Hip Hop Hooray (Name O’rama Video)

We had 9 HIMs post @theyard for an old school Hip Hop Hooray, playing cards beatdown with a Boogie Down Productions Old School straight up Hip Hop soundtrac :

WARMUP:  Abe Vigoda, Breakdancing Merkins,  Cherry Pickers,  Drill Instructor, Flying Squirrels, Imperial Squat Walkers

The Thang:

Mosey to Light Pole #1- Pick a Card/workout 3x

Mosey To

Light Pole #2 Pick a Card/workout 3x

Mosey to

Light Pole #3 Pick a Card/workout x3

Picking a Royal card- 20 reps

Picking a card #-10 reps

Picking an Ace-100 reps

Backward Lunge, Backward Run (NUR), Burpees, Bulgarian Split Squats, Calf Raises, Merkins, Mountain Climbers, Oblique Crunch, Plank Jacks, Rosalita, Smurf Jacks, WW II Situps


Old School Hip Hop FNGS:

Afrika Bambaataa-Planet Rock

2 Pac-Changes

Biz Markie-Just a Friend

Coolio-Gangsta’s Paradise

Fat Boys-Fat Boys

House of Pain-Jump

Ice Cube-It was a Good Day

KRS -One-Step into A World

LL Cool J-Mama Says Knock You Out

MC Search-Here it Comes

Naughty By Nature-Hip Hop Hooray

Rob Base-It Takes Two

Tone Loc-By popular request by Tater!!

TClap |

Welcome To The Machine!

WARMUP: SSH, MNC, Cherry Pickers, Chest stretches
THE THANG: First Round: 7 stations with running in between: Station 1: 50 regular merkins
Station 2: 50 Squats
Station 3: 50 wide arm merkins
Station 4: 50 Squats
Station 5: 50 diamond merkins
Station 6: 100 IC flutter kicks (400 single count)
Station 7: 20 burpees
Round 2: Starfish routine – 10 burpees every time in the center; 1st station – 50 merkins, 2nd station – 50 squats, 3rd station – 50 pike presses (CDD), 4th station – 50 IC flutter kicks (200 single count),
Round 3: 7s with regular merkins at one end and IC flutter kicks at other end.
Totals: 221 merkins, 150 squats, 171 IC flutter kicks, 50 pike presses, 20 American Hammers, 1 to 2 miles of running.

MARY: 20 American Hammers and approximately 1 minute of heels 6 inches off ground


COT: Prayers lifted and thanks to God for letting us do the F3 madness.

Thanks to Uber for letting me lead the workout this morning.

TClap |

Four Corners of Fun at Golden Corral

WARMUP: 4 Plank Jacks/Merkins/Shoulder Taps/Supermans. Repeat with 8 count. Repeat with 16 count. Repeat with 32 count.
THE THANG: Four corners with four exercises (20 count each) at each corner. After exercises completed at the corner, run one full lap + 1/4 to get to the next station. Exercises grouped as “Upper”, “Lower”, “Abs”, “All”. Once completed all corners we did the warmup all over again.
MARY: Nope
COT: Grassy’s son

TClap |

“Jump Program” and FNGs…what are you talking about?

Go back to when you were told, “say your hospital name, age, FNG” at your first workout. We likely can all recall that exact moment. You were probably like most of us, “now what happens, AND, what just happened”…aside from likely knowing you were going to be sore the next day. Maybe someone was in your ear during the workout encouraging you, maybe asking you questions when you’re just trying your best not to merlot, or maybe no one really said much to you (or you zoned them out) because you were just trying to follow along with the exercises or the lingo. Whatever your experience was, how long was it until you started understanding the small things like: “oh, that’s what an AO is”, or “now I get why I shouldn’t look up merkin on the internet”, or “there’s someone that schedules people to lead a workout?”…or pick your question.

The bigger question is, when did you start to feel like one of the PAX and you belong.

As we continue to pick up FNGs weekly (good work here!), the question this group of 6 that developed the “Jump Program” asked each other is: “how can we get these guys plugged in to F3 faster, how do we answer some of these basic questions we all now take for granted, how do we make them feel welcome and that they belong, how do we not leave this man behind”.

Since none of had the one silver bullet answer to this question, this is where the “stuff worth trying” mindset really came into play and the Jump Program was willing to try, fail, try, fail…rinse and repeat, with a mission to be intentional about making FNGs feel included, drive relationships early, and provide an F3 overview within 1 month of 1st post.

We started with looking at day 1 for an FNG and came up with this acronym SINCK (sounds like sync) which we want to share and have you apply it as best you can. Yes take liberties of course as these aren’t rules or core principles; hence the “worth trying” application.

  • S – Selfless
  • I – Impression
  • N – Naming
  • C – Connection
  • K – Knowing (as in get to know)

Selfless: Todays workout isn’t about you (non-FNG Pax reading this now)

Inclusion: Give some space, but make sure FNG has a guy with him from beginning to end outside of the EH Pax and Site Q – give him a sense of inclusion

Naming: Be mindful of body language as he’s being named – we want him to come back out and his name shouldn’t take away from that (we know names don’t matter but he doesn’t)

Connection: Remember, you’re his first impression of F3 so try and connect with him, or listen for clues on who he may connect and relate to

Knowing: Get to know him and gather some background (who EH’d, how’d you hear about F3, where do you live?)

