Field trip for Pantheon

  • QIC: Puddles
  • When: 05/11/16
  • Pax: Royale, Wild Thing, Snookie, Crash, Cable Guy, Router, Serrano, Slum Lord, Hasselhoff, Sputnik, Aquaman, Bart, and Pyro (FNG)
  • Posted In: Pantheon, The Fort

Circle up for some stretching before we venture off shall we.

Let’s start off with some slow wind mills, Hold it!! 15X’s

Drop to a plank for 10 Merkins in Cadence and hold the plank

Honeymooner time, Royale 10 count please!


Right arm high, “when I dip, you dip, we dip!” In cadence touch the ground with your hip. 5X

Honeymooner again, Bart 10 count please!


Left arm high, “when I dip, you dip, we dip!” In cadence touch the ground with your hip. 5X

Recover and lets mosey around the field, Shuffle facing the school. Rotate around and face the field. Continue around the field for some Karaoke facing the road and then the school.

Field trip time

Mosey to the Veterans memorial and circle it up.

Side Straddle hop 25 X, in cadence,

Imperial Walker 20 X, in cadence,

Low Slow Squats 20 X, In cadence,

Derkins 15 X, in cadence,

Recover! and mosey to the Basketball Court. Oh a little hill on the way let’s bear crawl up to the top and continue to center court. Count off 1’s and 2’s.

1’s  There are 8 tree’s with and exercise posted at the base on the hill above the court. 20 LBC’s and proceed to each tree and complete the exercise. Then return to the court for 20 more LBC’s before proceeding back up to the next tree. Continue until all 8 tree’s have been visited with exercise complete.

2’s Next to the Basketball Court is a picnic bench with the same exercises on a list as at the tree’s. Start with 25 shoulder dips on the picnic table, followed by one of the exercises on the list. After each exercise follow it with 25 shoulder dips.

and Rotate 1’s to the bench and 2’s to the hill.

10 count x 2 please!

Indian run back to COT.

Ooooops a little early….. Dying Cockroach it is, in cadence 20 X

Moroccan Nightclub X 25

One minute to go….. Side straddle hops until the lights come on? 30X in cadence.

and lights!

Thank you Crash and Serrano for bringing an FNG, Pyro


Our hearts and deepest condolences go out to Olive and his family as today is the funeral for his daughter. Please pray for peace and understanding!

Serrano asking for volunteers and donations for “24 hours of Booty” for fighting cancer. Contact Serrano for donations and/or volunteering as little as a lap or as much as 24 hours of bike riding wonderfulness!

Prayers for Wild Thing’s cousin Jenny’s recovery from her motorcycle accident last Thursday, pray for a full recovery and enlightenment to follow the path god has intended for her.

5/14/16 Saturday there is a volunteer cleanup at the children’s attention home in Rock Hill from 10:30am – 12:00 pm. Gas powered weed eaters for clearing needed.

Thank you all for the opportunity to dish out what I hope was some pain in the AM.

Wish you all a great week!



TClap |

Pre-Blast – 30 Day Marriage Challenge 5/16

With Mother’s Day solidly in the rear view mirror, may we use the momentum of that day as a catalyst for showing our love. For many, the day conjured up emotions within us, causing us to reflect and realize a love of someone that loved us, even at times when we were unlovable. Whether you spent the day celebrating your mom or your wife/mother of your children, it was a chance to show the “moms” in our lives how much we care and how much they are appreciated.

In keeping with the monthly theme of love, I am challenging all the PAX of The Fort, Alcatraz/Tega Cay, Indian Land, Rock Hill, York and anyone else that wants in to the 30 Day Marriage Challenge. This is not a magic pill or, in any way, professional marriage advice. Rather, it is an opportunity for us to demonstrate to our wives/girlfriends how much we love & appreciate them. The handy, easy to follow guide (link below) will help us with specific activities to follow. You can switch a task on a specific day if needed (for example, if you are out of town on the day it says “Hug your wife 3 times today”). The idea is to complete all 30 tasks in 30 days.

HC in the comments below and feel free (but not obligated) to share successes, surprises and results here and/or during COT. Please, keep it clean, though. We will use Monday, 5/16, as the first official day of the challenge. Nothing magic about that day, we just want to give the PAX enough time to hear about it. Spread the word!

