Tour de grounds

WARMUP: mosey to Grace Presbyterian
Various exercises in cadence with burpees mixed in. Finished with 10 6-count burpees in cadence before moseying to behind red bowl

7’s – Merkins and Sumo squats – building to parked semi and back.

Mosey to East facing wall off Harris teeter.
BTTW and wall sits – 2 rounds wall sits and Australian mountain climbers

Mosey to front lot of Harris teeter for 7’s with burpees and lunges.

Mosey to COT for 1 minute of geometry class and protractors.

MARY: See above and Nope – open to all men


COT: 5th core principle

Thanks half shell for the call. :eye:

TClap |

Little bit of rain and jacked up jack webbs

WARMUP: collected in the parking lot, very quick disclaimer and off we went. Ran a nice big lap around the baseball fields, settled in for some SSH, windmills, low slow squats, and then we went into a Jack Webb. Senator wanted to go faster in the Jack Webbs but Uber started to get air.
THE THANG: Ran over to hole #2 where we did 3 exercises.
1. 10 diamonds at the tee box
2. 10 jump squats at the valley
3. 10 4-count flutters at the green

Then rinse and repeat in reverse starting at the green with the diamonds and back to the tee box. We did this 3 times and running back to the tee box was horrible and very hilly and it’s as terrible as I remember it.

We ran back to the Runde parking lot for some 4 corners.
1. 20 CDD
2. 10 hammer sprinter combos (hammer left/right, into left/right crunch)
3. 20 merkins with (Parker Peter into Peter Parker – so 4 merkins for each Peter movement)
4. See #2 again

Rinse and repeat 2x more times but cut the numbers in 1/2 because some of this looked better on paper.
MARY: Airborne special along with some Superman.
COT: of course!

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Galaxies and Manhole Covers

Standard stuff. SSH, IW, Hillbilly Walkers, Merkins, butt-kickers, high-knees

Ran to side of Lowes, Partnered up (size not matter) and worked through 8 sets of 80-counts, split between partners. Every 2 sets, pax took a brief mosey to the front of Lowes and back.

FLAPJACK to reach 80


FLAPJACK to reach 80


FLAPJACK to reach 80

Set 4
PARTNER A – 10 Lunges (5 each leg)
PARTNER B – Deep squat
FLAPJACK to Reach 60


PARTNER B – Downward Dog
FLAPJACK to Reach 80

Set 6
PARTNER A 10 – Run Stance Switch
FLAPJACK to Reach 80


PARTNER A – 10 CRAB CAKES (4 count)
FLAPJACK to Reach 40

Set 8
PARTNER A – 20 Calf Raises
PARTNER B – Hold crunch
FLAPJACK to Reach 80

Ran to wall beside Indian restaurant. Did 3 rounds of wall-sits with pax taking turns various things (burpees, runs to a manhole cover, and a round of Jack Reachers.

Mosey back to COT for a bit of Mary. Maybe…or maybe we were at time.

YHC is always learning at these workouts. Today, I learned that none of the pax had any idea of the name of the closes galaxy outside of our own Milky Way. I also learned that you can’t talk about a manhole cover in a group of all men without there being some confusion on what is meant by that.

Great work by all men. So thankful to be a part of this F3 thing.

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Carry the heavy stuff, makes carrying the small stuff easier | Kitchen Sink

Buy-In: 10 Man-Makers, 20 weighted squats, 30 SSH + Mosey around parking lot

Lunge Walk the back of the school, ~200 yds:
– 20 merkins in cadence
– Lunge walk 20 paces with sandbag racked on back
– 10 low slow merkins IC
– Lunge walk 10 paces with sandbag above head
– 15 wide grip merkins IC
– Toy soldiers with sandbag front racked
– 10 diamond merkins IC
– 20 lunges w/bag back racked, 10 lunges with bag above head, 20 toy soldiers with bag front racked
– 15 CDD IC
– and so on, and so on

Pass every bag down the line while sitting shoulder to shoulder…pass them back

DORA #1: 100 merkins, 100 squats > Partner farmer carries both sandbags 80 yds.

DORA #2: 50 weighted dips, 50 shoulder presses with sandbag > Partner shuffles 80 yds with one sandbag back racked

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No Pirate…. No problem for todays Q as the rest of us figured it out in the fly.

