14 To Take on The Turbine!

  • QIC: Turbine
  • When: 08/15/2016
  • Pax: High Pockets, Rhinestone, Joe Dirt, Mr Big Stuff, Dry Dock, Redwood, Dollywood, FNG (ZEBRA), Cocktail, Hulk Hogan, Mr Rogers, Poo Bear, Cedar, Vila, and Turbine.
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

A very humid Monday morning with little mumble chatter told me this group of HIM’s were most likely recovering from a crazy weekend! After a brief disclaimer as we had 1 FNG, we moseyed over to a well lit area. Then it went down something like this:



MNC 40

R over L stretch

Flip Flop

Calf Stretch


Hill Billy W

Imperial W

MTN Climbers


Roaring Forties with Squats and lunges

The Word: Forgiveness- YHC explained the parable in Matthew about the servant being forgiven and not being able to forgive others. Brief word on forgiveness and breaking ourselves out of jail by the 3 step process when asking for forgiveness:

1- Genuine apology

2- Admit what you did was wrong

3-Ask the person what can you do to make it better

If at that point the person still cannot forgive you, pray that they can come to the realization that you are sorry for what ever happened and that you can no longer hold yourself in jail as you have completed all you could to make things better.

JACK Webbs with pain sticks. Up to 32 and back down to 1…Using pain sticks for arm raises and tricep extension.

Rifle Carried the Pain Sticks to grab some wall

Peoples chair


Mosey back to AO

40 American Hammers

40 SSH


Welcome my brother in Christ; Brad Howey. Now known as F3 Zebra.

Thanks for allowing me to lead such a great group of men.

Humbled and Encouraged,


TClap |

16 unpartaking the fartsack at The BTC

  • QIC: Apache and Flop
  • When: 8/17/16
  • Pax: Popeye, The Chaser, The Riddler, The River Rat, Blaze, Iron Sight, Roxanne, Cool Table, Pistol, The Package, Torque Wrench, Blackhawk, Italian Job, Flop, And YHC, oh yeah "THE OLDMAN" CSPAN
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

With YHC on Q this morning and knowing the pax will only expect the very best from this mega boomsville USA newest addition to our arsenal of iron sharpening AO’S. I did not want to disappoint my brothers

Proper disclaimer was given as my legal consulting brother was present “The Chaser” who arrived from across the river with my older brother Grantan and slightly younger brother The Package, always a pleasure to be in such awesomeness and compassionate company.

There were no 10 counts this fine morning the 10 counts were replaced with each pax that was called upon told his story of how he came upon this great F3 Thang an awesome way to get to know your PAX and their story and not being just a PAX of the gloom

And the warm up began:

We did SSH while KC and the sunshine band played “Get Down Tonight” and Seal jacks during the chores, its amazing what you can get grown men to do when they show respect toward the Q. what and awesome sight to behold. Simply amazing!!!

And we Moseyed:

We moseyed down Anderson Road from the BTC to the intersection of Dave Lyle Blvd. Where there is this mega hill

Lunges at the bottom NUR to the top and merkins at the top. Run back down and complete 5 rounds

And we Moseyed:

We moseyed back toward Tech park down thru one of the secret trails this AO has hidden away. When we arrived at the intersection took a quick breather and moseyed to the lake where I passed it over to my co VQ FLOP and he had us do a little Mary in the squat position.

After that we all choice a coupon And we moseyed:

Moseyed down the lake trail and did a series of work with our coupons and discarded them for future usage

And we Moseyed:

We mosey to the Bull Frog pay the toll of 10 Croakers to the wise and very old Bull Frog

And we Mosey: 

Moseyed to the nearest American flag and our Grantan CSPAN lead us in cadence with the Pledge of Allegiance to our great flag

And we Moseyed:

We jail broke back to the AO for 5 minutes of step ups from our VQ FLOP



This weekend recon F3lancaster

Aug 27 official launch F3lancaster

Sept 30 4 year anniversary The Fort Region

Praises and Prayers:

Praises for  F3 and how its changing men’s lives to the positive

Prayers for all the injured PAX and for the ones with conflicting schedules

Prayers for Popeye’s mom and all the others how are battling Cancer and other health issues

Prayers for all teachers and students heading back to school

Always a honor and privilege to be able to Lead The Leaders of F3

Aye Apache








TClap |

PHOP Sweat-Fest Beat-Down 8-17-16

  • QIC: Samurai
  • When: 8-17-16
  • Pax: Ponytail, Fallout, Mr. Big Stuff, Sapper, Bill Nye, Kindergarten Cop "Runners" Mailman, Tinker Toy, Sgt. York, Burgundy, Kelvin and Schrute
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

I must first say it was my pleasure to lead this group of HIMs this morning through Padre’s House.  We tried to make Padre proud with the amount of work and Burpees this morning.

