TT Mahomes

Usual disclaimer stayed close by for Sugarbug arrival. Open with broga, SSH, windmills, shoulder taps etc.

Mosey to the school entrance. Did reps of 5 incrementing to 30 for each light pole up the hill.
Each exercise totaled 105 reps per Bobbers math.

Flutters – bearcrawl
Calf raises
Monkey humpers – run

Back to COT for announcements and stuff. PSA get body scanned for skin cancer it’s no joke :ear_with_hearing_aid:

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Jackal’s 1st Field Trip

WARMUP: F3 Mission, Windmills and SSH
THE THANG: Burpees, Merkins and Squats to CRHS. Wall sits and B2W, parking spot workout, alternate grave diggers, LBC, shoulder taps, gas pumpers HR Merkins, Monkey Humpers, Plank Jacks, OH Claps, each island did Iron Mike buy-ins since nothing is ever really free. Mosey back to FCMS and did Bobby Hurley at the BB courts
MARY: Heels to heaven, penguins
ANNOUNCEMENTS: convergence, Dredd
COT: prayers for many family and friends entering new season in their lives.

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Laughing Gorilla

WARMUP: SSH, MNC, Imp.SquatWalkers, Cherry Pickers, ONE Kracken Burpee (to drive home the Laughing Penalty for the day)

Appetizer: KB swing complex/pyramid. One–2–3–4–5-4-3–2-1.
Russian swing (to shoulder), American swinging (all the way overhead), and then toss to catch for a goblet squat, toss up again to catch to squat down to put KB down on ground.

Amuse Bouche: Partner Lat Raises (using Rope through Bell handle) – 15 IC. Ideal = 2… we did have a triangle w/ 3 that worked fine.

Main Course – Partner WORK (stations by weight). Partner Nur’s up hill, Crawl-bear/lunge-walk back down….. PLANK UNTIL 6 is up before Rotating.
Round 1a (light): Windmills w/ 2 KB
1b (medium): 2KB Renegade Rows
1c (heavy): Gorilla :gorilla: Rows, (noises encouraged)
MOT for Partner (up hill to speedbump): Partner Nur’s UP hill, Crawl-bear/lunge-walk back DOWN

Round 2a (Light): 2KB Clean & press
2b (medium): Squat & 2x OH Thrust
2c (heavy): lt. Lawnmower pulls
MOT: Lunge Walk UP / Crab-walk DOWN

There was a Round 3 planned (along with Dessert)… but the clock precluded this sadly…. At least there were leftovers for another meal.

MARY: Flutter Presses, Am. Hammers

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Convergence 9/28 among others

COT: Held… raised those Said & Unsaid

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FRF 9/11 Tribute 343 challenge

WARMUP: SSH, MNC, Imper. Walkers, Windmills
Mosey to Flag Pole, Pledge Allegiance
Exercises by Loading docs. In between sets, run over to stair case – up/down/return
Exercises: 50 Merkins
50 Prisoner Squats
50 Plank Pulses
50 lunges
50 Bent over Y-raises
50 Body Rows (on Railing by loading docks)
43 Burpees
MARY: No time
ANNOUNCEMENTS: 9/28 Convergence, other items forgotten
COT: Wisdom to learn from 9/11/01

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The Quad Burner

Mozy around parking lot. Windmills. Merkins. Mountain climbers. More merkins.

Mozy with bell down the hill towards the bus drop off. At every light stop and a chest and leg exercise. I chose 10 chest press and 10 curtsy lunges at odd number poles. 10 squats and 10 merkins at even number poles. At bus drop off gather at bottom of hill and do 11s. 1 curtsy lunge at bottom and 10 chest press at test. Keep doing 11s up and down the hill until you reach 10 lunges and 1 chest press. Head back up hill and do arm exercises at every light. Back at COT finish with hip exercises.

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Bubbles short run

WARMUP: 20 side Stratal hop, mosey to loco
THE THANG: partner Dora: 100 merkins, 200 big boys, 300 flutters. Ab circle: flutters, hello Dollie’s, box cutters, big boys, lbc. Up down sprints 10x return to cot
MARY: around the circle group Q

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Waxed at Bushwood

WARMUP: long mosey, windmill, imperial walker, hillbilly, downward dog, honeymooner
THE THANG: 11’s on a big hill- merkin and squats
Mosey back to COT for board of pain w music. 5 exercises x 30
Reps of everything. Tons of merkins, ab work and lower body leg work. Planks and in between rounds more running
MARY: finished with leg raises
ANNOUNCEMENTS: the Easternexpansion shirt
Needs to get to ordering stage. The interest is as big as <@U08GHEK16> calves
COT: named our new FNG, FROGGER who EH-ed by his dad <@U07HT0W85TN> Seeing a 2.0
Work out with their dad is one of my favorite things to see!

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4 painful cornera to get to!!

WARMUP: SSH, KB Plank pull over, swings, Merkins, Mnt climbers, Jump squats
THE THANG: 4 corners at the main parking lot. Each corner has 2 exercises, plus one more exercise (5 men makers) along the longer side of the square. First lap mode of transportation is: short side murder bunnies, longs side, Around the World. Second lap mode of transportation, short side, Lunger, long side overhear press.
Corner 1: 15 KB swings + 15 Cleans
Corner 2: 15 KB Big Boys + 15 AH (each side)
Corner 3: 15 KB Halo + 15 Triceps Ext.
Corner 4: 15 Goblet Squats + 15 dead lifts

Back to COT walking with Curls and Overhead presses.

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