I did a 10 minute warmup just make sure we didn’t have any stragglers then Change order took over the next piece.

We partnered up and one partner would run while the other partner did a AMRAP until they returned of the following exercises:

Mountain climbers.

After 2 rounds we all got a turn calling exercises.

Then with 5-7 minutes left Change order led us in Broga.

Mumblechatter was great workout was good and couldn’t have asked for a better start to the day!

:punch: :punch: :punch:

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Daytona 500 with all the smells

Butt kickers
High knees
Soccer hips

Daytona 500
5 exercises 25 reps each for 4 laps
Calf raises

Total of 500 reps when completed and roughly one mile.

With some time to spare we bear crawled a little and crawl beared a little too.

At the end I was able to introduce Pirate to some new exercises such as Dirty Myrtles and Airborne hip exercises, fan favorite for sure!

Thankfully the bakery was in full working order and the dumpster smells were not. We worked hard enough for all Pax to have one doughnut.

TClap |

Q-School Jan 2025

WARMUP: Yes, and kept us close cause FTC showed up at 5:22am. This happens when there’s more ice on vehicles. If you’re gonna run off, do it knowing that a guy could show up late and you’d be leaving him.
THE THANG: Mosey with some work and some discussion. The 1st F is about Fitness not exercise. So, it matters less what exercise you call and more that you do it well with vigor.

YHC set up 4 corners, but had the PAX call an exercise and mode of transport. The point is, it doesn’t matter what we do, but the consistency and intensity with which we do it. Don’t get so caught up in Qing the hardest or craziest stuff (not that there’s anything wrong with that if you can dem oit), but that isn’t the most importnt thing.

We covered some more ground. Did some bulgarian split squat. Did some wall sitting and chatting with a burpee line.

Got to the band practice lot and had some PAX call cadence. Quite a few of the newer PAX here are ready to Q! The Pirate in particular called well in cadence, and he had a Q on the books for Friday at Stockade. However, I neglected to mention that you should SHOW UP to the AO you’ve agreed to Q. So, he of course fartsacked through that Q. Oh well, better luck next time.

NM:: Topics discussed included WHY:
– the early gloom
– cause if not then, it ain’t gonna happen
– starts the day up 1-0
– makes you intentional the night before
– workouts need to be hard
– increases vulnerability if you’ve been humbled
– intensity and consistency matter
– push don’t settle
– men don’t show up for easy
– lead in a rotating fashion
– This is a leadership development organization
– If the same guys lead ALL THE TIME, that doesn’t develop leaders
– we practice leadership like lawyers practice law. and we’re always getting better
– outside in the elements
– #1 helps keep it free
– we have to overcome the circumstances of our environment
– test of your resolve
– You committing and posting in the wet/cold tells the Q and other men that they matter more to you than temporary discomfort
– It’s Fitness over specific Exercises
– Do the work, don’t fret about everything being unique
– Consistency is more important that innovation
Encouragement was given to
– lean into COT
– if you’re not accelerating in your 2nd and 3rd, you’re missing the point. Make it habit of preparing to share something briefly at COT. Your sharing allows another man to break his own wall and be willing to share
– Share your failures. If you aren’t failing, are you really trying?

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Tour De Buffet

WARMUP: Run out back to frozen sludge. Circle up: 15 IW, 15 WM, 15 Cherry Pickers, 15 MC, 15 PP and 15 PP
THE THANG: Mosey to apartment round about 20 Monkey Humpers, Mosey to fountain: Bear Crawl around it, Mosey to fire station (NUR up hill): Toy soldier, high knees, butt kickers and lunges.
Mosey to Sonic: Dora .5 (burpees), 1 CDD, 2 Lunges/Squats and 2 LBC/hello dolly.
Mosey to church: Crawl Bear and crab walk.
Mosey back to parking lot for one last bear crawl.
MARY: X/O, Hammers, Leg lifts
ANNOUNCEMENTS: wine, dam to damn bar
COT: yes sir

TClap |

8 for 8-block

The Sad Clown’s New Year Resolution Ritual:

Picture the sad clown: slumped in his favorite worn-out recliner, late-night infomercials flickering in the dark, fueled by stale chips and good intentions. At the stroke of midnight, he scribbles a vague and wildly ambitious resolution on a sticky note: “Lose weight,” “Get rich,” or “Be happier.” With all the enthusiasm of a man trying to change a flat tire in the rain, he sets out to conquer the world…for about a week. By the third day, he’s “rewarding” himself for doing half a workout with an entire pizza. By mid-January, the gym membership becomes a donation. And by February, he’s back in the recliner, lamenting that “next year will be different.”

