4 painful cornera to get to!!

WARMUP: SSH, KB Plank pull over, swings, Merkins, Mnt climbers, Jump squats
THE THANG: 4 corners at the main parking lot. Each corner has 2 exercises, plus one more exercise (5 men makers) along the longer side of the square. First lap mode of transportation is: short side murder bunnies, longs side, Around the World. Second lap mode of transportation, short side, Lunger, long side overhear press.
Corner 1: 15 KB swings + 15 Cleans
Corner 2: 15 KB Big Boys + 15 AH (each side)
Corner 3: 15 KB Halo + 15 Triceps Ext.
Corner 4: 15 Goblet Squats + 15 dead lifts

Back to COT walking with Curls and Overhead presses.

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Drive By Complaints

Mosey with dynamic warmup 5 min

SB OH Strict Press
SB Good Morning/Dead Lifts
SB Back squat
SB Clean

At end of timer, grab SB and move to field for second set of work.

Moving Sandbag Iterations w/Static Moves Between
Bear Crawl SB Drag across field
One Shoulder Squat x 10 each side
Clean and Toss across field
SB OH Hold for the six
SB Lunges in front rack position across field
SB over the shoulder (OTS)
Bear Crawl w/SB on back

Boogie Nights is apparently the only person who can successfully bear crawl while balancing a sandbag on his back.

Walk back to COT w/SB on one shoulder, flapjack halfway
SB Sit Up
Flutter with SB Hold/Press
Seated SB Twists
Have a nice day 30 seconds


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Club 813

What a way to start my 50th birthday.
Short mosey run
Warmup: SSH (12xI/C); windmills; Imperial Walkers; Low Slow Sqts; big arm circles; peter parkers; parker petes; plank stretches
–mosey Run to awesome parking lot across from First Baptist Ft Mill– Thang 1: Burpee relays, Start at baseline.
Run to cone 1, do 5 burpees, run back to start
Run to cone 2, do 5 burpees, run back to start
Run to cone 3, do 5 burpees, run back to start
–mosey Run to Ft Mill Church of God–
Thang 2: leg lift loop dora: Partner 1 runs loop, other does leg lifts (we held onto the fence) cumulative to a 125 leg lifts
–mosey run back to nice parking lot
Thang 3: Mtn climber relays: Start at baseline.
Run to cone 1, do 15 mtn climbers, run back to start
Run to cone 2, do 15 mtn climbers, run back to start
Run to cone 3, do 15 mtn climbers, run back to start
–mosey run to the Print Shop—
Thang 4: Pull up dora (there was a lot of pax)
Partner 1 does pullups while partner 2 runs to front of Print Shop and back
Continue to 75 cumulative…later reduced to 50
–Run to shovel flag–
Badlands led the Mary
I am truly grateful for being a part of F3. Special thanks to Deacon for the constant persuasion to get me out to try this F3 thing 8 years ago.

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Bring em out bring em out

WARMUP: pre-run at 0445
THE THANG: braden loops – with 3 pain stations
stop 1 – 20 squats
stop 2 – 30 LBCs
stop 3 – 20 merkins

3 to 4 miles by all

MARY: a few core exercises


COT: yup

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Bring em out bring em out

WARMUP: pre-run at 0445
THE THANG: braden loops – with 3 pain stations
stop 1 – 20 squats
stop 2 – 30 LBCs
stop 3 – 20 merkins

3 to 4 miles by all

MARY: a few core exercises


COT: yup

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LR Clowncar beatdown

WARMUP: Disclaimer brought to you by Slow Jams then an introduction to my fellow CO Q’s and the theme of the beatdown, Accountability, was explained and what that means to me. Followed by some in cadence exercises and stretching.
THE THANG: Mosey to bus loop where Slow Jams called curb 7’s. Starting with 1 curb dip, bearcrawl out to next curb for 6 incline merkins, crabwalk back. So on and so forth.
Cubbie was next up. He provided his insights on our group and where accountability plays its part. Mosey to pull up bars for partner station work. 1st station – 10 pull ups, 2nd station – 25 WW1 sit-ups, 3rd station – 25 leg lifts, 4th station – 25 v-ups, 5th station – 25 lbc, 6th station – 25 dragon flutters. Following the completion of all stations we then took a mosey to front entrance hill.
Skipper then took the helm. He zeroed in on a stoicism based message that aligned with accountability in your personal actions. We then proceeded with 5’s from light pole to light pole with lunges and jump squats. Final mosey to the band lot where Half Shell finished with a final message on how our accountability plays an important role in keeping him on track. He thanked us with 50 yard sprints and exercises that summarized the entire workout. 25 CDD’s, 25 Merkins, 25 BBS, 25 Superman’s, 25 Squats, 25 calf raises.
MARY: no time
ANNOUNCEMENTS: bethel men’s, stuff the bus, tortoise and hare, blood drive
COT: we all got an opportunity to share what was weighing on our hearts and minds. Because after all, we are men and whether we like it or not, we can’t fix everything on our own. Don’t be ashamed to be vulnerable and reach out for help!

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Went Looking For The Stamp…Found It

WARMUP: Run to the pharmacy, wait, run to the old Hardees, wait.
Captain Thor (1 BBSU : 4 American Hammers-rt side counting = 10:40) and yes, we found the Stamp.
Run to the Town Hall Bldg for a plank series:
Mountain Climbers
Grave Diggers-Rt Side then Left Side
Run to the big, smooth lot for FMFBC:
NUR the long stretches & Bear Crawl the “short stretches”
To the Church steps
Up & Down the steps 2x then 30 correct squats
Up & Down the steps 2x then 20 correct squats
To the next smooth lot, now by FMCOG
Feet on the curb and lean on another PAX for 50 Calf Raises
Get a partner for Partner Pushes:
Each partner pushes a longer stretch and a shorter stretch.
At the corners, do 20 Flutters I/C & 20 Diamond Merkins
Run back to C.O.T. for a little more Mary.

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Sublime KB Tabata No Wind, No Problem Stankfest

WARMUP: YHC was 2 min late prepping for the workout. Bandcamp lead us in SSH and Swings, Imperial Walkers.
I continued with:
– Windmills
– Cherry Pickers
– Peter Parker’s
– Dying Cochroaches
Tabata workout: 1 minute per exercise, 20 sec rest
Run a lap after completing a group
Group 1.
– Swings
– Curls
– Flutters
– Deadlift
– OH Press
Group 2
– Snatches
– Goblet Squats
– Tris
– American Hammers
– Renegade Rows
Group 3
– Halos
– BO Rows
– Calf Raises
– Side Lunges
– Chest Press on six

We went through groups 1-3 once, back to Group 1, did 2 from Group 2, then ran it in to COT.

Guys shared many prayers on their minds and we ask that these be repeated and lifted up.

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