Not the Burpee Beast, but…

Mosey to the front of the school for YHC’s V-broga Q.  ~10 mins, saved some time for the some additional broga at the end of the workout
PAX asked to pair up at the bottom of the hill (exit road to Springfield Pkwy).  PAX 1 was the timer and ran a suicide of 3 light poles up the hill. PAX 2 completed AMRAP merkins during the run to/from light pole 1, squats during the run to pole 2, and big boy sit-ups during the run to pole 3.  Switch.  Rinse and repeat.

Next, we moved to the soccer field and found some tires, so we flipped them for a bit (2 flips of the tire per PAX then keep rotating through the line.  ~20yds down and back)

Then, lined up on the sideline of the field.  Burpee broad jump across the field, run up and down the staircase to no where 2x, then bear crawl across the field.  Some more bear crawls and some bomb jacks mixed in before finishing out the Thang with a few sprints, followed by some cool down broga.

Nothing specific today, besides the big boys during the Thang!
10yr events, upcoming charity shoot, bourbon tasting…read your newsletter
COT: 7 HIM challenged themselves and got better today. Keep getting after it!

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Audible – because there are bars!

Mosey to elementary school and did the standard:
10 Windmills IC

Because there are pull up bars, we did 11’s with merkins at bottom of hill and pull ups at the top. Some finished, some didn’t. All worked for the 30min BC.

Moseyed to track for broga. It was dark, which was beneficial. Cannot, with certainty, describe how this went.

MARY: who?

Iron Pax Challenge, 10 year events, read your newsletter.

Stays in COT.

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Cadence Burpees were a HIT!

WARMUP: SSH, Windmills Merkins Squats Imperial Walkers
THE THANG: 4 Corners- Starfish w cadence Burpees, 100 yd Merkins and Jump squats every 10 yds. Finish on 50 yd line w flutters.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Community Svc events Mens Bethel Dinner / trash pick up and the CSAUP.

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Boot THEN Broga

WARMUP: SSH, Peter Parker, Parker Peter, Plank Holds, Side Planks
Mosey to elementary school horseshoe.
Use awning poles as markers.
Bear crawl, stop and do 2 merkins at each
Lunge walk, stop and do 2 squats at each
Crab walk, stop and do 1 burpee at each
Squat and lunge iso holds plus pulses

Mosey to pull up bars.
5 – 10 – 15 Pull Ups / Merkins / Squats
Mosey down to stop sign and back
AMRAP 10 Minutes

Broga for fifteen
Chair, breathing cues, boat, pigeon.

MARY: Who?
ANNOUNCEMENTS: 3 x Birthday Q at The Fort tomorrow!
COT: prayers for school picking back up, for our children to not be influenced by the wrong things.
For JB the AD at NaFo and his recovery from motorcycle accident.
Harry Carey’s 2.0 off to college – pray for he and his M as they deal with the change, too.

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The Merkabet

Broga warmup flow with Sasquatch
20 Merkins, 10 BBS, 20 Squats at 10 lightpoles around the parking lot.
Total – 200 Merkins, 100 BBS, 200 Squats
(Regular, Diamond, Skinny, Wide, Staggered R, Staggered L, Right Arm Out, Left Arm Out, Carolina Dry Dock, Regular)
ABC’s of Abs – On your 6/back spell out each capital letter of the alphabet with your legs) called out each letter around the group.
Sawdust flying to Brazil
Marty Birds son lost a tooth
Spectre clarity on home buying process

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Tabatas w/ Cindy

WARMUP: BandCamp warmed us up well with Broga, so it was SSH in Cadence x 25 and we were ready.
THE THANG: Took the Tabata theme I Q’d earlier in the week @ Bushwood to Varsity. Sorry Bobber. Since we were at Varsity thought what the hell, let’s throw in exercises with Cindy.

1 Tabata Round = 3 different exercises, 2 sets of each exercise backtoback, and then 1 set of each exercise all the way through for a total of 9 sets. 30 secs on and 10secs of rest = 4 1/2 min of exercise w/ 1 1/2 min of rest.
In between Tabata rounds we went to the pull up bars to monkey around. The flow is below:

1st Tabata Round
1st Exercise: CurltoCleantoPress with Cindy
2nd Exercise: Dead Lifts w/ 3 Rows completed at the bottom of the dead lift before coming back up with Cindy
3rd Exercise: Alt. forward lunge with a full rotational twist ( twist to both sides while holding the lunge position ) with Cindy

1st Pull Up Bar Routine – Challenge to the PAX was to complete the routine without coming off the bar.
1 Pull up – 1 Knee to Chest
1 Pull up – 2 Knees to Chest
1 Pull up – 3 Knees to Chest
1 Pull up – 4 Knees to Chest
1 Pull up – 5 Knees to Chest
1 Pull up
Completed 2 Rounds of the above.

