Setting the Standard at the Ranch

Setting the standard is up to you. Identifying Exemplars who serve as the highest standard and focusing on their behaviors makes you better.

We did Death by with burpees, merkins, jump squats and big boys. It was awesome!

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Russian Kicks and Carolina Honey

– SSH / WM / MNC / IW
– 3x hill sprint
– EDM supported 6 sets of exercise pairs (12 and 24 rep count), run a lap after each set and jump the wall.
– Jack Webb: Pushup + OHC
– 6-count burpees at COT until time
– read newsletter
– was held

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Cut your Losses

WARMUP: Yea, did that. Mostly in cadence.
Soulder Taps
Peter Parker

A little smorgasbord. Initial bulk was laps around the front of the middle school with:
5 buprees at each speed bump
next lap
5 burpees and 10 bombjacks
Then we went backwards so the speed bumps were closer and reverse bear crawled up the hill from the lowest point.

Stopped for some People’s Chair
While we were at the wall we did BTTW with upside down shoulder taps and merkins in cadence

Went to the teacher parking lot in the back and did a long bear crawl. Then some Lt. Dan’s

Hit the elementary playground for some pull-ups and burpees. Tried to work in a partner balance and one handed hanging on the bar, but
it was a smashing failure. So, we ran back towards COT and stopped for Bulgarian Split Squats along the way.

MARY: Yea, we did this leg raise thing YHC saw on Instagram one time.


COT: It’s a core principle, so…yes

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What’s that smell? Sewer gas…

WARMUP: windmills, imperial walkers, hillbilly walkers, SSH. Run to guardrail and do dips. Run to school entrance do step ups and 10 derkins. Run down hill to light pole for more fun.
THE THANG: Tabata is the flavor 45 seconds of exercise 15 seconds of rest. 4 exercises per set SS hops, plank jacks, squats, and American hammers. 1 minute rest with 5 burpees included. 2 rounds then 2 rounds of mtn climbers, seal jacks, monkey humpers, and LBCs. 1 min. Rest with 5 burpees. Last 2 rounds pax choice rebel picked merkins )no surprise there), Nasa Flutters, Sugarbug CDDs and Mainframe jump squats. Mosey back to COT for a little Mary.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: jekyll thing, D2D bar other stuff

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Stole Badlands Winkie

WARMUP: 25 SSH to warm up quickly. Mosey to Middle School Entrance: 10 Windmills, 10 Hill Billy Walkers
10 Step Ups, 10 Durkins, 10 Monkey Humpers, 10, Dips: Lunge Walk 20 Yards (5 rounds)
*mosey to back of school*
Wall sit: each person did 2 burpees (2 rounds)
Bear Crawl Ladder:
Bear Crawl to each cone to do exercise and run back to start.
10 Heels to Heaven
20 Flutters
30 LBC’s
40 Shoulder Taps
50 American Hammer
Partner Up:
1 partner plank wile the other runs lap around parking lot: (6 laps total)
MARY: 20 Squats at the end, 10 Grave Diggers, 10 Box Cutters
COT: Patience during the holidays. Keep in mind there are some things very important to others that may drive us nuts but patiently deal with it.

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Tentatively titled “The Watchmen”.

Partner up for 4 x 4-minute AMRAPs
Burpees: Partners alternate reps
Bear crawl: 1 partner forward, 1 backward (swap at fatigue)
Reverse Burpess: Partners alternate reps
Run: 1 partner forward, 1 backward (swap at fatigue)

Repeat entire circuit.

Moral of the workout? Make sure someone has eyes out when you are in a vulnerable position.

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A Little of This and a Little of That

On a brisk morning in the gloom we began by heading to the soccer fields.

Butt Kickers, HIgh Knees, Karaoke, Other direction, NUR.

Mosey to parking lot by playground:

SSH x15, plank, Peter Parker x15, Honey Mooner, Down Dog, Parker Peter x15, Honey Mooner, Down Dog, IW x20

To the playground

10 Pull ups, 20 Merkins, 20 swing knee ups, One Lap around the parking lot, Rinse and Repeat, Rinse and Repeat.

Mosey to parking lot with big island.  Bear Crawl, Crab Walk, Crawl Bear and Walk Crab.  Stopping  3x for AB LAB.

