Keep it Simple

  • QIC: Senator Tressel
  • When: 10/11/16
  • Pax: Cake Boss, Weezer, Rainbird, Ditch Witch, TPS, Change Order, Newman, Elmer, Barry Manilow, Anchor Man, Bassomatic, Gopher, T-square, Culture Club, Twister
  • Posted In: The Ballroom

16 men enjoyed absolutely perfect weather conditions on a Tuesday morning at the Ballroom.  Here is what they did.

The Thang:

Make a 4 x 4 formation and start with a dynamic warmup of arm stretches, back stretches, and leg stretches – keep moving….

We stayed in formation and did a slow jog to the far back parking lot of the distribution business park.  In this formation we did:  SSH x 20, Merkin x 10, IW x 20, Morrocan nightclub x 20, MC x 20, HOLD/left arm, left leg high/right arm, right leg high, 6″/reg/6″/reg/recover.

40 yard sprints: 50% effort x 2 times, 75% effort x 2 times, and 100% (sprint) x 2 times

Stay in formation for moderate Pushorama:

Merkins x 10, take a short break, diamond merkin x 10, , short break, widearm merkins, x 10 short break.  Do three sets total of that.

Stay in the 4 x 4 formation and Mosey to the grassy hill off of the main road for Jacob’s ladder.  Start with one burpee at the top and work up to 5 burpees.  Finish and plank at the bottom.

Back in formation and mosey to the warehouse just behind the Ballroom parking lot.  “Uh oh, i know what’s coming next, ” was heard as the double reataining wall came into sight.  No gentlemen, no wall climbs today!  We are staying moderate (unlike the Q last week who shall remain nameless, although some people call him Old Bay)

People’s chair, recover, bear crawl to the curb, crabwalk back, people’s char again with overhead hand claps.  Get back in formation and mosey to the grassy area in front of the Chicken Roaster.  The grass was pretty rough so we broke ranks and found a good spot to land.

LBC x 20, Elbows to Knees (like a slow Freddie Merc) x 20, Hello Dolly x 20



YHC had not Q’d the Ballroom in quite some time and was very pleased to get the call from Change Order a few weeks back.  It was even better when the weather finally turned cool and dry after the all the weekend rain from Matthew.    Who hoo! – this is F3 weather!  Why the formation?  Not sure really – just wanted to stay closer together today and see if we could stay that way,  which we did for the most part.

This was a very simple workout – take a short run, repeat some simple exercises and do it again for 45 minutes.  YHC loves a moderate workout for a change of pace, and based on the big numbers that the Ballrooom pulls in, the local F3 contingent must feel the same way.  And, it’s always awesome to be joined by four more respects (Twister, Elmer, Rainbird, Ditchwitch) on any morning.

In COT, the group mentioned those affected by hurricane Matthew.  Our local Pax knew folks that had homes that, thankfully, were saved.    Those in Haiti were not so lucky.   We prayed or those having surgery.  Praises for those getting married, those celebrating wedding anniversaries.

Announcements:  Convergence on Oct 28, Topic: race relations


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FLOOD RELIEF EFFORTS: Calling all Fort and Rock Pax

I just got our work assignments.  We received 5 work orders for tree removal and 1 for house muckout (remove drywall, carpet, etc).  We will need to bring tools (chainsaws, axes, shovels, rakes, wheelbarrows, leaf blower, etc) like we did last week and additional tools (flat nosed shovels, hammers, sheetrock knives, wheelbarrows, etc) and safety equipment (gloves, safety glasses, dust masks, etc) this week.

The current plan is that we will meet at the Lowes by Baxter at 5:00 and leave for Conway, SC.  We would complete work at about 2:00 or 3:00 so that we can return for trick-or-treating with our families.  We will need to bring lunches and water.

Please DM @darkhelmetf3 or email me: with your HCs.


Work crews leaving out tomorrow. We will need help next week as well, so please check your calendars and let me know if you can make it. Here’s the details for tomorrow’s work.

We have been assigned 6 work orders to remove fallen trees (some greater than 18″ diameter) in the Bishopsville area.  We will be meeting tomorrow morning at the Lowe’s in Baxter at 6:00 am and will be leaving at 6:15. This will put us in Bishopsville at about 8:00.

