Memorial Day Murph at The Fort

Step 1: Finish your regular Monday Post
Step 2: Show up at The Coop (Nation Ford High School, Ft. Mill) and do The Murph.
Step 3: Remember that Memorial Day isn’t just cookouts and pool time…

The Thang:
We began with a warm-up led by each of the Veterans who were in attendance (CSPAN, Blackhawk, Howitzer, and Apache – my apologies if I missed anyone, but that’s all I could remember). There were a number of Seal Jacks, SSHs, Imperial Walkers, and some Bro-ga…

We then brought it in to be reminded of why were really there. The workout is good, but Freedom isn’t free, and we were there to honor men and women who gave their lives for our freedom. So, after a lesson from CSPAN on how to count to 4, we moseyed to the track to begin.

47 Pax completed the following for time (some with 20lb weight vests, and some with our built in weight vests who competed in the “modified” category):
1 Mile Run
100 Pull Ups
200 Merkins
300 Squats
Another 1 Mile Run

And there you have it… Workout complete. Then we circled up and each man present read the name (either one that they brought or one that CSPAN provided) of a fallen serviceman/woman so we could memorialize them.

It’s always humbling to do The Murph for me. Not just because it is very physically demanding and I get to see how many times guys like Mary Lou can lap me on a mile track, but also because I am reminded of the men and women that gave all so that regular folks like me can live free. It is a gift that is unmatchable, unrepayable, and undeserved, and for it, I am grateful.

I can’t speak for everyone’s faith tradition, but in my personal belief system, Jesus Christ gave His life willingly to pay for my sins, my stupidity, and my weakness that I may live again in the presence of my Heavenly Father with my wife and family for eternity. Through His sacrifice, He has made me free from the tyranny of the Devil, free from pain, from death, and from Hell. He did something for me (and all of us) that we could not do for ourselves. It is my feeling that in keeping with that pattern, anyone who performs a service for another that they could not perform for themselves is acting in a Christlike way. The fallen soldiers that we honored today (and the many, many more that went unnamed this morning) did much that same thing. They willingly gave their lives and sacrificed that I may live on Earth in this country with my wife and family. They have provided me freedom from the tyranny of evil men, and they have done for me things that I could not do for myself. Reading their names after a workout is small in comparison, but I like to think that they are looking down and that maybe they appreciate the fact that we are trying, in our feeble ways, to honor them. To acknowledge that we rise and sleep in a country that their sacrifice made possible…

Helmet, out…

TClap |

Pre-Blast for Memorial Day MURPH “FunHouse FunRun”

If you don’t know by now, The Fort will be conducting the Annual Memorial Day Murph at NAFO high school (The Coop and Varsity AO).  This is a great opportunity to work out with The PAX to honor our service men and women. Post to your regular AO, then head over to NAFO for the double-down.  In addition to the workout, there will be awards handed out to those who perform at the top of the group.

However, there is one award that perked my ears, the Funhouse Pull Up award.  I assumed this award was for the PAX who increased their pull up count exponentially from the last go around (go search the last Fitness Test).  This was not the case.  ‘Casa de diversion’ (modified pull-up version aka the FUNHOUSE award)…..  “Don’t fall short, if you cannot or do not have a vest at least strive to perform your pull-ups without variation or as we stated above – try not to perform a #Funhouse so start working on those pull-ups today – you have time!”  So yes, YHC likes to modify.  Especially a freaking pull up. So why not “modify” the MURPH with a typical “FunHouse FunRun”?  Call it a triple-down.

So if you’re not afraid of modifying (CSPAN I see your “burpees” so I KNOW you love to modify) join me for this THANG:

Memorial Day – Monday, May 30th 0430

Start (Leg #1): 0430 at Trailhead Park in Tega Cay for a run to Flight Plan (Baxter Startbucks) ~ 4.2 miles

Leg #2: Flight Plan 0515 (YHC the Q) – I will find a suitable 4.5 mile loop that will get everyone ready to go do the MURPH- Total so far ~ 8.7 miles

Leg #3: Run to NAFO 0600 – There will be little time for COT at Flight Plan for those on the #FunRun, so I may hand this off to someone staying behind.  We must get on our horses and head out to make the 5.5 miles to NAFO in 50 minutes before the MURPH starts. The route is down 160 and take a left on 21 and then a right on 460 to NAFO. – Total so far ~ 14.2 miles

Leg #4: The MURPH – 1 mile run, 100 pull ups, 200 push ups, 300 squats and a final 1 mile run. Ugh. So final total mileage ~ 16.2 miles

So join YHC to “modify” your typical day.


