The Scream


7 hungry pax entered an early fall gloom to satiate their appetite for pain.

The Thang

Run around the campus 3x (including lunge walk on lap 2 and bear crawl on lap 3)

COP – SSH x25, Mtn climber x20, Carolina Dry Docks x15, Jumping lunge x10, Burpees x5

Mosey to upper lot for shuttles along the parking stripes from bottom to top of lot (3 cycles)

Mosey to grass (freshly groomed…bringing back the memories of youth for Little Mike!)

Partner merkins ad nauseum (aka until Agassi cries “uncle”)

COP – Slow sumo squat x20, Wide arm merkin x10, Peter parker x15

Mosey to the picnic ground and split into 2 groups:
Group 1 = continuous running loop up and over three picnic tables
Group 2 = 10 burpees
Flapjack and repeat (3 cycles total)

6MoM – Request line version w/each pax picking an exercise and carrying the count
+ Hello dollies x12
+ High slow flutter x10 (Little Mike)
+ LBCs x20 (High Life)
+ Russian twist x 20 (Hammer)
+ Oblique V-ups L/R x10 (Duff)
+ Superman 2x (Vegas)
+ Freddie Mercury x20 (Agassi)
+ Metronome x10

Back to picnic grounds for 11s (derkins and dips)

Long suicide routine from bottom of gravel lot to mailbox


Thought for the day was around being Aware and exhibiting the Courage to engage in the world and people around us.  We are men who are aware of our need for each other (iron sharpens iron) and have acted out of courage to show up on Wed mornings for our benefit and that of our brother.  We need to live that spirit outside the Nation and in the world that suffers from a deficit of men with those traits.

Great job by all pax!  Special props to Vegas for hitting it hard as warm-up to his afternoon XC meet for NaFo – run strong!

Potential location change for AoP under discussion.  Provide input to Little Mike and stay tuned for developments.

Lots going on with F3 in Fort Mill throughout the every week and especially next week as we cross the 1-year mark since launch.  Check out the website links below for more opportunities to engage:



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9/11 #NeverForget!

The virtual shovelflag* was planted and 10 faithful headed into the Gloom at 0530**

The Thang

Circumnavigate campus 2x

COP –  SSHx9; SSHx11; Squatx20; IWx9; MCx11;

Crazy 8s – Partner Up – Partner 1 runs an 8 pattern loop around the church and parking lot while Partner 2 does 8 reps of 4 exercises – Merkans; LBCs; Squats and Burpees.  Rinse and repeat 8 times.

6MOM – Hello Dolliesx20; Freddie Mercuriesx9; Mercury Freddiesx11; High Slow Flutterx9; Low Flutterx11; Right Oblique Vupsx9; Left Oblique Vupsx11; Queen Victoriasx9; Russian Twistx11

Jump the fence to the Astroturf; Pusharama COP – Diamondsx9; Widearmsx11; Stagger Leftx5; Stagger rightx4;

Gravel Lot Jacob’s Ladder – 9 Merkans at the top; 11 squats at the bottom

Naked Man Moleskin

*@F3Rader has the AoP shovelflag and is making some black market improvements to make it bad to the bone.  All he asks is that AoP PAX make a small donation to the F3 Foundation, which can be done very easily by clicking on the Donate button on the front page of the website.

