the amazing maze

  • QIC: drifter
  • When: august, 24 2016
  • Pax: drifter, realtree, drydock ,hotspot, Dollywood ,axis, zebra.
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

this was a beautiful morning to get your sweat on, after a brief warm up of ssh, hillbillys,slow mindmill, moracan nightclubs,and more ssh, we went for a brief mossy around the parking lot adding in some but kickers, high knees, and karaokes, we lined up for some winkie of pain.. didn’t have a board so I used a winkie… which I forgot so actually winged it… we did each exercise for 1 minute then ran @ 60 yards and back for another exercise .. which included, mercians, lbc, squats, flying squirls, ccd, hello dollies, reverse lunges, ssh, air claps, and 6 inches, todays message was about god using his people to help people.. everyone has a purpose in life.. even though you may not know what it is.. he has a plan to use everyone

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Burpees and B.O.M.B.S. at Trinity – 8/23/2016

  • QIC: Witch Hunt
  • When: 8/23/2016
  • Pax: DryDock, Schefler, Drifter, Real Tree, Redwood, Undertaker, Black Lung, Nunchuck, Sea Turtle (Respect), Rhinestone, High Pocket, Cutter, Hot Spot, Witch Hunt (QIC)
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

14 of York’s best showed up today on a cool morning for what turned out to be a terrible beatdown.

Since it was Hot Spot’s 2nd post I did the long disclaimer and went over the 5 principles of F3.  Then we got started with 10 Burpees to get the blood flowing.

Quick mosey to the back of the tax collector’s office for COP:

Hillbillies X15
Imperial Walkers X15
5 Burpees
Merkins X25
5 Burpees
Mountain Climbers X10 (Done very quickly)
Peter Parkers X10
5 Burpees
Cherry Pickers X10
Windmill X10
5 Burpees

(Redwood is to thank for the 20 burpees. He let some of the Cotters know that there F3 membership had expired and they owed a reactivation fee of 20 burpees. Consider your debt paid. )

The Thang

We partnered up for some B.O.M.B.S.

While your partner did a lap around the parking lot we performed the following cumulative exercises to completion:

B. – 50 Burpees
O. – 100 Overhead Claps

M. – 150 Merkiins
B. – 200 Big boy Sit ups
S. – 250 Squats

This took up all the time so he did a quick mosey back for COT.

Great work from the Pax today, including Hot Spots for his 2nd post. Not an easy workout for your first week. But everyone pushed each other and everyone made it through.

Gotta get back to the Hunt, its Witch Season…



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Preblast – Disc Golf Clinic with Spud – September 23rd

  • QIC: Spud
  • When: 09/23/16
  • Pax: All PAX and Tega Cay Community
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

Ever played Disc Golf? Ever wonder what those people in Tega Cay are doing flinging frisbees all over the place? There are a lot of benefits to disc golf other than it being FREE (sure you may need to buy a disc or two but that’s it). Disc Golf allows you to spend time with family and friends while providing a nice recreational outlet. Your kids aren’t glued to their electronic devices. You’re not glued to your electronic device, although there may be an app that you can keep score with…I digress.

Come out to Tega Cay and learn a little about Disc Golf in this free clinic provided by F3’s very own Spud. This is a family friendly event and we’ll have a bunch of Disc Golf Gear (provided by Innova) for you and your family to check out. Here are the details:

What: Disc Golf Clinic led by Spud
When: Friday, September 23rd @ 6:00 PM
Where: Tega Cay Disc Golf Course
1965 Newberry Ln. Tega Cay, SC 29708

We look forward to seeing you!

Zima and Spud

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Organized chaos in the Eagle’s Nest ~ with 38 strong!!!

