Recon “The tavern”

  • QIC: Apache
  • When: 5/19/2016
  • Pax: Posh, Bogey, Blackhawk, Scrappy, Turbine, Burgundy, Torque wrench, Bull, Sgt. York, and YHC
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

One wet gloomy morning 10 brave souls embarked on a recon mission for possibilities of finding new Thursday workout AO in the Rock hill area. Little did we know we would exceed our expectations, and in the process get one heck of beatdown from a true HIM, Posh.

We moseyed around the future AO finding different areas of operation and passing the Q stick from Pax to Pax and still couldn’t cover all the different pain stations this new AO provides…

With that being said, The new AO Site Q will be Posh our very own oldtowne site Q who will be transferring all his beatdown knowledge and leadership to this awsesome AO with unlimited possibilities.
He in turn will be handing over the keys to Monday’s Oldtowne Site to our very own celebrity news anchor Burgundy.. So the oldtowne reparation of being one of the toughest AOs in the region will go on with his leadership

Official Launch 5/26/2016

So come experience this new Thursday AO and get your beatdown fulliment at THE TAVERN

2674 Celanese RD #101, Rock Hill 29732


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  • QIC: Deacon
  • When: 5/18/16
  • Pax: Schrute, Apache, Cool Tables, Cap'n Kangaroo, Little Bear, Scrappy, Whitney, Mayhem, Gandalf, Sling Shot, Hot Sauce, Incoming, Samurai, Water Boy, Torque Wrench, Point Break, Drifter, Tinker Toy, Gage, Chappie, Riddler, Dog Pound, Red Fish
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

24 Pax posted at PHOP today. A couple Pax brought snacks for the Children’s Attention Home. We missed our team goal for snacks so we jump started the workout with 25 Burpees. Accept the challenge of bringing food for the children in our community.

The Thang.

  • COP: SSH (30x), IW (20x), WM (15x), Fast Squats (15x), MC (20x), Parker Peters (15x) and Dying Coach (15x).
  • Mosey to a corner of the building for pyramids at each station/corner of the church with Heels to Heavens, Diamond Merkins, Donkey Kicks in increments of 5 until you hit 15 repetitions then countdown to 5 as a group. Run to each station.
  • Mosey to the parking lot next to the church for a partner drill. One partner runs to the end of the parking lot and back while the other does reps LBCs, Wide Arm Merkins and Freddie Mercuries until 200 of each exercise is complete.
  • COP: Scorpions (7x each side), Pepper Grinders (15x) and Extreme Moroccan Night Clubs (15x).


One of the purposes of our lives is to build God’s kingdom. This objective is difficult to attain when we choose to stay in our comfort zones. Our comfort zones are the lifeboats that we cling onto when we’re flooded with life’s challenges.

Are you too complacent in the comforts of your lifeboat? Paul instructed soldiers to lose their lifeboats in Acts 27: 27 – 32.

Do we forget that others in our community are drowning in issues and gasping for air?

Get out of your lifeboat and build God’s kingdom.

#NoComfortZone  # NoLifeboat

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Thunder Dome Recon

  • QIC: Catfish
  • When: 05/17/2016
  • Pax: Pelé, Bogey, Blackhawk, Hot Sauce, Apache, The Chaser, CSPAN, Birdcage, Clark Kent, Leg Breaker
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

Well – It’s that time again, Eagles Nest has become #Problematic and it’s time to add a new AO to the Rock Hill F3 quill. The #ExplorationCommittee completed form #390 and had the #GrowthAndPlanningCommittee review said form. After several back and forth’s a solid plan was in place. YHC & Bogey set a date with the concrete parking lot, got Apache started on our marketing campaign and away we went!

10 strong #HIMs joined YHC for a few minutes of tabata with a KB, dumbbell, homemade KB’s & CSPAN’s newest back scratcher. Bogey wrapped us up with #22Merkins to bring awareness to soldiers fighting demons most of us will never know and exploration of the AO – including some hills, a little time on the wall, a few burpees, a trip to #TractorSupply for some wheelbarrows and a very quick #5MinsOfMary.

COT included requests to lift up Packages father, Popeye’s mom, my M, friends fighting cancer (#CancerSucks) and I’m sure there are several I’ve forgotten.