Although there are plenty more, here are a couple of verses you may want to refer to prior to -and during –  the challenge. I plan to pray about it, as well. Aye!

Ephesians 5:22-33 ,  Hebrews 13:4-7




TClap |

Children’s Attention Home Clean Up PreBlast 5/14

  • QIC: Hasselhoff
  • When: 05/14/16
  • Pax: All that can come!
  • Posted In: Alcatraz, The Fort

The Children’s Attention Home In Rock Hill help abused and neglected children by providing them shelter, food, support. You know, all those things we take for granted. For more than a year, the men of F3 have stepped up to spend some time with the kids to play sports, do F3 workouts, and show them what true men are all about.

In order for the CAH to operate, they need many volunteers. That’s where the men of F3 have always stepped up. Right now, the home needs help cleaning a field behind the cottages as well as some other yard work. We need men with weed eaters – gas powered is the best, push mowers, and other yard equipment. The home has a couple of weed eaters and 3 pushmowers. Wear gloves, long pants and boots/shoes you don’t mind getting wet or dirty.

We will work from 10:30 – 12:00 and then get some lunch at Legal Remedy afterwards.

Thank you everyone for helping out and I look forward to seeing you there!

DM me for the address if you do not know where the home is.

TClap |

Rock Hill 2 Year Convergence

  • QIC: Posh, Peach, Apache, Walker, Burgundy, Italian Job
  • When: 5/7/16
  • Pax: Limp Bizkit, Rooney, Fun House, Red Wood, Gauge, JAG, Howitzer, Rehab, Quick Silver, Decibel, Catfish, Mission Impossible, Joe Dirt, Maximus, Zima, Waterboy, Bull, Ginsu, Bogey, Peabody, Shelby, Chappie, Mary Lou, Magnum, Condiment, Crash, Gears, The Flash, River Rat, El Diablo, Change Order, Crosscheck, Baby Conan, Spitz, Lugnut, Corn Hole, Reborn, Sapper, Van Wilder, FNG – Devil Dog, FNG – Tony Hawk, FNG – Vuvuzela, High Pockets, Samurai, Sasquatch, Bill Nye, Cable Guy, Mayflower, Choir Boy, Bolt, The Riddler, Witch Hunt, Torque Wrench, Black Hawk, Tinker Toy, Copperfield, Fusion, Aquaman, Boeheim, Stang, Sir Topham Hat, Chaser, WWL, Santini, Pusher, Beacon, Photo Bomb, Atlas, CoPay, Trucker, Jekyll, Mr. Clean, Tesh, White Lightning, Mainframe, Gopher, Gilmore, Thunderbird, MacGyver, Geronimo, Winchester, Peach, Cheeto, Posh, Apache, Walker, Italian Job, Solid State, Old Bay
  • Posted In: The Fort

90 of the county’s Highest Impact Men converged on Rock Hill to celebrate 2 years of Fitness, Fellowship, and Faith. Thanks to the PAX of The Fort for your support from launch to startup to 2 years of unprecedented growth. Rock Hill’s humble beginnings started with the launch of The Patriot and has ballooned to Old Town, Eagle’s Nest, PHoP, ManU, Petra, Bibles and Biscuits, Hills of Gloom, Hills of Pain, The Dragon, The Trinity, and HIMSHIP. Without the leadership of men like Pusher and Peach, we never would have gotten this thing off the ground. TClaps to Posh for pulling this hour-long beatdown together. Thanks to Solid State and Old Bay for capturing this beast on camera. Great work, men!

The Thang

Long mosey from Wells Fargo to Fountain Park for a Peach Warm-Up:

  • SSHs
  • Walking Lunges
  • Imperial Walkers
  • Windmills

PAX numbered off 1-4 then followed Burgundy, Walker, Apache, and YHC to 4 pain stations around town.