  • QIC: Hot Sauce, Burgundy, Gauge, and Slow Pitch
  • When: 08/23/16
  • Pax: Slow Pitch, Iron Sight, Cartel, Burgundy, Jag, Captain Kangaroo, Spartacus, Hot Sauce, Stock Yard, Torch Wrench, Anchor Bar, Gauge, Blades, Bull, Beacon, Chicken Wing, Paris, Turbine, Kindergartener Cop, Woodwind (FNG), Mr. Big Stuff, Vandwilder, Brotein Shake, In Coming, Samurai, Pony Tail, MayFlower, Sgt. York, Shroup, Blue Print, Apache, Honey Pot, Money Bags, Crayola, Dingo, Dr. Ruth, Italian Job, Paw Paw
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

5:15 rolled around…… and the ‘Eagle’s Nest’ was Q-less. None the less, we have four HIM’s step up (Hot Sauce, Burgundy, Gauge, and Slow Pitch) to lead a strong workout on the fly ~ just as we rehearsed it!!!

Warm-ups were lead by Hot Sauce:

  • SSH
  • Imperial Walkers
  • Hillbilly Walkers
  • Windmill
  • Moroccan Night Clubs
  • Peter Parkers
  • Parker Peters

Burgundy then lead us in a four wave ring of fire with two waves of merkins, and two waves of burpees ……. followed by a Burgundy paced “mosey” to the ~ whada ya call that area at Winthrop with all the benches, light posts, and long, wide, brick sidewalk? Yeah, we went to that place to do 500 combined merkins with a partner ~ while the other partner ran 1/2 the length of said brick sidewalk.

Gauge then utilized those beautiful lamp posts to have the PAX do high knees and butt kickers between the posts…… the did a modified ‘rinse and repeat’ with bear crawls and walking lungs.

Not to be outdone, Slow Pitch followed up the morning with more burpees, a mosey back to the ‘AO’ and an ab lab session filled with LBC’s Box Cutters, Hello Dollies, and Rosaletta’s ~

Gosh, I love it when a plan comes together!!!!!!

OH ~ and PS ~ welcome FNG Woodwind who was out for a morning stroll at Winthrop and got put into a ‘head lock’ by Mr. Big Stuff!!!!! Taking F3 to the people!!!! Way to go, Mr. Big Stuff!!!!!!

On the journey,

Hot Sauce

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19 for a Kettle fest

  • QIC: Assassin
  • When: 08/22/2016
  • Pax: Funhouse, Mission Impossible, Crosscheck, The Librarian, Pinup, Barry Manilow, Bear Grylls, Handy Manny, Bullwinkle, Change Order, McGruff, Drop Thrill, Shooter McGavin, Lugnut, Spitz, FNG STEAM, Fridlock, Greenwave
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

19 Pax attended a kettle fest for a low 70’s early morning.

The warmup was SSH, IW’s, Protractors, etc. The usual. We moseyed for a parking lot tour of what was to come with stations spread out just enough to have some mumble chatter complaining.

Circled at the middle of the lot and sent off partners to tour the Armory for a few laps which included: swings, figure 8’s, squats, russian twists, floor presses, lbc’s, halo’s, and squat slingshots.

Breaking news: We ran out of time for the planned suicides (Next time.)

My story of forgiveness is about how I am permanently forgiven by my Savior Jesus Christ. I live with a peace in my heart of how Jesus chose me to be a part of His Kingdom. We can talk about that friend, brother, wife, etc that we need to forgive, and that’s a powerful word, but first we should examine ourselves to find the peace that God’s forgiveness should give to us.

FNG – John Storms, EH’d by Gridlock — named STEAM

A privilege to lead, as always…

TClap |

Be Bold

  • QIC: Redwood
  • When: 08/22/16
  • Pax: Hulk Hogan, Honey Pot, Undertaker, High Pockets, Dollywood, Zebra, Villa, FNG Hot Spot
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

It was clear that it was a usual early Monday morning cause the mumble chatter was to a minimum. Several of the usual suspects were MIA this gloom but we still had 8 PAX show up for a moderate workout by YHC. Did the disclaimer cause we had an FNG and got to work.

The Thang

To get the blood flowing:                                                                                                                  Right over Left 10 count                                                                                                                      Left over Right 10 count                                                                                                                    SSH x 25 IC                                                                                                                               Moroccan Night Clubs x 25 IC                                                                                                      Windmill x 15 IC                                                                                                                                   Hill Billy x 15 IC                                                                                                                                 Slow Merkin x 10 IC

The Real Deal:                                                                                                                                        Moseyed down to the lower field where we played a little Blackjack today with coupons, and everybody came up with a winner with 21. Pick up 2 coupons (cinder blocks) per PAX and placed them approximately 15 yards apart. Pick up first block and perform 1 squat with coupon. Lung Walk to other coupon and perform 20 Over the Head Presses. Mosey back to 1st block and add 1 squat. Lung Walk back to second and 19 OTH presses. Keep routine up by adding 1 squat and dropping 1 OTH press with both adding to 21 until u get to 1 OTH Press.

