Choose Discipline and BRR

It was a steamy morning at WEP, but that didn’t discourage Last Call during his VQ nor did it scare off any pax from supporting him.   A lively and energetic group of 23 pax posted to honor and encourage him.

Santini had EH’d FNG/Wazowski (aka Ernie Bhend) so a full fledged disclaimer was pronounced and the baton was handed to Last Call to launch.

The Thang

Last Call took the pax on a warm up lap of WEP, then circled the pax up in the grass near the parking lot (YES, the grass!  What a bold move for a VQ!)


SSH x25

Moroccan night clubs x20

Mash up of Hillbilly Walker + Imperial Walker x20

Merkins x10

Peter Parkers x20

Slow squat x20

LBCs x20

Hand off to DD

Mosey to playground & partner up
Partner 1: Run lap
Partner 2: Continuous pull ups (keeping cumulative count with partner)
Flap jack
Rinse & repeat
Tip of the cap to Senator Tressel for his emphasis on need for more pull ups

Plank sequence including Makhtar N’Dyae ( requeted by Santini)

Mosey to the grassy area near the statues at the bottom of the hill & plank it up for commentary about Blue Ridge Relay.  (Yes, it is a shame that The Fort has no teams competing this year in BRR.  Thus, the next 30 mins of the workout became BRR-lite)

Run to top of hill almost to gazebo + 5 Burpees + run back down
Rinse + repeat for 5 total rounds

Mosey to pathway heading out the back of the parking lot & regroup with partner
Partner 1: Run down hill, up other side to trail intersection and back
Partner 2: Continuous merkins (continuing cumulative count with partner from earlier point)
Flap jack
Rinse + repeat

Plank sequence, squats, bombjacks

Mosey to bottom of hill at COT & regroup with partner
Partner 1: Run up hill to 4th light post and run back down
Partner 2: Continuous donkey kicks (keeping cumulative count with partner from earlier point)
Flap jack
Rinse & repeat

Mosey back to grass where Last Call started and circle up

Flutter x10

Hello dolly x10

Freddy Mercury x10

Rosalita x10

Penguin x10

Superman x3

Run to tent in middle of park

Run home AYG


Naked man moleskin

Solid VQ effort by Last Call today — well done, brother!  Welcome to the club and find a way back into the center of the circle somewhere ASAP so you can hone the skills and expand the experience.

Welcome to FNG/Wazowski (yes, he’s an eye doc)!  You had the privilege (and pain) of enduring a tough workout on a particularly swampy morning — great job making it through to the finish today!  A little merlot splash proves just how far you can push when challenged by other like-minded men.  You’ve found a home here in The Fort for sure.  Look forward to seeing you back in the gloom soon!

T-claps to all the pax for the support of Last Call and Wazowski today.  Special recognition to Santini for EH of Wazowski and Sir Topham Hat for EH of Last Call two months ago.  Also kudos to Peabody, Longshanks and others sweeping the six.

Welcome back home to Ginsu!  Great to have you back in the gloom with your brothers.  Look forward to hearing more about the China experience and your expanded family.

Did I mention the weather was warm and humid today?

That was a tough outing today – great work by everyone pushing through!

In the absence of any BRR activities in The Fort this year, I felt compelled to bring that experience home.  It is an incredible event, and I am disappointed we won’t have any teams to represent The Fort this year.  I know Rooney is running with Dredd & OBT on a 6-man team — way to represent us, brother!  The hills and the pain and the sweat today were all reflective of the reality of what it is to run the BRR – but only the smallest taste of the joy of that event was gained today.  Please consider BRR in 2018 – you won’t regret it.

The message throughout today’s workout revolved around the monthly theme of Discipline.  When I saw Chicken Hawk’s message at the start of the month, I was immediately disturbed.  The word brings about uncomfortable feelings for me related to punishment, reprimands and admonishment from parents, teachers and bosses.  Discipline is something I experience as being imposed on me by someone else, which I never receive well.  I quietly thought maybe I would check out on the theme for August.

Then, on a business trip this week I made some poor choices around web surfing in the lonely isolation of a hotel room.  My re-entry back home included a volatile interaction with the M around my indulgence in a personal vice.  BOOM!  Discipline (or my lack of it) suddenly hit me between the eyes.  It became very real very quickly…clearly this is the right theme for me this month.