** AoP will now officially be at 0530 every Wednesday.

Moving tribute to 9/11 this morning.  Started with a moment of silence to honor the fallen and ended with a resolution.  As I looked around the PAX gathered in the Gloom at the COT, I marveled that these are the men who would have made a difference if they had been in the Towers or on those planes that day.  We all called out where we were when we found out about the towers.  Remembering watching the tv as the second plane hit, I thought back to all the emotions that ran through me for the rest of that day – confusion, anger, fear, patriotism, empathy and a certain degree of not knowing what to do.  I was in the Bank of America Corporate Center at the time, so we were evacuated not long after the second plane hit, and as the realization hit that we were being evacuated because our building could be the next target, all those aforesaid feelings got cranked up to peak levels.  I specifically remember all the things I made a resolution in my mind to do that day so that I would live my life more intentionally and with no regrets, so that if something similar were to happen in the future, that I would have no regrets – that I would be a better Dad, Husband, Brother, Son, Employee and all around man; that I would put together an emergency action plan with my family and would have mechanisms in place to take care of them in case I didn’t come home; that I would wake up each morning thanking God for the day and would look for ways to live it to the fullest; that I would be a kind, gentle and strong Man of God.  Its been 12 years since that day and there have been numerous days where I haven’t done any of the foregoing and have in fact done the exact opposite.  But that’s the reason why we have anniversaries – so that on special days we remember who we are called to be and we get the motivation to do all the things we have been meaning to do.  So today, 10 PAX decided to Never Forget the men and women and families who were adversely impacted on 9/11, by resolving to make a positive impact upon the world by intentionally living out our faith and doing all of those things that have been put in our hearts to do.

Little Mike Out.

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Sneaky Smokefest

The shovelflag was planted and 6 faithful headed into the Gloom

The Thang

Circumnavigate campus 2x

COP – Something different Burpees 5x; SSHx25; Squatx25; IWx21; MCx21;

Century Club – Circumnavigate campus with stops at the AstroTurf – exercises Stay-Pufted by the PAX 25 reps each exercise: Bluesie-SSH; Duff-Merkans; High Life – LBCs; Ur Welcome – (crowd pleaser) Burpees; Iron Mags-Prisoner Squats.  Rinse and repeat 3x

6MOM/Pusharama – Hello Dolliesx21; Wide Arm; Freddie Mercuriesx11; Mercury Freddiesx10; Superman;Stagger Leftx7; Stagger Rightx7; Right Oblique Vupsx15; Left Oblique Vupsx15; PTL Situpsx10;

Circumnavigate to gravel lot;

Gravel Lot suicide;

Down and back to COT

Naked Man Moleskin

Not sure if it is more o2 dep or desire for PAX involvement, but we had a number of Stay-Puft moments today (PAX calls out the first exercise that pops to their mind – comes from the scene in Ghostbusters on top of skyscraper where the head evil chick says that their next villainous opponent will be whatever they think of next and they all agree to not think about anything, but then around the corner they hear the thudding of the steps of the Stay-Puft marshmallow man coming down the street and everyone looks at Dan Akroyd and he says, “What, surely the Stay-Puft marshmallow man can’t be all that bad…”).  FNG AoP High Life must have had a heads up on the Stay-Puft because he came correct with LBCs…

It was a Sneaky Smokefest even though we stayed on campus today. Not sure if it is the cooler weather or what, but I came out hot and I am feeling it now – nothing like getting out over your tips!

Tclaps to Duff on the Larry Bird on the sprints at the end.

Heads up to all the Fort PAX – DREDD will be leading AoP next week.  Booyah!


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Pino Pipes Rolls Again

The shovelflag was planted and 4 faithful headed into the Gloom

The Thang

Circumnavigate campus 2x

Figure eight campus 1x

COP – Something Different 5 Burpees OYO; IWx21; SSHx21; MCx21; Peter Parkerx21; Parker Peterx21

Stay-Puft Super Elevens – Pax chose two exercises (Prisoner squats and Merkans) to do 11 reps each time at either end of the church parking lot, descending 1 rep with each set – made it to five before had to call an audible and mosey to Plaza o Picnic.