We will be splitting into 2 groups and each group will have a team leader and will work on 3 work orders.  We will carpool and drive down as groups since the groups will be working at different addresses.

The teams are a mix of F3 Pax and Men (and one M) from my church. Again, there will be opportunity to go again next weekend, so LET ME KNOW.

We need to bring the following tools and we will split them up between the 2 groups:

Chainsaws (I think 5 were volunteered and so please bring them along with gas, oil, sharpening tools or whatever else would be needed)

Bring what you need to work safely.
In order to ensure we are as safe as possible while working on these projects, remember not to work after dark when good visibility is no longer possible, and please be sure to bring:

  • Safety glasses / goggles
  • Work boots or sturdy closed toe shoes
  • Work gloves
  • Pants (not shorts)

We need to bring our own lunch and water.  The team leaders will bring a cooler for water and drinks to be put in.

We will work until 5:30 or 6:00 and so if we finish our work orders early then we will see if there are other neighbors in the area that would like some help.  We can then find a place to eat in Bishopsville or head home. 


Flood waters are finally starting to recede on the coast in some areas to a point where we can get in to help. I don’t have all the details yet. They should be forthcoming soon, but here is what I know and what I need at this point.
Early Saturday morning we are looking for strong backs and weak minds to travel to Myrtle Beach and Florence, SC to start the debris clearing. This means that we will need willing men, chainsaws, hand saws, loppers, shovels, possibly wheelbarrows, etc. We will be heading back that evening on this go around. (We will likely be doing an overnight trip next week once the mucking out of houses and such begins. Flood waters are not allowing for this in most areas at this time, is what I understand.) We will also be taking donations down with us. We will take the water that has been collected to now, and any other that we may be able to collect between now and then…
Your HCs ASAP! Hit me on twitter: @darkhelmetf3 (I’ll follow you back so we can share contact info if needed) and tell me if you can make it. It will be a very early start and a fairly late return that day.

Men, I know that there are TONS of ways to help right now, and TONS of places we could do it. If this doesn’t fit you, that’s ok, just help somewhere. However, this is what we are being asked to do for right now. It may seem like a small thing, but it will make a big difference.


Pax, I thought it would be good to give an update on where things stand with the relief efforts. There is much more damage and many more problems than we anticipated in SC, GA, and NC than we (in the Fort) have resources to take care of. It’s important to remember that we will hear of needs all over. Unfortunately, we won’t be able to do it all. I often get frustrated and sad that we can’t just fix it, but so be it.

That said, at this time, we are in a holding pattern. The storm surge is continuing to rise in many of those areas, and over the next 48 hours or so there will be continued flooding and other problems that will continue to arise. It will likely be this weekend and into next week before we can safely enter any of those areas. So, as hard as it is, hang tight. Please keep letting me know about the needs that you hear of and about your individual availability to travel (possibly overnight) to affected areas over this weekend and into (and through) next week. Also, keep your eyes on the Twitter machine and FB, etc. for further updates.

Thank you, men, for all you do.
Helmet, out.


Almost one year to the day from our relief efforts in Columbia, SC, and here we go again. Our brothers (F3), but maybe even more importantly, the communities where our brothers and sisters (God’s children) live are feeling the force and will soon be digging out from the devastation of Hurricane Matthew.

I am in contact with some of our coastal Pax and with members and leaders of my Church to try and get updates on needs. I imagine that there will be needs for donations, much like we had for Columbia (water, food, fuel, etc.), and also we want to organize work crews to go down as needed. At this point (10/8/16, 1700hrs), I know of many downed trees, lots of flooding, etc., but we do not know yet what can be done or when. Many communities (whole counties actually) have not started letting residents back in yet.

Here is what I need from you. I need to know if you can plan to go down with crews sometime in the coming days and weeks to administer relief. This will likely consist of delivering supplies, clearing roads, removing debris, and gutting homes and businesses that were flooded. We will need tools, strong backs, and donations. As soon as I know more, I will amend this post.

Again, at this point, if you can comment on this post, or DM me on Twitter, as to whether you can go and what days, that will help to start. Also, if you know of needs or people that are in those areas organizing efforts there, that would be great to know also.