I have much to learn still around Discipline.  Santini mentioned during the workout and in a long conversation afterward that the root of the word Discipline relates to “learning.”  The learning I’ve gained in the past few days has come through dwelling on my word for 2017 — CHOOSE —  in the context of Discipline.  In this frame of mind, I am beginning to see Discipline as part of my pathway from where I am currently to the future I CHOOSE to pursue.  In this way, Discipline becomes part of the learning process of how I move toward the fuller, holier life I long for…because I CHOOSE to seek that future point, NOT because someone else is imposing anything on me.

Thanks to Bonsai for putting me on the calendar and for looping in Last Call for the VQ.  We missed you today.

Thanks to all who posted and endured today’s workout.  Your presence, effort, resilience, encouragement and support inspire me!




TClap |

You Can Blame Dark Helmet

The past few weeks have been anything but typical for me. Laid off from my job and then I planned to do a road trip which turned into the road trip from hell in many ways. But God was and is faithful and I made it back home safely and was able to get some drugs in that helped start the recovery process. That being said, I wasn’t sure about my q coming up for the first time at The Fort. But I had just qed at Laces In with the same illness, but didn’t know it. So I figured let’s go for it. About five minutes into COP I thought I might have made a serious mistake, but thanks to the many mercies of God I made it through.

COP was a bit of a blur but it included your typical:
Imperial Walkers
Hillbilly Walkers
Windmills (slowly)
Moroccan Nightclub

After COP we made our way up the parking lot Springs Industries to find a nice flat spot where we could hang out for a while.

The next thing that followed was my theft of Union County (NC)’s Mindcrime’s invention. At center do five burpees, run, to one end and do ten merkins, come back to center, five burpees, run to the other end and do ten LBCs. Repeato until you’ve done ten rounds of ten merkins and ten LBCs. This quickly started to suck in the soup that is South Carolina in August. There was much hatechatter against the q, which makes me very happy and I know you’re working.

After much hate mumblechatter we stopped for a breather to talk about discipline and got a good word about how that ties into being a disciple both of our Lord and of life and making a difference in our own lives so we can make a difference in our families and our world. Aye!

Next up Cindy showed her ugly face and we made our way to the wall where much standing around was seen and some work was put in. Cindy went like this: ten merkins, ten dips and ten squats (or at least I think it was squats. Haven’t gotten my nap in yet). Go until q calls time!

Jekyll was threatening a coup so I wrapped up the sweat fest and we went into some stretching, weird yoga moves and other things to distract you from the fact that I just made you burn off a lot of calories.

Welcome Iron Man to F3 Nation! Thank you sir for your service to our country and for checking out F3 one day while at the park. Great first post!

Be sure to read the newsletter and keep up with all that’s going on at The Fort.

Thank you Bonsai for the chance to lead and I hope I gave you your money’s worth. As in time is money and I hope it was well worth your time.

DT out.

TClap |

Let’s do it…

10 PAX started out on a cooler, but humidity brewing, morning.  Shady took us on a nice mosey over to the playground area with some buttkickers, shuffles, high knees, karaoke and then some circle up time for warm up.

Warm up included:

SSH – 25 double count

Windmill (slow) – 10

Cherry pickers – 10

Moroccan night club – 30

Mountain climber – 20

Merkins – 10 double count

Honey mooner and downward dog stretches

Peter Parker – 15

Short Mosey to the playground where there was a nice piece of paper waiting for us.

Co-Q Dora (or Crazy Dora 1-2-3???):

Partnered up, size didn’t matter, and partner 1 did the exercise below while partner 2 ran around the playground area to pickup where partner 1 left off until the number was met.  Then moved on to the next exercise.

50 chin-ups

50 straight leg lifts

100 dips

100 knee to chest jumps (these were lots of fun)

150 derkins

150 lunges (both legs = 1)…this was modified to 100 and each leg counts

Stopped with 4 min left to do a couple 10 counts, and a short message on accountability.  Then turned it over to Cooter.

Cooter took us over to the “step” are of FM where we found a nice wall to do some wall sits.

Sit or go do some flying squirrels or all of the above:

Everyone sits on the wall, then starting down the line PAX 1 runs to other end of parking lot for 3 flying squirrels, runs back to spot in line and next PAX takes off….all the way through the line.

