It Was Sooooo Humid Today…

23 men gathered in the sultry SC gloom for another round of F3 at  Golden Corral.  Some rucked while others boot camped, but we all got a good sweat on this morning.  Here is what we did:

The Thang:

YHC  took the boot campers aside and stated their obligations for the next 45 minutes (don’t get hurt and  if you do, it’s your own fault).  We then moseyed for a dynamic warm up of knee pulls, ankle pulls, toy soldiers, arm circles, and lunge twists.  After we woke up our bodies, we mosey around the lot and found a good spot in front of the Piedmont Family practice for COP:

All in cadence:

SSH x 40, merkin x 10, windmill x 15, crab tags x 20, squat x 20, Peter Parker Peter x 20, diamond merkin x 20, side lunges x 15, wide arm merkin x 15, LBC x 20

Mosey to the corner of the lot for suicide repeats.  Run out and back to the first, second and third concrete islands.  Plank up when finished and wait for the six.  We did five rounds today with the following exercises in cadence between each round:

Round 1:  Carolina dry dock x 20

Round 2:  Diamond merkins x 10

Round 3:  Morrocan night clubs x 30

Round 4:  Can’t remember?

Round 5:  Burpees (10 OYO)

Mosey back to the start point for 5 minutes of Mary:

Hello Dolly x 20, Freddie Merc  x 20, Pretzel crunch x 10L/10R, Superman hold x 2


Big group today – more than I expected.   It’s been a while since I’ve been here,  and even longer since I had the Q so was happy to get the call last night from Decibel.   I think we had about 15 boot campers and 8 ruckers.  Don’t know what the ruckers did, but they looked pretty tired at COT so it must have been good.    There was a lot of chatter today from Decibel and Falcon Crest, as well as from the usual suspects (Pusher, Funhouse, Change Order).  The humidity was in full swing and the heavy air made everything harder today.     The pax did a great job, though, and no one complained, when YHC called for the next round of suicides.   Well done, men!

It was nice to have F3 The Fort’s official historian couple (Lugnut and Spitz) in attendance as well as many, many new pax.   My hope for the new guys is that they take full advantage of all that F3 has to offer and that they become stronger men and leaders.


Read your weekly newsletter.  If you are not receiving the newsletter, reach out to Old Bay.

Prayers for the death of a brother-in-law, brother-in-law with cancer, a member of our NC pax struggling with addiction,  children going back to school and heading off to college

Funhouse  made a call for our local F3 pax to be leaders and mentors for young boys in our community.   Deacon called out the Pax to be men of action and not those who stand and watch injustices.


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Getting Out of Your Rut-Ruck WO

5 other PAX decided to join YHC on this humid morning to Ruck a little and spend some quality time together. Thank you all for coming out and for working so hard this morning.


We began by Rucking 2×2 from the flag around the parking lot to the auto maintenance shop, back to Fort Mill BBQ, and then back to the maintenance shop. At each stop we circled up and performed the following exercises.

10 Merkins, 10 CDDs, 10 Lunges (Each Leg), 15 Ruck Curls, 15 Tricep Extensions, 10 Ruck Thrusts, 10 Ruck Swings, 10 Overhead Presses, 20 Flutters, 20 Ruck Presses with legs at 6″, 10 American Hammers, 10 Step Ups (Each Leg), 5 Man Makers, & 20 Squats.

During the Rucking we had time for some good conversation and catching up.


At the end, I circled the PAX up and asked one question. ‘How many times did it take each one to know the routine of the exercises at each stop?’ Most said somewhat after 2-times, but definitely after the third. I then stated that it doesn’t take us long as humans to get into a routine in life, whether it be exercise, emotional, or spiritual.

The only way to get out of the rut is to change something. Reach out to someone, first God, to ask for help getting out of the rut and then change something. Talk to a Whetstone partner, another F3 brother, your Pastor, a trusted friend, and yes, your wife. Humble yourself and ask for the help. You will be a better man in the long run if you do.

Announcements & Prayers with Bootcampers

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Old School Ruck Workout

The workout was actually pretty simple

Right at 5:15 and maybe a minute before I gave a very quick and brief typical disclosure except I say not to go at your own pace because you will be left behind.  Then the pax all grab their gear and 4 sandbags and headed out.

The Thang:
Ruck approx 1 mile down to Tega Cay Elementary while rotating coupons.  It was important that we complete this in 15 mins to ensure we could get some PT in before needing to head back.

