The Fort – Crush Cancer – 24 Hours of Booty call to the PAX

Beat Cancer (Ways to Get Involved)

  1. Join our team – Instructions below
  2. Donate:
  3. Come to the June 1st Pink to Drink event – Team sponsored Fundraising event at OMB and Sugar Creek breweries.  Trust me, it is an awesome time!

What is this thing?

Cerrano, Sir Topham Hat and I have been riding in the 24 Hours of Booty for years.  First it was in honor of Sir Topham Hat’s brother in law Johnathan Tisdale who lost his fight with cancer when he was far too young.  For the past 3 years we have been riding with Team LibStrong in honor of Libby Jones, the daughter of one our closest friends Josh and Barb Jones.  Libby lost her fight with cancer shortly before her 3rd birthday after battling for 14 months.  Last year we combined our team with Drew’s Crew, in honor of Drew Slocum, the son of Wes and Amanda Slocum who also lost his fight with cancer when he was very young.  We did this for a number of reasons, to honor both Libby and Drew but also because there is strength in numbers.  This combined team made a huge statement last year as we raised over $100K and were the #2 fundraising team for the whole event.

So what is the 24 Hours of Booty.  It is a 24 hour cycling event on July 29-30 that runs from 7pm to 7pm.  What it is not is the Tour De France.  You can ride one 2.8 mile lap or you can target 100 miles.  It is all up to you how much you want to ride.  The purpose is to show up to send a message to cancer and raise funds for those on the front lines of this war.

We are at war with cancer.  If there was ever a reason to lock shields, this is it.  We are looking to grow our team and our impact even more this year.  This is the kind of thing F3 PAX should be lining up to participate in.  Please consider joining our team.

  • What: 24 Hours of Booty
  • Who: You  on a bike after raising some money ($1000 per rider is very easy to raise)
  • When: July 29-30 7pm to 7pm
  • Where:  Booty Loop in South CLT


  1. Select Charlotte
  2. Select Join a Team
  3. Type Team LIBSTRONG/Drew’s Crew

Can’t wait to see you all out there!!!


TClap |

Man U VQ

  • QIC: Reborn
  • When: 04/21/16
  • Pax: Van Wilder, Italian Job, Popeye, Riddler, Deacon, Schrute, Catfish, Radar, Water Boy, Bull, FNG-Cool Table
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

YHC had the pleasure of sharing a workout with a great group of PAX this morning at Man U. The PAX of F3 have been a great encouragement to me and my family since I began just a little over two months ago. It has been a blessing to see all of the others get stronger physically and spiritually through the leadership of other PAX and SkyQ. In saying that, here we go.


Circle Up at AO
25 SSH. IC.
25 In place Toy Soldiers.
Outward soccer kicks OYO
Inward soccer kicks OYO
15 Slow Windmills


Mosey around Manchester Parking Lot (including some high knees and butt kicks) to Favorite Fountain

20 Irkins IC
25 Dips IC
20 Derkins IC

20 Reverse Lunges IC
15 Merkins IC
20 Reverse Lunges (Other leg) IC

Mosey back to Manchester Parking Lot
Line up along curb an perform exercises from row to row of parking.
1-Walking Lunges, Side Shuffle, Walking Lunges, Side Shuffle (Opposite Direction)
2-Burpie Broad Jumps, Light Jog, Burpie Broad Jumps, Light Jog.
3-High Knees, Karaoke, High Knees, Karaoke (Opposite Direction).
4-Bunny Hops to 1st Row, 2 Double Burpies, Bunny Hops to 2nd Row, 2 Double Burpies, Light Jog to Curb.