After this we took off towards the steps by the FM mill stone!

Why use your legs to climb steps when you have perfectly good arms:

Partner up and wheelbarrow up the 2 different sets of steps.  Run around and down the hill where you’ll switch.  Rinse and repeat 2x.

Took off to another short mosey up the monster hill (jailbreak mind you), then a brief cooldown through the parking lot.  Couple 10 counts, then over to the balls to the wall area.

Balls to the wall and then some:

Balls to the wall PLUS some mountain climbers for the dreaded Australian.  Followed by some 10 count wall sits, only to rinse and repeat.

Took off for some Mary prior to COT.  Mary consisted of a “choose your own adventure” of ab workouts.

Welcomed Nutmeg to the PAX party (friends with Hottie Tottie).  Had a great time as usual and co-Q’ing definitely takes a beating when you have Q strength!  Need to keep that in mind next time for sure!

TClap |

The Fort – Choosing to Get Better

This Q started out marvelously with Nomad welcoming Bubba Gump to his first workout.  Apparently this must have been his first in a while, because he wasn’t in the database to tag him in the PAX…  Nomad wrote up the workout and then emailed it to me because he is now on a retreat for church trying to corral high school boys.  Prayers for Nomad.

Here is what he wrote:

Another hot and sticky morning at The Fort. Many had the freedom to choose, and 18 PAX chose to post and get better

Q: Nomad

Still the Novice Q, YNC referenced the weinke often was checked multiple times. Mumblechatter of more stretching needed, attempts at messing up the count were heard. Pain was endured.

Warm-up: String of Pearls
Jog – 0.6mi around WEP
SSH x20
Windmill x15
Squats x 15

Moroccan Night Club x25
World War 1 Sit-ups – 15 OYO
Railroad Tracks – 2 lines of 9 x2 rounds

Fishstick’s Ladder up the hill by COT
UP – Exercise 1 x10, Exercise 2 x 5
Down – Recover jog
Backwards Crabwalk/LBC (10)
Bearcrawl/Carolina Dry Dock
Partner wheelbarrow Up once for each partner

Q: Tesh

Tesh took over, and jealous comments of shoulders and abs were spoken of Tesh. Pain was dispensed.

Wall shoulder dips
Partner up
Oblique box jumps x25 each side
LBC x25
Shoulder tap x15 – balls, merkin, plank
Line up – lunge hold – jailbreak
Merkin typewriter x10
Al gore (tree hug)
Arm lifts
Calf lifts
Oblique box jumps x25 each side
LBC x25
Crunches 4-points (both knees) x15
Shoulder tap x10- balls, merkin, plank

Prayers and Praises
Flat tire’s Mom
Nomad Gauntlet youth group with church
Red eye – New York mission field
Pusher – marriages

Bubba Gump returns from injury (actually was scheduled to Q)
Tesh’s shoulders and abs in a tanktop
Pusher talking USC attendance vs Clemson expectations

I enjoyed all the flack I got, keep up the chatter.  I hope everyone else enjoyed the typewriter merkins, oblique box jumps, and wall dips.  Cause I know I did.

T-claps to Nomad for under-promising and over-delivering!

TClap |

Pre-Blast – The Lake Wylie Shirt

April 9th, 2016.

That was the day that Royale and Dark Helmet opened the Saturday AO, “The Deep” and, in so doing, effectively launched F3 Lake Wylie. Along with the success of Quagmire and The Swamp, The Deep provided the Pax in Lake Wylie an identity and a new community where we can fulfill the mission of F3 to Plant, Grow and Serve.

Because of the amazing support of the men of The Fort region and the dedication of the Lake Wylie Pax, we have quickly expanded to six AOs: Quagmire, Sea Legs, The Abyss, The Poopdeck, The Swamp and The Deep. These workouts continue to see increasing numbers of men consistently posting week after week. With this growth in popularity has come the call for a shirt to represent the Pax of Lake Wylie.

We are answering the call.

On July 20st, 2017, we will release the first F3 Lake Wylie shirt. The shirt lists our current AOs and the Three F’s of Fitness, Fellowship and Faith centered around an anchor which represents not only the aquatic theme of Lake Wylie, but also symbolizes strength and stability in troubled waters.