After reaching the school in a little under 15 mins we did the following with partners:
went down the pavilon like area where Pax 1 would start with the sand bag and push it up to the first concrete pad.  Pax 2 would do 5 merkins and bear crawl up to pad and wait on Pax 1.  Switch and go to next pad.  Once at top both pax did 10 Man makers  (Rinse and Repeat)

Next round pax ran up the hill stopping at all 3 pads doing the following:
Flutter press
Partner merkins with sandbag (10)
– start in plank position shoulder to shoulder
– pull sand bag from one side to the other and do a merkin once the bag crossed all the way to the other side of paxs shoulders.  Rinse and repeat except only did 10 merkins at top so that we could get back to COT

Worked our way back to COT and once we got to the parking lot we partnered up and and both grabbed one end of the sand bags and ran the rest of the way in.  Finished with 1 minute to spare.  Good word this morning men.

Thanks for letting me lead.


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Stinky Morning at the Golden Corral

Cool morning at the Golden Corral with 20 men in attendance for ruck, running and boot camp activities.  The group split up evenly with two getting in some extra miles running.  After a brief disclaimer, we moseyed to the back parking lot for the following warm-up exercises:

SSH x20

Imperial Walker x20

Moroccan Night Club x20


Windmill x10

Next, we took a short jog to the top of the parking lot for some partner exercises.  First partner, ran up to the cell tower and performed 10 bomb jacks while the second partner performed the following exercises:


Flutter Kicks


Our workout was disrupted by the passing garbage truck carrying a potent mixture of foul smelling trash.   A few almost lost their breakfast.

Next, we ran to the church parking lot for a round of Doral 1-2-3.

100 – Squats

200 – LBCs

300 – Merkins

we finished with 50 Moroccan Night Clubs and two rounds of step-ups.


Convergence this Friday at Harris Teeter


Ginsu & M safe travels and new addition to family

Those unspoken


Always an honor to serve!


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Good times at Golden Corral

The men were gathered, and two of my buddies crossed the Lake to come join me in Tega Cay for the great local of Golden Corral, Kenyan and Whopper.  My boy Whopper got to have his 1st post back in Charlotte since his last 6 months were spent in Texas for work.  Quick and easy disclaimer,  the group split for the standard 5 ruckers and 7 bootcampers. And we took off.

Mosey behind Harris Teeter for our warmup.  We did

20 SSHs – 2 burpees – 20 MNCs – 2 burpees – 20 IWs – 2 burpees – 10 Merkins – 2 burpees – 10 Peter Parkers – 2 burpees – 10 Parker Peters – 2 final burpess

Mosey to the side of that new tire store…I forget the name to the right of the HT.

Lazy Dora

Partner Up

Combined 100 merkins : Partner 1 = 10 merkins while 2nd partner planks. Then switch until 100

Combined 200 LBCs: 1st = 20 LBCS while other holds 6 inches. Switch until 200

Combined 300 Squats: 1st = 25 Squats while other partner holds low squat.  This one hurts by 300..

I asked Whopper to share a little about his experience without F3 for the last six months and he was kind enough to share about what it’s like to have been a man of F3 and then not have those guys to hold you accountable.

Since Lazy Dora skips all the running round two would include plenty.  We started with People’s Chair while the other partner runs around the building.  Keep the runs going when we switch partners and these exercises.

People’s Chair – BTTW – Wall Plank 90 degree hold – People’s Chair – BTTW

Final round, mosey to the front of the Harris Teeter. Lt Dan’s to the 3rd light.  Then bear crawl to the F3 flag.  The final 3 minutes were Ab Lab.

Announcements – read the newsletter!

Prayers shared and raised in the BOM.

An honor to lead!



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Escalating in difficulting

For this workout, YHC borrowed heavily from a my Q while on vacation at Ocean Isle the week before.  As we often do in F3, however, it was made more difficult this time.  The focus for this workout was to remind ourselves that we can always dig deeper.  It was fast paced and after completing something that seemed difficult we moved onto something that sounded even more horrible.  Each PAX dug deep and crushed it.

Warm up:

  • Mosey lap around the parking lot
  • SSH X35
  • Merkin X 15
  • Mountain Climber X10
  • Windmill X10
  • Imperial Walker X10

The Thang:

Merkin Suicide

Line up on the line in front of Harris Teeter.  The parking lot has four small islands between Harris Teeter and Fort Mill BBQ.  5 Merkins on the line, then run to the first island, 5 merkins, run back to the start, for 5 merkins.  Then run to the first island again for 5 merkins, continue to the second island for 5 merkins, head back towards HT but stop at the first island again for 5 merkins.

