Tour de odor AKA style

Imperial walkers
Hillbilly walkers


After warmups we moseyed to back of HT,
Performed wall sit burpee waterfall with everyone doing 1 burpee, then 2

Mosey around back towards church

Toy solders

In back parking lot, break up in groups of 3,- took a couple tries
Partner work – groups of 3
Partner 1
Cocaine bear Crawls to light pole and back
Partner 2 SSH
Partner 3 Mtn climbers

Mosey to church

Bench work
Bulgarian split squats and cactus jacks

Got all the way up to 10/40

100 Derkins
200 dips

Back towards Flag


50 4 count flutters IC, Box cutters, dying cockroach and American hammers
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Fast 5K, Joc, Bethel
COT: make every day count and be sure the ones you love most know it!
It was an honor to serve today, Thank you men!

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Everything but the kitchen sink @ Golden Corral

WARMUP: Circled up at COT
WMsx7inCadence, IWsx7inCadence, CPsx7inCadence, HWsx7inCadence, next moseyed to the upper parking lot by Red Bowl and ran around the lot introducing the loop the PAX would use throughout the workout, next we moseyed over to our stations where each one was explained, then we got to work.

THE THANG: Set-up 12 stations, partnered up, partner #1 runs the loop while partner #2 performs the exercise at the station until partner #1 returns, switch, upon partner #2’s return the partners move to the next station. Stations are listed below:

1. 10lb weighted ball – V-Ups
2. Heavy Rope – Rope swings in a squat position
3. 45lb Ruck – Curls
4. 30lb Slam Ball – SlamthedamBall
5. Ab Wheel – you know what to do ( I did provide a pillow for the benefit of our knees )
6. Cindy – Side Lunges
7. 60lb SandBag – Front Lift to Backwards Toss
8. 45lb Plate – Flutters w/ a press
9. 20lb weighted vest -Alt. Reverse Lunges
10. Cindy – Swings
11. 35lb Dumbbell – Squat while alt arms to pick up weight
12. 12lb Dumbbells – Bent over Tricep Extensions

MARY: No thank you



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2025 – SLT Disruption

WARMUP: full crew in cadence
65ish SSH for the 65 dudes that were in the circle
Imperial Walkers
Hillbilly Walkers
Peter Parker

Split to boot camp and kettlebells
– Buy-in: 20 bomb jacks, 20 donkey kicks.
– Bear crawl the length of parking lot / whistle = 10 merkins
– Lunge walk parking lot / whistle = 10 jump squats
– 20 swings
– 5 merkins
– 5 goblet squats
– count down the merkins and squats keep the 20 swings
– Swing progression
– Squat Swings
– Swings
– American Swings
– Rack bell
– slow step back reverse lunge
– press when returning the back leg
– Clean Progression
– Row
– Clean
– Swing
– Snatch

Unbeknownst to the PAX we switched modalities about halfway through. This was to represent the foundation 1 from Q-Source:

“Because it induces movement, leadership causes Disruption”

PAX were disrupted from their planned morning workout to make sure both Qs saw all the PAX and to push them outside the complacency zone of their established routines. With the leadership, we should expect disruption and embrace it.

Leaders influence movement towards advantage. Disruption is a solid technique to induce movement.

“If a man calls himself a leader but does not cause Disruption by initiating movement, then he is not practicing leadership. He might be doing something else, like managing or governing, but he is not leading.”

It is not the goal of the new SLT members is not to manage or govern. It should not be the goal of the Site Qs to manage or govern. Let’s lead!

F3 is not an organization with leaders, but an organization OF leaders. Each man is freed to lead. The particulars of Site Qs and the SLT structure is nice, but let us not be afraid to disrupt when we have a vision for advantage.

Kermit handed 2nd F Q off to Liberty Bibberty
Band Camp handed the Weasel Shaker off to Poppins
Esso handed the Nantan Flag off to Band Camp

It is an honor to be considered a leader in the Fort. But be mindful every member of the PAX is A LEADER. Let’s all be about the business of leading.

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Chasing Pots of Gold-en Corral

WARMUP: Brief but we managed a few Moroccan Night Clubs, Shoulder Taps, Boxcuttahs
THE THANG: Mozy to the church where there was a cone in each parking lane. Pax ran the length of one lane and back the other in a U shape to complete the exercise at the cone. We ran back and forth like we were following the rainbow looking for gold. I know it’s a stretch, but it is almost St. Patty’s Day. Pax completed 100 reps at the first cone, 90 at the second with each trip decreasing by 10 reps. From 100 down, exercises were SSH, LBCs, Squats, Mountain Climbers, Plank Jacks, Dips, CDDs, American Hammers, Merkins, Burpees.
Pax then faces each other in the plank position for 4 plank jacks, 4 mountain climbers, 4 shoulder taps, 4 Superman’s. Once completed, we repeated it at 8, 16 and 32 reps.
Mozy through COT to drop off the cones then stopped at the side of HT for wall sits and burpees.
MARY: No Mary, or Patty either
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Newsletter, Jaeger, convergence.
COT: Family

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DORA Rules at GC

YHC was honored to be given the Q stick at Golden Corral by Half Shell today. This represented my first trip back in the gloom at 100% since dealing with a post D2D bronchitis and my spirits were excited about the opportunity. While not yet Springlike weather, the Pax were quickly sweaty from the downpainment on the day.