Many of us find that F3 serves as an “anchor” in our lives, supporting us and encouraging us to being better men in world that is very often trying to tear us down.

  • It is the anchor of F3 that wakes us up to post in the gloom instead of heading to a gym for fern workouts.
  • It is the anchor of F3 that allows us to fellowship and share our lives with other like-minded men.
  • It is the anchor of F3 that encourages us to be HIM through growing our faith and acknowledging something bigger than ourselves.

This is why the anchor is the perfect representation of the Pax of Lake Wylie.

Thank you for all your continued support of F3 Lake Wylie.

Now GO BUY A SHIRT…or two! Sales runs through Aug 2nd.

TClap |

The Fort F3 Dads…week 2

As my F3 Dads VQ, I had to solicit some help. This time, it was FishSticks himself and he brought his super-human 2.0, Sharkbait to make us all feel bad. We had 47 total post up at WEP for this week’s version of F3 Dads, The Fort style.

After a necessary disclaimer focusing on uneven ground, listening to your body and to please modify as the heat will sneak up on you, I dropped the bomb all the kids were waiting on…WE HAVE ICE POPS at the end. Boom, they’re all ours now.

Mosey to the center of the field for a warmup including:

SSH, Merkins, Squats, Mountain Climbers and more Squats.

FishSticks took the older kids and their dads off to do the following:

Lined up for some additional warm-ups: toy soldiers, inch worms, lunges, shuffle left, shuffle right. Break for water Dora 1-2-3. 100 Merkin, 200 squats, 300 sit-ups. One partner ran up the hill while the other performed the exercise. Break for water Back to the shady hill for abs lab. Flutters, American hammers, six inch plank hold, plank jacks, and super man. FNG 2.0 Rocky showed off his one armed merkin abilities. Back for some more water. Finish off with a Native American run around the field.

For the younger kids, we started with a bear crawl tunnel with dads in the plank followed by a over under drill with dads STILL IN THE PLANK.

We then took it to the hill without all the ant hills and as individual families, introduced a little Jacob’s Ladder. We went to 7 with Merkins at the top and Bomb Jacks at the bottom. So I could catch my breath and slow the head spin, we talked about why the dads find themselves doing this F3 thing and what we get out of it and why that’s important.

Then it got a little more interesting with 2.0 Carry races. The dads had to carry their kids from one cone to another (about 15yds) then bear crawl-carry them back. Those of us with multiple kids thoroughly enjoyed that last part.

Then the games were played: The wolf lunch time game for a very long time, sharks and minnows then the fence game.

We closed it out with COT and a great message from Bear Grylls and family about the importance of good decisions in life.

Great job 2.0’s and thanks to the dads for involving their kids in something that is so important to us.

As you were.

TClap |

Return of TChaser & The PuckerButt 500

  • QIC: CSPAN & Chaser
  • When: 07/08/2017
  • Posted In: The Fort

Conditions hot humid and it was inappropriate to wear BA black shirts…

#Kotters to several #HIM who decided to join us again…including the Q of the second half of the workout…

Disclaimer in detail with FNG Andy…and we were off and running…

mosey…scratch that…sprint to the gun lot…I had the first 20 minutes so we were going to have a nice slow very easy warmup…but Olaf brought snap pop/fireworks so I went off script and tried to make my portion of the workout a little more spicy…55 flying squirrels in warmups…your welcome…#sorryNOTsorry

Mosey to Veterans Park

Geronimo leads in the Pledge

TChaser took over as Q and explained the Puckerbutt 500

partner up

Partner 1 runs to Puckerbutt (a world famous hot sauce shop in Fort Mill)

Partner 2 does a series of exercises: (stop at 50 and do SSH until your partner returns)
100 merkins
100 squats
100 dips
100 LBC
100 burpees

It was hot…and above was awful…we got in over 3 miles of running…felt worse because of the heat and humidity

Ran back COT/Prayer or Praise/& BOM

Great to have TChaser back and on Q = stifling heat this morning and he brought the jujitsu fitness out today

Great to have High Life and Menthol back out (beer and cigarettes)

