The Gauntlet: Strength & Stride

15-Moroccan night clubs
15-Overhead Claps
15-Imperial walker
10-Wind mills


Slosey to the entrance
15 KB curls
15 KB overhead presses
10 KB rows each arm

Run to the 1st cone: 5 merkins
Run back to the beginning and repeat the exercises

Run to the 1st cone: 5 merkins
Run to the 2nd cone: 10 merkins
Run back to the beginning and repeat the exercises

Run to the 1st cone: 5 merkins
Run to the 2nd cone: 10 merkins
Run to the 3rd cone: 15 merkins
For 10 count we all discussed something that is impacting our life that no one knows about.
Run back to the beginning and repeat the exercises

Run to the 1st cone: 5 merkins
Run to the 2nd cone: 10 merkins
Run to the 3rd cone: 15 merkins
Run to the 4th cone: 20 merkins
Run back to the beginning and repeat the exercises

Mosey to COT and with Just enough time we did KB American Hammers

3/1/2025: Battle Bot’s send-off
3/14/2025: Convergence
3/15/2025: Jaegar and Fundraising efforts check give away

Cspan Style, Everyone provided a prayer and a word of encouragement.

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10lbs of crap in a 5lb bag

Route with a couple loops in stockbridge commons neighborhood

Escalator style workout with stops every .2 miles

Stop 1: 5 Burpees
Stop 2: + 10 Big Boy Sit-Ups
Stop 3: + 15 Squats
Stop 4: + 20 Carolina Dry Docks
Stop 5: + 25 Flutter Kicks (4-count)
Stop 6: + 30 Lunges (15 each leg)
Stop 7: + 35 Plank Shoulder Taps (single count)
Stop 8: + 40 American Hammers (4-count)
Stop 9: + 45 Overhead Claps
Stop 10: + 50 SSH (4-count)

Got close to 2.4 miles with warmup but ran out of time and never got to stops 9 or 10.

Just like we didnt get to everything in this workout – when you cram too much stuff into your life you will not have time for everything – get your priorities straight and focus on the important stuff (apparently that was burpees and big boys today)

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Simple but Effective

20 SSH
10 Windmills
10 Cherry Picker
10 Imperial Walkers
5 Burpees OYO

Mosey to the Church Parking Lot

Up and Down the Ladder
Lap around the parking lot after each excercise
5 Burpees
10 Lt. Dan Magic Legs
15 Imperial Squat Walker
20 Hand Release Merkins
25 Plank Jacks
30 Squats
35 SSH

Modified DORA
Partner 1 Exercises
Partner 2 Run Around Round-About
50 SSH
50 LBC’S

Mosey back to COT

Jack Webb
1 : 8-count Burpee
4: Alternating Lunges

Made it through 5:20

Q vs. Q Challenge

Always check on the six.
You never know what’s going on.

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I stole this Q from MeCa on Backblast, but it’s Different


Little baby arm circles
Cherry pickers
Imperial walkers
Hillbilly walkers


Listened to Metallica, Greatest Hits before Black Album

Mini progressive ladders

Ladders are in groups of 3, adding a new exercise every time

Ie – 5 reps, 5 and 10 reps, 5 and 10 and 5 reps

5 Thurster
10 Swings
5 Lawnmowers (Each Side)

OH Carry to end of parking lot and back

5 Overhead Press
10 Side Bends (Each Side)
5 Lunges (Each Side)

Bear crawl

5 High Rows
10 Tricep Extensions
5 Curls

Crab walk

5 Deadlifts
10 Merkins
5 Sumo Squats

Broad jump

5 Halos
10 Figure 8s
5 High Bell Flutters

Normal Carry

Repeat Again


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WARMUP: Mosey to the backside of HT to enjoy the smells and do some warmup exercises – SSH, windmill, imperial walkers, hillbilly walkers, cherry pickers, Moroccan nightclub, merkins.
THE THANG: Mosey back to front parking lot. 7 of diamonds but with 3 corners instead of 4 so 7 of triangles? First lap was 7 merkins at each corner, 14 squats at each corner, 21 flutters at each corner, and then 28 LBCs at each corner. Mosey to side of HT for wall squats with bear crawls and crawl bears while we all mentioned a goal, word, or area we were working on this year. Mosey to auto shop and then dora – 50 step ups (each leg), 100 inclined merkins, 125 dips and then mosey back to flag.
MARY: American hammers, hello dolly, and some frog workout which felt like gas pumpers.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Pints and padres tonight, wine dinner, and mens shelter later this week, upcoming convergence and jaeger in march.
COT: A few prayer requests. Ended in prayer.

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?️Webs and high reps ?

