Next Play!

My SL bro had the Q stick for Soul2Sole this morning so we planned a mini convergence the night before…

WARMUP: Dynamic warmup including some mosey, some toy soldiers, high knees, and butt kickers

Then met with the Soul2Sole crew at entrance to football stadium and circled up for SSH, WM, IW, MNC, LSS all IC.

THE THANG: S2S brought their rucks and sandbags to the party so we utilized them in a mini-DORA.

5 groups of 3 PAX
50 burpees – while 2 of the PAX did overhead rifle carry up the hill with sandbag/ruck
100 squats – while 2 of the PAX did farmers carry up the hill with sandbag/ruck
150 merkins – while 2 of the PAX did bear hug carry up the hill with sandbag/ruck

arranged into 3 groups of 5 PAX and rotated throwing the sandbag up and down the hill

S2S left back to Kingsley about 540 so I had 20 minutes left

Headed for the steep hill that leads to the handicap parking/entrance to the football field

mosey to bottom – crawl bear to the top – bunny hops to the bottom – 20 LBC IC – sprint to the top – bear crawl to the bottom – NUR to the top – 20 flutters IC

mosey back toward COT with a few stops:
1. curb work including calf raises, dips, and curb taps all IC
2. parking lot work including walking lunges, reverse walking lunges, burpee broad jumps
3. Wall work including wall sits with MNC, and toe taps

MARY: about 30 seconds of plank moves including left and right arms to sky, 6in, and honeymooner

ANNOUNCEMENTS: survey, convergence sept 28, IronPAX

COT: yup

TClap |

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