Preparedness at the Coaches Box

Weather was 32 degrees and chilly but the lights were on and YHC was prepped for a Q to discuss Jester and Preparedness

Simply defined, the Jester is temptation of the flesh that hinders Acceleration. It is a stumbling block that a man continuously trips over in his effort to become a Pro.

The Jester tells a man several lies including:

1. You are the boss of me
2. You are what you do
3. You are not a bad guy
4. Jester and Virtue can coexist
5. You can’t live, if living is without me

But the antidote to the Jester is preparedness, preparing for what is expected and what is unexpected. The addition of love to this preparation leads to diminishing the Jester. But it is a battle that a Man must fight throughout his life.


Mosey to the front of FMHS

Plank Jacks

Mosey to the band lot

Deconstructed Burpee – STAR model

Burpees in the middle x 5
Bobby Hurley x 25
Squats x 25
Merkins IC 12
Mtn Climbers x 25

Mosey to pull up bars

Grip Strength work
Partner 1 – hang
Partner 2 – Mary

Rinse and Repeat x 3

Mosey home for COT

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“If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a ball!”

WARMUP: Windmills, Cherry Pickers, Hillbilly’s, Imperial Walkers
Mosey to the Church Parking lot for a game of Dodgeball !!!

2 Pax at each end taking shots at those in the middle.
Shot to Upper Torso = 5 Merkins
Shot to Lower Torso = 5 Squats

Catch the ball from Pax at either End, Thrower must perform 2 Burpees

In between movements :

Cherry Pickers
Moroccan Night Clubs
Wind Mills
High Knees
Seal Jacks
Took a Lap around the lot. Total Running distance was 1.9miles

MARY: Met back at COT with 9 minutes remaining. Each Pax called out a movement for the rest of us:
Donkey Kicks
Leg Circles
Slow & 6in Merkins
Calf Raises
Hello Dollys
Dying Roaches
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Trash Pickup, read your newsletter
COT: Always Stays in COT !!!! Top Secret !!!

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“If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a ball!”

WARMUP: Windmills, Cherry Pickers, Hillbilly’s, Imperial Walkers
Mosey to the Church Parking lot for a game of Dodgeball !!!

2 Pax at each end taking shots at those in the middle.
Shot to Upper Torso = 5 Merkins
Shot to Lower Torso = 5 Squats

Catch the ball from Pax at either End, Thrower must perform 2 Burpees

In between movements :

Cherry Pickers
Moroccan Night Clubs
Wind Mills
High Knees
Seal Jacks
Took a Lap around the lot. Total Running distance was 1.9miles

MARY: Met back at COT with 9 minutes remaining. Each Pax called out a movement for the rest of us:
Donkey Kicks
Leg Circles
Slow & 6in Merkins
Calf Raises
Hello Dollys
Dying Roaches
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Trash Pickup, read your newsletter
COT: Always Stays in COT !!!! Top Secret !!!

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Luck 7 Island Party

WARMUP: SSH, Windmills, Morrocon NC, Imperial Walkers, Strawberry Pickers, and Broga
THE THANG: Mosey around the parking to side wall of HT. At wall, we did 3 rounds of Balls to the Wall and Wall Sits for 10, 5, and 3 countdown.
Then Island Party Began:
At the Islands, we started at first Island with 10 Burpees, Then next Island, we did 20 Shoulder Taps, then next Island we did 30 Bomb Jacks, and 40 Squats. Each round we used a different mode of transportation between the islands with Round 1 being a bear crawl, then Round 2 was lunges, and final round was Crab Walk. Final exercise was the Cheese Shredder.
MARY: American Hammers
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read your newsletter
COT: Prayers and Praises

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Keep those old wienkes kids

WARMUP: lap around the parking lot, windmills, low slow squats and merkins, couple stretches…go.
THE THANG: went to the small parking lot by COT and had one piece of paper on one end and another on the opposite end – maybe 30-40 yards. Start at the first exercise, complete it, run to the other side, complete the first exercise, and back and forth working down the list.
Side 1:
5 Burpee broad jumps
10 Diamond merkins
20 Merkins
30 Mountain climbers
40 Seal jacks
50 American Hammer
60 SSH
60 Moroccan night club
50 Shoulder presses
40 Crab cakes
30 Flutters
20 Big boy situps
10 Flying squirrel
5 Dive bombers

Side 2:
5 Hand release merkin
10 Durkin (get partner to put feet on back)
20 Knee to chest jumps
30 Carolina Dry Docks
40 Plank Jacks
50 LBC
60 Ski jumps
60 Squats
50 Calf raises
40 Dips
30 Monkey humpers
20 Lunges (10 each leg)
10 Apolo Ohno (10 each leg)
5 Plank alternating shoulder taps (5 each)

After the first 60 milestone was hit, we stopped running back and forth and mode of transportation moved to bear crawls to and running back…just to mix things up.

And we had music which was nice.