Great group of men this morning and quality chatter throughout

Tesh still has great abs…

MacGyver missed the prerun and kept me safe on the run home

#SleevelessLikeCheech #LeaveNODoubt

Santini is still bitching about the (lack of) warmup

Trucker finally returned from vacation

Shanks got in 6 prior to this nonsense

Olaf is a blast to have with us and makes our group better

This morning was exactly what I needed, appreciate the “love” this morning

Be a better man today than you were yesterday old timers…

TClap |


  • QIC: MacGuyver and Pusher
  • When: 7/1/17
  • Pax: Flat Tire, Tesh, Quack Attack, Atomic Q, Lil Jon, Asphalt, Night Court (FNG), Rebel, Mary Lou, Geronimo, Bonsai, Airborne, Repeat, Jiffy, Longshanks, Atticus, AC/DC (FNG)
  • Posted In: The Fort

MacGuyver and YHC were honored to be chosen as the Qs by Bonsai at our maiden home here in the Fort. With the beginning of the month, a new word, Freedom, was celebrated as we gathered to enjoy all 3 Fs.

MacGuyver was up for his 2nd Q of the week and even put in 6 miles as a pre-run (Strong!) YHC had learned of his Weinke late Friday and knew that it would be terrible. Rather than doubling down on his plan, I decided to stay in the park (no grass, though) and take the 2nd half.

Weather – Humid and hot…did I mention humid?

The Thang

MacGuyver on Q

Lap around park with warm up exercises at each post

Stop at 4/10 mile post

Hill work

Decline merkins on the way down/Incline merkins on the way up

Increasing Drill Bits

5 merkins/10 Squats/15 LBCs

Increase by 5 at each mile marker

Handoff to YHC – Mention of Freedom and what we take for granted

Mosey to playground

Plank/Crab Sequence x 3 – Crowd pleaser!

Monkey Humper/Squat Sequence x 3

Moroccan Night Club/Carolina Dry Dock Sequence x 3 – Again with the shoulders!

Lunges x 20

Partner Up

Partner 1 runs a lap around playground

Partner 2 Dips

Rinse and Repeat x 3

4 Minutes of Mary

Jack Webbs x 10 – Another crowd pleaser!

Mosey to COT



  • Asphalt brought his 2 sons out as FNGs. Great additions to the Pax!
  • Upcoming 8/4 3rd F convergence with our school leaders. Mark the date on your calendar!
  • Read your newsletter and celebrate your freedom every day. Don’t take it for granted!


TClap |

A Little Hoglet and a Coyote Pup

  • QIC: Geronimo
  • When: 06/17/17
  • Pax: Mary Lou, Sugar Bug, Ginsu, Nomad, Airborne, Shady, Crabcakes, Training Wheels, Bonsai, Tesh, Pitts, Geronimo (QIC)
  • Posted In: The Fort

For some reason, life, work, grind, whatever I just wasn’t feeling it for the 4th annual running of the Hog and Coyote CSAUP. Then I found out I was scheduled to Q at the Fort, so my decision to forego H&C was confirmed. The other awesome thing was that since PAX were a little thinner than usual (CSAUP and all) I got the opportunity to take the entire 60 minutes myself. I arrived at WEP well before the start time and got to see the lead runners get there for the official 1st pain station of the event. That really got me fired up for the workout that I had planned.

SO here’s the moral of my story at the front. If there’s a CSAUP event and you think you will take the easier route and post to Geronimo’s workout instead, it may not absolutely be the easier route. That said we took the next 60 minutes doing the mini H&C.

The Thang

COP in the COT circle. Wanted to make sure the LI PAX didn’t get left behind.
SSH, Hillbilly walkers, merkins some other things I think all IC
Slow mosey up the street to the Church of the Nazarene

Pain Station #1 “8 min of Plank”
40 s plank jacks
20 s rest – in the plank
40 s hip slappers
20 s resting plank
40 s merkins
20 s rest -planking (funny guy)
40 s alternating corners- 1 hand up, opposite foot up then switch
20 s rest -plank for resting sucks
Rinse and repeat
Add music for the timer app next time. Not too much mumble chatter makes for a quiet 8 minutes. Must just be early.

Mosey up Spratt St to Millstone park playground.