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Calls for Mercy at the Ballroom

  • QIC: Old Bay
  • When: 10/04/2016
  • Pax: Chedda, Anchorman, Barry Manilo, Ditchwitch, Trail Mix, Newman, Bassomatic, Mainframe, Gilmore, Bait Shop (FNG), Elmer, Gopher, CottenEye, Culture Club, OldBay
  • Posted In: The Ballroom

15 Ballroom Boyz gathered for a refreshingly cool morning of moderate dancing. Disclaimer was issued in earnest and the pax lined up for a crisscross applesauce run down to the furtherest lower lot at the bottom of the business park.


Pax circled up for a few words on our theme of the month: Mercy.

– SSH (IC) x20
– IW (IC) x20
– ==> Lunge walk for 10 yards, then mosey half way around lot
– Low-Slow Squats (IC) x20
– Windmills (IC) x20
– ==> Toy soldier for 10 yards, then mosey half way around lot
– Mountain climbers (IC) x20
– Peter Parkers (IC) x20
– ==> Bearcrawl for 10 yards, then mosey half way around lot
– Carolina Dry Docks (IC) x20
– 5 Burpees OYO

Mosey up to middle “flat” parking lot for railroad tracks (about 2 rotations through)

The Thang

Mosey to the parking lot below the COT area (with the double wall). Another quick word on Mercy, and Pax organized themselves into five groups of three for a few rounds of Tripple-Check.

– 1st person doing wall sit
– 2nd person exercise specified for that particular round (see below)
– 3rd person scaling walls, then running to the right, down around the stop sign, and back to his team
– rotation positions until all three pax in each group had done each exercise
– plank up when done with the specific round

We did a total of 5 round, with the “specified exercise” being the following (one for each round)

– LBCs
– Merkins
– Squats
– Flutters
– Calf raises

After all 5 rounds, pax scaled wall one more time and circled up for a little Mary in the COT area.

Seniors choice for ab work:

– LBCs
– American hammers

Time’s up. COT.

Naked Man Moleskin
YHC has a special affinity for the Ballroom because of the #HIMs that post there, and because the scaling wall is a real treat. This morning was no exception, and we had the bonus of FNG “Bait Shop” joining us (excellent work!!!). Add in the absolutely perfect weather, and we had a recipe #awesomesauce. It was a privilege leading the workout, and YHC appreciates the opportunity (thanks for scheduling me, ChangeOrder).

During the workout, we discussed the monthly theme of Mercy. For YHC, mercy is a little more difficult to grasp than the other two of the trifecta: justice and grace. Mercy is not giving something when it is deserved (like punishment, retribution, or hell). Mercy is a sense of empathy or pity. But it is something we do, not just something we feel. It is a sense of pity, plus action. Many cultures, including that of the Romans, and that of ours today, see mercy as weakness. I suspect this is due to the competitive, prideful nature of society, which focuses on sports, shocking media, and a worldly definition of “success”. Name 5 great movies about mercy. I can’t.

We as follower of Christ are to have a different perspective of mercy. Greg Laurie said “Sometimes we think people who are quick to condemn are very spiritual. But it is actually quite the opposite. When you truly are a spiritual person, when you truly are a godly man or woman, then you will be a merciful person—not a critical or condemning one.”

In Chicken Hawk’s Mercy theme document, he says something that really stuck with me. “Don’t be mistaken by the reality that the person you are called to have mercy on does not deserve it.” I dare you to really thing about this next time you get in your car and drive somewhere.

As a final thought – The theme-of-the-month concept and document that Chicken Hawk puts together every month is truly a fantastic resource for all Pax. I strongly encourage everyone to take advantage of this. Read it, print it up, discuss it with your wife and/or family, and tape it to the refrigerator. There is no excuse not to. It couldn’t be teed up any better.

-old bay

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PRE-BLAST: 4th Annual The Fort Invergence!

On September 30, come and join your F3 brethren from Fort Mill, Tega Cay, Lake Wylie, York, Rock Hill, and Indian Land as we celebrate four years of F3 in the Fort Mill area.   We will have a great meal and enjoy presentations from our local F3 leadership,  Aye, men, this is a great opportunity to learn more about F3 and get together with your brothers  in a relaxed, non-sweaty setting.  It’s a ‘can’t miss’ event so mark your calendars now and plan to be there!    No M’s on this one – just the Pax.

