A Deep Flush

It was a beautiful morning in The Fort for 9 HIM to get decked by the cards of pain!

Quick warmup and off to the cards. The weinke was as follows:

A = Run a lap
K = Murder Bunny with Bell
Q = Bear Crawl with Bell
J = 10 Man Makers
♦️ = Curls
❤️ = V-Ups
♠️ = Snatch
♣️ = Squats

We got through 75% of the deck, but there was 100% of pain.

– JWow

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Kind of like Currahee Tuesday, only this was on Friday and called Chupacabra…

WARMUP: Those are for the weak

THE THANG: Just some miles, down to Tega Cay Elementary and back. Stopped in front of the school for OYO sets of 20 of Squats, Overhead Press & High Pull. Just under 2.5M.

I don’t mean to brag, but my watch read 6:00:00 when we pulled up to COT…

COT: we were present for it

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Just some miles with good discussion.



Planned on a version of the Tribe 1776 WOD but once we got to walking we were having good conversations so we audibilized to just getting miles with some stops every 10 minutes or so for reps of 25 of an exercise.

We got in somewhere between 2-3 miles (my watch accidentally got stopped) and did 25 OYO of squats, high pulls, swings and curls

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The parking lot is always smoother in the other corner

WARMUP: Some side straddle hops, windmills, imperial walkers, hillbilly walkers, Moroccan nightclubs and cherry pickers to loosen things up


Used the ol’ Seconds Pro app to provide a TABATA workout with 50 seconds on 20 seconds rest ratio. After every 4th exercise we would rotate to the next corner of the parking lot. It should be noted that I used an Apple playlist and the app appeared to have undergone an update since last use… By the time I discovered the errors with both of these items we had come too far (I already pushed start) and the only option was to press forward for the next 40 minutes… We made it through a full cycle and 3/4.

Donkey Kick
Calf Raises
Mountain Climbers
Side Straddle Hops
Al Gore
Box Cutter
Plank Jacks
Dry Dock
Seal Jacks
High Knees
Monkey Humpers
Freddie Mercury
Rinse and Repeat

Things learned:
-the update changed the default voice from an Australian lady to a deep voiced male… not as fun to be told to do monkey humpers by a deep voiced male
-Apple includes U2’s One as a 90’s Rock/Alternative Essential, and while a great song, it is not terribly motivating… however it is very long…
-the update also messed up the volume of the coach voice anyway, so everyone just had to listen to me yelling over U2 anyway…

COT: It happened… we were all there…

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Who hates airlines? Apparently we all do…

WARMUP: Didn’t do that…

THE THANG: Laps around Kingsley with some lifting at the turn each time (sets of 20 each)
1st lap: Curls, Overhead Press, Squat
2nd lap: High Pull, Swing, Squat
3rd lap: Curls, Overhead Press, Squat

Then we wandered in circles like a dog looking to lay down so we could get to 3.0 miles

MARY: Nope

ANNOUNCEMENTS: PotHole’s event is tonight. Everyone go if possible

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I don’t know much but I know Uhaul

Windmills, monacan Nite clubs, squats, merkins, sumo squats toy soldiers, lunges
3 sets of ten: 3 sets of 5 exercises 10 reps each take lap. Most got two full rounds in
Did some Mary with Bushwood
10 yr anniversary coming up
LOTS PRAYERS DOE health concerns. Praise for Battle Bots anniversary 👏🏻🥓

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Sandbag Games

WARMUP: Slick mosey around the parking lot followed by some SSH, Good Mornings and a few Merkings.
THE THANG: I borrowed, or stole, this workout from Steak Knives in Cape Fear while we did a version of this workout as extra credit prior to a running AO. Everyone hear had a sand bag between 40lbs-60lbs.
(50) Sand bag Getups (think a Turkish getup) without ruck on.
(50) Sand bag ground to shoulders (and toss it over your shoulder) while wearing ruck.
(50) Sand bag squats while wearing ruck
(50) Sand bag clean & throws (same as a sand bag toss) while wearing ruck.
We were on a 2min timer so every 2mins, you had to do 5 burpees. After 2 rounds, we changed the count to 3 burpees.
Box Cutters with ruck overhead
LBCs with ruck overhead
Flutters with ruck overhead
American Hammers – slick
Standing side-bends with ruck in hand
Series of planking with rucks on
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Newsletter, Independence Day convergence at NAFO, give blood, Men’s Shelter
COT: You had to be there.

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Omaha, Omaha! These streets have no name.


Got the WOD inspiration from Florida Georgia line day before while working the BoFlex. Board of Pain w/ acrostic SIMPLE.

Decided rk take 1 of 2 routes, hit WEP, run laps starting from playground OR run to QT and instruct the 12 to use discretion to stop, wait for 6 and execute BOP.

Rolling in and catching an earful of healthy mumblechatter, decided neither. We will run randomly to dimmly lit parking lots and execute BOP.

Ran up to the old Kimbrells for a little warmup.

– Low slow squat with a jump at the end. @darkhelmet informed me that it was called a squat jump

– imperial walkers

– shoulder taps

– stretches


An arbitrary count if 15 for each exercise.

Board of pain:

S Shoulder taps
I Irkins
M Monkey Humpers
P Plank Jax
L Lunges
E Burpees (burpee has an E in it)

Run to 1887 Brewery, BOP

Run to the government building on the left on way back, BOP.  After much debate, no one knew what building it was and we found ourselves back at Kimbrells.

By then we started to spread out, causing more chaos.

Run down, take left at Amor and hit parking lot on left, BOP.

Per Jihnny Utahs request, hit Litte Caesars, BOP.

Run past COT, on left side of street, hit parking lot with kong brick wall, BOP.

Head back to COT for some Mary.




Quoting ZBB “ I have everything I need, nothing that I dont” was a pleasant reminder on being content and thankful for your blessings. Happiness is fleeting but joy is eternal.

Rather quiet, everyone’s life must be perfect.


I explained this was a clear demonstration how not to Q a workout.

You need to be flexible and know your PAX but you must be able to articulate clearly amidst the chaos of the gloom especially with the strong mumbkechatter hell bent on throwing you off and distracting you.

I personally wouldn’t have it any other way and am thankful for the PAX that showed and their relentlessness. Blessed to have this brotherhood in my life and always am appreciative to serve at BP.

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For my OnlyFans

WARMUP: Shake weight


AMRAP Workout

Russian twist x15
Chest press x10 ea
Lat pull down x10

Swing x20 (lat x10 ea)
Tricep x10
Row x10 ea

Cleanjerk/snatch x10 ea
Front raise x10
Curl x10 ea


Lots of discussion on house issues and how to recoup your money. Airbnb, OnlyFans… etc

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