Footloose, Dog Petters and Gilmore

A nice cool morning at Footloose … and we launch … then a wave of cars … thanks for joining us

Mosey around the lot to let the late arrivals join the group, out the entrance and up to the lot across from the FD. Circle up. Windmill x 10, LSS x 10, Carolina DD x 10, 2 burpees OYO, Mor NC x 15, Shoulder tap x 10, Imperial walker x 10, 2 burpees OYO, OH Claps x 26, Plank jack x 10, Hillbilly walker x 10, 2 burpees OYO.

Line up for Karaoke L, Karaoke R, Power skip and burpee broad jump x 10, back and forth across the lot.

Mosey to the furniture lot on the corner downtown, plank for the 6, Makhtar N’Diayes x 10, Dog petters x 10, LBCs x 10. Line up on the wall, wall sit, 2 x burpee wave from both ends.

Mosey to the PD lot around the corner, plank for the 6, OH Clap x 21, LBCs x 10, LSS x 10.

Mosey past the start, down the hill and to the corner lot, line up, 2 lines bear crawl, 2 lines lunge walk, walk it off 2 lines, R & R all the way to the end.

Mosey across the street, divide into 4 groups, group 1, run the spiral stairs, group 2, partner plank claps, group 3 run tall stairs and back, group 4, Scorpion DD. All groups rotate through until all 4 are done.

Mosey back to the grass by First Baptist sign, Calf raises 3×10 OYO, Mahktar N’Diayes x 10, Kneetar N’Diayes x 10, Jack Webb up to 5×20, ants, ants, ants


Looks like we made it,

Barry Manilow

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Moderate? Is that french for ‘burpee’?

With no inspiration hitting me at home, YHC decided to show up and see what the AO would speak to me today.  It was angry and made us do stupid things.

Mosey, warm up with burpee countdown between exercises.

Mosey down the hill to the playground at the elementary school where we counted off into groups and did round robins of swing crunches, LBC’s and mountain climbers twice.

Then over to the wall for some relaxing wall sits and a couple bttw.

Who doesn’t love running in circles?  Partnered up and while partner ran lap, 2nd Pax did LBC’s, WAM’s and CDD’s – flap jack at each lap.

Back over to the middle school hill for 10 bomb jacks, run up the long windy hill and 10 more at the top.

Fairly gassed at this point I heard the words ‘Jack Webb’ in the wind so we did that too.

Mosey for a close of Mary and COT.

As always, an honor to lead the men of F3.  Thanks for being there.

TClap |

Barney Fife’s Ballroom VQ

The Message:

Since this was my VQ I was not overly confident and could feel the butterflies doing side straddle hops in my stomach. I had made a homemade deck of workout cards that I was looking forward to trying out. However, the best-laid plans of mice and men often go awry and my plan quickly fell apart. I am ashamed to admit that I underestimated my fellow PAX. My plan was based on a group of what I assumed would be 5 – 10 that would eventually draw 5 cards each by the end of the workout at which time we would compare hands for a modified game of poker.

As I stood in the gloom waiting to give my first disclaimer I was pleasantly surprised to watch the steady stream of vehicles arrive, one after the other. By the time 5:15 rolled around there was a total of 26 of us and I was less nervous and could feel the support in the air. I quickly realized that I would have to modify my plan but I was happy to do it because no matter what happened I knew I was among good friends that would be quick to help if necessary.

After stumbling over a barely adequate disclaimer we started with a CoP warmup:

  • Windmills
  • Side straddle hops
  • Hillbilly walkers
  • Carolina dry docks

After the warm up it was time for a short mosey to the football field.


The PAX lined up on the goal line and planked while one person at a time sprinted to the 40 yard line, drew a card and brought it back and called their exercise out in cadence. After each PAX brought one card back for a random beat down that worked the legs, arms and abs we split up into 5 groups on the field. Each group used the 5 workout cards that they had drawn from the pile and moved to the next group of cards when they were done. After each group worked through all 5 sets of cards we lined up on the 40 yard line for more sprints:

  • 10 yard sprint, imperial walkers back
  • 20 yard sprint, power skip back
  • 30 yard sprint, hillbilly walkers back

We moseyed back to the parking lot for CoT where I explained to the group what an enormous impact my F3 brothers have had on my life since I began coming in April and we all welcomed FNG Flyby to the family.

