the work. That’s what this is all about – asking the guy next to you how he’s doing. Listening to what he says and note what he doesn’t say. Men suck at asking for help. The signs are there if we know where to look. My encouragement for you is to reach up when you need help. But also, reach down when you have help to give. F3 has the opportunity to literally save lives if we will pour into Fellowship and Faith as much as we do Fitness. Strengthen yourself mentally and spiritually as much as you do physically. Do that and we will change the world: one household at a time.


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Men in Tights

Texted Barkley last week and told him to put me in for Q sometime at Coliseum. He responded and said I need someone for next week. I gladly accepted before looking at that weeks weather forecast. Rookie mistake but we ain’t no sissies.
On drive in truck thermometer said 15 degrees. Perfect workout weather. Even had to go purchase a pair of leggings from Spank.
15 Hill Billy Walkers
15 Imperial Walkers
15 Windmills
20 Moroccan Nightclubs
Moseyed to bottom of hill coming into school and exercises where layed out. 5 hand release merkins at bottom then run to top of hill towards school and do 5 Scorpion Dry Docks. Run back to bottom and a different exercise going the other direction which was 5 Monkey Humpers. Mosey to entrance of Tega Cay Coffee up hill and do 5 Big Boy Sit Ups. Repeat this sequence and every time you pass in the bottom the reps go up 5. We made it to 20 before I called it for some mobility and stretching.
Moseyed back towards COT and had pax get on 6 and we did some hip mobility work and some stretching for the last 10 minutes.
Thanks for the Q Barkley. Hope I Did Well.
Love, Stang

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?️Webs and high reps ?

WARMUP: Moroccan night clubs
Low slow squat
Mountain climbers


High pulls. Curls 1-4…10-40, yes 55 HP and 220 curls

Take a lap

Around the world, 4 reps each side, everyone takes a step to the left and uses neighbor’s kettlebell, repeat until you get back to your bell.
Total: 52 reps each side

American hammers double count, Chest press 1-4…10-40, yes 55 AH and 220 presses

Take a lap

Around the world, 4 reps each side, everyone takes a step to the left and uses neighbor’s kettlebell, repeat until you get back to your bell.
Total: 52 reps each side

MARY: 1 minute downwards dogs and honeymooners

COT: 5th core principle

Tinsel OUT :christmas_tree:

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Men In Tights

Texted Barkley last week and told him to put me in for Q sometime at Coliseum. He responded and said I need someone for next week. I gladly accepted before looking at that weeks weather forecast. Rookie mistake but we ain’t no sissies.

On drive in truck thermometer said 15 degrees. Perfect workout weather. Even had to go purchase a pair of leggings from Spank.


15 Hill Billy Walkers

15 Imperial Walkers

15 Windmills

20 Moroccan Nightclubs


Moseyed to bottom of hill coming into school and exercises where layed out. 5 hand release merkins at bottom then run to top of hill towards school and do 5 Scorpion Dry Docks. Run back to bottom and a different exercise going the other direction which was 5 Monkey Humpers. Mosey to entrance of Tega Cay Coffee up hill and do 5 Big Boy Sit Ups. Repeat this sequence and every time you pass in the bottom the reps go up 5. We made it to 20 before I called it for some mobility and stretching.
Moseyed back towards COT and had pax get on 6 and we did some hip mobility work and some stretching for the last 10 minutes.

Thanks for the Q Barkley. Hope I Did Well.

Love, Stang

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Bounty Hunter return to the gloom

Bounty Hunter (Slackless) had far too few coupons and led us through a “pass the weights around” board of pain. When we had enough, we moseied around the Site choosing our own exercises in cadence.

My man Bounty was a little rusty…all the more reason to get his butt back in the gloom.

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