Circle Up.
25 Jump Squats OYO
5-Corn Cobs [Start in plank, Slide upper body to left w/out moving hands, drop to 6″, slide body to right holding 6″, push up to plank, then reverse = 1] (In honor of Tinker Toy)
25 Jump Squats OYO
5-Corn Cobs

Mosey to Grab Some Wall of Manchester
People’s Chair
Hands Up – Slow 10 count
Lower an Inch
Hands Out – Slow 10 count

BTTW w/10 Derkins OYO

People’s Chair
Hands Up – Slow 10 count
Lower an Inch
Hands Out – Slow 10 count

BTTW at 45 degree angle w/10 Derkins OYO

Mosey around Manchester Parking Lot back to Moe’s Parking Lot


25-Boxcutter IC
6″ for 30 seconds
25-Dollys IC
6″ for 30
Recover on 6

25 Rosalitas IC
6″ for 45 seconds
Protractor for 1 Minute
Superman w/Paratrooper Pulls

Circle Up for stretch
Right Over Left
Left Over Right
Right foot lunge forward & hold; Place both arms to the left of your forward leg with hands on ground & hold; Keep left hand on ground and lift right arm into air stretching back & hold (Thanks Sasquatch).
Repeat w/other leg.


FNG Intro and Naming. Welcome Cool Table.


* Come-See-Me Second F Tailgate. Saturday, 4/23 from 3:00 until after fireworks.
* Q Training at Eagle’s Nest and Petra next week at 4:45 both days.
* Children’s Attention Home Event. 4/30 at 16:00.
* MudRun 4/30 in Gaston SC. Still time to sign up
* Law Enforcement Special Olympics Torch 5K Run. Friday, May 6 at 8:00 at Cherry Park. Free (Can purchase a T-Shirt for $12).
* Suck It Up Buttercup – 5/7 @ Old Town AO. More details coming.
* F3 Dads – 5/14 Night at the Knights with your 2.0s.
* Fastest 5K – 5/21 get your teams together now.
* Hog and Coyote – 6/18. More details coming.
* Check your email for additional announcements and details.

Prayer Requests:

* Popeye’s Mother – Possible Cancer. Will have biopsy done soon.
* Riddler – Has biopsy procedure scheduled for Friday at 8:00 for a spot on his leg.
* Water Boy – Family members who are and have been battling cancer and other issues.
* Deacon – Cousin who is struggling.
* Those who were not with us.

Once again, thanks men for joining me for my first full Q. Fantastic Mumble Chatter throughout.
Quoted from Italian Job: “Remember if you want the world to change, it has to start with you, your home, and your kids. Trust the Sky Q, if you want a piece, keep the peace (thanks, Walker), and spend time with who really matters…your 2.0s” and your Ms.
Great work PAX!

TClap |

Chop, Chop, Chop, DOWN

  • QIC: Chaser
  • When: 04/20/16
  • Pax: Apache, Schrute, Tinker Toy, Chappie, Riddler, Royale, Hot Sauce, Hot Pockets, Dry Dock, Sgt. York, Drifter, Nunchuck, Bill Nye, Waterboy,
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

YHC was humbled to be asked to lead PHOP once again. Always a special place in my heart for this AO as well as the #HIM that it is named after. Apache promised a good crowd with a healthy mix of Rock Hillionaires and Yorkies and he delivered. 15 men attacked got up early to be with their fellow Pax and put in some work in the Gloom…here’s what they got:


Slow mosey around the campus with high knees, butt kickers, etc.
10 WM
Plank series
20 SSH

THE THANG – Count off by 5. Report to your numbered stations for 2 min of AMRAP

1) Deep squats touching the ground then exploding up into a jump;
2) Burpee Box (Tire) Jumps onto a tractor tire;
3) Rolling Thunder on the front drive;
4) Peoples Chair while passing and overhead pressing a 45lb sandbag;
5) Burpee Broad Jumps across the grass and up the hill;

Cycle through all 5 and then RINSE & REPEAT

— Side note…at one point during the above someone who will remain nameless (although, he will never remain quiet…), mentioned that this was a nice little slow burn. First, there is nothing wrong with a good slow burn but that, however, was not YHC’s intention. At this point I reminded everyone that with a timed AMRAP, it is truly “You against You”…you can do 2 Burpee Box Jumps in 2 minutes or you can do 50 Burpee Box Jumps in 2 minutes. You control the burn. Also, YHC had a little something planned that would change the game a bit.

