The Fort – F3 Dads – Reindeer Games/Frostbite 5K

When: Saturday, December 13th

Where: Alcatraz, aka Runde Park in Tega Cay

Time: 9:30 – 10:30

Who: Open to all PAX and their 2.0’s, boy or girl.  There is not an age requirement.  The majority of kids will be between ages 4 and 14.  This is also a great opportunity to “headlock” men and introduce them to F3!

What: F3 Dads is an opportunity for fathers and their kids to spend time bonding with each other and other PAX while participating in an F3 (Lite) workout!

The Thang:

The Frostbite 5K, as well as the normal F3 Dads workout (Reindeer Games), is designed to create an opportunity for dads and their 2.0’s to challenge themselves physically and strengthen relationships.  This is an opportunity to experience a group of people pulling together to encourage and motivate each other. #F3Counts

Here’s the scoop…The men of F3 and their 2.0’s will meet at Alcatraz to warm-up. We will break into two groups after everyone gets their muscles moving and blood pumping.

  • The first group (Reindeer Games), younger 2.0’s who are not quite ready for a 5K, will stay at the park and continue a F3 Dads workout until 10:30.
  • The second group (Frostbite 5K), older 2.0’s will follow the paved trails and sidewalks through Tega Cay and finish at the gravel parking lot behind the Gold Hill YMCA. There will be at least 1 pain station along the way. The total mileage is about 3.25 miles.

Upon completion both groups will re-group and meet at gravel parking lot behind the Gold Hill YMCA, for Coffee, Hot Chocolate, and fellowship.


  • This is open to all PAX, kids or not, and is a great double-down opportunity.
  • We will need to plant some cars at the YMCA and carpool to Alcatraz/Runde.
  • We need a couple of volunteers to help provide: coffee, hot chocolate, water, and donuts.  Please IM White Lighting on Twitter @WeaThree if you able to assist.
  • The Reindeer Games workout for younger 2.0s will be similar to F3 workouts, but lighter and with kid-friendly exercises/activities. After warming up there will be more fun exercises/activities such as Relay Races, 2.0 Carries, etc.
  • Each F3 Dad workout will end in a COT and prayer.
  • In order to save time, think of a name for your 2.0 before the workout. They can participate in the name-o-rama or you can share it for them.
  • The adult PAX will name new FNGs (new members of the PAX) in the COT! 2.0s will enjoy that.



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#TheArmoryF3 honors USMC Birthday

  • QIC: CSPAN, Back Draft, Bogey, & Car Bomb
  • When: 11/10/14
  • Pax: Back Draft, Bogie, Boy Band, Car Bomb, Change Order, Coyote (FNG), CSPAN, Decibel, Destiny, Gears, Green Wave, Grid Lock, Lug Nut, McGruff, Solid State, Spitz, & Tatanka.
  • Posted In: The Armory

Cool and crisp morning to celebrate 239 years of USMC military superiority.

4 Qs and nobody seemed interested in using kettle bells.

We ran, sang cadence, and had a great time.

Armory goes back to normal agenda next week, Package is on Q 11/17/14.

Following week is our convergence with Flight Plan and Indian Land 11/24/14.

Welcome FNG Coyote, way to hang tough on a crazy workout.

If you were not there… you missed a good one…I’ll see you next year, and we will make it even more difficult.

Happy Veterans Day and Thank a veteran on Tuesday



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F3 Dads – Never to old for a Parachute…

  • QIC: Rooney
  • When: 11/08/14
  • Pax: Homer, Hasselhoff, Icky Woods, Atticus, H, Bolt, Mega Bob, Dry Bones, Crab Cakes, Diddy Kong, Scrapper, Change Order, Lightning, Semi-Truck, Old Bay, Keeper, Picaso, Lioness, Acorn, Cyote, Deacon, Free Bird, Ranger, Sugar Cube, Sweet Sweet, Gears, Brick Master, Chicken Wing, Little Wing, Ralphy, Bayheim, Jeter, Picaso, Beacon, Early Bird, Solid State, Impala, Rooney, Jelly Fish, T-Rex
  • Posted In: Alcatraz, F3 Dads, Flight Plan, Golden Corral, Ring of Fire, Slow Burn, The Armory, The Fort

41 Dads and 2.0’s came out for a beautiful morning at WEP!  Although most Pax had been up early to post at there respective locations…they doubled down and came back for more (money back guarantee)!  In my case…my 2.0s are up before 6 A.M. every Saturday, so they were ready to roll when I posted in the #gloom.

