Maiden Voyage on the Poopdeck

We had 15 PAX gathered in the gloom for my VQ posting at Poopdeck, including 1 FNG EH’d by YHC.

Disclaimer was fully disclaimed, then we were off.


  • Short jog then circle up
  • Windmills
  • MNCs
  • Imperial Walkers
  • Low Slow Squats
  • Plank, Honeymooner, Downward Dog

The Thang

Moseyed over to the parking lot by the boat ramp for Ponzi Cones. So called because the reps form a pyramid, and they hopefully leave you spent. 4 cones set up around boat ramp parking lot (1/4 mile loop), 1 in each corner. PAX do the exercise for the round at each corner (4 sets), running/jogging between corners and plank till 6.

10 Burpees

20 LBCs

30 SSH

30 Plank Jacks

20 Freddy Mercuries

10 Merkins

For example, Round 1: run to 1st cone and do 10 burpees, run to 2nd cone and do 10 burpees, run to 3rd cone do 10 burpees, run to 4th cone do 10 burpees. Plank until 6 comes in. So you actually get 4X each exercise.

I shared some quick thoughts on a difficult period of leadership I had gone through recently. Looking back, it was a lot of prayer and my awesome family that got me through it. Sometimes I just need to be reminded that being a leader does not mean going it alone. Then we moseyed up to the wall for triple check.

Triple Check

PAX split into teams of 3. We had 15 so the math was perfect. Each round there are 3 exercises (1 for each PAX on the team). P1 and P2 hold their exercise until P3 returns from a lap. Everyone switches when P3 returns, cycling through until everyone does all three.

P1. Wall Sits

P2. Plank

P3. Run a lap around the parking lot

Meant to do 2 more rounds with variations on this, but we ran out of time. Circle up for COT.


FNG was named Cherrio – originally from England.

Prayers for families, hurricane recovery, and work.


I had a great time planning out the workout and leading for the morning. Thanks to the 14 who came out for my maiden voyage as skipper of the Poopdeck. And a big thank you to Wild Thing for the opportunity to lead.



TClap |

Training Camp at the Deep!

Considering how excited I am about the upcoming NFL season and the fact that Saturday was opening day for College Football, it was only fitting we had a Football themed hour long boot camp.

Moseyed right over to the football field and got started:

Warm-up (using the width of the football field)

  • Butt kickers across field
  • High knees coming back
  • Karoeke across and back
  • Power skips across and back
  • Low back pedal 1/2 way, turn and sprint to end (do the same coming back)
  • Mirror me on the side shuffle – Pax watch me and do as I do.  Included many changes in directions on the shuffle, random merkins, back to shuffle, a few falls on the wet field, you get the point
  • Lastly some stretching prior to the real fun

Extra credit fun throughout – the Pax split between two teams (1 & 2).  In between each major section of the workout, we did 1 on 1 receiver routes.  Each team would get a shot on O and a shot on D.  I was all-time Q – if the offense caught the ball, their team only had to do 5 burpees.  If the defense defended the pass or picked it, they did 5 burpees.  The “losing” team in each battle had to do 5 KRACKEN burpees (gross).  This was done throughout the hour long workout.  By far the best play all day was the first of the day, hooking up w/ Royale on a hard sell fade route, turned into a post.  From there it got pretty ugly, the majority of the time being my fault as the QB w/ a wet ball and terrible touch.

1st bit of fun

  • Sprint Ladders – 20 sprints.  10 yard sprint, 10 sec rest, 10 yard sprint back, 10 sec rest, 20 yard sprint, 20 sec rest, 20 yard sprint back, 20 sec rest, 30 yard sprint, 30 sec rest, 30 yard sprint back, 30 sec rest, 40 yard sprint, 30 sec rest, 40 yards back, 30 sec rest, 50 yard sprint, 30 sec rest….AND back down again finishing on 2 10 yard sprints.  The Pax owned it, I was dying.

More 1 on 1 battles and burpees

2nd section

  • Partner up  – partner pushes 50 yards, switch w/ the partner who pushed jumping on the back of the other who then carries them back to the goal-line (50 yard back).  Switch up w/ the opposite partner pushing and then the original “pusher” carrying their partner back.
  • Merkin Rolls – again, Pax all in a plank, and have to mirror me looking at them.  Nothing but merkin, followed by quick rolls into more merkins, sometimes multiple rolls one after the other.  This is where I noticed the impact of those rolls and the dizziness in the eyes of the Pax who refused to do some merkins in fear they might vomit.  Good stuff.
  • All Pax get into a plank on the goal-line side by side, and starting on the end, the first Pax sprints 40 yards and then back.  Then the next, then the next.  We all hold the plank until all Pax have sprinted their 40 yards and back.  (in my defense, I gave them the option to do 5 burpees instead of the 2 40 yard dashes, they selected sprints).

