Lil Ol Lady needs help!!! The Fort to the Rescue!!


The call for help has been submitted and the PAX can choose to answer the call or fartsack.

Liona Wright is a 70 year old lade who is moving to Florida. She has no family here or anyone to assist with moving her things. A true High Impact Lady (HIL) lady Amy Barrow has asked for some assistance in any form from the PAX.

Here is the mission if you choose to accept it:

  • Today Through Friday August 23, assist Leona Wright with packing some boxes.
    • Time: 4pm-6pm
    • Place: 1014 Cresthaven Fort Mill 9Peachtree Apartments
    • Contact: Amy Barrow 803-417-1465
  • Saturday Load POD up with packed boxes
    • Time; 8am-11am ( we will go right from 1st F workouts)
    • Place: 1014 Cresthaven Fort Mill 9Peachtree Apartments
    • Contact: Amy Barrow 803-417-1465

Plan on an hour of time men and it will make a huge difference in this woman’s life.


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What’s a Block Party without BLOCKS?

  • QIC: Dark Helmet
  • When: 08/23/16
  • Pax: Leg Breaker, Cash Flow, Shady, Chicken Hawk, Old Bay, Repeat, Sasquatch, Kielbasa, Clark Kent, Geronimo, Cha-Ching, Bobcat, Java, High-Hat, The Chaser, Longshanks, Birdcage, Cheddah, Figaro, Olaf, What Did, Dark Helmet (QIC)
  • Posted In: Block Party, The Fort

22 at Block Party is pretty good these days, and I was a little shocked when there was such a crowd. Legal counsel was present (The Chaser), so we disclaimed, and off we went.


  1. Dynamic stretching whilst we mosey to the parking lot at the top of Massey St. – Frankensteins, pull knees to chest, windmill walkers… you get the idea.
  2. COP:
    1. Merkins x 15
    2. Squats x 20
    3. Moroccan Nightclubs x 30
    4. IW x 15
    5. SSH x 25
    6. Parker Peters x 15
  3. The rest of the Thang:
    1. Partner up, each partner set grab a block, and follow this order…
    2. Blocks at the top – one partner exercises while the other runs down the hill and then comes back up in some terrible fashion – here are the pairings:
      1. Curls and Bear Crawls
      2. Chest Press and nuR (Backwards Run)
      3. Jump Squats and Crab Walk (backwards)
      4. LBCs and Run
      5. Overhead Press and Gorilla Run
  4. At this point, we were running low on time, so we all moseyed down to the bottom of the hill and had a Bear Crawl Race up the hill… Some guys are clearly more into bear crawling than others, and so those guys circled back for the 6 and finished the crawl with him.
  5. Then we were actually out of time, and so we moseyed back for COT…

The fun never ends and the party never stops at Block Party.

Helmet, out.


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Palmetto 200 – The Fort – Pre-Blast 2017

Pax of The Fort:

Months of training culminated with the P200 over the weekend of March 18th – 20th 2016. Teams of 12, 9, and 6 from The Fort put it all out there in a 200+ mile relay from Columbia to Charleston. Vans filled with bags of water, trailmix, uncrustables, cold pizza, headlamps, calf sleeves, and phone chargers, surrounded the PAX piled into vehicles for this #CSAUP event.

At this point you are either remembering the high from last year’s P200, bumbed that you missed the BRR experience, needing a #CSAUP in your life, interested in running a relay, or think “Why Not”! Then Pax…HC for the Palmetto 200 2017!

The P200 is an opportunity to experience all 3 Fs – Fitness, Fellowship, and Faith. The P200 will be Friday March 24th to Saturday March 25th.

What is the P200?
It is a 200 mile relay race that begins just outside of Columbia, SC in Red Bank and finishes at Patriots Point just outside of Charleston, SC.

The course travels through the Three Rivers Greenway in Columbia, Santee State Park, Francis Marion Forest, Isle of Palms, Sullivan’s Island, over the Ravenal Bridge and into the historic Battery of downtown Charleston, and finally finishes at Patriots Point.