THE NEXT THANG – Circle up in the field

1) Circle of Merkins – 2 rounds
2) Up/Down Burpee Drill – circle up and chop your feet in place, when the Q says “Down,” drop and do a Burpee back up into the chop.
3) 20 Maktar Kneeji
4) Up/Down Burpee Drill
5) 20 Maktar Ninji
6) Up/Down Burpee Drill

How’s that slow burn feeling now??

Mosey over to the parking lot for some Mary…plus

1) LBCs x 50 (double count)
2) Up/Down Burpee Drill
3) Freddy Mercury x 50 (double Count)

Stick the landing at 0600.

FANTASTIC group that worked up a good sweat this morning and did not cheat themselves in the AMRAP. The excitement of the York group reminds me of Rock Hill not too long ago. Rock Hill has grown from a off-shoot from across the River to a force to be reckoned with in the greater Region. York is well primed to do the same.

Announcements and Prayers said and unsaid were lifted up. And remember, we may not know what path we will be put on or where it will lead but if we trust our faith – we will conquer whatever obstacles are there and find Glory on the other end.

TClap |

PRE BLAST Apache’s 1 year anniversary Oldtowne Q 4/25/16

  • QIC: Apache
  • When: 4/25/16
  • Pax: All Pax from the region for #Himship and brotherhood at the oldtowne AO clowncars welcome. Leaders leading leaders thru the streets of Rockhill
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

Believe it or not it’s been one year sense joining this life changing and positive force that has taken my life by storm.
The f3nation has made me happy healthy and humbled in ways I never new.
With that being said I have been honored with having the Q on Monday 4/25. Which is my f3nation anniversary.
At the one and only Oldtowne AO. So save the date and bring the clowncars to the downtown of Rockhill.
Double money back guarantee.

The Brothership, The Theater, and The new and improved StairMaster will be in full force. ♦

So save the date. 4/25 Monday oldtowne AO

TClap |

Fort Mill Care Center – F3 Lawn Care Service (Weekly)

Pax — We have an opportunity to serve those serving others via the FM Care Center. Last summer, a number of us (and 2.0’s) provided lawn service and they have asked us for help again.

The Thang:

FM Care Center
2760 Old Nation Rd.

Mow, weed, blow

Can use 4-5 guys each Saturday, typically at 0900, 60-90 minutes tops, bring cooler for 2nd F.


TClap |

Backblast – Come See Me 5k/Half Marathon

  • QIC: F3 Rock Hill
  • When: 04/16/16
  • Pax: Schrute, Burgundy, Cheeto, Winchester, Van Wilder, Water Boy, Bill Nye, Samurai, Smoke Wagon, Beaker, Reborn, Choir Boy, The Riddler
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

Thirteen of Rock Hill’s best showed up and showed out at the Come See Me road races Saturday. For those of you that don’t know, Come See Me is Rock Hill’s Annual spring festival held each April.

The camraderie among the F3 Rock Hill Pax was incredible. Each man was out there trying to help his brother push himself to do a little better. The 5k was an out and back, so each Pax was cheering on his brothers as they passed. As some of the 5k runners left, they passed the half runners coming in and were cheering them on. This race was truly a testiment to Iron Sharpens Iron.

Some Highlights:
Burgundy (who else) finished 3rd overall and 1st in the 35-39 Age Group with a blistering time of 20:27
Cheeto finished 7th overall and 2nd in the 35-39 Age Group with another blistering time of 20:59
Schrute (YHC) finished 16th overall and 3rd in the 35-39 Age Group with a PR of 22:29
Winchester finished 17th overall and 2nd in the 30-34 Age Group with a time of 22:40
Smoke Wagon finished 3rd in the 25-29 Age Group. (his 2.0 was flying too!)
Bill Nye and Water Boy both ran PRs. Water Boy finished his first 5k in just over 31 minutes!
Samurai and Van Wilder did strong work on a tough course. Both continue to amaze me as they get better daily.