The Sweatfest started with the warm-up

Wrist Stretches, Right Over Left, Dillon Cotton Pickers Moroccan Night Clubs and Windmills

Moseyed for a lap to start the sweat around the property.

Merkins x15, Carolina Dry Docks x 15 and Low Slow Squats Moseyed to the Sweat

This is where the sweat really started

We divided into three groups the first group flipped the tires x 10 out and then back, the second carried 5 gallon buckets with rocks 100 meters and the third group using the cinder blocks 25 Deep Merkins.  No big complaints so we rinsed and repeated.  No mumble chatter here!!!

Moseyed back to the top parking area and plated 7/11/21.  I had 11 playing cards, 2 Aces which was 7 Burpees,  6 Clubs and Spades that turned into Merkins x 11, Carolina Dry Docks x 11 and Overhead Claps x 21.  Diamonds and Hearts were LBC x 21, Hello Dollies x 21 and Box Cutters x 21.

Moseyed back to the COT and finished with a set of LBC x 21 Overhead Claps x 21 and Box Cutters x 21.

The message of Forgiveness today was from Matthew 6:14-15 and Daniel 9:9.

A few prayers were spoken and unspoken were given.  Remembering the PAX with injuries.

Bill Nye, great job leading the pack through the sweat and picking up the six (me)

Ponytail had another strong workout sweat.  Always at the front showing the way.

Sapper what a leader this man is.  Great work and always a pleasure to workout with.

Fallout another great workout and good call on bypassing the Moroccan Night Clubs.  I will always remember this one.

Kindergarten Cop great job and getting faster each workout.

Mr Big Stuff always a pleasure watching you sweat almost as much as me!!!!  Great work my friend.

TClap |

Thor’s KettleBell at Iron Academy

  • QIC: The Riddler
  • When: 08/17/16
  • Pax: The Riddler, Catfish, Watson, Smiley, Princess Vespa, Lucky Charms, Gable, Dead Lift(FNG), Spartacus, Dream House, Reborn, Double Shot, Hot Sauce
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

Great Tuesday for a Kettle Bell workout. I spent the last few days reviewing previous Kettle Bell workouts to see what I could add to mine. There have been some really great pax leading these in the past and I did not want to let them down.

Quick Mosey Around the Parking lot
No Sense in warming up to much we will do that during the swings!

The Thang
20 reps 1 arm swing
20 reps arm pull ups
20 reps 1 arm swing
20 reps arm pull ups

Right 1 arm squat presses 1 arm out 20 squat
20 Figure 8’s between the legs
Left 1 arm squat presses 1 arm out 20 squat
20 Figure 8’s between the legs

20 Moroccan Night Clubs

5 Chest Presses right
5 Chest Presses left
5 Downward Chest presses
20 Apollo Onos squats

5 Chest Presses right
5 Chest Presses left
5 Downward Chest presses
20 Apollo Onos Squats

20 Overhead Presses
20 Squat Arms Air Presses
20 Overhead Presses
20 Squat Arms Air Presses

20 Kettlebell knee to elbow crunch
20 around the world
20 Kettlebell knee to elbow crunch
20 around the world

Mosey over to Giant hill

Split into two groups Team 1 starts at bottom, team 2 at the top. Start with 10 Reps at the top and one rep at the bottom. Increase Goblet, decrease Swing.
10 Kettle bell swing
1 goblet squat

Squat walk with Kettle Bell
Figure 8 walk with Kettle Bell

Jail Break back to COT with Kettle Bell

F3 Lancaster Recon Aug 20 – Clown Cars Leave Target Dave Lyle 5:45
F3 Lancaster Launch Aug 27 – Clown Cars Leave Target Dave Lyle 5:45
F3 The Fort Invergeance Sept 27

Injured Pax
Teachers/Students going back to school

TClap |

The Dragon – “what’s that sound??” – Do the Dragon Crawl!!

  • QIC: Cake Boss
  • When: 08/13/16
  • Pax: Drifter, Nunchuck, Cocktail, Joe DIrt, Power Pole, Red Wood, Cedar, Michael Angelo, Stranger, Wash Out, Chef, Hulk Hogan, High Pockets, Poo bear, Cutter
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

16 men from the surrounding area came out to the Dragon for the weekly downpainment. YHC was in awe of the AO and its limitless opportunities. I was disappointed I only had 60min to laith down the beating. We used every bit of it and traveled a good bit, but only scratched the surface of The Dragon. So much more to do and I am looking forward to the next visit!!

After introduction and disclaimer we took a mosey down the to the football stadium parking.