TClap |

Monday Morning Bear Crawl Blues!

  • QIC: Seacrest
  • Pax: After Market, Pin Up, Longshanks, Night Crawler, Assassin, Airborne, Trucker, Change Order, Anchorman, Barry Manilow, Geronimo, Handy Manny, Howitzer, Craw Daddy (FNG)
  • Posted In: The Armory

14 of The Fort’s finest descended on The Armory this week for what promised to be a “surprisingly” difficult workout from YHC.  Trucker confirmed that running would be limited prior to committing to the weight vest.  He opted for it.  Also, Ginsu was there to celebrate his 36th BDay, so I tried to keep everything in sets of 36.

The Thang:

Take a “long loop” mosey around the parking lot to warmup and circle up.


WM x 15

SSH x 30

Squats x 15

MNC x 30

Merkins x 10

Parking lot work:

Mosey with your bell to the lower parking.  Perform each 3 excercises, bear crawl to line, sprint to curb and mosey back.

Set 1:

Curls x 12 (each arm)

OH Press x 12 (each arm)

Tricep Ext x 12

Set 2:

Squats x 12

Lunges x 12 (each leg)

Single Leg Dead Lift x 12 (each arm)

Set 3:

Dollies w/ Press x 12

LBC’s x 12

Rosalita’s x 12

Rinse and Repeat Set 3


Mosey to the seating wall.

1’s perform Step Ups, Box Jumps, Dips

2’s perform Curls, OH Presses, Tricep Ext

Swith and finish


Mosey towards COT:

KB Burpees x 5

Clean & Press x 12 (each arm)

Captain Thor x 9 (5 w/ bell)


A lot of good mumble chatter this morning.  As always at The Armory.

Happy Birthday Ginsu (you’re old)

Great to see the FNG’s rolling in.  Welcome Craw Daddy!

Thank you, Assassin, for the Q opportunity.

Until next time…

Seacrest, Out!


TClap |

Quadruple Bogey

  • QIC: Trucker
  • When: 04/11/16
  • Pax: Assassin, Longshanks, Anchorman, Change Order, Barry Manilow, Sen Tressel, Rooney, Spitz, Howitzer, Seacrest, Gizmo, Bass O Matic, Peabody, Chedda, Carbomb,, Airborne, Trucker
  • Posted In: The Armory

YHC was able to swap Q’s with Assassin late Sunday and after a day of the final round of the Master’s, had a great idea for the AO theme. Plus, Pastor David Chadwick spoke about how to be a better person in your walk with the Site Q and that there were 4 levels of where someone is. I of course found myself under the busy heart due to pressure in work, family, etc… just as did Jordan Speith found stress and pressure Sunday on the final round of the Masters. He was leading until the 12th hole; then, the unthinkable. He lost focus and crumbled with a quadruple bogey, going 4 shots down to the eventual winner. So what does that have to do with the AO you are asking. Well, just like PAX, we must always look to the site Q for guidance in times of stress, frustration, hopelessness, loss of direction, etc… Jordan will rebound due to his faith and talent, that is a qiven; us, can we rebound if we don’t have faith? I wonder that sometimes myself as there are days when faith is a fleeting moment and not the driving focus. A great verse that I heard Sunday morning at Forest Hill real speaks:

Isaiah 41:10 “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your GOD. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand”

So with that message this morning, we took a quick lap around the parking lot.

COP: Good mornings, IW, Right leg squats, Left leg squats, SSH, slow squats, Moroccan nightclubs

The quadruple bogey begins:
4 exercises, 12 reps each, rinse and repeat 4x’s.
Right Arm Merkins
Left Arm Merkins
KB swings
Upright rows
Sprint to end of parking lot and back (interpretation is walking to 13th tee)

Right Arm Curls
Left Arm Curls
Skull Crushers
Sprint to end of parking lot and back (interpretation is walking to 14th tee)

Mossy to sidewalk benches
Flutters with KB press
Seated Squats
Loop around driveway/sidewalk (interpretation is walking to 15th tee)

Left Arm Shoulder Press
Right Arm Shoulder Press
Standing Chest Press
Overhead Tri Extensions

Mossy to COT – wanted to get to the 18th hole, but ran out of time.

