Destiny And The Random Rock Playlist


We played a round of Uno with the following guidelines

Blue – Merkins
Green – LBC
Yellow – Squats
Red – lunges

Skip – Run
+2 – pick 2 exercises, 2 reps
+4 – 4 reps all 4 exercise
Reverse – Repeat last exercise
Wild – Change color

We stretched a bit abs called it. Thanks Triple Lindy for letting me lead.

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All of the Lights

mosey around the school to the picnic tables. Two rounds of step ups and dips.
Mosey to the front of the school. At each light, alternate, merkins, squats, and LBCs, set of 10.
Follow the light pole to the football field, across the bridge, and back to the picnic tables for more step ups and dips.
Back to COT.

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20-23 No OYO

WARMUP: Slow mosey around the parking lot to get the blood moving, then circle up for 10-20 of each:
* Windmills
* IW
* Strawberry pickers

THE THANG: 20-23 – Get through it together
20 exercises, 23 reps each, divided into 5 groups of 4 exercises. Everything done together, in cadence, since getting through anything is better together with someone, right? After a group is completed, run a lap around the parking lot – together (approx 400m),
Group 1
* Merkin
* Plank Jack
Group 2
* Box cutter
* Wide-arm merkins
* Sumo squat
* Imperial walker 2ct
Group 3
* American hammers 2ct
* Dips
* Lunge 2ct
* Shoulder taps 2ct
Group 4
* Situps
* CDDs
* Calf raises 2ct
* Hillbilly walker 2ct
Group 5
* Leg lifts
* Diamond merkins
* Monkey humpers
* Mountain climbers 2ct
Between each round, we discussed (each person was asked for input)…..
A. Something about 2022 that made you happy, proud, etc (the good)
B. Something about 2022 that made you sad, angry, etc (the bad)
C. What is the main thing or big thing you want to do to improve yourself in 2023
D. Something you feel you need or is important to help you with ‘C’ above
E. Something you can do to better serve or improve your ‘church’ and/or community. Note that your ‘church’ is wherever you lead, you impact, you preach, you teach.

* Read your newsletter and get involved! Start 2023 off right!
* Reboot of Q-Source for 2023
* D2D Fundraisers

* Alot lifted up in both prayer and praise

Thanks for the opportunity to lead!
Blessings and SYITG

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Coming in Hot on a cold Tuesday morning

WARMUP: laps until Q showed up
Mosey to front of school
3 rounds of 10 dips, 10 Derkins, 10 squats
Mosey towards elementary school entrance
Run to 5 light poles and perform exercises
Round 1: 10 lunges each pole
Round 2: 10 Carolina dry dock
Round 3: 5 Weezy Jefferson’s
Round 4: 10 calf raises
Round 5: 10 diamond merkins
Round 6: 10 flutters

Mosey to back of school
Partner 1 runs across bridge and back Partner 2 exercise
1) LBCs
2) Merkins
3) Sumo Squats

Wall sit
PAX bear crawl
Wall sit
PAX 5 Merkins

Indian mosey back to COT
Christmas Eve Clave Boss and Convergence Saturday 0630 wheels up

Dam2Dam- look it up

Lots of prayers and praises
Enjoy the moments and don’t get fought up in the complaints
Peace Joy and Love men!!

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Mind Over Moderation

WARMUP: Run two laps around the parking lot. SSH, Windmills, Merkins
THE THANG: 2min run.
10 Lunges I/C, 10 Reverse Lunges I/C, 15 Low Slow Squats, 20 Calf Raises
2min run
25yd Partner Pushes (3x each)
1min run
Peter Parkers, Protractor
2min run
1min Carolina Dry Docks, 1min Ins/Outs
Even-Numbered Jack Webb: 2 Merkins/8 Overhead Claps, 4/16, 6/24, 8/32, 10/40
2min run
Plank Series
MARY: See Above
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Yes there were. Christmas Party
COT: Should’ve been there.