Thanks to Short Sale for giving me the opportunity to Q, I thoroughly enjoyed it and promise to make it SUCK more next time. Thanks to all the PAX who came out and showed their support.

TClap |

Core Impact

It was a really nice morning at The Ballroom!  The weather was perfect, the PAX were feisty, and the workout was tough (at least I think so).

We started out with a quick disclaimer (no FNG’s) and then we moseyed around the front of the school to the parking lot on the other side.

Warmup consisted of the following, all in cadence:

  • Side Straddle Hop – 25
  • Low Slow Squats – 10
  • Windmill – 10
  • Moroccan Nightclubs – 25
  • Cherry Pickers – 10

The Thang…I started out explaining that most everything will be in cadence, and to encourage participation by the PAX I asked that we take turns counting off cadence.  Let the core workout begin:

  • LBC’s in cadence – 15
  • Flutter Kicks in cadence – 25 (that is a LOT)
  • Hello Dolly in cadence – 15
  • LBC’s in cadence – 15
  • Flutter Kicks in cadence – 15
  • Hello Dolly in cadence – 15

A quick talk about IMPACT was had.  We can make positive, or negative impacts daily.  How will we choose to use the opportunities for impact?

Mosey around to the back of the school

Got some insight into CSPAN, how he got his name and what F3 has meant to him!

  • Hello Dolly in cadence – 15
  • Freddy Mercury in cadence – 25
  • Big Boy Sit-Ups, single count – 10
  • American Hammer in cadence – 15

Break for People’s Chair for a 10 count from each of the 18 PAX in attendance

  • Merkins in cadence – 10
  • Diamond Merkins in cadence – 10
  • Hello Dolly in cadence – 15
  • Freddy Mercury in cadence – 25
  • Big Boy Sit-Ups, single count – 10
  • American Hammer in cadence – 15

Mosey back towards COT

  • LBC’s in cadence – 15
  • Flutter Kicks in cadence – 20
  • Hello Dolly in cadence – 15
  • Freddy Mercury in cadence – 25
  • Big Boy Sit-Ups, single count – 10
  • American Hammer in cadence – 15

We then spent a few minutes doing some much needed (and appreciated, especially by our very own respectable CSPAN) Broga

And closed out with announcements, prayer requests, and encouraging the PAX to attend the 3rd F at Crossroads after!

As usual, it was an honor to lead.  Thanks Short Sale for the opportunity!

Smithers – Out

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More Broga Please


Seal Jacks x20

Windmills x15

Cherrypickers x15

Hillbilly Walkers x15

Mountain Climbers x15

Over Headclaps x 12


The Thang

Mosey To The Big brick building behind burger king for 4 corners.

5 rounds of 4 corners

1st round was Diamond Merkins,Squats,Alt. Shoulder Taps,and Heels To Heaven 5 Reps each

2nd Round Merks,Sumo Squats, CDD, and LBC 10 reps each

3rd Round Wide Arm Merkins, Ripstick Squats (squats on your toes), Mak-Tar Jah, and Box Cutters 15 reps each

4th round Hand Release Merks, Monkey Humpers, Overhead Clap, and Big Boy Situps

5th round Merks, Calf Raises, Jack Webb to 20,and Flutter Kicks 20 reps all

10 burps OYO

Now it was time for the painful part of the workout BROGA

these boys were moaning and groaning  as i put them through various stretches and yoga moves. we did this for about 10 minutes needed about 20 more.

mosey back for COT


Cornerstone on the passing of his Step Mom this week

Cspan on his continuing job search

Thanks Smithers For The Q



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If all else fails, SSH

Honored to Q at The Fort, thanks to Bonsai, 13 PAX and Old Bay for bring us an FNG, Sherbet