Last year we had 3 – 12 man teams, 2 – 9 man teams, and 2 – 6 man teams. Runners on 12-man teams will run three legs of varying distances and will run differing total miles. Similarly, 9-man teams will run the same legs but each will run 4 legs instead of 3. The P200 is a flat course and has more variance in the total miles per runner than BRR. It lends itself to include a wider range of runner. In the P200, there is room for an inexperienced runner who will only have to run a handful of flat miles during the race while still providing longer distance totals to challenge an experienced runner on the same team. The overall experience and camaraderie is priceless.

Hard Commit (HC)?
Don’t be left out of this event! There is room for all runners and even non-runners who are committed to train from now to March. Current F3 running workouts and boot camps offer perfect training for such an event. We can form multiple teams based on speed and experience. Costs will be divided between the PAX on each team. Costs include registration, van rental, gas, and a few general supplies. You will be out of pocket roughly $200.00. However, that doesn’t include all the gear you end up buying in preparation.

If you are interested than e-mail me the following information at

-HC or SC?
-Your preference of team size – 6, 9, or 12
-Your mile pace
-Your e-mail address

Here is the Link to the Palmetto 200 website if you want more information:


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Lancaster Recon: Because every man needs F3

  • QIC: Apache and Popeye
  • When: 8/20/16
  • Pax: Pistol, Popeye, Lattamore FNG, Hoffa, Power Plant FNG, Bono FNG, Italian Job, Schrute, Big Poppy, Burgundy, Hot Sauce, Stang, Lock Pick, Bourne, Watson, Lucky Charm, Buccy FNG, and YHC
  • Posted In: The Fort

YHC has been looking forward to this Recon for months, Lancaster is a great city with a lot of heritage and hard working citizens that have been through a lot over the years with industries coming and going, like a lot of textile communities they have had to adapt to the changing times. And take themselves out of the  comfort zones.

Which is one of the reason I love F3 nation so much. When tough times arise you have your brothers of the gloom to depend on and not being hoarders of F3 and sharing this thing we call The Brothership of the Gloom lets like minded men gather together and sharpen themselves, “As iron sharpens Iron, so does one Man Sharpen each other” to prepare us for that next hurdle we may have to cross..

We gathered at the Lancaster High School and the shovel flag was planted.

18 of the finest gents unpartook the far sack including 4 FNG’s welcome brothers to your new family of HIMS‘ (High Impact Males)

FNG’s Thanks for leaving your comfort zones and unfartsaking yourselves to partake in the brotherhood of the gloom “The workouts don’t get easier we get stronger”

  • Bono: Great to see your always chipper mood and smiling face and strong performance
  • Lattimore: Awesome Job this moring brother, and glad you decided to take the plunge in this F3 nation Thang
  • Power plant : Awesome message this morning and great drive thru the workout
  • Buccy: Awesome job brother and prayers for what you are going thru on a personal level

Can’t wait to sharpen the iron and push the rock with the brothership in Lancaster next Saturday

Warm up (Popeye)

20 SSH in cadence

20 Mercian Night Clubs

20 Merkins

20 mountain Climbers

There were no 10 counts this fine morning the 10 counts were replaced with each pax that was called upon told his story of how he came upon this great F3 Thang an awesome way to get to know your PAX and their story and not being just a PAX of the gloom

After warm up Popeye handed back off to YHC and we moseyed around the Lancaster High complex and passed the Q stick from everyone to enjoy in the Q fun.

We covered everything including just under 2 miles of moseying

  • bear crawl Indian merkins run
  • burbees
  • balls to the walls
  • monkey hump
  • monkey humpers
  • Al Gores
  • derkins
  • erkins
  • dips
  • SSH
  • seal jacks
  • plank jacks
  • mountain climbers

I am truly honored and blessed to be able to lead the leaders of F3 and foresee nothing but great things happening in Lancaster

And cant wait for the official launch Aug 27. Next weekend with Pusher and Italian Job on Q. So save the date and don’t miss the great occasion of our F3 nation growth…

Thanks again for honoring YHC and Popeye in letting us lead  in the recon efforts and really enjoying this F3 thang and the lives it is changing daily in the gloom.

Aye!!!! Apache!!!!