Pain Station #2 “Bear Hill Speedway”
Each corner of the playground has a ~3 foot burm
Bearcrawl around the entire playground including up and down each burm
Plank for 6
20 CDD
Bearcrawl Lap
20 dips on the retaining wall
Bearcrawl Lap
20 Box jumps on the retaining wall
Bearcrawl Lap

Mosey up 160 and around the end of WEP to THE HILL

Pain Station #3 “Dora from the Top”

Partner up. P1 does activity at the top of the hill while P2 runs to the bottom and executes 5 proper burpees then runs back to the top to switch. Agregate reps between partners.
100 Merkins
200 Squats
300 Flutters (2 count)

Slow Mosey back to COT

Ginsu passed the flag on to Bonsai, the new The Fort site Q.


I’ve Q’d a lot in the last 3 or 4 months and I’ve gotten pretty lax in my BB writing. Mostly procrastination, some laziness, but mostly that procrastination thing. I keep thinking that tomorrow will be a better time to do that, until all too soon I’m posting up at next weeks workout and then it’s like “meh, why bother now”.

Unfortunately, it’s super easy to do that with so many things in our life. Tomorrow looks like a better day to take my kids to the park and play. I’ve got SO many days until my wife’s birthday, what’s waiting 1 more day to get her something special going to hurt. I’ll call my dad NEXT week.

It’s a Trap!

None of us know how much time we’ve got on this big blue ball. Putting the best things off until tomorrow in favor of something that is probably “meh” at best, is not the spirit of what we are trying to accomplish. Each day we should be trying to be a bit better, a bit stronger, love our wives and kids a bit more, make our homes a bit happier.  I’m afraid to say that waiting til tomorrow for all that just isn’t going to cut it.


TClap |

Four Corners and Faith at The Deep

  • When: 6/10/2017
  • Pax: Peg, Brickhouse, Nemo, and NASA
  • Posted In: The Deep, The Fort

Wow what a BEAUTIFUL day. Seeing God’s creative beauty on display is a great way to start your day. So is working your mind, body, and spirit with your PAX. I showed up 5-10 mins early as I try to do and there was not a soul in sight. Did I miss a memo or something? About 5 mins before launch folks rolled in. It ended up being 4 of us committed to making ourselves better and stronger. Some may say only four PAX. My opinion numbers do not really matter until it is only 1. Things go alot better with company. And we all know misery loves company, so I had to dish out some misery 🙂

No FNGs, so I gave the cliff notes version of a disclaimer (do not die) and off we went.

Slow run around the parking lot and across the street to the middle school parking lot next to the track/field. The COP:

  • 20 SSH
  • 20 WM
  • 20 IW
  • 20 MNC
  • 20 PJs
  • Downward dog and honeymooner

Some good conversations, then off to the track. No speed work today from me (yay!).

The Thang – 4 Corners

It is a standard 400M oval track. Pointed out 4 areas where an exercise will be done in ascending reps….5, 10, 15, 20…as we run around the track. Do one exercise at 5 reps at one point, then run to the next point and do the same exercise at 10, and so on, until you return to the start and then repeat with another exercise. No rest between rounds. In all, you run a mile and do 50 reps of 4 exercises. The four exercises were:

  • Merkins
  • Squats
  • CDDs
  • Calf Raises

The PAX did GREAT. We all kept together through the whole thing. ALOT of great conversations, getting to know each other better as we push each other along. That’s what I love about F3 – the 2nd F during the first F. After we finished we considered doing another lap with a different exercise, but decided against. Instead we did bear crawls all the way across the width of the field, and returned with a crab walk. Then I went into a conversation about faith to give us a little needed rest (see moleskin). Then off to the playground equipment.

Ab Lab

Utilizing the swings for some exercise, we performed a descending rep count of 4 exercises in a row. Do all four in succession at 20 reps, then all four at 15, then 10, then 5. Little to no rest between rounds. The four ab exercises were:

  • LBCs with feet on swing to keep those legs up
  • I’ll call these the ‘Royales’ for I believe he came up with these – essentially in Derkin position with feet on swings, then pull your knees up to your chest then fully extend back. Full extension and knees to chest were key to feel the burn
  • Flutters
  • Hello Dollys

After that we were all pretty beat. BUT we had about 15 minutes to go….this was nearly a HIIT workout so things went quick. I decided it was People’s choice time

  • Brickhouse – 30 merkins OYO
  • Peg – 10 burpees OYO
  • Nemo – 30 squats in cadence
  • NASA – 25 dips on playground equipment OYO
  • NASA – people’s chair and BTTW for 40 sec counts each

Then we finished with a slow Indian run to the COT. GREAT work by the PAX!!

