Moderately Done @ Slowly Burnin

WARMUP: Um – YES. SSH, Merk, Nightclubs, Squats, LBC, Mtn Climber.
THE THANG: Mosey, 7s (Merks, Bomb Jax), DORA ( Derkins, Dips, Squats), Ladder work w DK, DiaMerks, squats, BobHurl, BBs.
MARY: Yes – 4 mins with Pax taking turns leading the group.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Yes. CSAUP, Fort Mill Care Center, Christmas Party, Fathers Day
COT: Solid discussion

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Moderate sandbag workout

WARMUP: moroccan night clubs, windmills, hill billi walkers, low slow squats, lap around the parking lot alternating toy soldiers and high knees
THE THANG: find a partner and grab a sandbag, toss the bag to the curb alternating with your partner, back to start, repeat bag tossing to the curb and back, take a lap with the bag on shoulders, pass bag to partner and take another lap.
Rinse and repeat 4 times, last bag tossing we switched to lateral toss.
MARY: broga and stretching, LBC’s for the last 2 minutes.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: hog and coyote
COT: stays in COT

Tinsel OUT…:christmas_tree:

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Yard Work

WARMUP: Yes – stretching, gas pumpahs, SSH, Windmills, Squats, Nightclubs, Imperial Walkers.
THE THANG: DORA ( Derks, Squats and Dips) Hill work with some Bomb Jax and Sumo-Squats followed up with 4 corners (Merkins in cadence and Flying Squirrels (oyo).
MARY: Yes – 4 mins of Mary saved us from 20 Flying Squirrels….
ANNOUNCEMENTS: cSAuP coming, FtMill Care Center signups, Christmas party, etc etc
COT: Yes

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Fame-What a Feeling vs Welcome to the Jungle

WARMUP: Abe Vigoda, Downward Dogs, Honeymooners, Imperial Squat Walkers, MNC, SSH,
THE THANG: Mosey to benches- 3 sets of 10-Bulgaria Squats, Derkins, Dips, Step Ups.
Mosey to Basketball court-Pax lined up at baseline for 1 flying squirrel, sprint to the foul line for 5 sumo squats, run back to baseline for 5 flying squirrels, sprint to half court for 5 sumo squats, return to baseline for 5 more flying squirrels, sprint to opposite baseline for 5 more sumo squats. Sprint back to opposite baseline, rinse and repeat.

Mosey down the hill for wall sits. Each Pax bear crawled toward the opposite end. Then each crawl beared for another set.

With 15 minutes left, 7s were up- 6 jump squats them sprint across the bridge to the bathrooms for 1 merkin. Time ran out when we 1/2 way through. We Indian ran back to COT.
MARY: Circled up while each HIM called out an ab workout for a 10 count.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Bethel Men’s Shelter this Thursday, upcoming CSAUPS, Fort Mill Care Center Lawn maintenance sign ups for Saturdays.
COT: Dream House’s close friend’s ilness, Teens out of school and on vacation.

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The Tour de Fort Mill: Where Burpees Meet Churches and Açaí Dreams

I rolled up this morning and was surprised to see so many pax already there with five minutes to spare. Hopped out of the vehicle to find we had an FNG in attendance. At 6:30am, I gave the disclaimer and we started the workout:

– 10 Chain breakers
– 10 Italian night clubs
– 5 Side Straddle Hops

The Thang:
1. Run to Harris Street Park
– 5 Kraken Burpees

2. Run to Fort Mill Church of the Nazarene
– Halfway plank for the six
– 5 Kraken Burpees
– 10 Imperial Walker Squats

3. Run to the old Springs building across from The Print Shop
– Stop for the six at the Valero
– 5 Kraken Burpees
– 10 Imperial Walker Squats
– 15 WW2 Sit-ups (Omaha this round to 15 Seal team sit-ups)

4. Run to the Fort Mill Church of God
– 5 Kraken Burpees
– 10 Imperial Walker Squats
– 15 WW2 Sit-ups
– 10 Mike Tysons

5. First Baptist Church Fort Mill back parking lot
– 5 Kraken Burpees
– 10 Imperial Walker Squats
– 15 WW2 Sit-ups
– 10 Mike Tysons
– 20 Apollo Ohno’s

6. Run to Unity Presbyterian Church side parking lot
– 5 Kraken Burpees
– 10 Imperial Walker Squats
– 15 WW2 Sit-ups
– 10 Mike Tysons
– 20 Apollo Ohno’s
– 20 Worst Worst LBC’s (this seemed to be a crowd pleaser)

7. Run to Maui Açai Food Truck
– Wait for the six, then 15 monkey humpers in cadence

8. Run to the bottom of Massey St
– Nured up the hill to the entrance to the parking lot

Once at the entrance, we lunge-walked across the parking lot, headed for the transmission line, but I called an audible due to the time and we ran to COT.

Overall, we achieved 3 miles.

– HIM’s Camp
– Hog & Coyote on 6/15

Prayers and Praises:
– Loss of Dark Helmet’s father, Frank
– Kids graduating
– A friend going through a nasty divorce
– Mental health, especially when we are in a funk or injured
– Health of our kids

Great job to everyone who participated today! Let’s keep pushing and supporting each other. Aye!