Plaza o Picnic – RL Step Upsx21; Dipsx15; LL Stepupsx21; Derkansx11; Big Baby Crunches (back on picnic table with legs hanging off, swing legs to perpendicular from ground)x15; RL Stepupsx15; Southern Gentleman pushupsx10; Yankee Aggressor Pushupsx11; LL Stepupsx15

6MOM – LBCx21; Hello Dolliesx21; Freddie Mercuriesx11; Mercury Freddiesx10; Flutterx21; Crunchy Frogsx11; Right Oblique Vupsx15; Left Oblique Vupsx15; Superman; Queen Victoriasx11

Sprint down and back to COT

Naked Man Moleskin

Not sure if it is more o2 dep or desire for PAX involvement, but we had a number of Stay-Puft moments today (PAX calls out the first exercise that pops to their mind – comes from the scene inGhostbusters on top of skyscraper where the head evil chick says that their next villainous opponent will be whatever they think of next and they all agree to not think about anything, but then around the corner they hear the thudding of the steps of the Stay-Puft marshmallow man coming down the street and everyone looks at Dan Akroyd and he says, “What, surely the Stay-Puft marshmallow man can’t be all that bad…”).

Best Stay-Puft Moment of the day was when Iron Mags came correct with the “Queen Victoria” during Mary – lying fully stretched out with arms and legs in a V, bring both up at same time and touch hands to feet at top…  Great exercise, fitting name and we are all glad that there weren’t any cameras around today.

Best moment of the day came during nicknaming of FNG Steven – when asked to tell a little about himself, he mentioned Puerto Rico and it instantly brought a flood of memories of a Puerto Rican with whom I played ball at UNCC whose name was Pino Papuan Pipes.  Pino was 6’8″ 320 lbs, half Samoan, half Puerto Rican and totally unforgettable.  As a sophomore transfer to UNCC, Pino showed me around Charlotte in his 1985 Cadillac Fleetwood Brougham that had speakers in it so big, my ears still hurt.  Pino was always into something and was an endless source of stories and entertainment, so it was great to be able to bestow his name upon FNG Steven – new Pino has some big (literally) shoes to fill!



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Abundance of Core

The shovelflag was planted and the dirty half-dozen rolled into the gloom…

The Thang:

Circumnavigate campus

COP – Imperial Walkerx21; SSHx21; Mountain Climbersx21;

Mosey to Plaza o Picnic

RL Stepupsx21; Incline Merkansx10; LL Stepupsx21; Southern Gentlemenx11; Yankee Aggressorx10; LL Stepupsx21; Derkansx10; RL Stepupsx21

6MOM – Flutterx21; LBCx21; Superman/Canoex5; Superman; Dolliesx21; Freddie Mercuryx21;

Modified Murph – Partner up – One partner Circumnavigates while other partner does pullups; incline rows; swingset pikes; merkans

Plankorama – sprint out of the plank across gravel parking lot to 5 burpees, sprint back to Merkans; Rinse and repeat with LBCs and merkans


Moleskin –

In true F3 fashion, the rain held off until completion of the DownPainment.  IronMags failed to show notwithstanding a L10 HC combined with an anticipated signing party (at which I had invited and procured the early am attendance of a notary public).  Excusorama included something about sirens, alien invasions and corresponding probes, a Micro-Earthquake followed up with a Micro-burst and something about kids waking up… Considering Hard Drive’s post from last week after a trip to the ER the night before, I had to come correct with the callout!

Kotters to Tide for posting with a torn meniscus – strong showing with the injury!

Larry Birds to Deacon and Duff on the plank to Sprints – the only one I had a chance at winning was the one where I got the jump on the start, all others were a smokefest.


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One of the Few

The shovelflag was planted and 8 Faithful headed into the gloom

The Thang –

Circumnavigate the campus 2x to COP (Something Different – 10 burpees; SSHx21; Mountain Climbersx21; Peter Parkerx21; Parker Peterx21; Imperial Walkerx21)

Sprint down traffic gauntlet of danger, mosey to top of Dozer Hill;

Dozer Hill Suicide – 1/3 way up to 5 Merkans, back to bottom; 2/3 way up to 15 squats, back to bottom; All the way up to LBCs until all finished;

Handoff to Duff for his Virgin Q:

COP at the intersection of Harrisburg and Regent Parkway – Jack Webbs at 4x Air lift to Merkan ratio x5 sets;

Mosey to gravel lot, lungewalks to top of parking lot;

People’s Chair/Plankorama pair off;

Partner up for Burpee Down and Backs (P1 does Burpees while P2 runs down, does 20 LBCs and runs back; Flapjack; Rinse/Repeat 4x)


Moleskin –

Knowing that I had a handoff to Duff coming at 22 min and unable to come up with a team exercise to take advantage of the partially filled 5 gallon water jugs, an audible was called to Bulldozer hill.  With its double grade increase 2/3 of the way up, even one suicide was a smokefest and time crusher.

Tclaps to Duff on his first Q – even though he didn’t bring a watch, and even after I gave him mine, he still went six mins over and was headed to Mary (can you tell who is writing the backblast?), very solid lead.

During our group time while in the Chinese Chair/Plankorama switcheroo, Iron Mags brought a great word about how in life the many are indebted to the efforts of a select few; that our country, faith and salvation that is available to everyone is owed to the faith and walk of a select few.  We face a daily choice of whether we are going to be one of the many or one of the few – F3 PAX decide on a daily basis to be the Few.

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Lay Your Burdens Down

The Shovel Flag was planted and six faithful headed into the semi-gloom.

The Thang –

Inspired by a strong lead from    at Armor last Friday, I stopped by a recently completed house in my Aunt’s neighborhood and helped the builder there recycle some of the waste bricks.

After a rousing discourse about how we as sinners will oftentimes burden ourselves with unnecessary things (guilt, bitterness, rage, big mortgage payments, debt, etc., etc.), we each picked a burden (regular sized house brick) and launched into the workout.  At the start, that little brick seemed so small and light in my hand…

Circumnavigate campus 2x to COP;

COP with bricks (SSHx15, Flapjack SSHx15; Squatsx30; Merkanx15; Mountain Climbersx25)

Shake weight got his name at the first COP from the way he was holding his brick as we did squats – instead of the two handed lateral hold, Shake Weight had the two handed Vertical grip going, very akin to the Shake Weight infomercials that are on late night TV;

Mosey to Picnic Plaza (Right Leg Stepupsx25; Dips with bricksx15; Left Leg stepupsx25);

Run to hill in front of campus (Elevens with bricks – Crunches at top, Squats at bottom);


Partner burden off – Partner 1 grabs both bricks and runs to bottom of gravel lot and does 10 squats, Partner 2 does 10 burpees and runs to bottom of gravel lot; Alternate double brick carry.

Mosey to Astro Turf (Life of Pix25; Squatsx25; LBCsx25);

Run to gravel lot for the Double Down on the Hard 12 – grabbed another brick and circumnavigated the parking lot to the cross in the woods, where we laid our burdens at the foot thereof.

Sprint back to front parking lot;\



Moleskin –

That little eensy weensie brick didn’t feel very heavy at the start, but by the end of 45 minutes, it felt like it weighed 20 lbs…  Similarly, when we finally got smart and did what He tells us to do and laid our burdens at the foot of the cross, it was like we had shed carrying another person.  How true that is in our lives!





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Suburban Detours

The ShovelFlag was planted and seven faithful headed into the gloom.

The Thang

Circumnavigate 2x to COP (SSHx25; Squatsx25; Imperial Walkersx25; Merkansx12; Peter Parkerx25; Parker Peterx20);

Mosey to Field of Picnic – DipsX25; RL StepupsX25; RA Incline Merkan; LL StepupsX25; LA Incline Merkan);

Mosey to top parking lot for football practice – Down and Back  – Jump Skips, Karaoke, Backwards run; Parking lot suicides with 5 burpees and 10 squats at stops;

Circumnavigate to Gravel lot to the crowd pleasing Good Samaritan – push the Suburban up the gravel parking lot to top of hill, sprint back to astroturf for 6MOM (LBC’s; Rosalitas; Dollies; Flutter; heels to heaven; Oblique V-ups);