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Back to School BackBlast via EaglesNest

  • QIC: Van Wilder
  • When: 08/16/2016
  • Pax: Apache, Anchor Bar, Ponytail, Mayflower, PawPaw, Moneybags, Pistol, Bull, Turbine, Paris, Burgundy, Sgt. York, Big Papi, Slo Pitch
  • Posted In: The Fort

It was again a typical muggy and warm August morning in the gloom for perfect conditions to produce a sweat fest tour of Winthrop Univ.

The warm-up:

Rt. over left, Left over right, Windmill x 20, Imperial Walkers x 20

Mosey to the fountain where Morrocan nightclubs x 20 and then SSH’s x 20

Quick mosey to Baby Stonhenge for 20 box jumps oyo

Another mosey to THE EAGLE for 20 merkins, 20 derkins, 20 irkins, 20 diamond merkins and 20 dips

Mosey to the steps of Byrnes auditorium for laps. Partnered up and announced that partner would run around auditorium/music conservatory while other would complete low slow squat and switch, and rotate completing run and LBC’s, Calf-raises, and end with box cutters.

Once the 6 was in we moseyed to scholars walk for a full tour of rotating bear crawls, lunges, and broad jumps to end of walkway. Omaha was called and time was running sparse and we moseyed back to the AO. Total of 1.88 miles were covered in addition to the exercises.

Anounncements and Prayer Request were made and ended in the COT.

As always, it was my pleasure to lead such a great group of HIM.

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Less than moderate Monday at Indy

  • QIC: Popeye
  • When: 8/15/16
  • Pax: Blackhawk, Iron Sight, Captain Kangaroo, Red FIsh, River Rat, Fallout, Popeye
  • Posted In: The Fort

Seven High Impact Men come to Independence to get a less than moderate Monday workout from YHC who served on board the USS Independence.


Warm up

  • 10 (IC) SSH
  • 10 (IC) IW
  • 10 (IC) Hillbilly Walkers
  • 10 (IC) MNC
  • 10 (IC) Squats
  • 10 (IC) SSH

MOSEY to Dinkins Field

  • High Knees across the field
  • Butt Kickers
  • Toy Soldiers
  • NUR
  • Lt Dans

MOSEY to Byrnes Hall

  • 10 Merkins
  • 10 Dirkins
  • 10 Irkins
  • 10 DIps
  • Rinse & Repeat

Steps of Byrnes Hall

  • Serpentine up & down the steps running each step
  • Serpentine up & down skipping a step
  • Flamingo Squats up the steps
  • Jump Squats Up the Steps
  • Rinse & Repeat X2

MOSEY to the Leitner Wall

  • 10 Blast Off Merkins
  • 20 Step Ups 10 – Each Leg
  • Rinse & Repeat

MOSEY back to Dinkins Field

  • High Knees across the field
  • Butt Kickers
  • Toy Soldiers
  • NUR
  • Lt Dans

Slow mosey to parking lot

  • 10 Bear Crawl Merkins
  • 30 (IC) LBC’s
  • 10 (IC) Hello Dolly
  • 10 (IC) Rosalita
  • Stretch Touch Toes etc…


Always an honor to lead a workout.

Popeye OUT!

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American Hammer Time at The Tavern!

  • QIC: Turbine
  • When: 08/11/2016
  • Pax: Tinker Toy, Sgt York, Fava Beans, Bull, Bogey, Hilton, Anchor Bar, Paw Paw, Water Boy, Flop, Reborn, Jag, Samurai, Van Wilder, Slow Pitch, Torque Wrench, Kelvin, and Turbine.
  • Posted In: The Fort


Tinker Toy began a pre-warm up talk regarding forgiveness

Warm Up

Disclaimer – No FNGs

Mosey to lighted area near Harris Teeter


Mtn Climbers

Imperial Walkers

Hillbilly Walkers

Mtn Climbers

Mosey to upper parking lot

Partnered up: Partner 1 performed run uphill while Partner 2 completed SSH

Then switched

P1 Ran while P2 performed Merkins,

Then Switched

P1 ran while P2 performed Low Slow Squats.