The sad clown chases vague goals and quick fixes, relying on fleeting motivation and convenience, only to end up in the same place: stuck, tired, and discouraged.

The F3 HIM’s Accelerated Year with the 8-Block:

Contrast this with the High Impact Man (HIM) of F3. As the calendar turns, he doesn’t dabble in resolutions; he strategically plans his life with the 8-Block, a proven tool for intentional living. He starts by defining the key areas of his life on the front page of his 8-block: concentrica, fitness, fellowship, and faith—core pillars of acceleration.

In his first quadrant, he documents his concentrica – clearly prioritizing his M at the center, with subsequent focus areas of 2.0s, Shield Lock, Blades, and lastly Mammon.

The 2nd block dives into his faith (3F)—his ultimate purpose and drive. Whether through daily quiet time, regular service projects, or leading others in the Circle of Trust, he intentionally prioritizes spiritual growth and giving.

The 3rd block focuses on his 2nd F relationships, planning which other men in his life that he will focus on for the year. These members of his family, shield-lock, or community will be intentionally connected with in order to deepen bonds and strengthen relationships.

The fourth block addresses his 1st F – where he sets clear, measurable goals for his physical fitness, challenging himself with races, rucks, or personal records. No vague “get in shape” nonsense here—he’s training for something. The physical fitness and diet related commitments, habits, and time management required to live like a HIM. He identifies the number of posts he will attend, the CSUAPS he will participate in, the mileage goals, the weight lose amounts and generally the routines and resources to keep the machine running efficiently, rejecting the chaos that derails the sad clown.

On the back page he delves into a deeper more challenging set of goals and reflections which will only be shared with his closest confidantes.

The 1st quadrant of the back page is allocated to identifying the Jester – a HIMs kryptonite that is holding back maximal acceleration. Identification of this is no trivial task and often requires deep reflection and conversation with those closest to you. You will need to be ready for hard truths and honesty – this will likely be your most challenging quadrant to accurately address.

Next comes the personal development quadrant – which books, podcasts, training sessions will you commit to this year? Don’t continue to wait – focus on areas you need improvement and accelerate.

3rd quadrant of back page is for committing to Date nights. You probably outkicked your coverage when finding your M – don’t let the fire fade, plan and follow through with consistently dating your M. Also commit to dedicated dates with your 2.0s – show them how a true HIM treats others.

The final quadrant of the 8-block is for identifying those for whom you will seek mentorship. Ask – Listen – Remember. Seek out experts and then make plans to effectively utilize them for bettering your understanding. Be ready to pay this forward once you become the expert.

By dividing his year into actionable, prioritized segments, the HIM sets a course for sustained acceleration. And when life throws curveballs—as it inevitably does—he doesn’t crumble. The 8-Block helps him adjust course, stay accountable, and keep moving forward with purpose.

The Result?

While the sad clown spends December 31st regretting another wasted year, the HIM closes out a year of challenges, growth, and impact. The 8-Block isn’t a resolution—it’s a way of life. This difference between floundering and accelerating ensures that the HIM lives intentionally, not just on New Year’s Day but every day. And with that, he turns to his brothers in the gloom, ready to inspire others to do the same.

So, brother, the choice is clear: Are you scribbling on sticky notes or mapping out your 8-Block? The new year is yours to accelerate—don’t waste it!

WARMUP: yog and IC exercises including SSH, WM, IW, MNC, planks/broga

THE THANG: Use soccer fields to mimic an 8-block

Discuss each quadrant while holding plank. Follow each discussion with IC exercises including merkins, low slow squats, Hillbilly walkers, Freddy Mercuries.

Lunge walk between each quadrant.

MARY: Finished 8-block workout by returning to “center” of front page and performing burpees and various ab lab exercises IC.


COT: yup

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