What an honor to help lead a new AO for this region. The growth seen in RH over the past year has been great! It’s a blast being a part of it! I appreciate all that posted this morning!


Catfish … out!

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bear crawl burpee beat down

  • QIC: drifter
  • When: 5/17/2016
  • Pax: drifter,realtree,chappie,snoopdog,turbine,bull,royal,wich hunt,legoland,dry dock,high pockets, dabo,redwood,rhinestone,joedirt,energizer,tater,broteinshake
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

started off a little different this morning ,, instead of the normal warm up, we  jumped straight into a 1 mile mossy which is out of the norm for me.. fat guys arnt suppose to run..  after a quick breather and a few words about second chances, we mossyed across the street to the library parking lot where we commenced to do 25 burpees an bear crawl to the next light pole all the way down the parking lot.. for a grand total of 110 burpees and about 100 yards of crawling, back to the ao for a quick ab lab , and the cot

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Eagles Nest: THE BIG SHOW Knock Down!

  • QIC: The Riddler
  • When: 05/17/2016
  • Pax: The Riddler, Italian Job, Schrute, Pistol, SGT YORK, BURR, Little BEAR, Van Wilder, Voyt, JAGG, Dream House, Reborn, Roxanne, Fusion, Burgundy, Dawg Pound, Incoming, Water Boy, Torque Wrench, Mayhem, Gandalf, Choir Boy,
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

Great showing from a great group of guys. It’s always fun to lead, even after being in and out with injuries it’s something I never want to miss.

Warm Up
SSH – 28
Mountain Climbers – 21
Low Slow Squats – 14

The Thang
Mosey over to Winthrop Fountain
SSH – 21
Mountain Climbers – 28
Low Slow Squats – 21

Mosey over to Winthrop Courtyard
SSH – 14
Mountain Climbers – 14
Low Slow Squats – 7

Mosey over to “Big Show” Amphitheater
SSH – 7
Mountain Climbers – 7
Low Slow Squats – 7

Split into Two Groups
Group One Runs “The Big Show”
On One Side Do 7 Squats, other side do 7 Merkins all the way to the top

Group Two Runs the Main Campus Courtyard Giant Lap
First Lap Seven Squats
Second Lap Seven Merkins
So on and so forth until team one reaches the top

Switch Activities group one takes Courtyard Run, Team two takes on “The Big Show”

Mosey on Back to COT

Dynamic Stretching that I learned from Sasquatch, who is an amazing #HIM in case you did not know.

I spoke to Marriages as we continue in the 30 day marriage challenge of honoring our spouses.
I referenced Ecclesiastes 4:12 A Strand of Three Cords is not Easily Broken.
Remember to seek God as a couple as he is that third strand. Lean on him in the good times and the bad, and together seek him.
In order to be a better father be a great Husband to your wife, they live through your example.

F3 Rock Hill is growing fast, and with that comes new AO’s and new leaders. Over the next few months stretch yourselves. You will be called on to lead in F3, as you are called to do already in your daily life. Schrute and Italian Job spoke to this and how we can continue seeking to reach our community. We grow like a starfish, when one tentacle splits, it creates a brand new starfish. Be prepared to grow and do it with some great #HIM’s along the way.

Children’s Attention Home is in need of more Male Leaders, continue to bring snacks out to the AO’s for the rest of the week. We had 117 snacks/drinks this morning!


Hog and Coyote – 6/18

Check your email for additional announcements and details

Riddler Out!

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Blind Date

  • QIC: Burgundy
  • When: 5/16/16
  • Pax: Gandalf, Van Wilder, Incoming, Reborn, Mayhem, Water Boy, Bill Nye, Schrute, Tinker Toy, Whitney (?), JAG, Pistol, Full House
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

Continuing on “The Marriage” theme we got into groups of two and you had to partner with someone who you don’t know and haven’t met and/or aren’t on the same page fitness wise. This is to help meet more PAX and push each other hard.

