Counting Down from 100

Quick COP warm-up with Imperial Walkers, Seal Jacks, and Hill Billy Walkers.

Mosey down to oval loop in front of Springfield Middle. Near school entrance we started with a 100 reps of an exercise. We then ran (together) down to the lower part of the loop. For a portion of the run, pax had to do a moving exercise, determined by one pax drawing from a bucket ‘o pain. At the lower part of the loop, we then did 90 reps of a different exercise. Once all pax were done, we ran back to the top part in front of the school entrance (scaling a small wall that was part of the loop).
We repeated, counting down to 10 exercises. Here was the list.

100 Flutters
90 Squats
80 Shoulder Taps
70 Hello Dollys
60 SSH
55 LBCs
50 Merkins
40 Speed Skaters
30 Lunges
20 Burpees
10 Big Boy Sit-ups

We ended up skipping the lunges due to time, but we added some Bombjacks at the end, thanks to some nudging from BandCamp.

YHC had the opportunity to share my testimony and try to encourage all pax that each person’s testimony is their own uniquely, God-created, story…including the testimonies being lived out by our kids.

The mumble chatter was fantastic, as we learned perhaps a bit too much about CakeBoss’ impending first “official” colonoscopy. Thanks RainMaker for the opportunity to lead.

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Webb-o-Rama at the Ranch

WARMUP: Some SSH, windmill, imperial walkers, hillbilly walkers, Moroccan nightclubs and cherry pickers

THE THANG: Jack Webb style work then a lap around the middle school drop off loop. I had a long list of options including Burpee Back Flips (at my daughter’s request) as part of the 8th set. Thankfully we only made it though 3

Merkins – Overhead Clap (traditional)
Squats – Step-ups
Smurf Jacks – Overhead Press

MARY: No time

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read the newsletter

COT: it happened

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physical contact

WARMUP: stretch and bend
THE THANG: 20 min of St Louis Equalizer.
10 burpees with coupon
20 abmat sit-ups
30 goblet squats
40 curls with coupon
200m run

Then 20 mins of self defense training. Mainly understanding distance and body position with some gentle wrestling

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11’s 7’s benches & other fun

WARMUP: mosey to the bus loop
Exercises in cadence with burpees in between
imperial walkers
Hillbilly walkers
Low slow squats
Moroccan nights clubs holding people’s chair
Side straddle hops
Mountain climbers
Shoulder taps

THE THANG: mosey behind the school for 11’s
Burpees and squats on opposite sides of the lot – always adding up to 11

Mosey to the next lot for 7’s
Diamond merkins and lunges on opposite sides of the lot

Mosey to the tables for 3 rounds of:
15 step ups
15 incline merkins
15 dips

BTTW for 1 minute – just to see things from another point of view

Mosey to COT for 90
Seconds of geometry class (protractors) and we hit 0600

MARY: see above comment
ANNOUNCEMENTS: you betcha’ – on site and in your newsletter – which you should read.
COT: 5th core principle

Thanks for the call Rainmaker :eye:

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Time Machine Talks Too Much

THE THANG: Mosey to Baseball field, Urkins, Dips and Derkins, 4 sets start at 20 reps, decreasing by 5 each rep. Mosey to Middles School, J Webb, Burpees:Hammers. Lots of testimony in there as well
MARY: Finished testimony and then HarryC wouldn’t let 30 seconds go to waste so we did LBC’s
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Lots in next three weeks
COT: Lots of changes, both good and bad for every man, there is hard work to get done so go and do it

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A light shines

Just two of us…guess it was really rainy?
Seems the fort is going soft…
Let’s step up

Run in the Rain
Active Dora
one partner does the exercises
other partner tries to his the large rep count
20 merkins then switch to burpees. 100 burpees total
Run in the Rain
20 squats then switch to squat hold
Run in the Rain
20 American Hammers then switch to LBC. 100 Hammers total
Run in the Rain

Pull ups

Bulgarian Split Squats

MARY: not much time left, and laying down in the wet parking lot wouldn’t have been polite to all the guys that showed up today…(sarcasm)

3/14 Convergence at the Hive
3/15 Jaeger

Was held

Was asked in the Q request to give a testimony. I struggle with what exactly this word means, but Rainmaker and I had a good conversation around it. Hate that you missed. Maybe next time? We as men are stronger than a cold rainy morning.

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Ranch on Roidd

Saw two Ruckers take the easy path then the campers headed out to build callouses at The Ranch
WARMUP: Mosey to front of school: 15 IW, 15 HW walker, 10 WM, 15 Cherry Picker. Foreplay done.

9s on the hill. 8 Burpees, Bear Crawl up, 1 Squat, crawl Bear Down. You know the rest.

Mosey to benches in front of school:
30 Dips, 30 Step Ups, 30 Derkins.
Mosey to Side of School.
Peoples Chair while each person does 3 burpees.
Balls to the Wall
Peoples Chair while each person does 3 burpees.
Plank on wall.
Mosey to parking lot behind school:
Bear Crawl 2 spaces and 5 merkins and crab walk 2 spaces and 10 lunges. Do this the length of the parking lot.
Mosey to side of school tables.
30 step ups and 30 incline dry docks
Rinse and repeat

MARY: gas pumpers, LBC and alternating leg lifts
COT: prayers for Rainmakers family on death of grandmother. Prayers for all families!

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School Circuit

Warmup: SSH, Windmills, Imp Walkers, Los Slow Squats, Peter Parkers, plank stretches
Thang 1: Wall sit, pax individually run out and did 6 merkins, then did muscle ups, then did wall tar jais
Thang 2: at four square boxes: Bobby Hurley relays. Run to box, do five bobbys, then run back to baseline, go until all five boxes are bobbied.
Thang 3: bear crawl. Was about 90 yards. Plank for the six.
Thang 4: at the playground: leg lift DORA. Count is 100, partner runs to concrete path and back. Followed with 10 pullups.
Thang 5: Burpee loop of doom: pax do six burpees, run the loop, repeat, repeat.
Thang 6: Bench mench: step ups, dips, derkins
–Run to shovel flag

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