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Rockin around the christmas stereo

Step touch
Low slow squat
Run in a circle

Repeat the following movements, generally in cadence with the music, and switch it up at the Qs discretion.

Imperial walkers
Merkins/CDD (alternated rounds… because moderate)
Plank jacks
Toy soldiers, which generally devolved into Rockettes style kick dancing
Monkey humpers
Clave raises
Run in circle
Face outward shuffle
Face inward shuffle

Rinse and repeat

You mean “MERRY”

Christmas party, Bethel men’s shelter, read your newsletter

Some folks say they can’t wait for their kids to be out of the house. Maybe check yourself if this is you. Cherish the time with your 2.0s

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Foghat @ Ballroom w the Q stick!

WARMUP: Merks, Derks, Windmills, Squats LBCs and a mosey.
THE THANG: Circuit of 5/10 reps w 5 Bobby Hurley and a lap mixed in between reps. Closed out with 7’s Bombjack/Merks and mixed in some Wallsits and each Pax shared one thing their were Thankful for over the Thanksgiving weekend.
MARY: none
ANNOUNCEMENTS: litter pick up, Christmas party, and Mental health over the Holidays
COT:Cousin Eddie closed us out.

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Parading on the rain!

WARMUP: Windmills, Pickers, Low & Slow Squats, Plank stretches… wall sits with lunge walks, wall sits with toes off ground
THE THANG: Dora with the following…
instead of running the person not completing exercises held al gore for the first round
100 calf raises
200 merkins
200 LBCs
100 Steps ups – each leg
200 Flutters
100 Baby arm circles
100 Incline Merkins

MARY: Worked into “the thang”
COT: We held one

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Integrated Combat Turn-around (ICT)


SSH IC x 20
MC IC x 20
A brief simulation of the “Annual Fun Run” mosey around the parking lot to arrive at the jet to be loaded.


Simulate loading AIM-9M onto F-15 C/D x4
Simulate carrying captive AIM-9M training missile between locations

FunRun continued
KB: 2-hand curl, goblet squat, tricep extension x 10 IC while team member does merkins to match

FunRun continued
20 reps from randomizer x 3

FunRun continued
Next jet to be loaded

FunRun continued
KB: same exercises only second team member does BBSU

FunRun continued
20 reps from randomizer x 3

FunRun continued
Third jet loaded
Transport simulated middle to COT

FunRun continued
20 reps from randomizer x 3

MARY: Mary was that chick we met at the bar last night, who was still a 3 even with the beer goggles. No thank you!

ANNOUNCEMENTS: READ THE NEWSLETTER. Lots going on during this D2D fund raising season.

COT: Lofting up the Branch family, at my M’s larger church, who sent Louis home Saturday and will have a memorial service this Saturday.

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Live, Laugh, Love


“A day without laughter is a day wasted.” Charlie Chaplin

15 (4 count) Imperial Walkers
15(4 count) Imperial Walkers
Side Shuttle Hops (Jog around the outer circle until everyone has gone around)
Moroccan Night Clubs (side-step-shuffle around the outer circle until everyone has gone around)
Cherry Pickers (Big Skips around the outer circle until everyone has gone around)
Big Arm Swings (Mosey Backwards around the outer circle until everyone has gone around)

5 ants rented an apartment with another 5 ants, Now they’re tenants

On your sixes stretches
Feet together
Feet apart -Right Leg
Feet Apart – Left Leg
Butterfly Stretch

Someone just called my phone, sneezed and then hung up
I’m getting sick and tired of these cold calls

Mosey to the courts


One runs a lap around the lower lot while the other is doing PT

Get a Partner If 3 in a group
200 Step-Ups 300 Step-Ups
100 Erkins 150 Erkins
125 Squats 200 Squats
50 Derkins 75 Derkins
100 Calf Raises 150 Calf Raises

ended up being 1.8 miles of running

“I have not seen anyone dying of laughter, but I know millions who are dying because they are not laughing.”

Proverbs 17:22 A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person’s strength



COT: Announcements, Prayers & Praises, Sprocket closed us out in prayer

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