Jog, karaoke R/L, Jog, High Knees, Butt Kickers, Shuffles R/L and Jog to COP

  • Side Straddle Hops
  • Merkins
  • LBCs
  • Squats
  • Imperial Walkers
  • Hillbilly Walkers
  • Diamond Merkins
  • Freddy Mercurys
  • Sumo Squats
  • Some other stuff

Mosey to Football Stadium

Partner up. Each mans does 50 reps of each exercise. While one is doing reps the other is running 100yards (50 across field and back). Flip Flop like Al Gore until all reps are complete. Wait for 6 and then move to next exercise.

  • Dips x 50
  • LBCs x 50
  • Merkins x 50
  • Squats x 50

Mosey to HIll outside Stadium

Jacob’s ladder or 8’s, whatever you want to call it

  • 1 bombjack at top of hill
  • 7 Big Boys Sit Ups at bottom of hill

Mosey to opposite side of school

4 stations with 3 exercises each. Do first exercise, bear crawl, to 2nd and then 3rd. Mosey to next station

  1. 10 diamond merkins,
  2. 10 Peter Parkers
  3. 10 Inch Worm Merkins
  4. 10 situps

Mosey to COT

It was Hot and Brutal. I had to question if I could Q it or not, because I wasn’t sure I could do it. However the PAX of York were inspiring and our visitor Cocktail from Lake Murray partnered with me and kept us going strong.

I spoke to the PAX about “Being in the Game” and how none of us liked “riding the pine” or being a “bench warmer”. We all wanted to be in the game when playing whatever sport. When called by the coach to get in the game we had to be ready and grab our equipment and get out there and do our job as we practiced and trained for. Well the game of life is the same. Sky Q is calling our name and asking us to get in there and do our job as men. Be engaged in the game and not sitting on the sideline waiting for someone else to make a play. As life passes us by, we will be left with the question, “did I give it my all or did I mail it in?” My suggestion is get in there, be a man and lead your family, community and fellow PAX.

Thanks again Drifter…..looking forward to return to The Dragon.

Prayers and Praises, but especially to Joe Dirt and all he and family are facing!


Cake Boss


TClap |

Merkins and more Merkins

  • QIC: RealTree
  • When: 08/16/2016
  • Pax: Drifter, High Pockets, Redwood, Undertaker, Vila, El Capitan, Washout, Michelangelo, Chef, Black Lung, Cutter, Stranger, Royale, Sea Turtle,
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

Warm Up:

Played Thunderstruck Side Straddle Hops & Burpees

Roxanne Squats


Short Mosey to wall with 50 derkins, 50 erkins. Short Mosey to corner for 50 merkins.

Mosey to the church for 25 wide merkins, and third f from acts chapter 7 verse 59. Lt dans down the side street, 15 box jumps on short wall, Mosey back to AO. Finished up with Back in Black Merkins.

TClap |

Ballroom “blow out”

  • QIC: Ditchwitch & Newman
  • When: 08/16/16
  • Pax: Big thanks for the big turn out from The Fort.
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

VQs Ditchwitch and Newman host their first AO to 40 PAX at the Ballroom in Fort Mill!  Amazing supportive turnout…

TClap |

Serve a Widow, Help Bring Home an Orphan

  • QIC: Catfish
  • When: 09/03/2016
  • Pax: All PAX
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

UPDATE! As of 09/01/16

Here is an updated list of needed tools …

TOOLS NEEDED: Limb Saws, Hatchets, Machetes, Weed Eaters with Brush Blades, Garden Rakes, Tarps, Mixed Gas for Weed eaters.

Project Details:


    • 9/3/2016; 8:00 AM – 2:00 PM (or until the work is done)


    • 854 Pinebranch Road, Rock Hill, SC 29732


    • From Dave Lyle, head towards Lowes.
    • Turn Right at Lowes onto Springdale
    • Once you pass Sturgis Road on your left, look for Pinebranch on your Right
    • Turn Right onto Pinebranch. The house on the left as you round the curve.


    • Use the level area to the left of the road after rounding the curve.
    • If parking gets bad, we may need to consider moving some cars to Lowes

Calling all PAX!!

A couple that goes to North Rock Hill Church are deep in the process of adopting a child from Uganda. Here is a LINK to their story. They are raising funds in an effort to cover legal / doc fees, to help pay for their next trip to Uganda to bring their baby back!

Chris and Amanda have hooked up with Both Hands to help raise these funds. (Here is a VIDEO LINK to how Both Hands serves.) And we have been issued a call to serve. The fantastic thing about this fundraising campaign is there are SO many different ways to serve!

What they need now is funding (sponsors) and bodies. The amount of work we are able to accomplish for Ms. Shook is directly tied to the number of volunteers and the materials we are able to get donated. The final project list is being finalized (current – tentative – list is below) but knowing we will have more hands would help drive the to-do’s for the day.