What:  Fort Mill Invergence (4th anniversary party)

When:  Friday, September 30, 5:30PM

Where:  Bruce T. Rush Pavillion at the Anne Springs Greenway

Bring:  Food, drink, chair, cash (to cover the pavillion rental/donations to the F3 Foundation)

Please use the link below to RSVP and list what food you will bring:

4th Annual Fort Mill Invergence Dinner Sign Up


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Do You Mind If We Dance With Your Dates?

  • QIC: Barry Manilow
  • When: 08/02/16
  • Pax: Spitz, Culture Club, BassOMatic, Cheddah, Anchorman, Change Order, McGruff, Plymouth, Ditch Witch, Rain Bird, Mainframe, Gopher, Fire Marshall Bill
  • Posted In: The Ballroom

14 strong at The Ballroom with Barry Manilow … what to do? … When in Rome …

Disclaimer complete and a cool(ish) breeze in the air, 14 strong were ready some moderate fun at The Ballroom. I scoured the exercises for every celebrity music and dance appearance I could find, and even made a few up.

The Thang,

mosey 1/2 way down the hill, circle up, 10x imperial walker, 10x windmill, 10x squat, 10x merkins

mosey down to the circle, circle up, 10x hillbilly walker, 10x cherry picker, 10x monkey humpers, 10xCDD

mosey to the bottom lot for Patrick Swayze (not the Roadhouse Swayze, not Point Break Swayze … yes, Dirty Dancing Swayze) … back and forth in the lot … Karaoke L, Karaoke R, butt kickers, graceful high knees, backwards run with arms out waiting for Jennifer Gray (or Anchorman) to jump in them, and back down with a power-skip

10 count before a Jonah Hill OYO … 3x broad jumps, 3x merkins, 3x broad jumps, 3x merkins x 7 times each for 21 of each (ala 21 Jump Street)

mosey 1/2 way back up the hill and circle up for a Matt Foley IC … 1x squat with arms out (optional, yell about living in a van down by the river), 4x Dying Cockroach, 2x squats, 8x Dying Cockroach … up to 5x and 20x

mosey up to the grass near the to parking lot, 10x Makhtar N’Diayes, 10x Kneetar N’Diayes

mosey to the side driveway just below the parking lot, 5x bombjacks, bear crawl up to the lot, 5x donkey kicks, walk back down to the side drive, 5x bombjacks, bear crawl up to the lot, 10x alternating shoulder taps

mosey to the other end of the parking lot, circle up, a minute or so of Grateful Dead IC, 10x Freddie Mercury IC, 10x Travoltas IC, 5x Diamond David Lee Roth Burpees OYO

mosey to the small lot before the wall, inchworm from one side to the other, lunge walk back, toy soldier across, windmill walkers back … circle up for 10x flutters, 10x LBCs and 10x box cutters

over the wall and back to COT, announcements, prayers and praises, honored to lead a solid group.

Looks like we made it,

Barry Manilow

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Convergence to Support Army 385th MCT Deployment


Mark your calendars for Tuesday September 13, for a special Convergence to support YHC brother-in-law, 1st Lt. Tyler J. Strom (Convoy). As many of you know, Lt. Strom and his Unit (385th MCT) will be deploying in the following months. The goal for this convergence is to support Lt. Strom and pay homage to all our men & women who have served / currently serving our Nation. Lt. Strom will be your guest Q so come prepared for some PT and be sure you have a clean shave or you will suffer the consequences (his words!).

To support his Unit, we’re asking PAX for donations towards care-package items (review the list of items below). If you’re not the shopping type, you can give a monetary donation as well. Bring all items to the convergence. If you’re unable to make it and still want to give, reach out to myself (504-813-2901 / and I can coordinate a pickup time with you.