In the group of two you had to do merkins that add up 500 (so 500 merkins between two guys)

After 5 minutes we circled up and we did 25 SSH, 25 Mountain Climbers, 25 LBC’s, 25 Moroccan Nightclubs

Then we got with a new PAX (same rules applied as above) and you had to continue to do merkins that add up to 500

After 3 minutes we circled up and did 25 SSH, 25 Toy Soldiers, 25 Hello Dolly, 25 Imperial Walkers

We did 3 rounds of an Indian Run on the top deck of a parking lot. Wanted to find a running exercise where everyone could stay together and not get left behind.

“Hurricane” of Merkins. We circled up and did the sundial merkin (each PAX holds a plank and with their legs in the middle and you walk your hands around to 3, 6, 9 and 12 doing a merkin at each one). We listened to the song Rock You Like a Hurricane” by the German rock band Scorpions and each time they said Hurricane you moved your hands to the 3, 6, 9 & 12 position doing a merkin. Remember Hurricane season begins June 1st!

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The things I Dislike

It was great to see all the cars pulling in on such a hot and humid morning.  I haven’t lead 22 PAX in a long time, must be spring/summer.  I hope to see you all out there this winter when it’s 30 degrees, this is really my favorite time to post.   That’s really when you get to know a lot of the guys and really dig into the 2nd and 3rd F’s.  A short disclaimer and we took a short mosey over to the soccer field for warm up.

Carolina Dry Docks IC

Windmill IC

Morracan Night Clubs IC

We did a series of butt kickers, high knees, and karaoke on the way to the playground.

At the playground we counted off in 2’s and completed 3 series of exercises.

1’s 10 Pull ups while 2’s completed derkins. We completed 3 series of these

1’s 10 pull ups and 2’s 20 swing crunches. 3 series of these

1’s 10 toe ups and 2’s 20 squats. Only 2 series of these

So, I have started pushing myself to do things that I dislike not only in F3 but in everyday life.  Something has to be said for trying to reach out of my comfort zone and learn something new or get better at something you dislike.

That being said we did around a 40 yard burpee broad jump across the parking lot.  I also dislike pull ups, toe ups, derkins, and swing crunches.

I thought we would end the workout with some interval training since the Fast 5 is coming up so we stayed in our groups and ran around the carpool lane pushing our selves to run as fast as possible knowing we would have a recovery lap after we finished.  Completed 4 laps total, 2 fast and 2 slow. Great job all and it was a pleasure to lead the Ranch again this morning. Thanks Spider Man.


Fast 5 at Fort Mill High School. Sign up!!

24 Hours of Booty Fundraiser to kick cancers butt. This is a great way to contribute to finding a cure for cancer and I know everyone has a story to share.  WE NEED YOUR HELP So please see me, Spider Man, or Sir Topham Hat for more information on donating or riding to kick cancer.

Bring drinks and snacks to your AO’s to donate to children.

Prayers and Praises:

To F3 Olive for the loss of his 8 year old daughter suddenly.

Smokey’s family and daughter

Praise to Sasquatch’s Mom for winning the Leader of the year in Mental Health Award in NY. There is only one award giving yearly so T-Claps to Sasquatch’s Mom!

Prayers to Senator Tressels father in-law and a quick recovery from the fall and pneumonia.

“I do it myself”



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Win a big prize for your Fast 5 team

I am sure many of you will remember the short story from high school called The Lottery.


It’s about a town who every year held a lottery.  Suspense built as the reader was kept in the dark as to the prize until the end – when the ‘winner’ was stoned to death by the rest of the townspeople.


What does this have to do with the Fast 5?


Anchorman has (shockingly!) not been asked to join a team, and since he’s one of the organizers of this whole thing we felt that was a tragedy.




When you show up next Saturday you’ll be given a ticket.  If your ticket is picked, you don’t run and Anchorman takes your place.


Have you ever wanted to not win so much in your life?



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VQ at the Deep! Death to SadClown

  • QIC: Royale and Witch Hunt
  • When: 05/14/2016
  • Pax: Cable Guy, Kenyan, Tater
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

I was very nervous about getting my first shot to Q at the Deep! I have been very fortunate to Post under the leadership of some great Qs, so I felt obligated to create a workout to live up to there level. I spent a number of days constantly tweaking and changing and there wasnt enough sleep to be had the night before.  But the day was here so lets get to it:

The Thang:

Royale got use started with a quick lap around the parking lot with included:
Butt Kickers
High Knees
Knee Pulls
Ankle Pulls

Then a quick mosey to the soccer field for the COP:

Imperial Walkers X15
Merkins X11
Mountain Climbers X15
Moroccan NightClubs X15

Now onto the pain.