Always enjoy Qing the Armory, great mumble chatter all around. One PAX said they were glad Jordan fell apart on the 12th not the 17th or 18th hole.

Read news letter for events such as Fastest 5K, Mud Run, Hog & Coyote….

Prayers to unspoken ones and for Assassin’s vehicle alarm warning of stopped cars.


TClap |


Highly anticipated… and I anticipate your attendance to make it a launch of epic proportions… SO HC NOW. We will be looking for your support over the coming weeks as we launch this newest Region of F3. That support will come in the form of your willingness to Q, in your attendance at workouts, in your talking it up in COTs, and in EHing those guys that you KNOW desperately need the multitude of goodness that comes from F3. Someone gave it to you… Now it’s your turn… Call that buddy that lives in Lake Wylie or in Steele Creek area that you haven’t talked to in a while. Tell him your story. Then drag his a$$ to the AO for a glorious beatdown…

Where: Oak Ridge Middle School in Lake Wylie (5657 Oakridge Rd, Clover, SC 29710)
When: 0700 – 0800 on April 9th, and every Saturday thereafter until we either die or the Earth passes away…
Who: All Pax of F3 Nation that are up for it… (But particularly those in Lake Wylie and Steele Creek and surrounding areas)
What: Horribles. Lots of them.
Why: Oh… You know why…

Weinke sneek peak…
Let’s see… what should I tell you??? Let’s just say that there will be lots of speed work… Bear crawls… Oh, and a new exercise, called THE KRAKEN. You won’t want to miss that…

Helmet, out.

TClap |

Reversed Curse

  • QIC: Deacon
  • When: 4/4/16
  • Pax: Grid Lock, Blow Out, Assassin, Shooter McGavin, Ginsu, Barry Manilow, Geronimo, Trucker, Spitz
  • Posted In: The Armory

10 strong Pax got even stronger this morning. The brisk temperature had us questioning whether we’re in the spring or winter season. Spitz returned from the Caribbean with a tan but left the warm weather in St. Thomas.

The Thang:

COP: SSHs (20x), IWs (20x), Slow Sumo Squats (15x), WMs (15x), Parker Peters (15x), Calf Raises (45x) and Pepper Grinders (15x).

Mosey to the central parking lot for Kettlebell Drills.

Drill 1: Curls (15x each side), Skull Crushers (15x), Kettlebell Swings (15x – OYO), Squat w/the kettlebell when finished.

Drill 2: Slow Goblet Squats (10x), Kettlebell Merkins (10x each side), Shoulder Press (15x each side – OYO), Squat w/the kettlebell when finished.

Run a lap around the parking lot.

Drill 3: Tricep Extensions (10x each side), Flutters w/ Kettlebell (30x, single count), Figure 8s (10x OYO), Squat w/the Kettlebell when finished.

Drill 4: Oblique press w/Kettlebell (15x each side), Russian Twists (15x), Halos (7x each way OYO), Squat w/the Kettlebell when finished.

Mosey to the end parking lot. Get a partner.

One partner runs to the end of the parking lot and the other does the following exercises until the team’s total is reached.

Partner Circuit 1: 80 Chest Presses and 60 Curls. Plank when finished.

Partner Circuit 2: 60 Lunge Pass Throughs and 60 Tricep extensions. Plank when finished.

COP: Chop Sticks (20x), Heels to Heaven (20x), Superman (10 Second counts), Box Cutters (15x), Oblique Ups (15x), Dying Cockroach (20x), Ski Abs (10x)


God’s original intent was for all things to be good. We have unfortunately inherited sins that started in the Garden of Eden. The ways of our previous generations have also influenced our current behaviors.

What are some of your toxic behaviors, inherited or learned, that you would like to protect your children from?

We are not required to live with our past.

Reverse the curses from your past to prevent them from affecting your children.