SHORT 3rd F Break                                                                                                                          Real Tree gave a great 3rd F last week at Trinity from Acts about forgiveness. His message was about how Stephen while being stoned by the Religious leaders for proclaiming the Good News asked God to not hold this against them (kinda like Jesus on the cross). His message reminded me of the events leading up to te passage Real Tree shared.                                                                 The apostles received the Holy Spirit at Pentecost shortly after Jesus appeared to them and then was taken back to Heaven. After they received the Holy Spirit things started making a lot more sense to them and their eyes were open. Even Peter who denied Christ 3 times began to evangelize and became “The Rock” we now refer to him as. Peter and John  began spreading the Good News and 1000’s of people believed. One day Peter healed a crippled man at the Gate called Beautiful near the temple and after he preached the Word 5000 men believed. This infuriated the religious leaders and they immediately arrested them and began questioning the 2 and warning them to stop teaching what they referred to as blasphemy. Good old Peter let them know real quick he healed that man in the name of Jesus, and he was going to continue to listen to God and proclaim what he had witnessed about Jesus with his own eyes. The leaders were scared to do anything to Peter and John because the were concerned they would start a ruckus with all the witnesses to the miracle who began to believe. They reluctantly let them go with a stern warning that if they continued to preach this message, their fate may be the same as Jesus. We read “The Believers Prayer” found in Acts 4: 23-31 to find out what these HIMS did after this frightening event. These great men went back to their little group (just like ours), they gathered up in a COT and prayed to God. Do you think they asked for His Protection? NO!!! Do you think they thanked Him for getting them out of such a sticky predicament and wanted to tone down their message so they wouldn’t get in any more trouble or offend anyone? ABSOLUTELY NOT!!! Do you think they prayed that God would punish these religious leaders who were standing in their way? NO!!! THEY PRAYED FOR BOLDNESS. BOLDNESS TO GET UP AND DO IT AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN. We don’t fear being put to death for our beliefs in this country. We fear being ostracized by others that don’t believe the way we do. We fear being made fun of or called a Jesus Freak. We worry how we may be disciplined at work for not leaving our religious beliefs at home. These HIMS faced death. HOW CAN WE BE MORE BOLD IN OUR OWN LIVES WHEN CALLED ON TO SPREAD THE GOOD NEWS AND TELL OTHERS WHAT JESUS HAS DONE IN OUR LIVES. Food for thought now lets get back at it.

Finished the remaining time out by doing 10 Man Makers with cinder blocks. Basically a Burpee on a block and instead of jumping at the end you press it overhead (learned this from Nunchuck). Moseyed back to the AO to finish it up.

Numbered off with 9 on Q and did the Name a Rama. We were blessed with an FNG we named Hot Spot and welcomed him. Announcement about 5K at Summerfest this weekend, prayers for PAX missing, and Dollywood’s home. YHC prayed us out in a big sweaty man ball. Enjoyed the Q this gloom.

With much love,                                                                                                                                   Redwood


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CSPAN disrupts @F3RockHill #F3OldTown

  • When: 08/22/16
  • Pax: 3 FNGS: Dingo, Dr. Ruth, Crayola, +Chicken Wing, JAG, Pony Tail, Money Bag, Pistol, Spartacus, Roxanne, Burgundy, Anchor Bar, Blueprint, Samari, Water Boy, Maximus, Mayhem, Package, Hot Sauce, Stang, & Apache
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

Almost felt like Fall for a second, 75 degrees and not as humid

Disclaimer in detail with JAG as my witness

Fast run to parking deck

warmup-O-rama in cadence to 10 repetitions, air was filled with sarcastic #mumblechatter, lots of laughs, and some occasional wittiness displayed