We started with a round of Four Corners.  Start wtih 20 Freddy Mercurys then:
1st Corner – 10 Pull Ups
Return to center for 20 more Freddy Mercurys
2nd Corner – 30 Wide Arm Merkins
Return to center for 20 more Freddy Mercurys
3rd Corner – 20 Bomb Jacks
Return to center for 20 more Freddy Mercurys
4th Corner – 30 Juming Lunges
Return to center for 20 more Freddy Mercurys

Royale concluded his half with a quick message regrading this months theme of Marriage. He focused on the upcoming Marriage Challenge. Encouraging us to focus on our M’s and to show them the love we have for them by partaking in the 30 day challenge.

Then Royale passes it off to me for the 2nd half.

Ride the Wave: We start with a quick mosey over to a very large and long hill, but at the Deep we dont have Hills we have Waves. And when you see a Wave as large as this one you gotta ride it. We zig-zagged up and down the hill 5 times really testing the legs. The Pax enjoyed it so much we rode it twice.

Following a quick 10 count we moseyed to our next challenge

The Deep:  On my recon of The Deep, I found the deepest hill at the AO and a perfect place to meet the Kraken. We would run up and down this hill performing decreasing Kraken burpees (5,4,3,2,1) each time down the hill. Facing the Kraken really tested the Pax but they powered through.

Quick message regarding marriage and Presence. I encouraged the Pax to be more present in there everyday lives to better strengthen their relationship with their M’s by “Giving 100%” and most importantly “Surrounding the Outcome”.

Then a quick mosey to the Tee Ball field.

F3 Baseball: Each base contained a different exercise. Home – Merkins; 1st – Squats; 2nd – LBCs 3rd – SShs. All Pax performed the exercise at the base while one Pax did a lap around the field. When the Pax returned we moved to the next base and another Pax started a lap. Continue until we completed 3 Home Runs.

We followed this by a final homerun performed by bearcrawling to 1st for one one-legged burpee, crab walk to 2nd for two one-legged burpees, crab walk to 3rd for three one-legged burpees and finally bear crawl to Home for four one-legged burpees.

Quick mosey up to the school for final exercise.

Walk the Plank – 6 Plank variations held for :30 seconds. 1st – Push Up Plank; 2nd: Side Arm Plank; 3rd: Front  Arm Plank; 4th: Forearm Plank; 5th: Plank Shuffle; 6th: Push up to Forearm Plank

Mosey to COT.

May 21 Fastest 5K
May 21 Cannoli Run – be sure to sign up to support our brother Bolt
Read the newsletter for other important announcements

Prayer Requests
Royale son’s birthday (turns 8) and his 9th anniversary

Thank you to Royale for the encouragement and mentorship to get out there a start Q so early in my F3 journey. It was truly and honor and privilege to be able to lead the Pax through this workout.


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Bull VQ – What a Hit!!

  • QIC: Bull
  • When: 05/13/16
  • Pax: Stang!, Hot Sauce, Dream House, Fusion, Mayflower, Posh, Waterboy, Pistol, Gauge, Sawdust, Voit, samurai, Gandalf, Reborn, Shrute, Burr, Whitney, Smokewagon, Slingshot, Bill Nye, Catfish, Dogpound, Bogey, Mayhem, Fullhouse, Italian Job
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

Friday the 13th theme.  Ssh 13 count in cadence.  Merkin cadence 13 count.  Night clubs 13 count in cadence.  Mosey.  13 frog jumps single.  13 Russian twists cadence.  13 imperial Walker squats in cad.   Mosey.  13 single dragon crawls.  Al gore 13 count x 2.   Mosey to Yolk walk with pain sticks.   100 curls in ag.  100 tricep ext in aggregate.  100 squats in agg.   Mosey to wall.  13 count with partner x 2 sets.   Seal sit-ups.  Protractor.   Box cutter.  Lbcc.  Canoe/boat. Drop the Mic!

What a great Workout!

P.S. Dreamhouse lost his cookies – way to go Bull

Pray for world peace, hunger and all the unspokens.

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