Zero Running

WARMUP: Windmills, Torso-twist, Hillbilly Walkers
1. 200 Kettlebell swings with 2 burpees every 90 seconds
2. 21- Burpee Jump Overs and 21 two-handed clean and press, 15- Burpee Jump Overs and 15 two-handed clean and press, 9 Burpee Jump Overs and 9 two-handed clean and press
3. 4 Rounds of 17 reps of each of the following: kettlebell swings, deep knee-to-elbow squats, and deadlifts
4. 10 reps of Burpees, KB Thrusters, High Pulls, KB Swings followed by 3 reps of Burpees, KB Thrusters, High Pulls, KB Swings. We ran out of time to do the full 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1

MARY: Flutters
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Tortoise and Hair, Golf Event
COT: Closed in prayer

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Zero Running

WARMUP: Windmills, Torso-twist, Hillbilly Walkers
1. 200 Kettlebell swings with 2 burpees every 90 seconds
2. 21- Burpee Jump Overs and 21 two-handed clean and press, 15- Burpee Jump Overs and 15 two-handed clean and press, 9 Burpee Jump Overs and 9 two-handed clean and press
3. 4 Rounds of 17 reps of each of the following: kettlebell swings, deep knee-to-elbow squats, and deadlifts
4. 10 reps of Burpees, KB Thrusters, High Pulls, KB Swings followed by 3 reps of Burpees, KB Thrusters, High Pulls, KB Swings. We ran out of time to do the full 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1

MARY: Flutters
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Tortoise and Hair, Golf Event
COT: Closed in prayer

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WARMUP: Wind Mill, Low slow squat, and Spider Merkins

Warm- up Wind Mills, Low slow squats, Spider Merkins

Run .25
Wind Sprints
10 Man-Makers
Bear crawl and 3 Merkins
Tire flip 4 times and 5 Merkins
Tire flip 3 Burpees
Run two laps around Catawba Ridge High


ANNOUNCEMENTS: Bethel Men’s shelter, Red Cross blood :drop_of_blood: drive, Trash pick- up
Turtle :turtle: and Hare

COT: Prayers and Praises

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Upper body around the circle

Run to the mushroom pool. Run around the circle, in the first lap, stop at every intersection and do 2 burpees, 12 merkins, 12 deeps.
Second lap at every intersection do 2 burpees, 12 shoulder taps, 12 CDD.
Run back to COT for a couple abs exercises.

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Silver Screen Sweat-Fest

WARMUP: MNC’s x 25
5 “Clam Chowders “ (10 ct/IC), Imp Walk, 4CCs, SSH, 3 CCs, ChPick, 2CCs, plank-Jack w/ Merkin (IC), 1 CC

THE THANG: 7 laps around 3 Stations, 25 reps all exercises, MOT changes each lap between stations, always slow Mosey from last to start. End each lap w/ SSH till 6
( We only had time to do 5 of 7)
set timer & Music (VanHalen)

1: Shiko, Good-AMs, AirSquats, MOT= Nur
2: Step-ups, calf-raise (toes in/out (opposite Pax natural posture), side lunges, MOT=Toy Soldier
3: CDDs, shoulder claps, Mike Tyson’s, MOT=Carioca (R/L)
4: plank (25sec), Side-Rt, Side-Lt, MOT=full Mosey
5: Alt Bulg. Split Squats, Monkey-Humpers, Alt RDLs, MOT=mosey w/ butt-kickers
6: up and out, Flutters, LBCs, MOT= bear crawl
7: Merkins, Wide , Diamond, MOT=side shuffle

MARY: Jane Fonda Pilates, 50 LBCs
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Jaegar, T & H, Blood Drive, Bethel 8/1
COT: Prayers for Connecting w/ 2.0’s, mental health, transitions back into school
FNG Naming

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Pax to run loops around Veteran’s Park (N. White to FMRX, around Clebourne to Main, Down Main back to Veteran’s Park).
4 stops along the way. First stop is 2 reps. Second is 4, then 6, then 8. Each loop is a different exercise:

LBCs (4 count)
Imperial Walkers (4 count)
Merkins (4 count)
PlankJacks (4 count)
SSH (4 count)

Speedsters, rinse and repeat.

Flutters and Freddies until the 6 came in.

Great work by all pax. Some did their own thing, but all were sweating it out this humid morning that teased us with a breeze every once in a while.

Thanks FunHouse for the opportunity to lead.

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The Loop of Pain

WARMUP: none

THE THANG: Hot zone (starting point) 20 Jump squats, 15 Merkins, 10 Peter Parker’s, 5Burpees and Run 1/4 mile loop. Pain station Large fire :fire: truck tire and flip three times. Run 1/4 mile to next pain station and Bear crawl between cones ending with 5 Merkins. Total of 75ft with 25 Merkins. Run 1/4 mile back to hot zone and repeat process.



COT: multiple prayer requests

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Sweaty Masey Marathon Prep

WARMUP: Discuss the route
THE THANG: A 4-mile run through the Masey neighborhood and Dobys Bridge with some hills along the way
MARY: American Hammers and Flutters
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read your newsletter
COT: Prayers and Praises

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