Running Holbrook

We chased Topham and LTrain down Holbrook to the dead-end and came back. Some took an extra jaunt down Poplar Ridge. Mileage was about 5 miles.

There’s an African proverb that says, “if you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.”

In life, we never succeed alone. The only way humans have survived anything is working together. Find your people and challenge each other to achieve great things. You men are my people.


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Hold the Brook

Ran down Holbrook and back. An honor to Q. L-Train, Funhouse, and Ranger Panties were #kings today.

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2 is better than 1

WARMUP: There was none….warmups are for amateur’s
Like most good things, it all started with watching YouTube the night before. A lady far superior in fitness said she had a simple yet effective routine to get swole. Her best time for completing the set was 18 minutes. My thoughts were surely we could do it in 45….

10 rounds of: 10 swings, 10 squats, 1 Turkish Get up each side. Then we jogged a lap in the parking lot

We had to mossey back to COT and get the last set with 1 minute to spare….and we didn’t get the final run in. So yes, we completed the routine kinda. But we were also bested by about 30 minutes from the random lady on YouTube.

COT: 5 total from #TomsBush, Cake Boss led the other crowd. Everyone was fantastic and there was a formal not formal invitations for YHC to join Cake Boss’s Ville to Ville Team.

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Hilly Out and Back

Disclaimer: Not sure about the route, but it looked good on Google Maps.
Right on Holbrook
Left on Old Springs
Left on Trinity Ridge Pkwy
Right on Autumn Moon
Right on Country Overlook
Left on Trinity Ridge Pkwy
Right on Old Springs
Right on Holbrook
Back to COT
Distance was around 5 miles

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History was made today as YHC made his VQ at The Armory. I’m happy that after 9 years someone finally noticed me. All it took was getting up at 3 am to make the drive across the bridge to the “other side” of Fort Mill.

We didn’t do a disclaimer because only professionals showed up.

Warm up was an Indian Run in a slowish pace around the parking lot. Battlebot decided to snake us a bit but we made it back. 5 Windmills and about 10 Polish night clubs.


After much discussion on the properness of the name, we did a Jack Web because I said so. Although others were determined it should have been called 11s. Luckily, I didn’t fold under the pressure and called it what I wanted. We started with 1 press and walked across the lot for 10 curls. Now normally you would assume we then did 2 presses and 9 curls…. but somewhere in YHC’s Coors Light daze the numbers didn’t add up. We pretty much did 10 of each exercise on both sides of the parking lot. I wish I could say it was a test to see who was paying attention, but that would just be a lie.

Next, we again debated the name of the exercise group. I said accumulator, some said Dora, others said Misogi….look I don’t care what yall call stuff, just do the exercises. We partnered up with 1 person doing the call out while the other ran across the lot and back. Each time the partner ran they had to add 1 merkin. I think by the end we were around 14-16 merkins each time we ran. Call out was 300 swings, 200 tri extension, and 50 man makers.

Closed with good news about Band Camps youth trip and prayers over the P200 runners

….Hope your happy 3D and thanks for the invite Battle Bot

Partake in 4/20


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The one where No One showed

I arrived at the AO around 0500. Usually there are some prerunners. Set out my gear and started checking the date and time and Slack. Where was everyone? 0513 Birdcage rolls in with Cohiba hot on his tail. Battlebot rolled in at 515 yelling it’s 515 let’s go! Bushwood wandered off into the dark. We wandered to the pile of gear.

With only two people the workout was as organized. I had. 60# sand bag, 65# anchor sandbag and 65# keg half filled with water.

Plan was to pair up. Three stations. Squat with sandbag, deadlift with anchor bag, chest press with the keg. One partner does the exercise to failure while the other spots and rests. Then switch. So 3 sets each then move to the next station.

Since it was two of us we rotated stations after each set. Also the half filled keg was very unstable and we decided it was not worth the injury risk.

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Q vs Q at The Ridge

Well, temperature drops a few degrees and only a few Pax show up for the battle of bells vs bootcamp. A bit of bad timing since another Q vs Q battle was happening down the street between The Fort and The Rock.
We kicked it off with a warm-up by YHC. SSHs, Imperial Walkers, Windmills, Plank Stretches.
Atlas had the first 20 minutes with cones spread out in the parking lot. Exercises (15 reps each) at each cone, back to the middle of the parking lot for 5 burpees. Lots of Kettlebell exercises and burpees. He gave credit to Jekyll for idea.
YHC had the second half. We stayed in the same general area so we could listen to Atlas’ music selection.
Round 1: Bear crawl with merkins at every odd parking space. Sideways crawl around the parking lot island
Round 2: Lunge walk with squats at every odd parking space. Sideways crawl around the parking lot island opposite direct.
Round 3: Crabwalk with LBCs at every odd parking space. Toe taps on curb
Round 4: Inch worm merkins
Round 5 Burpee broad jumps

Back to COT. Great job by everyone. Lots of mumble chatter. As Cohiba mentioned in the video “We are all winners”

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Birdcage is a slacker site Q

The workout Q was Ringer a slack less Kotter. Birdcage hasn’t done the BB in his place as a good site Q should so I’ll do it to keep BandCamp happy.

Exercise cones were set out in a large loop in the parking lot. KB were left a cones as needed. PAX broke off in two groups. Exercise at the cone as specified on the cone and run to next cone. Repeat until COT.

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