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Leg Day at the Varsity


COP for the following:
– SSH x 30
– IW x 15
– Windmills x 10
– Mtn Climbers x 20

Too much chatter so we moseyed to the hill…

Run to the bottom
10 Jumping Lunges
Nur to the top
10 Bombjacks
3 x

Mosey to the playground and grab a partner

Partner 1 – Peoples Chair
Partner 2 – Take a lap
Rinse and repeat 3x

Leg Tabata
30 seconds of squats
10 seconds of Al Gore
30 seconds of squat to calf raise
10 seconds of Al Gore
30 seconds of jump squats

Back to partner work
Partner 1 – Big Boys
Partner 2 – take a lap
Alternate and rinse and repeat 3x

Back to Tabata

Back to Partner work
Partner 1 – Monkey Humpers
Partner 2 – Take a lap
Alternate and rinse and repeat 3x

Back to Tabata

Back to the bottom of the hill
Nur to the top

– (4) upcoming CSAUPs

Attended my niece’s 5th grade graduation where (3) students conducted the commencement address. A consistent theme from them aligned with the schools mission:
– Personal accountability
– Attitude
– Work Ethic
YHC was impressed at their ability to deliver the speech and the values for which they espoused. It aligns with our mission and opportunity. Dont make life too complex. Ask a 5th grader whats important. Be prepared for more knowledge and wisdom than you might expect!

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(Run a lap of the parking lot between each exercise)
LBC x 100
Flutter Kick x 90
Freddie Mercury x 80
American Hammer x 70
Mountain Climber x 60
Reverse Crunch x 50
Big Boy x 40
Leg Lift x 30
V-Sit up x 20
1 min. plank
(If PAX finish, start again in reverse order)
MARY: No time
COT: Together

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Aloha Covid

Wasn’t sure how this was gonna go since YHC has been sick last few days coming back from Hawaii. Asking Fogerty to have my back if I dropped over. With som solid HIMS showing up I knew I had no choice but to bring it.

And so it began with a nice mosey to our first stop for the warmup SSH, IWs and Mtn climbers. Then to the next stop where we had a wall. Wall sits while each PAX took turns doing 5 merkins went up and down the line for extra credit. Mosey tot the next wall for three rounds (thx Maximus for the suggestion) of dips, derkins and step ups 10 each. Mosey to the next spot for a round of 7s with burpees and squats with a run length of parking lot between. At this point we just gettin warmed up to do a partner DORA 100 merkins, 200 squats and 300 LBCs. Mosey back to COT where Fogerty closed us out with a ladder starting with 5 bombjax, 6 donkey kicks, 7 diamond merkins, 8 big boys, 9 Bobby Hurley and 10 LBCs. Finished right on time

We took a moment to watch the sun rise and do the pledge of allegiance earlier. Remembering those who gave it all for our freedoms that we have every day.

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Oh Baxter!

We had 21 at for some off campus work.

We moseyed over to Baxter this morning for a little Mary.

Partner 1: 150 Merkins. 200 Hello Weezys, 250 Squats.
Partner 2: Run the stares gauntlet on Main Street.

We formed two lines for an Indian run back to COT for Mary, announcements l, and prayers/praises.

The report is as follows:
– was introduced to a mudslide this morning. It brought back memories of the bars at Auburn. Go War Eagles!
– and are going to go home and watch the movie airplane to prepare for ’s summer job.
– There was an sighting this morning and he was feeling chesty as he kept requesting merkins. He is going to host 10 nine year olds today for his son’s birthday party. We are expecting a steel cage match.
– was present and smelling like a million bucks.
– was introduced to The Milker this morning. We scared off some of the customers in the Starbucks parking lot.
– needs to increase the weight on his vest as he crushed the Indian run.
– is going to bath in Bengay as he knees were saying no mas.
– ’s eye tattooth is looking manly.
– needs to stop at Harris Teeter to pick up flowers as he is celebrating 21 years of wedding bliss.
– was having flashbacks of The Bronx seeing all of the trees cut down on 160.
– is ready for mainstream media with his Ron Burgundy breakdown of Slow Burn.
– and did a divide and conquer approach to the squats. It’s Science?
– is 78 going on 28. He crushed it out there.
– When isn’t dabbling in the markets he is dabbling in pain.
– Get on you Q list, he ready!
– was looking for a 60
– Mole ruck, but settled for a bootcamp.
– and @ironman (Jarvis) rounded us out. Ironman is accelerating and is also ready to get on the Q list.
This is my 100% accurate yet to be verified list by .


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Light Pole Work

WARMUP: Mosey and did 4-5 exercises
THE THANG: Light pole work. 6 poles
1st – 5 Big Boy
2nd – 10 Plank Hops
3rd – 15 Merkins
4th – 20 Squats
5th – 25 CDD
6th – 30 Flutter

Completed 2x
Mosey to wall and did wall sits, merkins, calf raises.

Mosey back to COT to Mary.

Thank Boogie for the opportunity to lead.

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