The strong work by @F3RockHill continued in the Half Marathon.
Beaker finished 2nd overall and first in the 25-29 Age Group with a blistering time of 1:30:06
Reborn won the master’s division of the Half Marathon and finished 7th overall with another super fast time of 1:37:06
Choir Boy won the 45-49 Age Group with a time of 1:56:00
The Riddler (in his first half marathon) finished 3rd in the 25-29 Age Group with a time of 1:59:43.

This also means that all @F3RockHill runners in the Half Marathon broke the 2 hour mark. Strong Work!

All of the above is a testament to the hard work that each Pax gives each day. Each man who posts has a hand in these results, whether they ran in this race or not. We all are better together. So let’s keep working hard and making each other better physically, spiritually, and as men.

Schrute out!

TClap |

Rock Hill Anniversary Convergence – 1st Annual Suck It Up Butter Cup

  • When: 5/7/2015
  • Pax: F3 Rock Hill, F3 The Fort, F3 York, F3 Indian Land, F3 Tega Cay, F3 Lake Wylie and any other Pax who wish to participate
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

In May of 2014, the Pax of The Fort embarked on the mission of bringing F3 to Rock Hill. Over the past two years the area has grown to include an AO seven days a week and members of the Rock Hill Pax have started to spread the mission of F3 through expansions to new areas. Rock Hill has truly embraced the mission of F3. So now it is time to both celebrate and continue that momentum by introducing the 1st Annual Suck It Up Buttercup!

On May 7th at 7am we will gather at the Old Town AO site (parking lot behind Wells Fargo Building E Main Street RH) to celebrate our 2nd Anniversary and introduce the 1st Annual Suck It Up Buttercup. This event will consist several pain stations along a course style run through the Old Town site and include the parking deck better knows as The Hot Box. Laps will be made throughout the course until a horn blows which will signal time for a jail break back to the COT.

Following the event we will have breakfast at Five and Dime located at 1464 E Main Street Rock Hill SC.

Come out and show your support. Start EHing an FNG for this event.

TClap |

PHOP York takeover Burpee Challenge

  • QIC: Drifter, Apache
  • When: 4/13/16
  • Pax: Hot Pockets, Sergeant York, Numb-chuck, Pistol, Italian Job, Dry Dock, Drifter, Apache, Waterboy, Van Wilder, Schrute, Bill NyE, Lego Land, Dabo, Red Wood, Tinker Toy, Hot Sauce, Chappie, Orvis, FNG Slugger
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

When you challenge The Thrill at PHOP founded by Burpee King Himself Padre we show up prepared! As you’ll see below we had an impressive showing from both Rock Hill and York!

Warm Up
Dynamic stretches
Moroccan night clubs

Mosey over to Otherside of church

Powerful Message from Drifter about the change he has seen in himself since F3. Guy has lost 20 pounds in the last few months! He gave a testimony to the fact that guys need F3. He gave praise to the Lord for providing this group as an outlet for all men.

The Thang
Side shuffles back and forth
Walking Lieutenant Dans
High Knees back
Jumping Jack Hops across(can’t remember the name he gave this one)
Then Dragon Crawl Back

Passed over the Apache who split the groups up based on York VS Rock Thrill

The thrill had 10
York had 9 with an FNG
Lake Wylie had 1! Great to see the commitment to the York Crew.

“With that being said” we all did 20 burpees OYO. No man gets left behind.

Mosey back across the church lawn

Apache spilt us into a mixed group, we are all apart of the same team in F3!

One group perform various workouts
Tire Flips
Weighted American Hammers

Other grouped played four corners
First Corner 5 burpees
Second 10 burpees
Third 5 burpees
Fourth 10 burpees

Team two passes off to team one doing the activities while team one completed four corners.