Once the FNG has been named, this is where the Jump Program kicks off. We have been gathering FNGs and their contact information and have a goal in offering monthly off-the-books (OTB) workouts. We’ve kept this OTB in an effort to remove the intimidation FNGs tend to feel in the beginning when working out with guys who have been working out a lot longer than them and/or they’re still trying to figure out what a Carolina dry dock is. The Jump Program team has been co-Q’ing a 30 minute workout, very Q-school 101’esq, along with a coffeeteria intro to F3 Q&A following the workout. Having co-Qs allows the newer PAX to ask questions, allows the co-Qs to answer questions and/or address basic “when I was new, this is what I remember having questions about, or not finding out about ‘x’ until I was a year into F3”. We all have these stories of course, but the idea is that the new PAX outnumber the co-Qs with the goal that they are surrounded by PAX on the same F3 knowledge base (i.e. they feel like one of the guys b/c the guy standing next to them knows just as much as they do!).

Certainly more to come as this evolves, and would love your help with FNGs encouraging them to attend the monthly OTB Jump Program workouts. If they miss one, they’re invited to come to the next one and more than once if they’d like. If you can help apply the SINCK, maybe this is something that makes the FNG think “I could see myself working out with this group”, which we all know is the first bite of the apple we all took when someone pulled us aside and said, “remember, you need to say your hospital name, age, FNG”.

TClap |

Site Q Rotation

Your favorite site Q may not be present at their respective AO’s a few times this year.

One of the prices of leadership is that at times you aren’t afforded the same level of flexibility as others. If you’ve ever been a Site Q or thought about the responsibility that Site Q’s have, you realize that there is a level of monotony in their ability to post. Sometimes we don’t want to go to the same AO that we post at every Monday or Friday. Sometimes we want to do something different in the middle of the week, and as a Site Q, there isn’t that availability.

In an effort to allow for that flexibility and variability in posting, Site Q’s may switch up where they post on the days they carry the shovel flag. This does NOT change the AO style at all.

What can this look like? For example Monday’s we have Honey Badger lead by Sawdust and Sweep The Leg by Badlands. They may swap locations on a Monday, but HB will remain a boot camp and STL will remain a running with pain stations AO.

Currently every 6 weeks, starting the week of February 6, there may be a swap as to who carries the flag to an AO. They may also be your QIC for that day as well.


TClap |

Cuomo GC 12/13 backblast

WARMUP: mosey, windmill, Moroccan NCs, SSH, hillbilly walkers
THE THANG: 4 corners w/ Cindy’s. Cindy exercises: rifle carry, murder bunnies, thrusters, curls, swings, & bent over rows. Partner work, Dora style.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Christmas party, read your news letter.
COT: families during holidays, prayers for Cuomo’s mother.

TClap |

Are You Prepared for 2023

Are you ready for 2023?  Have you set your fitness goals for next year?

January is fast approaching.  Now is a good time to sit and write down some fitness goals for the next year.  Pick three to five goals and share them with someone (Shield Lock) who will keep you accountable.

The year I started F3, we had a fitness challenge called F3twofiddy.  The goal was to post 250 workouts during the year.   I am going to reintroduce this challenge for 2023.

Here are the general guidelines (not rules):

  • This is a goal-oriented challenge (You verses You). It’s not a contest. First one to 250 does not win a prize.  In fact, some may choose a high goal than 250.
  • Any 30 minute or longer workout counts
  • Does not have to be F3 related
  • Each leg of a Relay type event would count as one workout
  • CSAUPs and GoRuck events count as one workout no matter how long

You can track it yourself or use a copy of the Tracker created with the help of 38 Special.

Details on the Tracker:

  • Download a copy to track your information
  • Starts January 1, 2023
  • Enter your name in cell C2
  • Enter your workout goal (# of workouts) for the year in cell C4.  The sheet is prepopulated with 250.  If you frequently post to bootcamps and exercise outside of F3, the number should be significantly higher.
  • Enter your daily workout counts (columns B thru I) starting January 1st.  The cells will also accept text so you can type a specific event in the cell like “Workout Q” or “Charlotte Half”.  The text will count as one workout.

A Slack channel (“250in2023”) will be created to answer questions and to provide encouragement throughout the year.

Let’s get after it!




TClap |

It’s Back…A Holiday Classic

The Return of The Clave Boss 5k/10k and Christmas Convergence….a tradition like no other. Right there with The Masters, Kentucky Derby, and Football (NFL)!!!

Invite your family visiting from out of town and get ready to celebrate Christmas with Fitness, Fellowship and Faith!


  • Date: Saturday 12/24/22
  • Location: Tega Cay Elementary School (aka:Maximus torture AO)
  • Schedule of events:
    • Clave Boss 5k/10k will launch at 0625am- THE RUN WILL START AT 0630am
      • Will have option to run one or the other (10k course is slightly different)
      • Top 3 runners in each will receive Bundt Cake!
      • Picking up the six will be highly recognized
    • Boot Camp will launch at 0730 am, end at 08:30 am
      • Qs = ???????????? (Show to know)
      • Will be something for everyone!
      • COT: Nam-o-rama, FNG naming, BoM
    • Coffeerteria be at Tega Cay School – with Donuts, Coffee, Water and other items

Bring Uncle Chuck and the brother in-law that thinks you’re nuts and have a Jolly Ol Time at The Fort!


TClap |

D2DB 10k 2023

It’s baaaaaaaaaack for year three!

10:30am – Walkers/Ruckers
11:00am – Runners

The hardware is sweet, the gear is swanky, the charities serve sincerely, and the route stays strong! Registration link and route map are up on the website.

Cost is $50 and includes the race shirt, race bag, and finisher medal. Registration deadline cutoff for shirts in 1/7/2023

Running this 10k could be the greatest thing you’ll do during the 11:00am hour on 1/28/2023. Just let that ruminate in your mind.

Bring your friends, families, spouse, children, co-workers, enemies, girlfriend, boyfriend, non-labeled romantic partner, and/or generic acquaintances. Let’s go!!!

TClap |