After seeing a post by IJ, I decided to maximize the DORA concept at GC today for encouragement, challenge and candor of a partner workout.

Mosey to Oil and Lube shop
Windmills x 10
IW x 10
MNC x 10
Monkey Humpers x 10
Mtn Climbers x 10
SSH x 10

Let’s go!

Partner up and run around HT for Group Dora stopping 5 times for:
5 burpees
10 lunges
15 Box cutters

Mosey to another lot for Lazy Dora
Alternating turns
100 Merkins/ partner plank
200 Squats/partner Al Gore
300 LBCs/ partner 6 inches

Mosey to Walgreens lot for normal Dora
50 Bombjacks
100 CDDs
150 Flutters

Mosey back for Big Boys until end


Read your newsletter

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Grunge isn’t classic rock

WARMUP: Did some side straddle hops, imperial walkers, hillbilly walkers and Moroccan nightclubs and then mosey over to the church lot

THE THANG: Tabata 40 seconds on with 20 seconds off. Got through about 2.5 revolutions. Topic of discussion was “is classic rock its own genre of rack from the 70’s/early 80’s, or is it anything more than 20 years ago?” Apple voted the latter and included Plush by STP on the classic rock workout playlist. I vote the former however…

Exercises included: LBC, Merkins, Squats, Mountain Climbers, Donkey Kicks, Dips, Side Straddle Hops, Nolan Ryan’s, Bix Cutter, Plank Jack, Lunges, Dry Docks, Bobby Hurleys and American Hammer

MARY: 2-3 minutes of rotational Mary once back to Harris Teeter…

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Lot work

Imp Walkers
Hillbilly Walkers
Michael Phelps
Mountain Climbers

Bear crawl Indian run

50 CCD
100 Imp Walkers
150 Squats
200 LBCs

Cross the lot
Lunge to other side of lot and do compounding merkins or burpees up to 5

Was done

Battlebot celebration
Hive convergence
Christmas party


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The Gauntlet: Strength & Stride

15-Moroccan night clubs
15-Overhead Claps
15-Imperial walker
10-Wind mills


Slosey to the entrance
15 KB curls
15 KB overhead presses
10 KB rows each arm

Run to the 1st cone: 5 merkins
Run back to the beginning and repeat the exercises

Run to the 1st cone: 5 merkins
Run to the 2nd cone: 10 merkins
Run back to the beginning and repeat the exercises

Run to the 1st cone: 5 merkins
Run to the 2nd cone: 10 merkins
Run to the 3rd cone: 15 merkins
For 10 count we all discussed something that is impacting our life that no one knows about.
Run back to the beginning and repeat the exercises

Run to the 1st cone: 5 merkins
Run to the 2nd cone: 10 merkins
Run to the 3rd cone: 15 merkins
Run to the 4th cone: 20 merkins
Run back to the beginning and repeat the exercises

Mosey to COT and with Just enough time we did KB American Hammers

3/1/2025: Battle Bot’s send-off
3/14/2025: Convergence
3/15/2025: Jaegar and Fundraising efforts check give away

Cspan Style, Everyone provided a prayer and a word of encouragement.

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10lbs of crap in a 5lb bag

Route with a couple loops in stockbridge commons neighborhood

Escalator style workout with stops every .2 miles

Stop 1: 5 Burpees
Stop 2: + 10 Big Boy Sit-Ups
Stop 3: + 15 Squats
Stop 4: + 20 Carolina Dry Docks
Stop 5: + 25 Flutter Kicks (4-count)
Stop 6: + 30 Lunges (15 each leg)
Stop 7: + 35 Plank Shoulder Taps (single count)
Stop 8: + 40 American Hammers (4-count)
Stop 9: + 45 Overhead Claps
Stop 10: + 50 SSH (4-count)

Got close to 2.4 miles with warmup but ran out of time and never got to stops 9 or 10.

Just like we didnt get to everything in this workout – when you cram too much stuff into your life you will not have time for everything – get your priorities straight and focus on the important stuff (apparently that was burpees and big boys today)

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Simple but Effective

20 SSH
10 Windmills
10 Cherry Picker
10 Imperial Walkers
5 Burpees OYO

Mosey to the Church Parking Lot

Up and Down the Ladder
Lap around the parking lot after each excercise
5 Burpees
10 Lt. Dan Magic Legs
15 Imperial Squat Walker
20 Hand Release Merkins
25 Plank Jacks
30 Squats
35 SSH

Modified DORA
Partner 1 Exercises
Partner 2 Run Around Round-About
50 SSH
50 LBC’S

Mosey back to COT

Jack Webb
1 : 8-count Burpee
4: Alternating Lunges

Made it through 5:20

Q vs. Q Challenge

Always check on the six.
You never know what’s going on.

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