Mosey to side of school:  Peoples Chair (person on each end does 5 burpees and repeat until all have done them), BTW (10 count each person down the wall), rinse and repeat.

At picnic tables and 10 step ups each leg.

It was great getting out to the Ranch.  Seeing some HIM that I don’t regularly see.

Thanks to Mainframe for the opportunity.


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Staying Warm at The Ranch

WARMUP: SSHx30InCadence, run to the front of the school with buttkickers, high knees, and karoake on both sides.
THE THANG: Arrived at the front of the school after warmups and quickly started to work.
Round #1 – 4 sets – Leg Day HIIT – Complete rep count of 1st exercise and then move right into the 2nd exercise and continue until time is called. Each set is 1 minute with 10sec of rest after the 1st set, then 15sec after the 2nd, and so on.
1st exercise was BSSx10 each leg
2nd exercise was Alt Jumping Lunges

After 4 sets were completed of the above we moseyed to one of the back parking lots behind the school.
Round #2 – Started on one end of the lot and made it to the other end by bearcrawling 2 spaces forward- stop to perform 2 Diamond Merkins, then crawlbear one space back and perform 1 Diamond Merkin. Lots of grumbling as it was a longer parking lot than I remembered.
After completion of the above we moseyed to the playground Round #3 – Performed same routine as the 1st round but with different exercises.
1st exercise – 10xPullups
2nd exercise – V-Ups
After completion of the above we moseyed to the backside bus loop. Split the group into 3s.
Round #4 – Half the circle by placing 2 PAX on both sides, they both start to perform burpees. 3rd PAX on the team runs from PAX#1 to PAX#2. When he reaches PAX#2 the 3rd PAX stays put and starts to perform burpees while PAX#2 runs to PAX#1. Performed this routine for 7 minutes.
MARY: 10xLBCInCadence, 15 Straight Lower Leg Lifts
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read your newsletter

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Photobombed Selfie

Attendance was light today. Sawdust is still nursing an injury, so he does his own thing. But it is important to point out that he is still posting! Maximus and Mainframe have signed themselves up for some next level stupid this weekend. So their plan was to stretch and move around a little to stay on taper. That left YHC and Photobomb for the standard Ranch content of the day.

Moving warmup.
– Mosey to small drop off circle and complete 25 SSH in cadence and 10 windmill in cadence
– Mosey past the playground to the large parking lot. Complete 10 Imperial Walkers in cadence and stretch out the hamstrings (was a little tight after Kitchen Sink)

Mosey to the back of the Home bleachers.
– 9 pull-ups on the bleachers
– Run to the second light pole on the right in the parking lot
– 1 rep of either a flying squirrel with a plank jack (YHC and bad shoulder) or a Burpee (PhotoBomb)
– Run back to the bleachers and continue the ladder series

Had some shenanigans planned for the field, but those involved some things not ideal for Photobomb’s back issues, so we audibled.

Mosey back to the starting parking lot where we found the rest of the PAX in some strange positions. We stopped short because we didn’t want to get too close.

100 squats together. One guy squats while the other ran the parking lot. 2 laps each and then we switched to a bear crawl chase. One PAX bear crawls while the other runs the loop until they catch the bear crawler and they switch. Remember the bad shoulder, yeah dumb idea.

Took turns calling Mary for the final 5 minutes

Thank you Mainframe for the opportunity. One of my favorite AOs!!

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Tour da Ranch

WARMUP: dynamic stretching along with ssh, Cherry pickers, mtn climbers.

THE THANG: 3 sets dips and step up. Wall sits with rounds of burpees. Pull up 5,4,3,2,1- merkins, squats, lbcs 15,14,13 etc. more pull up then Indian run to cot for some Mary
ANNOUNCEMENTS: bourbon and bbq, golf, blood drive
COT: prayers and praises.

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