1 on 1 battles and burpees

3rd station

  • All Pax get in a line, follow one after the other – 10 yard bear crawl, side shuffle between hash marks, bear crawl the next 10 yards, shuffle opposite direction between hash marks, bear crawl 10 more yards, etc.  You do this until you bear crawl 50 yards.  We did one 10 count rest, then rinse and repeat back another 50 yards (100 yards of bear crawl in total).

1 on 1 battles and burpees

4th station

  • Ab station – all Pax on the goal-line.  Gave them the option to call out ab exercise, and then we do OYO as many as you can while the first two pax sprint 50 yards and back (they are our timer).  Go all the way down the line of planking pax 2 times through (so all Pax had 4 more 50 yard sprints and tons of non stop ab work w/ the only rest being your sprinting time).  Did LBC’s, heels to heaven, freddie mercuries, boat/canoe, big boy sit-ups, and others.

Ran back to COT w/ 1 minute to spare for some hamstring stretches which were much needed after all the sprinting today.  Prayers included – jobs (Whopper interview w/ Husqavarna, Kenyan search), cancer (Java’s co-worker who was just diagnosed, Lutafisk’s mom, Cobra Kai’s wife), those impacted by Harvey and a great message on perspective from Java.  Followed it all up w/ coffeeteria at Dunkin w/ a guest appearance by Witch Hunt after he left his Co-Q w/ Jedi at Alcatraz.  Appreciate the chance to lead fellas.  Had a ball.


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More than a Workout (at the risk of sounding cliche)

It was an 80 degree humid, gloomy morning at the Abyss. As we waited for the majority of the PAX to arrive, Witch Hunt pointed out something unique about this AO (important for anyone who with a VQ coming up). At around 5:12, just when you think not many PAX are going to show up, 7 cars come barreling in. Always good to see a lot of PAX at this great AO.

There were no FNG’s present so a super brief disclaimer was given and a challenge question about discipline was issued by YHC. Without question, the men who consistently post and workout in some fashion are disciplined enough to get up early and improve physically. What is an area of your life where you lack the same level of discipline?

And with that we moseyed to the bus circle behind the school (high knees, butt kickers, side shuffles) to warm up.

Warm up (IC)

20 SSH
20 IW
20 WM
30 MNC

The Thang

Mosey to the paved hill

Round 1 – Lunge Walk halfway up, run the other half, 10 merkins at the top, run down to the bottom for 10 merkins (plank for the 6)
Round 2 – Duck Walk halfway up, run the other half, 10 burpees at the top, run down to the bottom for 10 burpees (plank for the 6)
Round 3 – Bear crawl halfway up, run the other half, 10 deep squats at the top, run down to the bottom for 10 deep squats (plank for the 6)
Round 4 – Lt Dan’s (walking lunge, lunge, squat), 10 donkey kicks at the top, run down to the bottom for 10 donkey kicks (plank for the 6)


Mosey back to the bus circle and partner up

Round 1

P1 – Two suicides* (using the 4 basketball goals as our mark each time)
P2 – Hold a plank
Flap jack

*Later named Twoicides (TM by DaVinci) on Twitter. Nice work!

Upon announcement of the twoicides, and during, the mumble chatter was everywhere and none were too happy with YHC.

Round 2

P1 – One suicide
P2 – Hold a one armed plank
Flap jack

After a few 10 counts to recover, we moseyed to the wall

Peoples chair while PAX (one at time ran to the blacktop for 5 Monkey Humpers)
1/3 of the way through we lowered on the wall, 2/3 of the way, lowered again

With legs thoroughly burning and mumble chatter about inevitable soreness, we slow moseyed back to the shovel flag for some ab work (IC).

American Hammers
Modified Freddys (Knee, Knee, Crunch)
Protractor (6 inches to 20 degrees)
Hello Dollys


Check the newsletter (Ragnar, Nun Run, etc…)
Prayers and Praises

Cornerstone’s wife – kidney stones
Cornerstone’s daughter Emma
Cobra Kai’s wife Jennifer and treatment
Wild Thing and Wife’s new baby born 8/22
Witch Hunt – Good report from the Dr. and he’s back!


It was another great day to post and always great to be out with F3 brothers. Great job grinding it out by all the PAX!

As mentioned earlier in the workout, discipline is something each of us has or we wouldn’t continue to post. But what part of your life lacks that same discipline and causing you grief? I could list some examples but you know what I am talking about. Give it some consideration and ask God for guidance and strength.

