Club 813

An awesome group of 30+ men came out to “Club 813”…celebrating the birthdays of Harry Carry, Fogerty, and Grassy Knoll!
HarryCarry started with a short mosey run.
SSH (20x I/C)
Windmills (8x I/C)
Imperial Walkers (15x I/C)
Moroccan Nightclubs (12x I/C)
Low slow squats (10x I/C)
Big Arm Circles (7 forward, 7 backwards)
Peter Parkers (10x I/C)
Plank Stretches (Downward dog, upward dog)

Short mosey run

Fish tracks routine:
Pax do the transportation and stop when instructed and do the exercise called.
Toy soldiers…stop and do Bobby Hurleys, repeat
Bear crawl…stop and do mountain climbers, repeat
Lunge walk…stop and do squats, repeat
Crab walk…stop and do pickle pointers (no repeat)

Hand off to Grassy Knoll:
Motivators from ten.
Jack Webb routine: One big boy sit up and four American Hammers, went to 11 bigboys to hit Grassy’s 44 years of age.

Hand off to Fogerty:
Elevens routine: 10 merkins at top of the hill, one bomb jack at the bottom, and proceed from there.

Run back to COT
Lastly, Badlands was inducted into Club 813.

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