2nd Tabata Round
1st Exercise: Kraken Man Makers – Man Maker performed with 3 block merkins.
2nd Exercise: BigBoy Situp into an American Hammer with Cindy ( At the apex of your BigBoy Situp complete an American Hammer, then come back down )
3rd Exercise: Sumo squats w/ 3 pulses at the bottom with Cindy pressed overhead

2nd Pull Up Bar Routine – Challenged Pax to stay on the bar to complete 1 round.
3 close grip chin ups, walk hands out on the bar to shoulder width apart and then perform 3 reg. chin ups, walk hands out on the bar to a wide grip and then perform 3 wide grip chin ups.
Completed 2 rounds of the above

3rd Tabata Round ( only had time enough to complete 1 set of each exercise )
1st Exercise: Perform a Merkin but hold at 6 inches and complete a Peter Parker, then complete the Merkin.
2nd Exercise: KB swings with Cindy
3rd Exercise: Perform a straight leg lift and hold with legs at apex, with Cindy in hand perform a crunch in an effort to reach your toes, then lower and upper halves come back to rest position ( rest position for lower half is 6 inches – don’t let your feet hit the ground )

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Bethel Mens’ Shelter 8/4, Final Countdown CSAUP, and probably a few others I forgot
COT: All PAX were asked to give a praise, prayer focused on being grateful to the point that it impacts those around you.

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Who is this DIEGO????

WARMUP: Broga with Bodywash
THE THANG: Started with a quick 5 “knee touch burpee’s” OYO to get the pulse going a bit. Then a quick mosey behind the building to grab some coupons for “THE DIEGO” which is 8 rounds of the following with a block and then a lap:
1. 25 Squats, 25 Curls, 25 LBC’s, 25 Overhead Press, 25 Merkins. (lap around parking lot)
2. 25 Squats, 25 Curls, 25 LBC’s, 25 Overhead Press, 25 Merkins. (lap around parking lot)
3. 25 Squats, 25 Curls, 25 LBC’s, 25 Overhead Press, 25 Merkins. (lap around parking lot)
4. 25 Squats, 25 Curls, 25 LBC’s, 25 Overhead Press, 25 Merkins. (lap around parking lot)
5. 25 Squats, 25 Curls, 25 LBC’s, 25 Overhead Press, (drop Merkins) (lap around parking lot)
6. 25 Squats, 25 Curls, 25 LBC’s, (drop Overhead Press & Merkins) (lap around parking lot)
7. 25 Squats, 25 Curls, (Drop LBC’s, Overhead Press, & Merkins)
8. 25 Squats (Drop Curls, LBC’s, Overhead Press, & Merkins)
(lap around parking lot)

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Broga amd a Beatdown

WARMUP: Sasquatch started with some Broga to warm us up
THE THANG: We had a choice of two exercises per round.
125 SSH and or Merkins
100 SQUATS and or Mountain CLIMBERS
50 Pull ups and or Knees to chest


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Hardest 24 minutes in all of The Fort…

WARMUP: Sasquatch ran the PAX to a lit area and instructed them to form 3 lines facing him (2 lines of 4 and 1 line of 3).  After some initial gloom-fogged math and logistics, he got to limbering up the PAX for the first 15 minutes.  Queue *SPONGEBOB VOICE* “21 minutes later” the handoff was completed to YHC (SkateOrDie)
THE THANG: Given that YHC was shorted 6 minutes, we had to forego the body destroyers and get after it… the PAX moseyed (alright, just short of dead sprint) around to the back of the school (NAFO) and found some picnic tables and benches.  The group performed step ups while 1 PAX ran around the outer sidewalk, serving as the timer.  Upon completion, the next PAX ran while the group did box jumps. Rinse and repeat 2 more times. The PAX then repositioned (again, just short of dead sprint) to the pull-up bars behind the JROTC building. Next up, the group completed 1 pull-up, 2 chin-ups, and 3 merkins, rinsing and repeating, while 1 PAX ran to the stop sign at the top of the hill as a timer. Repeato until the remaining PAX ran. The PAX again repositioned (yeah yeah dead sprint…blah blah) to the hill behind Sugar Creek Elementary School. After hearing some mumblechatter about the stupid things we do, YHC implored the PAX to realize that the “stupid things” we choose to do are preparing us for the “tough stuff” that we have to do at other points in our lives. Next up, Jacobs Ladder (1 big boy sit-up at the bottom, 10 burpees at the top). We made it through 4-5 rounds for each of the PAX before repositioning (“quickly”) 1 last time to the bottom of the hill back to NAFO. Once a 10-count was counted, jail break sprint back to the stop sign at the top of the hill and then back to COT for MARY!
MARY: Flutters and Hammers were on the menu, followed by… wait for it… THE BODY DESTROYER!!
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read your newsletter!
COT: 🙏🏻s for both spoken and unspoken items on our ♥️s. Thanks for the opportunity to lead gentlemen!!!

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Beach Bod > Dad Bod

WARMUP: decided to push broga until the end of the workout which was a really good idea
THE THANG: all upper body…..pull ups, merkins, dips, chest press with Cindy, curls with Cindy, run down hill and bear crawl back, flutters with Cindy
MARY: finished with Broga – thanks to Bodywash and Straight up
ANNOUNCEMENTS: check newsletter
COT: James 5 discussion – make your Yes be Yes and your No be No.

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