After that we circled Up
Staggered Merkins Right Arm
Seal Jacks

Apache passed the lead off to several guys to which called the following:

Hello Dollies
Corn Husk(Wide Arm Merkin, On down push chest to the right, return up, the switch) PAINFUL Thanks Tinker Toy!
Captain Thor
Smurf Jack(Jumping Jacks in squat long position)

Apache finished us up with
Left arm staggered merkins(never held a count as long as that before at six inches!)

Started with our FNG Tim Melton, great guy WELCOME SLUGGER!

Prayers And Praise
Tinker Toys Pastor, at Fort Mill Baptist just lost his wife to pancreatic cancer after a year long battle.

One Pax wife has a surgery today be praying for healing hand and the Lord with the doctors performing the operation.

All the injured Pax who are not able to make it out, and those participating in the Come See Me half and 5k.

Lots of praise in the group for things the Lord is doing in them and through us.

Tinker Toy did the whole workout on one leg which is Amazing! When I grow up I want to be that guy. Talk about active recovery!

So many great things coming out of this group. To have 21 pax show up to PHOP is super impressive. York guys just keep getting better and better. We are better leaders and followers having so many #HIM through our region. Keep up the great work to all of you!

Come See Me 5K, half marathon, and fun run this Saturday

3rd F Convergence this Friday at Eternal Church in Fort Mill (behind Zaxby’s on 160)

MudRun 4/30 in Gaston SC. Still time to sign up

Fastest 5K – 5/21 get your teams together now

F3 Dads – 5/14 Night at the Knights with your 2.0s

Hog and Cayote – 6/18

More details to come about Come See Me tailgate

More details to come about Suck It Up Buttercup – 5/7

Check your email for additional announcements and details

Riddler Out!

TClap |

Preblast – Come See Me Tailgate

  • QIC: Schrute, Italian Job, Catfish
  • When: 04/23/16
  • Pax: All Pax of Rock Hill, York, The Fort, etc
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

Please join the Pax of Rock Hill as we join together for some 2nd F action out at the Come See Me Tailgate on April 23rd at Winthrop Lake starting at 3 PM and lasting to approximately 10 PM. Come out and help us HC some #sadclowns. M’s and 2.0’s are welcome as well.

Details: Come See Me Tailgate Party

What do I need to know?

Location: Winthrop Lake

Admission is $5.00 per adult (valid ID required, cash only) Under 21 is free

Parking is $5.00 per car in Winthrop Parking areas beside the Coliseum

Entertainment starts at 3:30 and lasts til 9. Fireworks will happen sometime after 9. Come whenever you’d like and leave whenever you’d like.

What we need:

One or two tailgating tents (depends on the number of Pax who HC)

BYOB (do keep in mind that the website states no glass)

Tailgating food to share with all

A couple of tailgating tables

Bring your own chair (this is a tailgate, after all!)

HC to Schrute, Catfish, or Italian Job with number of family members present so we can prepare when we set up the area.

We’ll likely stake out our area right after the post Patriot Coffeeteria, (waiting on word from organizers when they will begin to let folks set up). We’ll tweet out the location of our tailgate once we figure that out.

I’m sure there’s more info to come–just wanted to get some basics out there!


TClap |

York recon “The Trinity” mission complete

  • QIC: Real tree site Q
  • Pax: Yhc, Highpockets, Redwood, Nunchuck, LEGOLAND, Chappie, Drydock, and Drift
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

Its been my honor in helping the guys of York set up their AO’s and becoming a brother in the gloom. Sharpening Iron and pushing that rock with becoming better and better together daily.

With that being said. We had 10 brothers of #himship running the streets of York this gloomy rainy with Real tree Site Q leading us on mosey around York for different stops along the way, with several pain station with each pax giving input of pain. Bear crawls, Merkins, and  bomb jacks along the way…

With the crowd pleasure monkey humbers at the end for the passing traffic>>>

God bless the citizens of downtown!!! York F3 Trinity AO is officially launched…

Aye!!!! Apache

TClap |