Mosey back to gravel parking lot for Ghostbusters Elevens with Starjumps and Squats and a Detour around the parked Suburban;



Naked Man Moleskin –

Like a true experienced QIC, I forgot my watch this am, so I was hesitant to go off campus for fear of having to pull a Cindy sprint in order to have a timely COT.  So, not knowing what time it was and suffering from O2 dep, I went back to the tried and true Pax and time killer of The Eleven.  Really suffering from O2 dep, I took it even further back by going Ghostbusters and called on the only FNG to Stay-Puft and not think of the worst exercise he could possibly think of to do as the front side of the elevens.  Apparently not knowing what an eleven was (or knowing what it was and really wanting to prove his mettle), he picked starjumps, thus he got dubbed Stay-Puft for a strong callout on his virgin F3 experience. Knowing that we needed a true Stay-Puft backside exercise, I asked Tide to do the backside Stay-Puft honors…  Thus, the squats.  We then threw in a detour right before the squats of running around the Suburban now parked at the top of the hill in our way.  I ended up having to call a double audible – first to end the detour madness cuz it was making me dizzy, and second to halt the starjump madness because we ran out of time.  Not sure if it was my uncanny sense of time from my internal clock or my desire to make the starjumps go away, but I asked Deacon for the time at exactly 0630, thus allowing for a prompt COT sans any Cindy Sprints.

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Abundance of Hills

A Brand New Shovel Flag was planted and 9 Faithful headed out in the gloom…

Circumnavigate the Chapel – 3x

Straight into a modified Century Club – 25 X of SSH, MC, IW, SSH; Circumnavigate again – Dips, Right Step Ups, Left Step Ups, Derkans; Circumnavigate again – Low Flutter, Dolly, LBC, V Ups;

Sprint down the Snake to Plankorama at corner of Regent Park;

Mosey to Bulldozer Hill – Jacob’s Ladder with Turkish Getups and Burpees;

Mosey to RP Corner;

Sprint back down the Snake to plankorama on Hamburger Hill;


Naked Moleskin – When we arrived on foot to Bulldozer Hill and started running down it, I realized that I should have hit my odometer when I scouted it this morning before the workout, because it would have shown it as over a 1/4 mile…  So a full Jacob’s Ladder in the 15 minutes that were left would have been next to impossible, even for the trackstars.  An audible quickly cured my miscalc and got all the PAX, including the Six, back to Hamburger Hill at the precise time for COT.  Not a lot of Mumble Chatter from the Pax this am, except to remark that I don’t need to continue to try and prove my virility compared to WWL anymore…  Noted, but the beatdowns will continue until morale improves!!!

Li’l Mike, Out.



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Abundance of Off Campus

The shovelflag was planted and 5 of the faithful launched into the rapidly receding gloom.

The Thang:

Circumnavigate campus (2x)

Circle of Warmup – SSH (25); IW (25); Squat (25); MC (25)

Mosey to Circle of Picnic – Dips (25), Dollies (25), Freddie Mercury (25), Oblique crunches (15 each side), V-Ups (15)

Egress off campus down Dorman Road

Sidewalk Corner 2Corners – Sprint to Burpees (10), Sprint to Squats (15), Sprint to Merkans (10)

Plankorama in the Traffic Circle

Full Jacob’s Ladder up Hill 515 to squats at Top and Bottom

Mosey back to Sidewalk of Suck for more C2C, Burpees and Squats

All out down the Traffic Gauntlet to COT

Naked Man Moleskin –

After WWL put the smokedown last week and made my previous Qs look like nature hikes, the heat was brought, especially with the sidewalk of suck.  Hill 515 was also a crowdpleaser – we need a name for aforesaid.  Hamburger Hill and The Lurker are already taken.  5 PAX COT was pretty cool – it is good to be able to share amongst the Faithful.

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