Failure is fine

WARMUP: Gathered with our sandbags and left those for a quick mosey after a quick disclaimer. Came back for SSH, windmills, low slow squats, merkins, cherry pickers.
THE THANG: Came back to our sandbags and took our carabiners and clipped the ends to each other. Put them on our shoulders and then walked VERY close to each other. Alternating shoulders as needed but honestly, this lasted about 200 yards before the Q realized this wasn’t shaping up as it was in his head. Along the way we did curls and then curls and overhead presses.

We then unclipped and did 10 manmakers. We then took our bags to the tiered area and partnered up at the bottom. 1 partner with a 40 and 1 with a 60.

Partner 1 took both sandbags to the top and partner 2 stayed at the bottom doing pushups. Once partner 1 got back, there was a flip flop. Rinsed and repeated this.

Did this again with dips (just 1 round) and finished with flutters but for flutters it was a farmer carry.

Headed back towards COT but stopped at the curb for another idea…that didn’t pan out. With 2 sandbags removed, each pax laid down with a sandbag held in a press and then passed it down the line (last 2 guys had no bag yet) and then the first 1 guy that passed the bag ran to the other end in an Indian run style plan. Again, idea was ok but execution wasn’t great.

Moral of the story today – have a plan, execute plan, adjust plan, move forward.
MARY: we spared a few min
COT: complete

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Q has manners. Today

WARMUP: stretch, SSH, Mtn. climbers, sherry pickers, ssh
THE THANG: Track work- 1sr lap stopping at 4 corners merkins, diamond, wide arm, shoulder tap- 2nd lap squats, alt lunges, jump squats, sumo squats 3rd lap big boy, American hammers, Mtn climbers, LBCs 4th lap burpees, cool down – sprint intervals
ANNOUNCEMENTS: convergence, bethel mens shelter
COT: prayers for family, travel, thanksgiving

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A Great Fall Morning Run

THE THANG: After COT, Spud, Minuteman, and Vuvuzela hit the trails. The rest of the Pax headed west on 160 for about a mile and took a left on Front Street. We took a circuitous route mostly through the Baxter neighborhood and hit good hills at Gardenia and New Gray Rock. After a quick pit stop at Starbucks, we finished with a loop around Kingsley and ended back at Panera. Approx 6 mi.
MARY: None
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Christmas Party Dec 21.
COT: Prayers for Zach and Abbie as they continue long rehab. Prayers for the group running now (safety) and for Pax running the Lake Haigler 12 hr. Prayers for the USA as we transition to a new president and for the people of Ukraine, Israel, and Palestine. The great fall weather and good fellowship today was a great way to start a Saturday morning.

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40 days left til 2025

7 @ stockade, cold morning.
Jog around the parking lot, picked up a couple late comers.
Warm ups – SSHs, Imperial Walkers, Windmills, plank.
Next, we moseyed to the entrance of the Apartments. Six count Merkins – three down, three up. Continued on our journey to the back of the apt complex, bear crawl to the top of the hill in honor of <@UMVTXH0BX>.
Continued on our trek to the fire station hill. Lunge walk down to the bottom, run up to the fire station.
Mosey to Sonic for Dora
Carolina Dry Docks, Dips, Flutters.
Back to COT for Mary
Short lesson today – less than 40 days to New Year, get started now on goals so you can hit the ground running on Jan 1st.

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Looking for the ? over the ladder ?

Disclaimer provided and salutations

In reps of 10, 12, & 15
Wind mills
Moroccan night club
Imperial Walkers
Hillbilly Walkers
Cherry Pickers
Ladder runs: List of movements in the following rep sets. All movements must be completed then run :man-running: a lap around the lot before starting the next set of reps.
Reps sets were 30, 20, 10, & 5
List of movements:
Bomb Jacks
Calf Raises
Flutter Kicks
Carolina Dry Docks
American Hammers
Mountain Climbers

MARY: Yes, Return to COT for 10 mins of Broga and shared about journey to my first half marathon: Setting goals, staying consistent, DFQ, and surrounding yourself with people that will motivate and support you.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: read your newsletter, thanksgiving convergence, etc
COT: Always stays in COT.

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Walls, Pendulums and Fountains, oh my

WARMUP: Mozy through the HT parking lot. Circled up for non-SSH warmup that included mountain climbers, Moroccan Nightclubs, CDD
THE THANG: Mozy to the wall behind the oil change place for 12 counts of step ups, dips, incline and decline merkins.
Proceed to far side of HT through the wall of stench for wall sits with alternating bear crawls for Meridia’s and burpees.
Mozy through the apartment complex to the fountains for a 7s pendulum with BBS on the fire department side and burpees at the top of the hill on the other side.
Clock merkins ladder at the fountain. Start at 12 and plank shuffle to 1:00 for one merkin. Shuffle to 2:00 for two, rinse and repeat until a full lap of the fountain is completed at 12 merkins. They add up!!
Mozy to COT after a total of ~2.5 miles.

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Tour De Rock

WARMUP: SSH, 5 Burpees OYO, Squats, 4 Burpees OYO, Windmills, MNC, Mtn. Climbers, minimal Broga
THE THANG: Yog around to baseball diamond. Lunge walk to 1st for 10 CDDs, Bear crawl to 2nd, 10 Squats, Lunge to 3rd, 10 Donkey Kicks, Bear crawl home for 10 Burpees. Rinse/repeat. Head to playground, 2 rounds of Dips, Step ups, Derkins. Run in between.
Turn over to Uber for Indian Run, pull ups. Parter up for Cindy curls then run to Pull up bars and do exercises there.
The fog and Super Moon made for a memorable gloom.
MARY: none
COT: prayers for community, praise for Dojo’s new job.
SS Out

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Up and Down

WARMUP: Uber started w Yog round main rd of Tega Cay and back to parking lot for all your favorites including SSH, night club brothers, and hammy and groin stretch stuff.
THE THANG: Indian run to pull up boards 6 does 2 burpees. Round the horn pull ups. 1 PAX does pull up while others do merkens. Can’t stop till pax completes reps. Mosey to hill in back of baseball fields. Up and down more times than I can count w squat and LBC work. Soup took over. Mosey to basketball court for Dora exercises with coupons. Mosey to baseball field w coupons. Round the horn stations w coupon completing squats, flutters, merkens, hammers, curls, man makers, lunges. Mosey to hill in front of Runde for 7’s including squats and big boys b
COT: what’s happens stays. Prayers and praises spoken.

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Leg Day

Quick warmup on this rainy morn we did a shout out to <@U6RQY6005> with some windmills and another shoutout to <@U028PKR68GJ> for some Polish Mating Dancing :man_dancing: and we were off. Headed to the car loop for some Dora.

Partner 1: Run the car loop
Partner 2:
100 Mike Tyson’s
200 Lunges
300 Squats
400 Flutters

Back to COT for prayers and praises.


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