Then Switched

Ran sprints and at 50%, then up to old Omni–  Grabbed some wall

Peoples Chair Guns out, 10 count then recover

25 American Hammers

Back to Wall

R N Repeat

25 American Hammers

R N Repeat

25 American Hammers

Al Gore’s

Moseyed over to the Goodyear and the beloved steep hills there! Ran 8 laps around GY, with 1 then 2 then 3 then 4 etc Burpees up to 8.

YHC Discussed the month’s topic of Forgiveness. In summary YHC struggles with forgiving others, but yet expects to be easily forgiven. In order to ask for forgiveness you must have offended or did someone wrong. YHC challenged himself and rest of the PAX to forgive and ask for forgiveness just as our Savior did for us.

Moseyed back to AO, we had a few minutes, so it was Hammer Time again! Performed a few stretches and 25 More American Hammers

Announcements: Read your email

Prayers lifted for Ponytail’s family for a member with brain tumor

F3 Brothers on IR

Thanks for allowing me to lead a great group of HIMs





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Rucky 13

  • QIC: Cobra Kai
  • When: 08/09/16
  • Pax: WWL, Cobra Kai, Crab Cakes, Cornhole, Howitzer, Orange Crush, Terminator, Lil’E, Decibel, Aquaman, The Riddler, Shaefer, Router
  • Posted In: Alcatraz, The Fort

13 men joined the sweatfest at GC this am.   Clearly some were thinking they arrived at the wrong AO w/the amount of Rucks and gear in the parking lot.  Great excercise and fellowship this am.  Strong showing by all.  Thanks to Zima and Cornhole for providing extra rucks.

Warm Up by WWL
– Lap around the parking lot followed by SSH, Windmills, Merkins & Squats

Ruck-it-Up; Mosey to church parking lot a short hop away, moving in columns of 2 while carrying coupons of Sandbags, Kettlebells, and ruck plates, emphasis on spacing!

Once there, drop the coupons.  Time for YHC’s favorite ruck warmup to get the heart going.  Catch me if you can.  Partner Up, P1 does a ranger run carrying both his and partners rucks by their handle.  P2 does 5 burpees and sprints to catch him, flip-flop and continue all the way around the parking lot.

Next, P1 performs excercise while P2 runs one side of parking lot, BearCrawl across then lunge walk across, run back, Exercises:  Hand release merkins, the real way with solid, strong form, Squats, followed by 4-Ct flutter kicks.  100 reps of each exercise as a 2-man team.

Running??  There’s no running in rucking?? au contraire

Next, work as a team moving across length of parking out, out and back.  P1 bearcrawls while P2 walks beside w/ruck overhead, flip flop as needed (about half-way for all).

Mosey back to start w/coupons.  Finish at COT w/13 Ruck manmakers.

COT. Announcements: F3 Dad’s camp this weekend, those participating in GORUCK MAFFS7 event this Sat, and Howitzer informed all that he is moving to Mt. Pleasant.  He will be missed!! Great to have Orange Crush and Terminator out with us!

QIC prayed us out.  Appreciate the opportunity to lead.


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Return of the Stair Master

  • QIC: Popeye
  • When: 8/8/16
  • Pax: Mayflower, Schrute, Anchor Bar, Hot Sauce, Pescadore, Pistol, Mr Big Stuff, Honey Pot, Sgt York, Kelvin, Roxanne, Burgundy, Haselhoff, Water Boy, Popeye, (FNG) Post Master
  • Posted In: The Fort

The three H’s were in full effect this morning at #F3OldTown Rock Hill. Heat, Humidity and Hurt. However, 16 #HIM including 1 FNG rolled out the fartsack and took their #DRP for a return of the Popeye Stair Master. After the disclaimer to the FNG we were off.