Laminated post-it note in hand, and we’re off

Mosey around path, circle-ish, 10 SSH, 10 Imp Walker, 10 LSSquats
Mosey to next lot toward downtown, circle up, 15 SSH, 15 Imp Walker, 15 LSS
Mosey to next lot toward downtown, circle up, 20 SSH, 10 Imp Walker, 20 LSS
Mosey across the street to the next lot, 10 merkins, 10 LBCs, 10 jump squats
Mosey up the big hill to the big lot, 15 merkins, 15 LBCs, 15 jump squats

Move to the end of the lot, exercise 1/2 way across to lot, jog it out the other 1/2
Karaoke L, Karaoke R, Powerskip, Squat Walkers, High Knees , Butt Kickers, 50%, 75%, 100%

Base + 3 station suicides:
20 CDD
20 CDD, 50 OH Claps
20 CDD, 50 OH Claps, 10 burpees
20 Squats
20 Squats, 50 MNC
20 Squats, 50 MNC, 10 Flying Squirrel

Half way through the round Beacon and Corruption found us and we hit some of the warm-up highlights again
10 SH, 10 Imp Walker, 10 squats, mosey to the other side of the lot
10 merkins, 10 LBCs, 10 Jump Squats

Back to suicides
20 merkins
20 merkins, 50 LBCs
20 merkins, 50 LBCs, 10 Makhtar N’Diayes

Mosey back down the hill, back toward the park to find a piece of wall … wall sits while everyone pops out for 2 burpees

Mosey back-ish, taking the long way around, for a good 3/4 mile trip home, one stop for 25 SSH

2 minutes of Mary, ending with 10 SSH

Looks like we made it,

Barry Manilow

TClap |

Give Me Liberty Or Give Me Burpees

A sticky, pre-July 4th convergence group showed at THE Ballroom. The Pax answered the Siren Song published on the Twitter machine put out by YHC. Pleasantries exchanged, disclaimer was disclaimed. Let get to it.

Mosey to other side of the school for :


  • Seal Jacks * 25
  • Merkins * 10
  • Squats * 15
  • Wide Arm Merkins * 10
  • Windmills * 15
  • SSH * 20
  • Mountain Climbers*15


MOSEY to HILL on side of school; Jacobs’ Ladder 10s- 1st set-LBCs at bottom, SSHs at top. No  2nd Set was added as the Q had forgotten how large this hill can be.

THOUGHTS ON LIBERTY- Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe to assure the survival and the success of liberty.– John Kennedy


MOSEY TO the back wall of the School  FOR TABATA- 1 MINUTE AMRAP EACH EXERCISE, 30 SEC REST. , SQUATS, MERKINS, LBCs, CALF RAISES, FLYING SQUIRRELS, MNCs, Freddie, CRAB CAKES, MONKEY HUMPERS, SSH. The Crab Cakes were the real crowd pleaser.

Mosey to COT: Announcements, Prayers for everyone’s safety on the 4th, Bullwinkle and family, Kids staying safe in summertime. 

Need to get on more Q schedules as it’s always an honor to serve the Fort Pax.

Let’s get out there and make an Impact.

Short Sale Signing Off.  

TClap |

Crazy 8s – It can be that bad, right?

31 Pax descended upon Slow Burn for an epic adventure. A #noderate workout plus high humidity had been promised and both were granted on this day.

Personally, YHC loves what the Pax have done in creating moderate workouts across the Fort. As a result of their efforts, we have welcomed many great men who have contributed across all 3 Fs within our region. The success stories are limitless and we are proud of their efforts.

YHC felt a significant responsibility as Q of Slow Burn to lead a workout that would not be defined as moderate but would allow for modification and picking up the 6.  These are the consistent themes from the Q101 document that CSPAN put together some 5+ years ago. Several #truths weigh heavily within this document which are simplicity and scalability. Simplicity as Q is defined as keeping it familiar, less complex and don’t be shy about stealing from others (Jekyll in this case) or backblasts. Scalability as Q is defined as – a scalable workout is one that is tough for the strongest of Pax, while at the same time not over-smoking the back of the pack. All workouts are no drop; without exception. Under no circumstance should we ever leave a Pax alone.