Station 1 (St. John’s Methodist)

  • 10 Merkins (IC)
  • 10 Diamond Merkins (IC)
  • 10 Wide Arm Merkins (IC)
  • Mosey

Station 2 (CN2)

  • 15 American Hammers (IC)
  • 15 LBCs (IC)
  • 15 Freddie Mercury (IC)
  • Mosey

Station 3 (Old Town Hotbox – Parking Garage)

  • Sprint to the top
  • 20 People’s Chair (IC) Up, knees, ground, clap
  • Mosey

Station 4 (Fountain Park)

  • 5 Burpees (OYO)
  • 5 Lunges
  • 5 Imperial Walkers
  • 5 Merkins
  • 5 Plank Jacks
  • 5 Squats
  • Mosey

Went through 2 full rounds before the air horn sounded which signaled a jailbreak to the top of the Hot Box for Jack Webbs (1 Merkin, 5 Overhead Claps all the way to 7 Merkins, 35 Overhead Claps)

Jailbreak to COT


Today we covered 4.25 miles at the workout. TClaps to the men who ran or biked in from Fort Mill. Many of these men ran 10+ miles before the workout started. Great job! In true Rock Hill fashion, our friendly neighborhood conductor sounded the horn which meant 10 Burpees. This is a rule our brother’s north of the river did not appreciate.

I was proud to see all the fellowship and encouragement out there today. So many men pushed their hardest and never gave up. Though we weren’t sure how well our concocted workout would play out, we were pleasantly surprised at the fluidness of the event. And…no one died. Awesome job today.



TClap |

Justice League 1,000 – 3rd F Double Down @ The Fort

  • QIC: Reborn and Chicken Hawk
  • When: 05/22/2016
  • Pax: Calling all Fort Mill, Rock Hill and Indian Land Pax
  • Posted In: The Fort

The Fort is sponsoring a 3rd F double down for the benefit of the Children at CAH.  The pax has two opportunities to participate in this 3rd F activity.

UPDATE:  1st F challenge to support 3rd F… At every AO from May 16th – May 21st we will begin with 100 burpees minus the number of individually wrapped snacks/drinks that the PAX brings. (i.e. 0 snacks = 100 burpees; 100 snacks – 0 burpees)

First, starting on May 9th through May 22nd we are organizing a goods drive to collect Individually Wrapped snacks (sweet, salty or a mix of the two) and drinks (HI-C Juice Boxes, Capri Suns, and Gatorade).  The goal for the pax is to collect 1,000 units (bottles, bags, bars, etc) during this drive (i.e. a 12 pack of gatorade = 12 units).  Please bring these to AOs when you post and site Q’s will collect and funnel to Reborn or Chicken Hawk.  You may also bring on Saturday, May 21st to Fastest 5k or Sunday, May 22nd to the 2nd part of the 3rd F activity.

On Sunday, May 22nd @ 1600 – 1800 at WEP (Walter Elisha Park) F3 will host Justice League in Field day activities and events for all ages.  We will setup games for the big kids including whiffle ball, volleyball, flag football and other age appropriate activities for the younger children to enjoy as well.  Please bring your Ms and 2.0s out to enjoy an afternoon pouring into the Children.

Bring your corn hole games as well because we will cap the afternoon off with a cook out of epic proportions!  Please reach out to Reborn or Chicken Hawk if you would like to Q an event or activity during the event.


TClap |

Speed Work Is Coming To The Fort

The time has come for an AO offering an interval running workout.  I am pleased to announce that starting in two weeks on Thursday 5/19, Laces Out will be moving from WEP to launching at the Fort Mill High School Track. This new location will rotate between a track workout one week, and will take to the streets the next week. The days on the track will be intervals, while the days on the road will be your standard runs.  To allow enough time for warm ups and cool downs we will be starting at 5:00am with COT at 6:00am.  This will also allow more time to get more miles in.

*Please note this is a permanent change to FMHS, 5:00am launch.  The schedule will look like:

  • 5/19 – Track
  • 5/26 – Road
  • 6/2 – Track
  • 6/9 – Road
  • etc

Interval training will make you faster.  It is the icing on the cake with running.  However, please exercise caution with intervals.  You have to have the cake (base miles) for the icing.  Jumping into intervals with little base mileage is a recipe for disaster.  A two week schedule should break up the intervals nicely.  Also, I am looking for more Qs to step up and help with this new location.  Please let me know if you are interested in either Qing Road, Track or both!