With the suicide run and the requirement to stop for 5 merkins anytime you passed the island that was a total of 65 merkins broken up by a fair amount of running.

Dora 1,2,3

Partner up to complete a series of exercises together with your partner.

Partner 1 would complete the exercise while partner 2 would run the full length of the parking lot.

  • Bomb Jacks X100
  • Squats X200
  • Shoulder Taps X300 counting only the tap on the right shoulder

Partner Burpee Plank

Partner 1 would hold an elbow plank while partner 2 completed burpees.  After each burpee partner 2 will jump over their partner in the plank position.  This was completed in a ladder with one partner completing 10 burpees, switch for the other partner to complete 10 burpees.  Descend in number until complete.  10, 8. 6. 4. 2, Done.


This BB is late posting.  Announcements are outdated.

Thank you Decibel for the opportunity!

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Golden Corral – RUCK HEAVY

It was an awesome morning and 19 PAX showed up to put some work in.  11 of us went to get our RUCK on.  Maximus had reached out and asked if I would be interested in a Co-Q with him as I’ve been freeloading for long enough.  I was pumped for the opportunity and gladly accepted.


Grab a couple sandbags and ruck to our Warm-Up

Partner up and play a little catch me if you can… 5 Merkins

Shoulder Press

Upright Row


Tricep Extensions

Calf raises

Mary – Dead CockRoach, LBC, Flutter Kick

Then he passed the torch….

Indian run with merkins for two rotations through until we got back to the coupons (Ruck On for the rest of the WOD)

Picked up coupons and mosey to a nice gravel hill I found.  Two Groups, first group does squats while group 2 bear crawls up the hill . When six returns we switch.

5 burpees – OYO

Just for fun bear crawl up the gravel hill, then sprint to a marked destination

The PAX where in for a surprise, I drove up early that morning and dropped coupons for their enjoyment.

3 foot cement filled pipe – 7 foot cement filled pipe – 2 Sandbags – 5 gallon bucket filled with 4.5 gallons of water (the worst) – 30lb ammo can – (Add in the three previous sandbags we had that makes 10 coupons) – 11th Pax lost strap privlages.

Make our way to our next destination, while Rucking Heavy

Line up and grab some wall, Rucks on Laps, last guy passes his ruck down the line and sprints to catch it, then grabs some wall until the last guy gets his ruck back. (Gave us a chance to see who Rucks Heavy, and who carries a few barbie dolls)

Leave coupons mosey to a step up wall.

Partner 1 – 10 burpees while Partner 2 does step ups – switch and repeat

2 Double time laps around the oil change and back to repeat the wall rotation and pass.

Grab the coupons and make our way to my truck, we then caught the BC and did some Mary.

P & P

Mastodon, CAH, F3 Dads


Sick kids, Sen. Tressel family, Deacons wife (pregnant)


Was happy to lead and know I have a ton to work on but had a great time and can’t wait until the next time.  I mentioned during the WOD that typically the hardest part of a GoRuck event is carrying odd shaped coupons.  We get comfortable with our sand bags and logs.  So from now on if I Q expect some odd shaped coupons coming with.

Until next time, keep it on two wheels, RAD!

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Golden Corral , buffet of choices

It was a humid July morning at 18 HIM met for a assortment of pain.  12 choose YHC for BC and 4 WhatDid ruck beat down.  Zima and MacGivor went for a sweat fest run.  The 12 boot campers went off with me.

20 SSH

  1. 20IW

20 Moroccan Nightclubs

run 100% across parking lot, 10 bombjacks

Set up for a Rock Hill Wakkers Starfish (Change Order new what was coming):

100 merkins

100 LBC

100  Squats

50 Pike Presses, between each stations 10 burpies

Next up a Merkin Wave for 7 rounds . Crowd pleaser.

Jack Webb

Sprint back across parking lot for 10 more bombjacks.

series of Wall Sits including each PAx doing Bear Crawls.

finish up with another set of merkin wave.

.Annoucements, praises and prayers.

read your newsletter.

Always an honor to lead.