When: Tuesday September 13
Location: Ballroom (875 Gold Hill Rd, Fort Mill, SC 29708)
Time: 0515-0600
2/3 F: 0600-0630 (Coffee & donuts will be provided / bring lawn chairs)

What to Bring:

  • Care-package donations
  • Monetary donations (going towards shipping & supplies)
  • Empty shoe box
  • Lawn Chair (for 2/3 F)
  • Red pill
  • FNG

Care-Package List (Do’s / Don’ts)

  • Foods
    • DO’S Rule of thumb – anything that can fit in their cargo pockets
      • Trail mix
      • Beef jerky
      • Crackers (peanut butter/cheese etc.)
      • Ground coffee
      • Chicken salad w/ crackers packets
      • Bars (protein/breakfast etc.)
      • etc.
    • DON’TS
      • Liquids
  • Candy
    • DO’S
      • Gum
      • Hard candy
    • DON’TS
      • Chocolate
      • NO SUGAR FREE CANDY. They don’t want any issues from the backside!
  • Hygiene
    • DO’S
      • Gold bond (Highly valued)
      • Tooth paste
      • Pads/tampons (they do have some females in his unit so ask the M to help out)
      • Deodorant
    • DON’TS
      • Mouth wash
  • Medicine
    • DO’S
      • Tylenol
      • Motrin/ibuprofen
      • Tums
      • Throat Lozenges
      • Moleskin (for blisters)
    • DONT’S
      • No liquid meds
      • Hard meds (Vicodin etc.)
  • Misc.
    • DO’S
      • Socks (athletic)
      • T-shirts
      • Magazines
      • Games (cards, soduko, crossword etc.)
      • Baby wipes / hand sanitizers
    • DONT’S
      • Adult Magazines

We thank everyone in advance for their support!

Bounty Hunter over and out!

TClap |

Good Form Day with 12 counts

  • QIC: Cornhole
  • When: 07/12/16
  • Pax: Mainframe, Snapper, Culture Club, Gopher, Rain Bird, Plymouth, Ditch Witch, Destiny, Bass-O-Matic, Chicken Hawk, Pusher
  • Posted In: The Ballroom

Quick Disclaimer, Today focused on form. Start off doing each exercise to good form. Your are out here to get better. Will not get better by doing it half way.

Mosey – Butt Kickers, High Knees, Shuffle, Karoke
20 SSH
10 IW
10 Windmills,
10 Moroccan Night Club
15 LBC’s
10 12 count Merkins
(lower in 4 ct down, hold at bottom for 4 counts, raise back up in 4 counts)
10 12 count Squats
20 Mtn Climbers
15 Freddie Mercuries – Straighten your legs out at the bottom.
10 Release Merkins

How is everyone’s form? Are you holding true to it? How about life outside F3?
Are you pushing yourself to be the best Husband, Father, Son, Brother or are you going through the motions hoping that you will get better?

10 12 count Lunges ea Leg
20 Peter Parker’s
15 Loungers
10 Dips
10 Straight Leg Squats
20 Parker Peters
15 Hello Dollies
10 12 count CDD’s
10 Side Lunges
20 Ski Abs
Mosey to Wall for Wall sits
Mosey to COT

Several Announcements – Read the newletter, Love Week (Check it out)

Always a pleasure to lead and be motivated by everyone. You all make me better!

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The Fort Logo Redesign


On September 30th, we will be celebrating the 4th Anniversary of the F3 the Fort with the Invergence held at Anne Springs Close Greenway (more details to follow). Since the inception of F3 in York County back in 2012, our region has seen tremendous growth and now hosts over 750 Pax across Fort Mill, Tega Cay, Rock Hill, York, Lake Wylie and soon Lancaster.

The original design of the Fort logo completed by Bounty Hunter has been a stalwart throughout this growth. However, it is time to update the logo to further represent all of the Pax across the region.

Beginning immediately, YHC is asking for all of our creative Pax to submit a new logo design to represent our region. All submissions should be sent to Submissions must be completed by July 31st. This will allow for an F3 Mudgear t-shirt order to be completed by the Invergence.

Entries will be shared below. The winning submission will receive a free t-shirt courtesy of the Fort region.

Thanks in advance for your help! See you in the gloom.