While waiting to begin, the 2.0s made the most of the pre-workout mumble chatter by playing tag, running towards the playground and uniting with other 2.0s that were there!  I could not be more proud that two of the PAX were students at my school!  What an example they are for these younger 2.0s…#F3Counts.

-We began with a prayer and then moseyed out to an open field.  Of course my 2.1 and 2.2 were running around behind me while everyone else listened…but this is why we do it (and it did not surprise me)!

-Circled up with 2.0s in tow for our warm up in cadence:
-SSH – 10
-Merkins – 10
-Low, Slow, Squat – 10
-Windmill – 10

Tunnel of Love:
-Dads planked while kids crawled through the tunnel

Red Light, Green Light – 3 Rounds:
-Line up on a tree line
-2.0s run, Dads Bear Crawl

Races – 2.0s vs Dad:
-1st Race – 2.0 runs down to marker (cone) and back while dad starts with a burpee, runs to marker, does a burpee, runs back
-2nd Race – 2.0 runs down to marker and back while dad does 2 burpees, runs to marker, does 2 more burpees, runs back

Water Break (These are very popular among the 2.0s and many of the PAX (myself included)…not something common in an F3 post)

Mosey to Parachute:
-Make a mushroom
-Fist Bump – Fist bump your 2.0 partners and your father before getting caught by the parachute (8 rounds)
-Fruit basket mix up – Apples, Bananas, Oranges, and Pears (8 rounds)

Many of the 2.0s discovered that there was an opeing in the center of the parachute.  They enjoyed popping their heads through the middle while fellow 2.0s generated a parachute wave.  The conclusion of the parachute activity endend in a pig pile of 2.0s.  The pig pile was under the parachute…hilarious!

Mosey to Cones for Tag:
-Family Partner Tag
-Family vs. Family Partner Tag
-Blob Tag

Water Break

Mosey for some Mary in cadence:
-Flutter kicks
-Russian Twist
-Pull Rip Cord



I was inspired by the F3 workouts White Lightning Q’d this summer #ISI.  My 2.1 (Jellyfish),  was my inspiration for this Q.  Jellyfish continually asked me, “when can I come workout with you again?”  After repeatedly asking to post I decided there must be something significant that happened for him.  Who better to step up for than our 2.0s…right!

I don’t think that it was the workout that Jellyfish really wanted (although the parachute was pretty fun).  It is the same thing we get from the PAX…the fellowship and deepening of our faith.  It doesn’t really have anything to do with the workout, but the significance of our children’s time with us…their dads.

I don’t know what a good relationship with a father looks like.  I don’t know if my relationship was bad, mediocre or great. I do know that I wish it were more than it was and will be.  I am hard on myself as a professional and husband.  However, I am the hardest on myself as a father.  What a responsibility…not just to raise your children, but in my case…raise two little boys to be men!

As a man…sometimes you need to do burpees, sometimes you need to fellowship at lunch, but sometimes you need to pull out the parachute!



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The Armory – Stroll through the lot with a Kettle Bell move here and there…

  • QIC: Cake Boss
  • When: 11/03/14
  • Pax: Boy, Band, Cake Boss, Change Order, Chicken Hawk, Destiny, Gears, Gridlock, Lug Nut, McGruff, Senator Tressel, Spitz, Wii Dat
  • Posted In: The Armory


No quite Globogym, but pretty close

12 PAX took to the lot of The Armory for a Monday morning workout.

What Cake Boss had baking in that head of his, was enough to keep the minds sharp and the bodies warm in this cool November morn.