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A little modified Tri-Training in the Gloom

  • QIC: Gekko
  • When: 06/20/2017
  • Pax: Deacon, Bolt, Fishsticks, Falcon Crest, Change order, Old Bay, Maximus, Netscape, Spiderman, Catfish, Rad, Lil E, Bonsai, Skippy, Atticus,
  • Posted In: Golden Corral

I shared with the Pax that I am currently training for a Tri and Tuesday is usually my swim day, but I got the call from Decibel that I was on Q at GC, so I gladly put the Speedo away for a day and got the winkie ready.  I thought I would add little Triathlon spin to the workout today.  I introduced myself to a few new faces, no FNGs, disclaimer was given and the 8 Bootcampers were off. Moseyed to the back of HT for COP with SSHs, IW, Abe Vagoda (think slow windmill), Mtn Climbers, Merkins, Squats, MNC, Peter Parker, CDD, and finished with a new one to me, Howling Monkey(look it up if you want a nice quad burn)

The Thang

We started with the Swim portion of our Tri so to work the shoulders we did a nice round of Jack Webb.  I love being there when someone does this the first time, and they look at you like “nbd” and very soon realize “this sucks”

We them moved to our transition to the bike portion of our tri, and found a nice hill to run up and down to wok the quads. the plan was to do an 11 with LBCs and Merkins, but the clock wouldn’t allow it if we wanted to get our final leg of the tri in.

Finally transitioned to the run portion of the tri which was a long full lap around the perimeter of the HT parking lot making your way back to COT, at your 5k race pace(some modification required)

Finished up at COT with a Change Order lead 3 minutes of Mary

A good sweat was had by all. Welcome back Kotter to Skippy

Announcements: July 4th Convergence, 24 HOB – donations accepted, PAX wanted for Paradise AO on Saturdays.

Prayers/Praises: Praise for Deacon and his family for baby #4 on the way, Praises for Spiderman’s 2.0 improved behavior, Prayers for marriages in the Pax

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Ruckers at the Beach (Sand Bags)

  • QIC: Maximus
  • When: 06/20/2017
  • Pax: The Ruckers were: Rad, Deacon, Bolt, Bonsai, Spiderman, Lil E, Catfish (Yeah, Rock Hill)
  • Posted In: Golden Corral

It seemed like forever ago that I excitedly signed up for the Ruck Q at Golden Corral on 6/20 but the day was quickly approaching. After some reaching out to various PAX about who had rucks and who had sand bags, more than enough guys volunteered the necessary equipment. As typically happens, we got into some Twitter smack between the other Tuesday Q’s about whose workout will be better and where the real gladiators show up, etc, etc, etc. Love that we have many first-class options. So after a trip to discount retail store to pick up a workout dice (sort of) and some web browsing, I had the Weinke penned.

And on this humid (Soupy was the word of choice) morning, 16 PAX rolled in, 8 of which were toting “backpacks.” After Gecko gave the disclaimer to the PAX the Ruckers strolled to the back of my truck and feasted their eyes on some coupons with handles on them. Those, my friends, those are sand bags. Welcome.

The Thang
4 Pax grabbed the sand bags and lead us to the back of 9-round for the warm up.
Circle up and we rolled the “dice” to read off the exercise that landed on top. We modified slightly but if I remember correctly, the exercises were, Squats, High Knees, Burpees and SSH (your typical, run of the mill warm up). This happened for about 3mins or so.

Partner up with a sand bag (no ruck) and face each other on the white parking space lines. Partner 1 squats w/ the sand bag then chest-throws the bag to your partner’s feet. Partner 2 does the same and sends it back. Do this for 3mins.

Partner 1 lunges with each leg then fireman’s throw the sand bag to your partner’s feet. Partner 2 does the same then sends it back. Do this for 3mins.

No ruck and no sand for the Merkin Pyramid (more of a Merkin Plateau but you’ll get the idea)
1 Merkin with a 5sec rest at the top.
2 Merkins with a 5sec rest at the top.

Circle up:
Ruck curls x 20 then 5 man makers
Ruck cleans x 15 then 5 man makers
Upright rows x 15 then 5 man makers
Reverse lunges x 10ea leg then 5 man makers

Big boy sit-ups with rucks overhead x 15
Flutter kicks with the ruck press x 20 (I think but I lost count)
Chopsticks with rucks overhead x 12
American Hammer w/o rucks x 40 (4ct)

Move to the grass and partner up:
Partner 1 grabs the ruck, gets into a plank and drags the ruck left to right and back to left for a total of 10ea direction.
Partner 2 grabs a sand bag and takes it from the ground to over the shoulder and drops it to ground behind you. Do this until Partner 1 is finished.

Catch me if you can with your partner for about 50yds to the Harris Teeter brick wall while the partner does 5 flying squirrels.

Just walking with a backpack and throwing sand like a kid at the beach. No offense taken by the nay-sayers, just an invitation to join one morning (July 18 seems like a good morning).

Loved the opportunity WWL and Cobra Kai.

As you were…

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