Q has manners. Today

WARMUP: stretch, SSH, Mtn. climbers, sherry pickers, ssh
THE THANG: Track work- 1sr lap stopping at 4 corners merkins, diamond, wide arm, shoulder tap- 2nd lap squats, alt lunges, jump squats, sumo squats 3rd lap big boy, American hammers, Mtn climbers, LBCs 4th lap burpees, cool down – sprint intervals
ANNOUNCEMENTS: convergence, bethel mens shelter
COT: prayers for family, travel, thanksgiving

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Final Countdown

Temps dropped a bit so the plan was to keep us moving to stay warm.
WARMUP: Started with SSHinCadenceX50, then moseyed to the loop at the front of the school. While moseying we got in some high knees, butt kickers, & karaoke. We stopped at the wall in the loop.

THE THANG: Following format was used throughout the workout. 2 exercises are called, 1st exercise starts with 10 reps, then perform 9 reps of the 2nd exercise, then perform 8 reps of the 1st exercise, etc… until you reach the count of 1.

At the wall the 1st exercise was Muscle Ups, 2nd exercise was 4 count Diamond Merkins

Moseyed to the benches at the front of the school. 1st exercise was Bulgarian Split Squats ( 10 each leg, 8 each leg, etc… ), 2nd exercise was Jump Squats

Moseyed to the wall at the back of the school. 1st exercise was BallToTheWall Shoulder Taps, 2nd exercise was CDDs.

Moseyed to the playground. 1st exercise was Pull Ups, 2nd exercise was 4 count Wide Arm Merkins.

Moseyed to the loop behind the school. We were moving this morning so YHC had to improvise a ‘filler’ to kill some time. PAX made 3 trips around the loop, at the start and 1/2 way point we performed burpees Lap 1 – 2 burpees at each spot, Lap 2 – 4 burpees at each spot, Lap 3 – 6 burpees at each spot.

Moseyed to the benches located on the side of the school. Back to the previous format. 1st exercise was Butt Touch Pistol Squats, 2nd exercise was Butt Touch Squats.

MARY: Moseyed to COT. PicklePointersinCadencex15, Superman poses, various positions, all held for a 10 count. Did this until we ran out of time.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Thanksgiving Convergence, Trash Pick Up, Bethel Men’s Shelter Serve, Christmas Party


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Bad(lands) Decisions

Pre-run at 0445 for those that set alarms…

WARMUP: yog around parking lot and them SSH, WM, baby arm circles while waiting for Grout to get out of the bathroom. Grab Cindy and rifle carry down to the lower parking lot near Oak Academy

4 legged starfish

Center Exercise: Block Core Series
Each time PAX return to the center, they complete the following:

10 Block Flutters (block press)
10 Block LBCs (hold block above chest while crunching)
10 Block American Hammers

After completing the core series, PAX choose a new station to run to.

The 4 Starfish Stations

Station 1: Block Overhead Lunges
Exercise: 20 Lunges (10 each leg) holding the block overhead
Return to Center for core series after completing lunges.

Station 2: Thrusters
Exercise: 15 Thrusters
Return to Center after completing thrusters

Station 3: Block Swings
Exercise: 15 Block Swings
Return to Center once finished for core series.

Station 4: Block Rows
Exercise: 15 Bent over rows
Return to Center for core series after completing rows

After round 1 take a active recovery jog around parking lot and then repeat.

After completing round 2 – murder bunny back to ROTC house

MARY: Hello Dolly, LBC, box cutters, 6ct burpees

ANNOUNCEMENTS: thanksgiving convergence, marathon tomorrow, sign up for Christmas party

COT: yup

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Bars Blocks Benches Burpees

SSH (15x I/C)
Windmills (10x I/C)
Imperial Walkers (15x I/C)
Low slow squats (10x I/C)
Big Arm Circles (7 forward, 7 backwards)
Peter Parkers (10x I/C)
Plank Stretches (Downward dog, upward dog)

Thang1: Pull up bars. Did pull-ups, knees2chest, chin-ups, toes2bar, switch grips, negatives, dead hangs.
Thang 2: bench work
Derkins (I/C 15x)
Step ups (10 each leg)
Butt touch squats (I/C 15x)
Run the loop, return to benches
Inclines (12x)
Dips (I/C 15x)
Calf raises (normal, toes out, toes in)

Thang 3: Burpee relays. Start with 3 burpees, at spot 1, S2=6 burpees, S3=9 burpees. Run relay in between.
Thang 4: block work: with cindys: curls, OH press, thrusters, flutters, goblet squats, KB swings.
Run to flag