Review Sequence:
10 Flying Squirrels
up stairs
10 Flying Squirrels
down ramp
up ramp across top deck to other stairwell
10 Flying Squirrels
down stairs
10 Flying Squirrels
across bottom deck to starting point
and that equals 1

Now partner up with someone you don’t know and hold each other accountable

Solid pace by all with The Burgundy/Package Team taking home the virtual trophy with 4 rounds the fastest

rally up troops

platoon run to COT with abs and calf raises along the way, and a few more abs until all the troops arrived

COT/Prayer or Praise/BOM

Sermon Notes

Discussion on how someone you do not know will hold you more accountable than your best friend, and don’t expect your wife to do it as she already has too much of your “junk” to deal with.

We also talked a quick lesson on the vertical relationship with God and the importance of having quality relationships on your horizontal (this world) relationships, in my worldview you can’t have one without the other.

In F3 it is described this way:
CONCENTRICA: The circular rings formed by a man’s relationships on the Big Ball. Please look it up on the lexicon for a much more articulate definition.

1. First Ring: M (wife)

2. Second Ring: Shorties (children)

3. Third Ring: Shield Lock (brothers in arms)

4. Fourth Ring: Blades (younger men)

5. Fifth Ring: Mammon (work)

Be a better man today than you were yesterday, and I appreciate the invite Burgundy, and it is always an honor to Q a pack of #HIM,

TClap |

Independence: Fire On The Deck

  • QIC: Riddler
  • When: 08/22/16
  • Pax: Riddler, BlackHawk, RedFish, Dawg Pound
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

Woke up this morning feeling confident that CSPAN was going to be doing flying squirrels up and down the hot box at Old Town.

Old town is a great AO, I however really like all that the independence has to offer even though we stayed close to home today. My focus was a moderate recovery focusing on burning each element of the body. Arms, shoulders, chest, abs, thighs and calves were all in play.

4 pax showed for a good moderate work. BlackHawk burned his leg last night and was bandaged up. Red fish was in peak shape, and Dawg Pound was still recovering.

So I gave the spill that we would be focusing on moderate and burning after each piece of the workout.

The Thang

20 Moroccan Night Clubs
20 Military press
Rinse and repeat both sets

20 Sumo Squats
20 BEARmuda Triangles(Sumo squat position crawl to left foot, crawl all the way forward, crawl back to right foot)
20 Caterpillars(crawl all the way to plank then crawl back all the way to standing)
Rinse and repeat

20 American hammers
20 Heel taps(lay flat in sit up position, touch each heel)
Rinse and repeat

20 Box cutters
20 LBCs
Rinse and repeat

Mosey to Dinkins field
20 Fire Hydrants Left Leg(All fours, bring leg up, kick Leg out, bring back down to position)
20 Fire Hydrants Right Leg
Rinse and repeat

Round the bend complete a series
20 MNC
20 MP
20 SQ
20 BT
20 CAT
20 Box Cutters
20 LBC’s
20 Fire Hydrants Each Leg

Plank for final two minutes.

F3 Lancaster launch Saturday

Pax recovering including Blackhawk

Always honored to lead


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The Riddler Walker: Burpee Edition

  • QIC: The Riddler, Walker
  • When: 08/20/16
  • Pax: Walker, The Riddler, Long Shanks, Money Bags, Captain Kangaroo, Turbine, Bogey, Mugsey, Jag, Bull, Cornerstone, Peach, Limp Bizkit, Winchester, Anchor Bar, Paris, Keanu, Bubazilla, Nail Pop
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

Got up at 5 to get ready for the gloom. Met up with Walker at 6:20 for a pre run and a cone setup.

7:00 rolled around and it was time for YHC to lead this fine pack of PAX! 19 men took the red pill and joined for some fun!

Started with a Quick Mosey over to the backside of Sullivan. I went to school here and use to eat in this area we called the canteen. So I figured it was time to reminisce.

Moroccan Nigh Clubs
Mountain Climbers
Carolina Dry Docks

Split off to two groups Mosey to the bus loop in line formation

Here comes the pain

The Thang
Burpee Train two rotations
PAX plank while each pax hop over and perform a Burpee.