TClap |

Pre-Blast – Double Down Fun Run to Rock Hill Convergence – 5/7/2016

  • QIC: FunHouse
  • When: 05/07/2016
  • Pax: Anyone with the need for CSAUP
  • Posted In: The Fort

This Saturday The FORT PAX will be celebrating 2 years in Rock Hill.  The Convergence has closed all The FORT AO’s, so there will be lots of participation based on FOMO something awesome!

So, to start the festivities off right, how about a nice Double Down Fun Run to Old Town AO starting from FlightPlan AO (Baxter Starbucks)?!?! This 9.85 mile course is easy enough to navigate that even Decibel won’t get lost.  Take a look at the route link. 2 turns, lots of straight.

Launch: 0515

Start Location: Baxter Starbucks

Attire (highly recommended for your safety): Head Lamp, Blinking light, reflective vest

I have allotted enough time for 10 minute miles or recovery when we get to Old Town. The majority of the route has sidewalks, so we should be good once we get to River Walk.

If you are not going to run this but you are planning to be at the convergence, please TWEET out that you have room to take some guys back to Starbucks.  Some guys need to leave right after the Old Town workout, some will stay for breakfast. Your help in getting us back will be greatly appreciated.

TClap |

22 Strong at the Armory

  • QIC: Spitz
  • When: 05/02/2016
  • Pax: Lugnut, Assassin, Anchorman, McGruff, Change Order, Seacrest, Jekyll, Senator Tressel, Pea Body, Man O War, Geronimo, Trucker, Airborne, Howitzer, Bear Grills, Gensu, After Market, Decibel, Long Shanks, Spitz, Handy Manny, Clifford
  • Posted In: The Fort

Big turnout in support of McGruff on his welcome back from the DL.  It was still wet so YHC had to audible from the original plan to use sidewalk chalk.  Any comments about USC = five bombjacks or Clemson = 5 Burpees. The PAX adjusted and had a great workout.  Welcome to the PAX Jason and Will (two FNGs).

We moseyed to center lot for a brief warm up:

  • 20 SSHs
  • 15 Moroccan Night Clubs
  • 11 Windmills
  • 14 Imperial Walkers

Asked the PAX of the significance of the number 22?  Good job Howitzer on knowing.  22 veterans die by their own hand daily.  We (community at large) must do more to raise awareness and support veterans.  All exercises to be done in 22 counts today.

The Thang:

  • Divided into 6 groups and each group to complete three or four exercises then run their fast five speed for one parking lot lap and then rotate to next station as a group.  The stations were…
  • Merkins: Standard, incline, decline
  • LBC, American Hammer, Flutters with bell
  • Figure 8’s, Squats, Flutters (I was into my second drink when writing weinke last night)
  • L arm and R arm curls, skull crushers, Tricep extensions
  • Upright Rows, Swings, Shoulder Press, Lateral Raises
  • Lunges

At the end of the six stations we had about 10 minutes left to go complete two cycles of wall sits and then a five minute ab lab at COT.  We wrapped the morning up with 22 merkins in cadence.  Bombjacks and Burpees were at a minimum.  Welcome back McGruff.  It was great to see you.  Welcome to the PAX Handy Manny and Clifford.

TClap |

If the Q gave a “Pre-Apology”, is a Post-Apology needed?

  • QIC: AquaMan and FunHouse
  • When: 04/30/2016
  • Pax: Maximus, Howitzer, PhotoBomb, Rooney, Aquaman, Santini, DoubleD, CCSPAN, Trucker, RockThrill, Senator Tressel, FishSticks, Beacon, FunHouse
  • Posted In: Alcatraz, The Fort

OK, it started out innocent enough. My co-Q posted a “pre-apology” for the immense amount of pain YHC and he were going to inflict at Alcatraz. It seemed that this was the honey needed to catch the 12 unsuspecting flies that came all the way to Tega Cay “proper” to see what all the fuss was about.  Then all we heard was, “This is stupid”, “This is too steep”, “This is too far to run”, “How many Burpees?”…… We told you what was going to happen – Immense Pain!