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Don’t be a weak sauce

WARMUP: Some Broga, SSH, windmills, quad stretches, push ups, shoulders
THE THANG: The Helton – 800 meters, 30 squat thrusters with block, 30 burpees x 3 rounds – plus elevens of Merkins and curls
MARY: in between
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Bethel Men’s Shelter, BBQ/ Bourbon event
COT: mental health, unity in our country, family

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Halloween House Party

WARMUP: Mosey to the back lot
Side Straddle Hop x 25
Windmills x Most ever done
Cherry Pickers x 10
Moroccan Night clubs x 10
Merkins x 10
High knees
sprints x 3
The Pax pulled exercises from the bucket :
31 Monkey Humpers
31 Squats
31 Merkins
31 Burpees (twice, who would put 2 of those in there?)
Big sprint suicide style
31 Carolina dry docks
31 Flutter Kicks

MARY: Smidge of planks
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Bourbon night, Bethel, Christmas Party
COT: Men laid it out there so we can help shoulder the burden

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The Donny & Birt

This was my make-up Q for having missed 2 weeks prior for being DR.
WARMUP: SSH, Merkins, Moroccan Nightclubs
THE THANG: The Donny: U.S. Army Specialist Donald L. Nichols, 21, of Shell Rock, Iowa, assigned to the 1st Battalion, 133rd Infantry Regiment, Iowa Army National Guard, based in Waterloo, Iowa, died April 13, 2011, in Laghman province, Afghanistan, of wounds suffered when insurgents attacked his unit using an improvised explosive device. He is survived by his mother and stepfather, Roger and Becky Poock; his father and stepmother, Jeff and Jeanie Nichols; and his brothers, Nick and Joe.
21-15-9-9-15-21 Overhead Press and Man Makers run a lap around the parking lot

The Birt
Corporal Ashley Birt enlisted into the Australian Regular Army in June 2007 and was allocated to the Royal Australian Engineers as a Geospatial Technician.
He was killed in Afghanistan on Oct 29, 2011
11 Rounds
Run around the parking lot
10 Curls
10 Big Boys
10 Chest Press

MARY: LBC’s til time ran out
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Bethel Serve 11/7. Read your Newsletter
COT: It’s between the PAX who were there 😉

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The Big 4-2 Birthday Beatdown

After it was announced that there was an FNG, I felt like I had to be a little more through on our disclaimers, especially with the Nations Leader there. So, disclaimers and 5 core principals were given to help the FNG out.
WARMUP: Mosey the long way around the parking lot. This started the grumbling, so I knew I was on the right path.
42- SSH (for my birthday number)
6-Windmills and then that was enough.
THE THANG: Run over to the bars and get a block.
With a partner- 42 seconds of pull-ups and walls sits with the block in your lap
21 Merkins and 21 Overhead Press
21 Curls and 21 Squats with Block
Rifle Carry the block from the bars to the stop sign and back to the street in front of the bars area
21 BigBoys with the block and an overhead press at the top of the sit up and
21 Chest press
We put the blocks to the side and then ran down the hill and around the left side of the school parking lot.
Regrouped and gave instructions for 11’s up the hill with Burpees and Squats as the exercise.
MARY: Put the blocks up
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Bethel Shelters Service 11/7, Bourbon & BBQ 11/8, Adopt-a-Hwy Trash Pick-up 11/21. Christmas Party 12/21.
COT: Prayers & Praise for our teachers. We have great teachers supporting out kids. Don’t let the politics get in the way of recognizing the good work and support our kids have. Prayers for <@U035XDY7ABC> and the work that he and <@U04GQT8NQ4C> and their crew are doing up in the WNC mountains with CRI. Prayers for those not offered as we all have things going on in our lives.

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Core workout snuck up on us

WARMUP: Moseyed around the COT parking lot and made our way to the pullup bars. Completed: WMinCadencex7, LSSinCadencex10, IWinCadencex10, MNCinCadencex10, BigArmCirclesinCadencex14, SSHinCadencex20. Time to get to work.

THE THANG: Pick your poison was the theme of the workout.
Between 2 exercises need to complete accumulative rep count of 100. Each time you switch to the other exercise you must complete 25 penalty reps of a core exercise.

Thang#1: Walked over to the pullup bars
2 Exercises: Pullups & Burpees
Penalty Core Exercise: 25 BBS

Thang#2: Walked over to pick up Cindy
2 exercises: CurltoCleantoPress & Alt. Side Lunges w/Cindy
Penalty Core Exercise: 25 Straight Lower Leg Lifts

Thang#3: Dropped Cindy off and moseyed to the benches
2 exercises: Derkins & 1 Legged Butt Touch Squats
Penalty Core Exercise: 25 V-Ups




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