MARY: yes, check.
COT: yep, done

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Choose you own adventure

WARMUP: Brief mozy followed by SSH, Moroccan Night clubs, Mountain climbers, low slow squats
THE THANG: As a kid YHC enjoyed the “choose your own adventure” books where you get to make decisions about what happens in the story. On a somewhat rainy Tuesday, the Pax got to decide which story they wanted. Option one was a board of pain with higher reps under cover and dry. Option two was lower reps but with running between stations in the rain. It turns out it wasn’t much of a discussion and everyone (just 3 of us due to a bad weather forecast) chose option two.
Reps were 30 each and after each exercise we ran to the next of four locations at the AO. Exercises were: Burpees, Sumo Squats, American Hammers, Freddy Mercurys, Plank Jacks, Merkins, Moroccan Night Clubs, Shoulder Taps, LBCs, Carolina Dry Docks, Calf Raises, SSH, Wide arm Merkins, Flutters, Mountain Climbers.
MARY: Included some in roving board of pain
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Blood drive and D2DB registration.
COT: Thankful the rain wasn’t as bad as predicted. Support of fellow Pax regardless of weather conditions.

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Tim Horton’s 50 Yard Line Battle

It was a brisk morning and the mumble chatter was on fire. Quick warmup and we were off.

Partner 7s with slap merkins and partner sit-up’s.

Mosey’ed over to the band parking lot for some Canadian football.

10 Burpees
20 Bomb Jacks
30 Monkey Humpers
40 Flutters
50 Shoulder Taps
40 LBCs
30 Lunges
20 Squats
10 Merkins

Back to COT for prayers and praises.

– JWow

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Brown bagging it

WARMUP: IC windmills, produce pickers, Moroccan nc, hillbilly and imperial walkers, Merkins, mountain climbers and stretches. Mosey for a bit to curbs for curb 7’s. Dip to bearcrawl to curb, incline Merkin to crabwalk to curb. Mosey a bit more to wall for wall sits with IC Moroccan nc, overhead claps, seal jack, chain breakers. We then did wall sits to 3x burpee. Mosey some more the
THE THANG: Brown bag of 14 exercises with timer on each. 60sec SSH, 30sec squat, 30sec reverse lunge, 60sec planks, 30sec burpee, 30sec side lunge, 60sec butt kickers, 30sec jump squat, 30sec mtn climbers, 60sec toy soldiers, 30sec merkin, 30 sec dip, 60sec lbc, 60sec Peter Parker. We did this 2x to some jams.
MARY: IC exercises were called out by each of the pax
ANNOUNCEMENTS: d2db, q source, murder bunnies schedule
COT: prayers for health, praises for a good, balanced weekend with the family

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Feeding the Soul

WARMUP: Intro, disclaimer and we started walking!
THE THANG: The idea was to get in some milage with stopping oiunt of exercises of 10’s. Went over to the new medical center. 1st stop- all 10 count- MNC, OHC, Seal Clap, Plank, and 6in plank. Kept moving to the far lot for ruck work with OHpress, rows and tricep extensions. Then back to the Panera lot for more wor, up the hill with ruck over head and on to the last two stops. We went to the bottom of the hill near Sunbelt where there was a change with 20 calf raises and leg work. Up the hill to the roundabout for some ab work!
ANNOUNCEMENTS: D2D Bar, CASUP this weekend
COT: Prayers for health, family health, travel, friend health and coworkers health. Praise for family togetherness.

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BDE at the Stockade

We had 9 at the Stockade for one of the last days of 2023

Started off with a basic warmup.

Short Mosey around the parking lot back in front of the Dance studio.

10 IC Windmills
5 Burpees OYO
15 IC Seal Jacks
5 Burpees OYO
15 IC Plank Jacks
15 IC Mnt Climbers

First Routine

12 Days of Christmas. This is where the Mumblechatter got dialed up a notch.

Basic 12 days of Christmas set up. Started with day one and got to day 12. Reps of a given exercise matched the day.

Day 1 Burpees
Day 2 Burpees
Day 3 Burpees
Day 4 Burpees
Day 5 ( 5 Count rest)
Day 6 Squats
Day 7 SSH
Day 8 IW
Day 9 Calf Raises
Day 10 LBc’s
Day 11 Flutters
Day 12 BBS

I set this up so after day 5 we ended each “round” with 10 Burpees. Again, this was a crowd pleaser.

We then took a short mosey around the parking lot again for the second routine of the morning.

This format was similar to the Laredo workout but obviously modified.

4 rounds

25 Merkins
25 Squats
25 BBS

Lap that we just did in the parking lot.

It was here I put on some music for the PAX as we did these exercises.

With only 5ish minutes to go I got us back to COT for a 4-minute AMRAP. I would call out an exercise and we would max out reps.
Minute 1- HR Merkins
Minute 2 – Flutters
Minute 3- HR Merkins
Minute 4- Plank.

COT: Show some BDE guys and share whats on your hearts. Be specific. As someone said in COT today you can’t get specific help if you don’t have a specific ask.


Always fun to lead.

Thanks to all of you!

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