I have been involved in F3 since September 2015. After struggling through the first couple dozen workouts, I felt better than I had in a long time and I was thankful to my F3 brothers for pushing me and proud of myself for doing something about getting in shape. I wish I could remember the workout when it finally clicked that I was doing really well in some areas of my life while failing in others. I was putting in efforts, sometimes even doing well but I wasn’t the best husband or father I could be. I was a walking heap of good intentions. I fully intended to help more with chores, spend more time with the kids after a full day at work, etc… But I was failing to turn my good intentions into action.

I was living 1st instead of 3rd and there were areas of my life that needed to be overhauled.

Over the last 2 years, there have been many folks along the way (too many to name) that have helped push me and encourage me to be a better man. Just know if I have posted to a workout that you Q’d or posted along side you, Thank you!

When I have the privilege of leading a workout, my goal is to encourage you to be better men as well. I hope that you felt encouraged today. You certainly did that for me!

Thank you Bones for the opportunity!

Until next time…


TClap |

17 at Poopdeck Did Supersets of Pain and Laid Waste to the Demons Inside Pandoras Box!

17 at Poopdeck worked through the pain inside Pandoras Box!

Warmup – jog around parking lot with high knees, butt kickers, lunges, l/r shuffle, and duck walk.  Then circled up for 5 reps in cadence of wide, normal, and diamond merkins finishing with box cutters.

The Thang:  partnered up and explored the stations of Pandoras Box.  One partner would use the equipment and another would do an exercise with equipment.

Round 1 – Donkey kicks for one partner and then the other partner completed 20 reps or other rep count stated of each:

1 – TRX curls, rows and tricep extensions,

2 – 20 slam ball slams,

3 – BearGrylls Bear Crawl sled w/40lbs,

4 – 115lb Deadlifts,

5 – Pullups or dips on equipment,

6 – Superman pumps w/8lb bar,

7 – 100 lb water jug carry,

8 – 60 lb water jug standing row,

9 – 2 foot box jumps,

10 – Battle Ropes – Wax On/Wax Off, Squat jump arm circles, A Frame Power blast.

Quick cool down run, then circled up for 5 reps of each in cadence – Morraccan Nightclubs and Hello Dolly’s.

Round 2 – Jump Knee Tucks for one partner and then we were able to get through 5 stations based on time.

Announcements – Bear Grylls Seeking BRR team or offered to drive,

Prayers – Some M’s going through cancer treatment, School Teachers and Officials for wisdom, BearGrylls friend Rob for forgiveness.

Praises – successful adoption.

TClap |

Sea Legs gets a Security Detail

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, If you haven’t made it out to Sea Legs yet you are missing out. For my first post at Sea Legs I got to run across Buster Boyd Bridge and and witness some of Sky Q’s work in a beautiful sunrise. It’s a great AO, so set your alarm clock a few minutes earlier and get on out to Lake Wylie. As added incentive you’ll get some great 2nd F with some of the best #HIMs in the county.  Enough of the sales. Time for the meat and potatoes.

I arrived a few minutes early and scoped out T-Bones parking lot for some interval work. As I rolled in I shined the high beams on a couple of York County’s finest having a little conversation. I immediately exited the parking lot looking back to see if they noticed me.

Arrived to see some fellow PAX that I haven’t seen in awhile (great seeing you Axl and Hauschka). 0515 came, short disclaimer and off we went.

  • Warm-up: Run to Blucher* Circle and did a little loop around to T-Bones parking lot and then did 1 lap
  • As we lapped the parking lot I asked Witch Hunt if this was cool or if the police would stop us and ask what was going on. He said they were with the program, All good!
  • Workout: Intervals, run 1 lap (approx. .25 miles) at 10K or faster pace and then 1 lap recovery until time is called

My legs are feeling it and everyone seemed to “enjoy” the workout. Thanks for the opportunity Witch Hunt and please keep me in the rotation.


  • We ran laps around the 2 patrol cars for probably 30 minutes before they departed. I’ve never felt safer running which is saying a lot for me.
  • Great 2nd F conversation with Witch Hunt, next time I’ll let you speak
  • As much as DaVinci denies it, he’s a runner and likes it..I think
  • Great to meet you Never Never
  • Again, great to see Axl and Hauschka. I’ve missed you guys but it’s probably my fault I haven’t seen you.
  • Solid work put in by Andretti
  • Strava Art, look we made a pirate hook (as noted by DaVinci)

*Fun Fact, Blucher is the name of Frau Blucher from Young Frankenstein. Every time her name was spoken you could hear horses whinny in the distance. A common rumor was that her name Blucher meant glue in German (and glue is made from horses obviously) and is why the horses would whinny every time her name was mentioned.  This is one of the best ongoing gags in a comedy. To find out the real (less interesting) story click HERE. And if you haven’t seen Young Frankenstein yet, you are doing yourself a disservice. It is comic gold and some of Mel Brooks best work. PSA over!


