- QIC: Royale and Witch Hunt
- When: 05/14/2016
- Pax: Cable Guy, Kenyan, Tater
- Posted In: Uncategorized
I was very nervous about getting my first shot to Q at the Deep! I have been very fortunate to Post under the leadership of some great Qs, so I felt obligated to create a workout to live up to there level. I spent a number of days constantly tweaking and changing and there wasnt enough sleep to be had the night before. But the day was here so lets get to it:
The Thang:
Royale got use started with a quick lap around the parking lot with included:
Butt Kickers
High Knees
Knee Pulls
Ankle Pulls
Then a quick mosey to the soccer field for the COP:
Imperial Walkers X15
Merkins X11
Mountain Climbers X15
Moroccan NightClubs X15
Now onto the pain.
We started with a round of Four Corners. Start wtih 20 Freddy Mercurys then:
1st Corner – 10 Pull Ups
Return to center for 20 more Freddy Mercurys
2nd Corner – 30 Wide Arm Merkins
Return to center for 20 more Freddy Mercurys
3rd Corner – 20 Bomb Jacks
Return to center for 20 more Freddy Mercurys
4th Corner – 30 Juming Lunges
Return to center for 20 more Freddy Mercurys
Royale concluded his half with a quick message regrading this months theme of Marriage. He focused on the upcoming Marriage Challenge. Encouraging us to focus on our M’s and to show them the love we have for them by partaking in the 30 day challenge.
Then Royale passes it off to me for the 2nd half.
Ride the Wave: We start with a quick mosey over to a very large and long hill, but at the Deep we dont have Hills we have Waves. And when you see a Wave as large as this one you gotta ride it. We zig-zagged up and down the hill 5 times really testing the legs. The Pax enjoyed it so much we rode it twice.
Following a quick 10 count we moseyed to our next challenge
The Deep: On my recon of The Deep, I found the deepest hill at the AO and a perfect place to meet the Kraken. We would run up and down this hill performing decreasing Kraken burpees (5,4,3,2,1) each time down the hill. Facing the Kraken really tested the Pax but they powered through.
Quick message regarding marriage and Presence. I encouraged the Pax to be more present in there everyday lives to better strengthen their relationship with their M’s by “Giving 100%” and most importantly “Surrounding the Outcome”.
Then a quick mosey to the Tee Ball field.
F3 Baseball: Each base contained a different exercise. Home – Merkins; 1st – Squats; 2nd – LBCs 3rd – SShs. All Pax performed the exercise at the base while one Pax did a lap around the field. When the Pax returned we moved to the next base and another Pax started a lap. Continue until we completed 3 Home Runs.
We followed this by a final homerun performed by bearcrawling to 1st for one one-legged burpee, crab walk to 2nd for two one-legged burpees, crab walk to 3rd for three one-legged burpees and finally bear crawl to Home for four one-legged burpees.
Quick mosey up to the school for final exercise.
Walk the Plank – 6 Plank variations held for :30 seconds. 1st – Push Up Plank; 2nd: Side Arm Plank; 3rd: Front Arm Plank; 4th: Forearm Plank; 5th: Plank Shuffle; 6th: Push up to Forearm Plank
Mosey to COT.
May 21 Fastest 5K
May 21 Cannoli Run – be sure to sign up to support our brother Bolt
Read the newsletter for other important announcements
Prayer Requests
Royale son’s birthday (turns 8) and his 9th anniversary
Thank you to Royale for the encouragement and mentorship to get out there a start Q so early in my F3 journey. It was truly and honor and privilege to be able to lead the Pax through this workout.