Current Entries:

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premature 44

  • QIC: Trucker
  • When: 07/05/16
  • Pax: Trucker, cottoneye, fire marshal bill, longshanks, CSPAN, mainframe, ditchwitch, rock thrill, elmer, the riddler
  • Posted In: The Ballroom

I was asked to Q a moderate AO – The Ballroom – this past weekend since I wasn’t in Raleigh. So I jumped on the opportunity and immediately started to brainstorm on what to do and should there be a theme? Coming back from a nice long vacation where the sun and beers beat me down, I figured I couldn’t go too hard (plus the Old Town convergence yesterday wore me out). As I rolled into the AO, the parking lot was fairly empty so I was wondering if everyone was still celebrating 4th of July. As cars slowed rolled in, we all circled up and YHC stated a quick disclaimer and off we went.

COP for 44 good mornings (lots of grumblings from CSPAN for the that) and 44 IW …. PAX started to sense a theme….
Mossy to Warehouse parking lot and line up at the overhead light.

At each of the 4 overhead lights each PAX does a set of 11 of the following exercises, sprinting between each light. Once the PAX reach the 4th light, run back to the starting point (this equals 44 reps per…see where I am going?):
right leg/left leg lunges
right leg/left leg side lunges
Wide Arm Merkins

Mossy to other industrial building parking lot behind the ballroom:
Since coming back from the beach thought t would be good to pull an oldie out of the bag: 4 surfboards OYO
Line up at curb, 11 merkins, run to first wall and push up to the upper level then wall push up to road, run back to starting point, repeat 4x’s (equals 44 merkins)
44 LBCs
44 flutters
44 hello dolly
44 sec hold 6″
44 sec in plank

4 more surfboards

Mossy to COT

So why 44? I could have thought of something relating to 4th of July or the baseball homerun derby, etc.. but I thought I would share a little bit about me – not that I preach nor do I feel comfortable preaching (especially about my condition). I was born a preemie with Arthrogryposis and so I thought I would celebrate my birthday by Qing a few days before my actual day. I am not one who advertises nor really celebrates birthdays, heck I don’t even like birthday cakes, but Thursday is my birthday, and I turn…44. Enough about me and my theme

I always appreciate the opportunity to Q and thankful for PAX to roll in and suffer through it with YHC. There are a lot of PAX hurting and we need to remember to lift them up in prayer, spirit, and 2nd F efforts. Without F3, many of us PAX would be lost and hurting and no venue to seek help and companionship. Men’s DNA prevent us from opening up and sharing our pain, but its important that we lock shields and help each other out, no matter what the circumstance is. Our prayers in COT were minimal, but being a veteran there were a number of unsaid prayers. This is why we wake up sooo early and sweat together, to share our unspoken prayers through mumble chatter and sweat.

Read the newsletter, lots of things happening in July.


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Merkins and Bear Crawls

  • QIC: Decibel
  • When: 06/14/2016
  • Pax: Barry Manillow, FNG-Plymouth, Main Frame, Change Order, Anchorman, Short Sale, Culture Club, Elmer, Cotton Eye, missing two as my recording cut out (Sorry).
  • Posted In: The Ballroom

The dirty dozen arrived for some moderation and received a great dose of it.

The Thang:

Mosey to parking lot….butt kickers, high knees, keroake (both directions), 1/2 speed sprint, 3/4 speed sprint, full sprint x2.,

Circle Up: IW x10, Merkins x10, Windmill x10, Wide Arm Merkins x10, Cotton Pickers x10, Diamond Merkins x10, Morracan Night Club x10, hold arms, repeat, repeat, repeat (total of 40), staggered Merkins x10, LBC x20, staggered Merkins x10.

Mosey to hill:

At bottom of hill 20 squats, bear crawl up hill, 5-3 merkin burpees, plank until six is in and then run down hill.

At bottom of hill 30 Hello Dollie’s, bear crawl up hill, 5-3 merkin burpees, plank until six is in and then run down hill.

At bottom of hill do 30 Alternating Lunges, bear crawl up hill, 5-3 merkin burpees, plank until six is in and then run down hill.

At bottom of hill do 30 Rosalita’s, bear crawl up hill, 5-3 merkin burpees, plank until six is in and then run down hill.

20 LBC in cadence.

Mosey to wall:  Wall sit and balls to the wall, rinse and repeat.

Mosey to the Anytime Fitness parking lot for Mary.

Windshield Wipersx10, Protractor and Boat and Canoe.

Alway’s great to lead these fine men!  Welcome FNG Plymouth!





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