  • It’s all in the newsletter
  • The Delta
  • Lake Wylie Shirt order closes 08/02

Praise and Prayers

  • Prayers for DaVinci and his business’ focus
  • Prayer for Witch Hunt’s M (2.3 due November)
  • Praise for Zima and family fun last minute vacation
  • Prayers for injured PAX

Great morning to get better. Thanks to all who posted and to Witch Hunt for the opportunity.


TClap |

Sharknado Strikes The Poopdeck

I always tell folk that the Poopdeck is the best AO around; It showcases amazing views, is expansive, has some gnarly asphalt for merkins and MARY, and always has a breeze coming off of the lake.  However, this morning, 6 PAX faced an impeccable storm generated by the F3Lake Norman crew with Burner and Olive (Tclaps to you guys!!).  After a brief intro and disclaimer, we moseyed:



20 Imperial Walkers IC

20 Hillbilly Walkers IC

10 Windmills IC

10 Cherry Pickers IC


Mosey to Waterfront

The Thang:

“Sharknado” – brought to us by Burner, via Olive at a mean, July 4th beatdown at the Warthog @F3GrandStrand

After remembering how glorious Sharknado is, it was described and commenced

15 Burpees OYO

run a lap around the waterfront parking lot – a little over .15 mile

20 diamond merkins

run a lap around the waterfront parking lot – a little over .15 mile

20 big boy situps

run a lap around the waterfront parking lot – a little over .15 mile

20 wide arm merkins

run a lap around the waterfront parking lot – a little over .15 mile

20 scorpion dry docks

Rinse and Repeat, aiming for 5 cycles.  I believe that Wildthing described it as “hateful.”  Due diligence had been achieved.

At 10 til, we circled up for some MARY  right on the waterfront as the sun was rising:


X’s and O’s

Freddie Mercury’s

Box Cutters

Mosey back to COT

Great push by all PAX!  I also appreciate you’s guy’s support!


If in need of retiring a flag, take it to your local American Legion Post.

Ragnar coming up, as is a Delta Ruck event

CAH is doing great work even with the move in time.  Always looking for continued support.


I appreciate the opportunity to lead.  F3 has given me so much in a short amount of time (5 months in), and I continually look to give back however possible.  See you in the gloom.

Droppin’ the bass,


TClap |

Time to find my Sea Legs

Good showing for an early Tuesday morning run. Quick disclaimer was given and route was explained. Runners took off from the Bowl n Bounce parking lot to run the Montgomery Loop. Quick stop to pick up Brickhouse who was coming in hot and a couple minutes late.

Great run, about 4.25 for most, with Witch Hunt and Royale hitting the bridge for some extra credit and finishing a little over 5.

Prayers for:
Andretti’s brother as he battles the return of his cancer.
NASA’s M as she deals with some challenges at work
Royale’s 2.0’s as they deal with summer illnesses

TClap |

Squat’in on the dock of the lake…

Fifteen souls on deck this warm humid morning including the FNG who would later become… Nutshell.  I enjoy the look of confusion in peoples’ eyes when they show up to a workout and I’m already there- a flash of panic followed by a furtive glance at their watch.  Yes… I’ve crafted my reputation well- but unfortunately, being  Q is no last minute affair.  After some brief pleasantries and a firm word of caution we explode into a frenzy of motion on this finely moonlit morn.

The Workout

Open with a .7 warm up jog through the dark & gloomy residential loop behind the Y exiting and circling up at the Buster Boyd boat ramp.

  • SSH x 30
  • Imperial Walker x 20
  • Merkins x 15
  • LBC x 20
  • Russian twist x 15
  • Windmill x 20
  • Plank Jack x 15
  • Hello Dolly x 20

Split into 5 groups of 3 for a half-baked concept we’ll call the U-Turn.  Partner 1 is at  the Buster Boyd boat ramp doing Kraken burpees, Partner 2 is at the end of the T-Bones dock for squats, Partner 3 hauls ass between the two to take over the station and keep the cycle moving.  Awkward start, awkward finish, solid effort in-between.  Perhaps call it “euphemism” instead?

  • Moroccan night club x 30
  • Merikan x 10
  • Freddy Mercury x 20

Fast pace back to Bowl & Bounce for 2 circuits of Human Chair / Merkins on the wall / Ballz 2 the wall.

Finish with a mosey down to the front door of the Y and a strong gallop home to COT


  • Welcome FNG Nutshell, this guy kept a solid pace and was barely winded at the end.
  • Austin Powers is FAST- I hear the Benny Hill theme song each time he blasts past.
  • Thanks to the PAX for letting me know I was signed up for this Q- with friends like these, who needs twitter?


TClap |