The Thang:

YHC on Q – No warm up or Disclaimer (my bad)

Run .25 miles to the tennis courts, do 10 Burpees in 1 minute for 5 minutes (50 burpees), Mosey

Run .25 miles to bottom of THE golf cart path (the one we run up and down carrying rocks), do 10 Burpees in 1 minute for 5 minutes (+50 burpees), Mosey

Run .25 miles to the top of said THE golf cart path (no rocks, you’re welcome) to the parking lot, do 10 Burpees in 1 minute for 5 minutes (+50 burpees), Mosey

Run .25 miles in parking lot – ranm out of time = 1 mile and 150 burpees!

Hand off to Aquaman – Mosey to bottom of a different golf cart path (or Mountain Goat path)

Partner up – Partner1 run up that “Golf Cart/Mountain Goat Path”, do 5 Merkins at top, Partner2 Monkey humpers – don’t stop.  Each partner runs up THE MGP (Mountain Goat Path) twice. Not a crowd pleaser.

Run back down the first THE golf cart path, with partner, do 2 sets of 25 leg lifts with push downs.

Run back to COT.

Naked Moleskin:

I confess, I stole my half from the MOB (Men of Bluffton) after my brother in law, Judge Judy, texted me earlier in the week “I did 210 burpees today. It sucked.” He had me at 210. Since imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, I stole it and called it my own.  150 burpees was nothing to sneeze at, and hearing Santini complain just about every burpee made it all the more satisfying.

Seeing CSPAN give the coffee lady on the porch a once-in-a-lifetime Monkey Humper show is something that can’t be unseen.  I am sure she happy about that, the rest of us……

Great work by all!

TClap |

PreBlast-RAGNAR Trail Relay Race

  • QIC: Bolt, Reborn, Chaser
  • When: 10/07/16
  • Pax: ALL F3 PAX
  • Posted In: Pre-Blast, The Fort

Updated PreBlast can be viewed at


F3 Nation . . . Knowing we all like to be challenged, we have something special just for us . . .

Ragnar Trail Carolinas is coming to South Carolina October 7-8, 2016! The Ragnar Trail Running Event will be an awesome F3 CSAUP challenge including Fitness, Fellowship, and Faith.

M’s, 2.0s and fellow PAX will be welcome to hang out and support the F3 teams to encourage fellowship among the extended F3 family (We are waiting for confirmation on cost for spectators). We will also be afforded opportunities to promote the mission of F3 to those in the Ragnar Village, whether it be socially or by impromptu workout sessions. Our goal for number of F3 teams is 20-25 from all areas.

Teams will consist of 8-members (or 4-member ultra teams) who run relay-style on three different single track loops through the Anne Springs Close Greenway forest preserve. Teams run day and night until each member has completed all three trail loops totaling 16.10 miles.

Each team will have the opportunity to camp overnight in a 300 SF area at Ragnar Village located within the Greenway, get to know other PAX from other Regions, and be an example of what F3 is all about to ‘Ragnarians’ who will be participating through this event. We have been designated a special camping area from RAGNAR just for F3 Nation so we can get to know each other on a more intimate level.

If you are new or even a veteran to trail running, a great website to help you get started or perform better is

Registration is open at, so begin forming your teams now and register today. As a bonus, F3 has been offered a $150 team discounted registration by Ragnar. Just use the promo code CT16MF3 to receive the discount. Registration prices will go up on August 4, 2016 at 23:59 MST.

What: Ragnar Trail Relay Race. 8-Member (or 4-Member) Teams.

When: Friday & Saturday, October 7-8, 2016.

Where: Anne Springs Close Greenway, Fort Mill, SC.

How much?: $1,090/CSAUP Team after Special F3 Discount. Registration prices will go up on August 4, 2016 at 23:59 MST. Registration includes: Team Parking at Greenway, Camping Area, Finisher Medal & Shirt, Meal & S’mores on Friday Evening.

Needs: Area Q’s to assist organizing teams and spreading the word.

Contact Bolt, Reborn, or Chaser for more information or if you have any questions.

There will be more information coming as we receive it from Ragnar.

8 Friends. 3 Trails. 1 Billion Stars. Unforgettable Stories. Are you up for it?  See you on the trails! 

TClap |