TClap |

15 for Sweet 16 at the ARMory

  • QIC: Longshanks
  • When: 03/21/2016
  • Pax: Chicken Hawk, Assasin, Cheddah, Dark Helmet, Elwood (FNG), Blowout (FNG), Deacon, Backdraft, Dawg Pound, Howitzer, Trucker, Seacrest, Barry Manilow, Geronimo, Longshanks (QIC)
  • Posted In: The Armory

Q.  What do you do when you have to Q the Monday after running the Palmetto 200 as a 6 man team?

A.  Upper Body and Abs

15 F3 studs from the Fort descended upon the ARMory for somewhat of a beatdown and above par mumblechatter.  2 of them were FNG’s and YHC had no idea about it until about 1/3 through the workout.  More on that latter.  Disclaimer was given while chalk was being written.  No mosey, just circle up for warmup:

16 x SSH, 16 x IW, 16 x windmills, 16 x slow mountain climbers

In honor of the NCAA Men’s basketball tournament, 16 stations were setup in 16 parking spaces.  16 reps at each station.  Stations as follows done counterclockwise:

16 merkins/16 wide arm merkins

16 upright rows/16 side leans (love handles)

16 bicep curls/16 Halo’s

16 flutter kicks/16 Situp with 10 or 25 pound plate

16 shoulder press/16 chest press

16 plank rows/16 around the world

16 triceps extensions/16 hammer curls

16 American War Hammers/16 LBC’s

If you got a station and the kettlebell/plate/weight was in use then SSH till you could use it.

Finish up with COT and BOM

Announcements – CAH this Saturday, Mud run April 30th, BRR

Prayers/Praise – safe return for all p200 Pax and the support they have from their families at home.  Prayers for marriages and that we be the light in the world when such darkness is happening


  1.  Thanks to new site Q for allowing me to Q the Monday after P200.  Would’ve done things differently had my legs been functional.
  2. Loved that a bunch of P200 got out the sack and posted anyways.
  3. Thanks Dark Helmet for bringing me sidewalk chalk.  Would’ve loved to have had it earlier but beggars can’t be choosers.
  4. Which leads me to why I had no idea there were two FNG’s present.  Was too busy writing with the chalk before the workout to notice.  Also, I’m just not used to having FNG’s at my workouts (or anyone for that matter) #toohard #likemyfriendstoomuch
  5. Speaking of FNG’s, welcome Elwood (DH’s friend) and Blowout (moved here from Greeneville NC about 7-8 months ago) to the PAX.
  6. Lots of quality mumblechatter this morning.  Mostly about the P200 but not all of it.  Personally still trying to soak it all in.  Whether its the P200, Mud run, BRR or something else like it, YOU NEED TO DO ONE!!!  Nothing will bring you closer to the guys you workout with day in and day out than spending 30+ hours in a van with them.
  7. Can’t wait to lead my brothers again.  Next time I promise there will be burpees!!

Longshanks out!!!


TClap |

Last chance to order a FORT Region shirt (new colors)

We will be doing a redesign of the FORT logo later this year, so this is your last chance to order the current FORT design before then. Think of it as a way to say you are a FORT region original before all the newbies arrive. For all of you wondering if we would ever have another option other than gray, you are in luck. MudGear just released red and royal blue!

The MudGear obstacle race jersey fits close to the skin without compression (tapered cut). Its highly breathable, wicks sweat, and has excellent drainage capability. This is the style all regions wear across this great nation of ours. Don’t you want to be a great American? Aren’t you proud of the hours of pain and gallons of sweat you lose with your F3 brothers? Why wouldn’t you get this shirt? Also available in badass black (standard F3 Nation uniform color for our workout ninjas). Is it visible to oncoming traffic at 0515? Nah. Does it need to be? Meh. Will you blend in with your surroundings? Probably. Will you look good wearing it? Heck yes!

Price: $33 (MudGear red, blue, black)

Also available is the black Sport-Tek Adult Competitor Tee. This one is lightweight, moisture-wicking, and breathable. It has a looser fit. This is the more cost-effective version. Not as durable, but just as sweet. Ladies cannot resist a man in black. Heck, there was even a movie (or 3) about men in black. Don’t you want to impress the ladies? Why wouldn’t you want to rock out a bad mama jama black F3 shirt? Show the CrossFitters what a real shirt looks like on a real #HIM! I hear it actually makes you do better merkins.

Price: $24 (Sport-Tek black)

The grey on black looks pretty sweet. Last day to order is 4/3/16. To save you shipping charges, I’ll deliver them to you when they arrive in late April. Get them before they are gone! Don’t look back on this and say, “I wish I would have gotten the shirt.” Just click below and order it now. Operators are standing by. Do it!