In keeping with these two principles, YHC was to Q a workout that was both simplistic and scalable while ensuring that the Larry Birds got all they could handle.

The Thang

Mosey around Empire Pizza building (the smell was horrible) and back to Empire lot

FYI CSPAN attempted to scare a cat during this sequence…not a good idea!






Mtn Climbers

Mosey to Lowes parking lot – Q dropped the Weinke but Rebel had my back. Thanks!

Crazy 8s – Eight exercises done during each circuit




Squat Jacks




Plank Jacks

Circuit was done with 1 rep (This can’t be that bad, right?!? for each exercise followed by a mosey in a figure 8 pattern around Lowes and Empire lots

Add one rep to each circuit during each of the 8 stops

Mosey back to Lowes for Mary


Big Boys

Gravedigger L and R

Hello Dolly

Superman x 3 (Cant ever remember all of the Sale brothers nicknames!)

Mosey Home


After the 6th round of the circuit, YHC noticed that the Pax were beginning to tire. In an effort to leverage #pride, each man was asked to grab a partner for the exercises to ensure completion. You never want to let a partner down!

Prayers to BTB, praise to Frat Boy, prayers to Maximus on his vacation travels

Sweatie is 7/14 at 6 AM at Footloose – Does anyone really know the details? Thats a true CSAUP!

Thanks to Smithers for his leadership of Slow Burn

Pusher wuz here 7/8/18


TClap |

Christmas In June – Footloose Breakdance Style

I saw my opportunity and took it. Beacon offered up the lead this week for Footloose and I had an evil plan in mind. It had been a while since I q’d a 12 Days of Christmas fun fest, probably since last Christmas if not beyond so I quickly found a list and checked it twice.

As with the equally evil song The Twelve Days of Christmas, you repeat each exercise just like you repeat each gift until you have covered all twelve. In this case no singing off key was required.

The Thang went something like this:

1-Run around the church building
2-Turkish getups
3-Jump squats
5-Diamond Merkins
6-Imperial Walkers
8-Slow flutters
9-Low slow squats
10-Lunges (ten each leg)

Sadly we ran out of time and we made our way back to COT and hit round eleven. I’m sure noone is sad we missed out on twelve burpees. Especially me.

It’s a simple you v you style workout, and I hope it made you get a little stronger and sweat a little more, I know I was sore today the more I sat at work today.

I hope what I shared about money will make you think as well. We have so much and are so blessed in many ways. What are you doing to make a difference and impact your world?

Thanks for the opportunity to lead.

DT out.

TClap |

Hat trick at Slowburn

Quick disclaimer for this BB: after 3 Q’s in as many days, some details are a little fuzzy.

After a quick disclaimer we moseyed down the hill to the far side of the building on the right. After we completed your standard warmup, we got right down to business.

The first order of business was a little thing called triple check. We divided up into groups of 3 and up against the building, P1 held an air squat, P2 held a plank and P3 ran down around the island and back. P3 goes to P1, P1 to P2, and P2 runs. Did this little number 3x in keeping with the theme of 3s .

Next we moseyed down to the long side of Lowe’s and found a piece of wall and held a wall sit while the person on one end did 3 burpees and ran down to the other end and found a new piece of wall to hold up. After every person completed this, we did it again. If YHC didn’t have another trick up his sleeve we would have repeated .

We then made our way down to the front of Empire Pizza to find a nice stale beer smell to complete our last of 3s. We completed a little thing called triple nickel. We did 5 merkins on one end of the parking lot, ran to the far end and did 5 WW2 situps. We completed 5 rounds of this. Moseyed back to COT for some Mary and tried to avoid the early morning Chick-fil-A cravings .

Thank you to Smithers for the invite to lead!


TClap |