WARMUP: Moroccan night clubs
Low slow squat
Mountain climbers


High pulls. Curls 1-4…10-40, yes 55 HP and 220 curls

Take a lap

Around the world, 4 reps each side, everyone takes a step to the left and uses neighbor’s kettlebell, repeat until you get back to your bell.
Total: 52 reps each side

American hammers double count, Chest press 1-4…10-40, yes 55 AH and 220 presses

Take a lap

Around the world, 4 reps each side, everyone takes a step to the left and uses neighbor’s kettlebell, repeat until you get back to your bell.
Total: 52 reps each side

MARY: 1 minute downwards dogs and honeymooners

COT: 5th core principle

Tinsel OUT :christmas_tree:

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Blimps at the GC

Short disclaimer then jog around back of center for warm-ups. Normal stuff: SSHs, imperial Walker’s, low slow squats, merkins, Peter Parkers, Parker Peter’s, and MNCs. Mosey to back hill for accumulating BLIMPS. 5 Burpees, 10 Lunges, 15 Imperial Walker’s, 20 Merkins, 25 Plank Jack’s, and 30 Squats. Start at bottom with 5 burpees, run to firestation for 10 donkey kicks, run back to start. 5 burpees, 10 lunges, run to station for 10 donkey kicks, run back to start. Repeat adding letter each round. Pollo had to duck out due to asthma flair up but it took us a while to find him. So good lesson to always pay attention to all PAX. After we got that squared away back to blimps. I think we figured out how to count the imperial Walker’s by the 5th round. Finished up back at fountain so we bear crawled one loop around it. Jog back toward cars stopping at other traffic circle. Partner up for 20 partner merkins with hand slap in-between then 20 partner big boys with hand slap at top. Jog back to cars for a few rounds of Mary, except somehow Autobobn thinks Merkins qualify as Mary. But all good, recover and COT. Lots of sickness going around and PAX coming back from being out. So prayers for health right now. Thx for the opportunity 1/2 shell!

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Tour de grounds

WARMUP: mosey to Grace Presbyterian
Various exercises in cadence with burpees mixed in. Finished with 10 6-count burpees in cadence before moseying to behind red bowl

7’s – Merkins and Sumo squats – building to parked semi and back.

Mosey to East facing wall off Harris teeter.
BTTW and wall sits – 2 rounds wall sits and Australian mountain climbers

Mosey to front lot of Harris teeter for 7’s with burpees and lunges.

Mosey to COT for 1 minute of geometry class and protractors.

MARY: See above and Nope – open to all men


COT: 5th core principle

Thanks half shell for the call. :eye:

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Swinging Richards at the Hive

WARMUP: It was cold so we started with a 5 minute mosey to warm up. Mixed in some high knees, butt kickers, and karaoke along the way.
Ended back up at COT. Running portion of the workout was completed. Needed to warm up our bells so we circled up and performed the following: CherryPickersx5inCadence, WindMillsx5inCadence, SSHx12inCadence, Figure8sx12OYO, SSHx10inCadence, 10 KB Swings OYO, SSHx8inCadence, 8 KB Snatches, SSHx6inCadence, 6 DeadLifttoCurltoPress w/ KB.

Now we were ready to swing!

THE THANG: Stayed in the COT area for our first round with
RichardWebb – Exercise #1: 1-10 – DeadLifttoCurltoPress w/KB & Exercise #2: 4-40 – KB Swings

The PAX needed a break from all of the swinging, so we decided to meet up with Dora.

Single Dora #1 – Partner #1 Exercise: Side Lunges w/ KB – 100 reps, MOT for partner #2 = Murder Bunny out, Rifle Carry back from the posts at COT to the first pole down the sidewalk.

After our experience with Dora left us wanting more, we decided to pay Richard Webb another visit since he showed us a swinging good time at the beginning of the workout!

Richard Webb #2: Exercise #1: 1-10 – Alt KB Snatches ( count right hand only ) & Exercise #2: 4-40 – BentOverRows

We had to cut our 2nd experience with RW short ( managed to make it to reps 8 – 32 ).due to time. If we had more time we would have paid Dora another visit for the following:

Single Dora #2 – Partner #1 Exercise: Figure8s – 100 reps, Partner #2 MOT = Bear Crawl out, Crawl Bear back from the posts at COT to the first pole down the sidewalk.

Alas, we were done, arms were smoked, and legs were saved for D2DB10k tomorrow! Thanks to Richard Webb and Dora for showing us a swinging good time!


ANNOUNCEMENTS: D2D race, D2DB10k race, upcoming Bethel serve, Jaeger CSAUP, etc…


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Cold day at American Jackal

25 Side Straddle Hops
20 windmills

8 exercise from the bucket + 50 lb sandbag carry x 2

40 Burpees
60 Merkins
80 squats
100 LBCs
120 Side Straddle Hop


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