* Read the newsletter and get involved
* Gutters and Gringos today
* CAH Guidance workout at 4pm today
* Hog and Coyote next weekend 6/17 – I mentioned to the PAX that if you have never done one of these CSAUPs, they need to put it on their to-dos. Yes, they will hurt, but the 2nd F is priceless and the support you will get will get you through it
* CAH river float next weekend 6/17
* Please post at CAH Guidance – every volunteer hour captured on their volunteer form gives them $$ for VOCA will donate $25 for every volunteer hour logged. CAH is trying to raise funds for a new van.
Prayers and Praises:
* Prayers to all PAX going through various struggles – whether personally or with family/friends/loved ones
* Prayers for Peg as he will be unable to post for the next 2 weeks – vacation and his M will be out for a week so he has Dad duties with his 2.0’s
* Praises for all PAX trying to get themselves better in any way

Moleskin – Faith

There is a theme to all of the workouts above – everything is in 4’s. Being a former engineer, I know that four points make a strong geometric shape that can be built upon.

This month’s theme is about Faith. That is a mighty strong word, one that transcends into and touches several aspects of one’s life. In a nutshell, faith is the unwavering belief that something will happen or is true without any hard ‘proof’ or substantiation. Knowing the sun will rise the next day, knowing that you will wake and breathe another day, that the earth will rotate and orbit around the sun. Knowing that Sky Q will always be there for you in your time of need, to give you strength, courage, discipline, wisdom, and unconditional love when you need it most. There is also Faith in Jesus and his teachings, his Word, his unconditional Love that the Son of God has showed us the way of mercy, grace, sacrifice, and forgiveness of our sins. Plus, there is also Faith in yourself  – that you will have the strength, courage, discipline, wisdom to do the right thing when the time calls. Finally, there is also faith in others. I believe that everyone has the ability to be good, do good, to do the ‘right’ thing when the time calls. It is just that some choose to not to. Whether it be an outcome of circumstance, environment, or bad judgement, those bad choices are not really what people want to do but rather what was unfortunately done. No child is born bad, but as a byproduct of their environment are groomed to make bad decisions or have to do so in order to survive. This is where sometimes we as a society have to be the light in their darkness – to have mercy, show grace, and bestow forgiveness and ultimately have faith that they will be able to get out of their situation and improve themselves, to become a better person and make better choices.

These are what I call the Four Corners of Faith – in God, Jesus, Ourselves, Others. They are all supportive of each other. They are the foundation of a strong, forgiving, accepting, prosperous society.

We practice this in a micro level in F3 to a degree. We have the third F. Plus, through the 2nd F we support, encourage, push each other to improve each other in some way and invigorate the leader we all have within, regardless of who/what we are and where we came from. It’s unconditional. When one blossoms because of this, the natural reaction is to pay that forward to others. As I mentioned – we all want  to do the right thing for ourselves and others, but it is a choice we all have to actively make.

The night before, Royale was looking for someone to step up and Q. What the heck. I was going to post to The Deep after a trail run, but the run fell through. One of the core principles of F3 is everything is peer led. And as everyone should know by now

The mission of F3 is to plant, grow and serve small workout groups for the invigoration of male community leadership.

We are all leaders, whether you’re in F3 or not. Some just do not know it – the faith needed to realize this needs to be planted, nurtured, grown. The beauty of these F3 1st and 2nd F’s is that they are 100% supportive, with your PAX pushing, pulling, encouraging you on to push yourself further than before in many aspects of one’s life, for when you push your body, you push your mind as well – and strengthen your faith. The third F is what makes it explode – when those Four Corners of Faith are fully realized in those moments of clarity is when it all comes together with a bang! But F3 will not work without peer leadership.

When the call went out for a Q at The Deep, Royale had faith that someone, anyone, would step up and into that role of Q. He had faith in his PAX. Nobody wants to let anyone down – themselves or others. I did not want to let my PAX down, for Royale had faith that someone would step up, so I jumped in blind and head first for I had faith that others would be there to push each other to make themselves better and stronger. When it all comes together like that, we not only strengthen our body, but also out mind, soul, and our faith.

Four PAX did just that today.

God Bless and thank you for the opportunity to lead.

TClap |