The Thang:

Short Mosey to Front of FHC building for COP

20 SSHs

10 Merkins

Lap around the parking lot (This was for directions purposes for later)

The Meat of the morning

12 Curls

12 Shoulder Presses

12 Upright Row

12 KB Squat

Run Lap

10 Curls

10 Shoulder Presses

10 Upright Row

10 KB Squat

Run Lap

8 Curls

8 Shoulder Presses

8 Upright Row

8 KB Squat

Run Lap



12 Tri Extensions

12 Lateral Raises

12 KB Swing

12 Lunge Pass Thru

Run Lap

10 Tri Extensions

10 Lateral Raises

10 KB Swing

10 Lunge Pass Thru

Run Lap

8 Tri Extensions

8 Lateral Raises

8 KB Swing

8 Lunge Pass Thru

Run Lap



12 KB Jacks

12 Plank Rows

12 Ski Abs

12 In/Out Abs

Run Lap

10 KB Jacks

10 Plank Rows

10 Ski Abs

10 In/Out Abs

Run Lap

8 KB Jacks

8 Plank Rows

8 Ski Abs

8 In/Out Abs

Run Lap

After catching our breath, CB talked about Ruth and how she came from a horrible group of people that did everything againse God. Ruth went through a transformation and became a servant for God, Great Grandmother to King David and ancestor to Jesus.

We all have pasts and we all do things that are not in God’s likeness, but we can all be transformed and become a servant for God and live a full life for his purpose and will.

Wrap up with

10 Dips

10 Derkins

Announcements: 11/8 F3 Dads, 11/14 Speaker at Eternal Church, 11/22 Sole Redemption(shoes) ends, 11/27 Thanksgiving Convergence

Prayers for the NAFO family as they lost one of their own this weekend, Job interviews for PAX and to an end of domestic violence all over.

Honored and joy to lead and be a part of this thing called F3. Thank you! CB

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Taking up the Armor(y) to move from Fear to Faith

  • QIC: Chicken Hawk
  • When: 10/27/2014
  • Pax: Trucker, Greenwave, Hooker, McGruff, Skeeter, Saltstate, Deacon, Jekyll, Decible, Destiny, Change Order, Lug Nut, FNG (Spitz), Gridlock, Tatanaka, Gears, CSPAN, Trucker, Boy Band, Cake Boss,
  • Posted In: The Armory

This morning 20 men sucked in the Gloom at the Armory to enjoy some exercise of the mind, body and spirit.  Fear can cripple you into inaction.  Surrendering your fears to God helps you move from fear to Faith.  The closer you are to the Lord the more faith, confidence and significant your life will be as you walk with the Lord.  Identify your fears, name them and surrender them!


Warm up –

– 20 SSH

– 15 Mountain Climbers

-15 Imperial Walkers

– 15 Wind Mills

Pain Stations – Repeat exercises in each group for 3 minutes.

Station 1 – 10 kbs, 10 up right rows, 10 shoulder press repeat

Station 2 – 30 count wall sit with weight over head, 10 count balls to wall

Station 3 – 15 skull crushers, 15 derkins, 15 dips

Station 4 – Run up and down steps with bell non stop

Station 5 – 10 calf raises, 10 step ups, 10 side steps

Station 6 – Bear Crawl up and back down hill, 6 burpees

Wind Sprints –

– Run

– Shuffle out and Karaoke back

Mary – 3 min (30 sec each)


– Freddie Mercury

– Hi Lo Flutter

– Helo Dolly

– Protractor




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Pre-Blast: The Fort Thanksgiving Convergence @ The Ranch


All PAX,

The Ranch will be hosting Thanksgiving breakfast full of pain and discomfort.

I know it sounds appealing, however the best part will be you’ll be with your F3 brothers in fellowship expressing Thanks for all the encouragement and “sharpening” our brothers have done for us this year.

Join Santini and Pusher as they lead us around The Ranch AO with some side dishes of merkins, LBCs and of course burpees. There may even be a surprise or two for attendees, especially after the 6 week detox cleans ends. Hummmmm…….interesting!