How can you serve?

  • Donate your time (On Sept. 03, 2016)
  • Sponsor a PAX or Donate money (Now!)
  • Donate supplies (Project lists being finalized now)
  • Please share THIS PDF to your close circle of friends. Making this project work is based on serving both the widow and the orphan.

Current projects:

  • Clear the wooded areas of her property (1/2 to 3/4 of an acre)
  • Remove wall paper from a room
  • Possible siding and other house repairs

This opportunity to serve is right in the F3 PAX wheel house! Lots of physical labor, a chance for 2nd F, & the chance to serve an orphan and a widow!

Plus – there’s gonna be free food! Lunch will be provided!

So, mark your calendars for a September 3rd double down!

Truly humbled,

TClap |

Imagine that, there was pain at PHOP

  • QIC: Dawg Pound
  • When: 8/10/16
  • Pax: Schrute, Samurai, Kindergarten Cop, Torque Wrench, Mr. Big Stuff, Gable(FNG), Bill Nye, The Riddler, Fall Out, Mailman, Burgundy, Kelvin, Tinker Toy, Sgt York, Hot Sauce, Honey Pot
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

First of thanks to The RIddler for setting up the AO the night before as I was unable to make it there.  And also thanks to The RIddler for bringing an FNG.  Welcome Gable!

10 stayed for the gear heavy workout, while 7 “cowards” took off running at the site of the tires and blocks.  Either that, or they were training for BRR and P200.

Let’s get down to business. Please bear in mind I sweated through my notes and had to do this by memory for the most part.

Warm Up

Side straddle hop


Hillbilly walkers

Side straddle hop

The Main Event

I wasn’t sure what to expect numbers wise but having 10 PAX for the gear portion allowed us all to stay together as one and didn’t require different stations.

The PAX partnered up and we got to work.

Partner 1 flipped the tire 12 times as the timing mechanism.

Partner 2 did front raises with the PVC pipes.

We rinsed and repeated until the time passed.

The next move was to the cinder blocks.  Every HIM was given a cinder block and instructed to carry it from one end of the grassy yard to the other.  At the turn we engaged in ab work.  Initially we alternated between flutter kicks and LBCs.  But after several turns it was decided to do trunk twists in which two men stood back to back passing the cinder block.

We rinsed and repeated until it was decided that our shoulders had been sufficiently tortured.

At this point we did some stuff which has apparently been lost to history.

We finished up the remaining time with a little dealer’s choice before putting away all the gear.

FInished with COT and welcomed FNG Gable.


TClap |

A little ‘game’ of Blackjack @ ‘The Hive’

  • QIC: Hot Sauce
  • When: 08/12/16
  • Pax: Clark Kent, Tess, Long Shanks, CSPAN, Bass-O-Matic, Jerry McGuire, Howlitser, Dog Pound, Air Born, Kielbasa, Bird Cage
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

12 PAX had ~ not only the intention ~ but the direction to roll out of the ‘fart sack’ this lovely AM and arrive at “The Hive” for a little Kettle Bell ‘sting’ this morning.

The Warm-Up:

25 SSH

25 Moroccan Night Clubs (w/ a small, focused ‘twist’)

25 Pterodactyl Circles

25 Imperial Walkers

25 Hill Billy Walkers

25 Peter Parkers

25 Parker Peters

The Thang:

A little game of Black Jack ~ the ‘cards’ consisted of Gobble Squats on the front end….. with Upright rows on the back end…… and a roughly 30 yd mosey in between……

Next on the agenda:

21 Kettle Bell Swings (trying to hold onto the recently made memories of ‘Black Jack’)

21 Figure Eights

11 Plank Rows on the Rt

11 Plank Rows on the Lt

21 American Hammers

‘Sally’ helped up finish out The ‘Thang’ with a little planking for the first verse, 6-inches for the second verse, back to planks for the third verse, and squats for the final verse.

COT: Announcements were made with CSPAN covering it ALL with “read your newsletter” –

We then discussed “Principle of the Path” that states:

Our direction ~ not our intentions ~ determines our destinations

This was then tied into the theme of the month: forgiveness

We should all have the ‘intention’ to live at harmony with those we come in contact with on a daily bases….. be it our ‘M’s , our 2.0’s, our work colleagues, the PAX we work out with…… but what’s our ‘direction’……. how do we resolve conflicts that WILL come about? With gas?….. or…. With water?

Have the direction to use water will help us avoid needing to deal with most of the difficulties associated with forgiveness to being with!!!

Thanks for opening this and reading!

On the journey together,

Hot Sauce ~

TClap |