Warm up:

  • Mosey to the parking deck across the road from RHPD. (YHC planned to stay out of the #HotBox on purpose today)
  • 10 IW (IC)
  • 10 Hill Billy Walker (IC)
  • 10 MNC (IC)
  • 10 WM (IC)
  • 10 SSH (IC)
  • Run Down the ramp
  • NUR up the ramp
  • Run Down the ramp
  • NUR up the ramp

MOSEY to City Hall amphitheater

Partner Up

  • Round 1 – Partner 1 Ran the stairs of the Amphitheater while Partner 2 did Merkins
  • Round 2 – Partner 1 Ran the stairs skipping a step while Partner 2 did Blast Off Merkins
  • Round 3 – Partner 1 Jump Squat the stairs while Partner 2 did Irkins

Mosey to Freedom Temple Steps

  • Run Up the stairs every step
  • Run Up the stairs double step
  • Run Up the stairs triple step
  • Jump Squat up the steps
  • Rinse and Repeat w/ a Bear Crawl Up and reverse down the steps

Mosey to the original stair master alley.

Partner Up again –

  • Partner 1 runs the 6 fights of stairs while Partner 2 did the following
  • Merkins
  • SSH
  • LBC’s

Mosey around to the parking lot next to Milstone Pizzza

  • Bear Crawl Merkins
  • Lt Dans
  • High Knees
  • Butt Kickers

Mosey back to the COT – With 5 minutes left on the clock

  • Captain Thor’s to 5


It’s always a honor to lead a group of #HIM that are in WAY better shape than me.

Popeye OUT!



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You’ll be fine…I don’t Q BURPEES

  • QIC: Maximus
  • When: 08/06/16
  • Pax: Santini, YaYa, Mary Lou, Matlock, Trucker, Javer, Mainframe, Rooney, Dark Helmet, El Camino, Peabody, Chicken Wing, The Fridge, Crab Cakes, Airborne, Quack Attack, CSPAN
  • Posted In: Block Party, The Fort

The morning began with a 3mi Ruck from the Park to meet Trucker on the Hwy 160 path then doubled-back to the park which was a great start. It is exciting to seek this “walking with a backpack” thing grow into what it has. So as we exchanged pleasantries with a great mix of PAX, I quickly realized I was among giants. Executives, Leaders, Coaches, Principals, but what’s more, Church Leaders, Faithful Husbands, Example-Setting Fathers, Men of Purpose. That’s who I stood in the center of this Saturday morning.

With the recognition of an FNG (Welcome El Camino), we had the disclaimer then the 18 of us took off for a short warm up jog to the center of the park for a warm up:
Moroccan Night Clubs
Wind Mills
Monkey Humpers
Diamond Merkins

Shorter mosey over to the playground for a split into 3 groups:
Group 1: Run a lap around the playground
Group 2: Pull ups until the lap is complete
Group 3: Mak Tar Jah until the lap is complete
Rotate through until everyone does each.

Next Rotation:
Group 1: Run a lap around the playground
Group 2: Hand Release Merkins until the lap is complete
Group 3: Knee Tar Jah until the lap is complete
Rotate through until everyone does each

Mosey to the wall in the parking lot on 160 heading into downtown.
20ct Squats then 10 Donkey Kicks…REPEAT
Line up in 2 lines at one end of the lot. First man sprints to the other end while the PAX does Carolina Dry Docks. Then the 2nd man goes, third, etc. Once you finished the run, you’re back into the CDD.

12 count Merkins followed by 12 Sumo Squats
Mosey to the base of the hill and grab a partner
Partner 1: Run up then down the hill
Partner 2: LBC’s
Switch and switch again for a total of 200 LBC’s. Same idea but now 100 Russian Twists.

Captain Thor: 1 Big Boy Sit Up : 4 Russian Twists for a total of 10:40
Line back up at the end of the parking lot. Like before but this time, it’s a plank and bear crawl series.

Mosey back to the park and line up:
Crab walk out then reverse crab walk back.
Peter Parker, flip it over for dips
Parker Peter, flip it over for dips

9/13 Convergence for Bounty Hunter’s Brother-in-law at Ballroom, 9/30 Invergence at the Greenway, 11/19 Grow-Ruck in Jax, 11/19 Forge event with Repeat, 9/24, CSAUP with F3 Isotope in Huntersville/Cornelius at the Delta event (Above & Beyond benefit)…bring the families, 5/5/17 Go Ruck Custom, Read the newsletter

Prayer Request:
Lots of family travels, teachers heading back on Monday, Fish Sticks father-in-law, Mainframe’s family, injured PAX

As You Were.

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