Post time will be 6am

Location is The Ranch, Springfield Elementary parking lot (soccer fields in front)

Qs are Santini and Pusher

All AOs are converging this day at The Ranch.

Any questions, let Cake Boss or Pusher know.

Don’t forget the Shoe Donations for Charlotte Rescue Mission. Bring those to all workouts until 11/22.


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Serving others down painment

  • QIC: Trucker
  • When: 10/13/14
  • Pax: Trucker, Mcgrufe, Change Order, Decible, Car Bomb, Boy Band, Chicken Hawk, Totanka, Duck Hunt, Deacon, Greenwave, Gears
  • Posted In: The Armory

12 PAX strolled to the Armory in the fog for a little music medley, courtesy of YHC. Trucker brought along his boom box and playlist with some goodies to workout to. Lots of chatter as we all circled up regarding Sunday’s event at the Children’s Attention Home. YHC began with a little speech relating to Sunday’s message by David Chadwick, we are lead to serve others, not ourselves. This message hit home with YHC and felt it was a perfect message to carry through at the Armory. The other message that YHC forgot to mention was PAX shouldn’t pick a workout over the type of music played, ie the playlist.

The Thang:

4 rounds of pain stations then a little running:

Station 1 for 5 reps:

Goblet Squats


Upright rows

Russian Twists

Run to light pole at funeral home

Station 2 for 10 reps:

Curls 5 each arm

Lunges 5xs each leg

Figures 8’s

LBC with KB

Run to light pole in FHFM campus parking lot

Station 3 for 15 reps:

Around the World

Tricep extensions

Lawn mower

Protractor w/KB

Run to end of FHFM campus parking lot

Station 4 for 20 reps:

Bent over rows 10 each side

Curls 10 each arm

Goblet Squats

Front raises

Run lap around FHFM campus parking lot

Rinse and Repeat 2 more times

Good mix of KB and running!!!

Lots of announcements, so watch the weekly emails!

Prayers to Deacon’s friends with cancer and for Trucker’s wifes ankle.



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Indian Land Shovel Flag Plant and Sausage Fest – 10/18

Come celebrate yet another expansion spawned from The Fort where not ONE but THREE shovel flags will be planted. The three flags planted are representative of the three workouts developed in Indian Land on Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays (The Tomahawk, The Arsenal and The Reservation).

Following the tour of the new AO (code for an epic beatdown), there will be the inaugural Indian Land Sausage Fest starting at 0830 (Decibel, there will be BRATS!). This should allow enough time for the PAX posting in other AO’s to come join in the fun. Bring your own drinks and lawn chairs (NO ALCOLHOL – we are on school property – Sorry Trucker). For PAX coming from other AO’s, the sausage fest will be held in the parking lot shown in the screenshot below. Click here for directions.

If you’d like to contribute to the Festivities, please add what you’re going to bring to the spread sheet here. All PAX should have access and can see what others are bringing.

Lastly, don’t forget to EH friends, colleagues, neighbors or anyone else that might want to come out.

Details for the Workout:
When: October 18, 2014
Where: 4137 Dobys Bridge Road, Indian Land, SC 29707
Where to Park: First lot off Dobys Bridge Road (Screenshot below)
Time: 0700 – 0800
What to bring: FNG, Tylenol?!

Details for the Sausage Fest:
When: October 18, 2014
Where: 4137 Dobys Bridge Road, Indian Land, SC 29707
Where to Park: First lot off Dobys Bridge Road (Screenshot below)
Time: 0830 – 1000
What to Bring: FNG, Drinks (NO ALCOHOL), Lawn Chair

The Reservation

Indian Land Reservation Parking Area

Bounty Hunter over and out!

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Burpee Bell

  • QIC: Decibel
  • When: 09/29/2014
  • Pax: McGruff, Backdraft, CSPAN, Boy Band, Greenwave, Gears, Change Order, Chicken Hawk and Tatanka
  • Posted In: The Armory

Ten men came out for some nice Kettle Bell fun and found some burpees along the way.