F3 The Fort Shirts Pre-Order

TClap |

New Boards for the ARM-ory

  • QIC: Barry Manilow
  • When: 02/29/2016
  • Pax: Anchorman, Senator Tressel, Change Order, Cheddah, Car Bomb, Spitz, Assassin
  • Posted In: The Armory

It was a perfect morning at the Armory, 8 men, great weather and a laminated Weinke

Honored to lead and learn.

3 lessons from my morning at the ARM-ory
1. Senator Tressel “injured” is better than most at 100%
2. If you sleep on an air mattress at your in-laws, your a sucker
3. Cheddar is cheese not a member of the PAX

… the thang

Mosey over to the front of the church, keep moving for warm-up, exercise half way, jog it out to the other end of the drive, turn around, rinse and repeat, exercises included; butt kickers, high knees (school girl giggles), squat walkers, toy soldier, karaoke L, karaoke R, windmill walkers, bear crawl, imperial walker walker, inch worm, broad jump, shuffle L, shuffle R, pull knees to chest.

return to get your bell and mosey to the first parking lot.

3 sets of 8 exercises, 4 bell and 4 others in each set, across the parking lot from each other for a little jog in between (bell, run, exercise, run, bell, run, exercise, run … and so on)

1st set:
Bell: 10 each arm clean & press, 20 american hammer, 25 KB swing, 20 figure 8’s
Exercise: 20 bombjacks, 20 diamond merkins, 20 monkey humpers, bear crawl back

2nd set:
Bell: 20 bell lunge, 25 tricep extension, 30 goblet squat, 15 each arm curls
Exercise: 20 merkins, 40 mt climbers, 10 flying squirrel, 25 air squared

3rd set:
Bell: 30 chest press, 15 each bent over row, 20 squats bell above head, 30 LBCs with bell high
Exercise: 15 makhtar n’diayes, 20 carolina DD, 10 burpees, 15 kneetar n’ diayes

15 minute warm up, 10, 10 and 10, while the Weinke went on for probably another 45 minutes … next time

Thank You Dark Helmet for the opportunity to lead at the ARM-ory and for the men that push me this (and most) Mondays

Looks like we made it,
Barry Manilow

TClap |

Kettlebells and lots of abs @ the Armory

  • QIC: Backdraft
  • When: 02/01/16
  • Pax: Howlitzer, Cheddah, anchorman, decibel, vector victor, Javair, Spitz, Seacrest, Ginsu, Peabody, Brass, Change order, Barry Manilow, Trucker
  • Posted In: The Armory

It’s always great to get a chance to Q at any AO. There is no better feeling to me than seeing car after car roll into the parking lot. Since this was my first Q since turning 40 last week I thought I would see how far I could take it without getting harassed too bad. Mumble chatter was going good and the disclaimer given, so as for all my workouts we took off for little mosey.

During the mosey we did a few warm-up moves they were as follows butt kickers, high knees, karaoke facing church, karaoke away from church sped up a little back to where the bells had been left.

Circle up for more warm-up moves SSH x 20, Mtn climbers x 15, Iw’s x 10, CDD’s x 15, Low slow squats X10.

Mosey over to short walls for box jumps x 21 than 10 Merkins, box jumps x 15 than 10 merkins, box jumps x 9 than 8 merkins.

Mosey back to Kettlebells since I was hearing complaints that this is a kettlebell workout.

Each of the following exercises were 3 sets of 10 reps after each set an Ab exercise was done for 10 reps also.

KB swings- LBCs

right arm curls- grave diggers right side

left arm curls- grave diggers left side

squat thrusters- rosalita

chest presses- flutter kicks

tricep extensions- big boy sit ups

shoulder presses- donkey kicks

low slow squats-

with time remaining Q wanted something with a little football theme.

3 point stance for a 20 yard sprint we ended up doing 4 of these.

had 3 minutes to spare and q said not to let me get to the end of weinke.

so did modified jack webbs instead of merkin and overhead clap we did 1 burpees 4 merkins up to 3/12 this was a crowd pleaser ha ha.

great workout and only couple of announcements-

yeti on the 20th and mud run teams starting to form.

prayers for Assassin as his grandmother passed away.



TClap |