- QIC: Band Camp
- When: 08/14/2021
- Pax: Band Camp, Battle Eye, Black Cat, Bowser, caddyshack, Carebear, Cold Blooded, Donahue, Ewok, Flipper, Floppy Disk, Flying Fox, Grassy Knoll, Hardwood, Ironclad, Jedi, Lego Master, Madden, Monarch, Moonwalker, Ms. Pacman, Peabody, Reins, Rey, skipper, slapshot, Sliverflake, Spike, Stone Cold, The Alligator, Tootie, Uhaul
- Posted In: F3 Dads
F3 Dads lots of fun was had
It was great to be out in community with so many PAX and their families this summer. It’s one for of bonding to suffer a bootcamp or run hills alongside your fellow PAX. It’s even cooler to see your kids run alongside their kids. Was also fun (for me) to have a circle of pain and call just 2 merkins when everyone thought we were just there for kickball.
To be honest the Kids vs. Dads kickball game was a bit of a cluster. (Charlie Foxtrot). My boys were very excited to compete against the dads. But I underestimated how many 2.0s would understand any semblance of the rules or strategy… T-Claps to all the dads for basically playing against them and coached them at the same time. If we do something like this again, we’ll have dads and kids along side each other.
I’m glad we had the parachute there as well. Unlike a normal F3 workout, kickball can feel more like a clipboard workout than something we do together. It was fun to see to be on the parachute towards the end and see CareBear start to exert her natural desire to lead (Grassy Knoll is going to have his hands full with that one).
Ended with water balloons courtesy of Hardwood and Floppy Disk. Prefect ending to the session. And T-Claps to Peabody for picking up the broken balloons so I could tell my M that we did!
I jotted down a quick AAR in Slack:
What you saw today if you drove by WEP was men enjoying time with their kiddos and being present. F3 is an organization not with leaders, but of leaders. That was on display today in a silly (bit of a cluster) game of kickball with parachute popcorn springing up on the side. And closing with a water balloon fight (props to @F3Hardwood and floppy disc for the assist on that)
T-Claps to all the men that Qed F3 Dads this summer. @JWOW, @g_purve_olaf, @Tootie, @Lutefisk, @UHaul, @maximus, @Michael Pysher(F3 Slapshot), @Peabody
and T-Claps to all the guys who came out with their kiddos early on a Saturday to be in community
Until next summer….
Band Camp dismissed