Warm up Lap
One Minute on 20 Seconds Off
Chest to Back Pullover
Two Handed Curl/Preacher Curl
Goblet Squat
10 burpees

Mosey to Station 1
KB Merkin
Figure 8
Back Lunge with pass through
Toe Taps
10 burpees

Mosey to Station 2
Upright Row
Dead Lift
20 Sidewinder (Serpentine) Burpees

Mosey to Wall
Squat Curl
Shoulder Press
Stairway Wheel barrow
10 burpees

Mosey to Station 4
Chest Press
Peoples Chair
Skull Crushers
Balls to the wall
10 Sidewinder (Serpentine) Burpees

There was plenty of chatter today amongst the PAX about how much they enjoy the burpee. I hope that they were able to get their fill today. Shout out to McGruff for asking for more burpees.

Prayers for all the PAX that are nursing injuries and illnesses.
Praise for Chicken Hawks wife and her job

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F3 The FORT Invergence Trivia

What a celebration for the Fort. Celebrating our 2nd year in F3. Lots of accomplishments and expansion occurred over the past year. The PAX enjoyed an evening of fellowship and faith through a pot luck dinner, special guest speakers, and recapping the year. In addition, the PAX were handed a trivia sheet, though we didn’t find enough time in the evening to go over the answers. So, here they are: Enjoy

  1. Who slept in on the morning of their Q? CSPAN
  2. What was the original F3 group called? CAMPOS
  3. What was the original name of the Coop? Abundance of Pain
  4. “If your _KNEES_ aren’t dirty, you are not doing it right”
  5. Who rarely wears shorts or a t-shirt to the gloom? Red Banjo
  6. Which member of the Fort broke ranks and Q’d an unauthorized workout at the Golden Corral? DD
  7. LIFO stands for: Last one in first one out
  8. What song and band translates into the premise of F3: Rush, Tom Sawyer
  9. Has anyone splashed merlot during a workout? Yes
  10. What Metro pax led the first workout at the Fort?  Swamp Fox and Boone
  11. How many times has Dredd Qd at The Fort? 1x
  12. What does CSPAN stand for? Can’t seem to pick a name
  13. What was CSPAN’s second F3 name? Apple Jacks
  14. Name the current active Fort Pax Who Were At The 1st Workout On 9.29.13?  Santini, DD, Senator Tressel, Peach, Red Banjo
  15. I2 stands for: Individual Initiative
  16. Who received the first “pom pom” trophy? Aquaman
  17. How many pax from Fort have completed a goruck?  6
  18. Who was the first Q to break the 100 ct mark for continuous SSH’s? Santini
  19. Who is known for dismantling his firepit so we can have bricks at Alcatraz? Funhouse
  20. Who were the Q’s at the very first Alcatraz workout? Senator and Funhouse
  21. What is the ‘superbelly’ (lay on your stomach, move arms/legs) also known as? The peppermill
  22. Part 2: Who is responsible for this exercise? Maximus
  23. Who coined the term “chicken and wisdom” Cake Boss
  24. Who was the first Q to take the Pax to the tennis courts at Alcatraz? White Lightning
  25. Who brought ‘Green Sally’ to the Fort and Alcatraz? Decibel
  26. Which member of the Fort Mill pax is lactose intolerant? Cable Guy
  27. Which Fort member Q’d his own workout of one? Crab Cakes
  28. Which two members of the Fort were the only two posts at an early Block Party (when it still had blocks) workout in the pouring rain, which prompted a scathling email to the Fort members who fartsacked?   DD and Santini
  29. Who were the first two Fort Mill pax to complete a Go Ruck? WWL and 10 Squared
  30. Who named Santini, Senator Tressel, Red Banjo, WWL, and Red Eye Dredd
  31. Who wrote the pre-blast for the very first Saturday workout at WEP? DD
  32. Who likes to do Mak Tar Jai with his legs? Trucker
  33. Where was the original location for Game Plan? Baxter Starbucks
  34. Who led the Alcatraz pax into the gloomy waters of Lake Wylie? Cornhole
  35. How many F3 workouts are there in the Fort Region? 16
  36. Who has the best hair? Still up in the air
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