Dora, Tabata and Mary

COP – mosey to base of hill for various exercises I/C. Greeted late arrivals (they know who they are) with Monkey humpers.

the main thing – Partner Dora because you’re there for the man next to you.

50 – swings
100 – squats
150 – curls
100 – squats
50 – swings

10 minutes of Tabata – called various exercises for 45 seconds and rest 15 seconds

Moved on to 5 minutes of Mary to complete the trifecta and take us to COT

Announcements – read your newsletter

COT – 5th core principle

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Best AI Q yet!

WARMUP: Lap around the big bus loop. Definitely longer than I was expecting and hoping, but we made it.

THE THANG: Tabata lead by the Seconds Pro AI genius. 50 seconds on and 10 off. A lap around the small drop off loop every 5 exercises. Any time remaining on those 2 minutes was earned rest

Donkey Kicks
Calf Raises
Mountain Climbers
Side Straddle Hops
Al Gore
Box Cutter
Plank Jack
Dry Dock
Seal Jack
High Knees
Monkey Humper
Freddie Mercury

COT: It happened

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Fort 12 Year Anniversary

THE THANG: Liberty led boot camp, 3D led Kettlebell and Time Machine led run
MARY: Dark Helmet rambled about cadence and people not keeping up with the rhythm of his glorious mane
ANNOUNCEMENTS: NASA presented the purpose of the Children’s Attention Home
COT: Esso talked about the purpose and greatness of the work being done by the Fort and Rock Hill regions.

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Inaugural Jackal

WARMUP: Ran to the far side of the complex where there was still pavement and started out with SSH, windmills, merkins, cherry pickers, low slow squats, honeymooners, downward dog. Covered off in the F3 mission.
THE THANG: 3 exercises, 25 reps each, 50 yards to run – do this 4x
– merkins (chest hits the ground)
– Squats (chin up, back straight)
– Flutters (4 count)

Next we ran about 150 yards and did 3 more exercises, 25 reps, mode of transportation was bear crawls, 50 yards.
– Lunges (single count)
– Freddy mercury (double count)

Took the off road run to COT area where we found benches and did 20 dips and 20 derkins.

Wrapped up with F3 credo and 5 core principles.
MARY: yes, a few rounds here
ANNOUNCEMENTS: importance of leading workouts leads to leading your family
COT: lots going on!

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‘Twas a rainy morning, in a far off AO,
What PAX would show? I do not know
Rain scares the PAX
leaving them in their fartsacks
without shovel flag or site Q,
Will I be OYO? What will I do?
Alone in the rain
I retrieved my board of pain
Then along came a glow
Someone decided to show
The work would be tough
But we’re there to get buff
The lady ruckers passed by
As we wiped sweat from our eye
The timer kept going
as we kept bent over rowing
Until it was time for part 2
And we were almost through
A screaming rooster was the neighborhood waker
While we were suffering with our manmakers
But all workouts will end, as we know they must
Surrounded by fellowship in a circle of trust

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The Yard: Why are we doing what we sre doing?

WARMUP: COP or Circle of Pain for old school readers
Some stretching and exercises to warm the body up for 10-15mins

Mosey to benches for
15 Dips and 10 Derkins 3 rounds OYO

Then plank on curb as each PAX bear crawl then replank 2 rounds

Mosey to Bball courts
PAX performs exercise while 1 pax runs around bball nets. Rinse and repeat through all PAX
2 rounds

Sprint to finish and hit COT
Each PAX shared their “Why”
I’d say the common theme was accountability and it was for themselves but also for the brothers next to them

Keep giving it away men!!

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Cadence Calling Burpee Fest

All in cadence
– 10 Moroccan nightclubs
– 12 cherry pickers
– 10 windmills
– 20 hillbilly walkers
Mosey around football field
– Karaoke, mosey, karaoke
– 10 incline merkins on curb in cadence
– Mosey around bus loop, toy soldiers
– 15 low slow squats in cadence
– Mosey, butt kickers, 10 mike Tyson’s in cadence, mosey, high knees, mosey to parking lot football field
Count off by 3 and separate into teams. Each team member will call out the exercises in cadence for their team. When the exercise is complete, run to 20 yard line and do one burpee, then return to board and next person will call out the exercise in cadence, and run to the 40 yard line and do 2 burpees. This repeats until 100 yard line, where the team will complete 5 kraken burpees. Once completed, teams rotate stations.

Board 1:
– 10 Mike Tyson
– 15 low slow squats
– 20 plank jacks
– 25 Box cutters
– 30 calf raises
Board 2:
– 10 Diamond merkins
– 15 leg raises
– 10 Lunge left leg, 10 lunge right leg
– 25 Mountain climbers
– 30 Freddy Mercury
Board 3:
– 10 Merkins
– 15 Big boys
– 10 Side lunge left leg, 10 side lunge right leg
– 25 Monkey humpers
– 30 Chair crunches
Board 4:
– 10 Wide arm merkins
– 15 Squats
– 20 Carolina Dry dock
– 25 American hammers
– 30 Shoulder taps
Big Board:
20-yard line – 1 Burpee
40-yard line – 2 Burpees
60-yard line – 3 Burpees
80-yard line – 4 Burpees
100-yard line – 5 Kraken Burpees

MARY: None needed
ANNOUNCEMENTS: check your newsletter

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