Another Mosey over to Teacher Lot
Prison Cell Burpee Train

Mosey to field 3
Bunny hops across field then back
Left over right stretch
Right over left stretch
Jump lunges

Passed it off to Walker for time as he was continuing the Pain Train

Mosey down to field 1 the big papa

3 comes were setup to form a pyramid.
Start with 10 prison cells at first come
30 squats at second cone
30 LBC’s at Third cone.

Rinse and repeat, Prison cells went down by 1 while Squats and LBC’s went down by three.
55 prison cells
165 squats
165 LBCs

Then we circled up
45 single count merkins

Next exercise was what Walker called 4 minutes of Hell

20 seconds of plank squats
Go down to squat pop out to plank and then back to standing. As many times as you can for 20 seconds.
10 seconds rest.
Rinse and repeat for 8 rounds

Mosey back to COT

This months theme is forgiveness
Walker talked to Matthew‬ ‭18:21-22
“Then Peter came to Jesus and asked, “Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother or sister who sins against me? Up to seven times?” Jesus answered, “I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times.”

Forgiveness starts in your heart, forgiving someone is just as good for them as it is for you. So go into a hard situation and forgive, as the father has forgiven us through Jesus.

Great work from the 19 men that showed today! Lot’s of faces I have not seen before which is always good, means we are growing! I am humbled to be able to lead such a great group of PAX

Announcements and Prayers
‭‭‬ ‭
Ragnar teams still forming Oct 7-8
September 30th Fort Convergence
September 10 Race for the Cure, and Alex Race see newsletter/Twitter for details

Corner Stones Daughter just finished her 51st round of Chemo treatment yesterday. Will not only have to go every other week!

Bubasizla is traveling to visit family next weeks.

Lots of others unspoken in our area. Pray for our teachers, military and those in uniform serving everyday.

Thanks for letting me lead today!


TClap |

BB From Petra 8-19-16 Slooow Buuurn!!!

  • QIC: Samurai
  • When: 8-19-16
  • Pax: Flop, Stockyard, Yoda, Anchor Bar, Fallout, Apache, Bogie, Money Bags, Schrute, Hulk Hogan, Lucky Charm, Deadlift, Iron Site, Ponytail, Pooh Bear, Dollywood, Kindergarten Cop, Reborn, Hot Sauce, Mr. Big Stuff, Italian Job and Samurai. FNG Yuengling, Goose and Brickyard welcome to the Brotherhood!!!
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

Petra Backblast 8-19-16

I was once again humbled to lead such an outstanding group of HIMs.  Great Mumble chatter guys lots of energy.

The Warm Up, Wrist Stretch, Right over Left, Moroccan Night Clubs, Dillon County Cotton Pickers and SSH

Mosey to the Wall

People’s Chair, Al Gore’s Tree Hugger, Merkins, Carolina Dry Docks and Overhead Claps

Reverse Indian Train Run to the Handrails at Office Depot

Irkins, Dips, Derkins and Plank up till finished and Rinse and Repeat

Mosey to the start line

2 lines of Karaoke, 1 line of Shuffles, 1 line Sprint, Plank Up till the 6 are in.

Return was Bear Crawl 2 lines, Lt. Dan 1 line and sprint back to the start, High Knees 1 line, Butt kickers 1 line and Sprint to the Start Line

Cool Down

LBC, Box Cutters, Rosealittas, 6 Inches, American Hammers and Merkin Circle Double Count


The Bible verse today was from Matthew 18:21

Then Peter came up and said to him, “Lord how often will my brother sin against me and I forgive him?  As many as 7 times?”  Jesus said to Peter, “I do not say 7 times but 77 times.”

“The Dash”

Please Google this online for a full meaning but there are three things on a tombstone, the date someone was born and the date they died.  There is a Dash between the dates and this is what is important, what you do in your life.  Please reflect on your dash and make it purposeful.

Prayer for the injured PAX along with Reborn’s test today, our country and leaders of our country.

Tomorrow morning the a Clown Car will leave Target for the first Recon in Lancaster, Apache wants 95% from RH.  I think the take off time is 0515 but Italian Job will send out a tweet with the details.

Again thanks for you all for this opportunity to lead such a great group of HIMs.

Samurai out

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