Hodgepodge of WODs

WARMUP: SSH, Arm Circles, Jogged a lap around the parking lot
Hold Ruck overhead for 3 mins
20 upright rows
Hold Ruck overhead for 2 mins
10 upright rows
Hold Ruck overhead for 1 min
5 upright rows

2 Rounds
24 Mountain climbers with ruck
24 Plank jacks
12 Man Makers with sandbag and ruck on
12 Ruck get Ups

Rucked to the back of the build with sandbag and ruck – rinse and repeat

2 Rounds
12 Sandbag deadlifts with ruck on
12 Bent over rows with sandbag and ruck on
12 Chest presses with sandbag
12 Sandbag bridges

Rucked to the back of the build with sandbag and ruck – rinse and repeat

MARY: 1 minute plank hold with ruck on back

COT: Closed in prayer

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21Mar2023 – Currahee

– Jog a lap with dynamic stretching
– Normal stretches (i.e. windmills, tappy-taps, etc)
– SSHs
– Merkins

Ruck up and bag/sack up…
– Head to amphitheater
– Start with Hellevens
o Manmakers and curls
o Toss the bag up the hill – 10 manmakers
o Carry it down – 1 curl
o You know how it progresses from there…

Race lap around the school
o Crosswalk is the start and finish line, keep to the inside on the back lot, cut over at the sidewalk, turn right and go in front of the school
o As you cross over the crosswalk again, plank in order of finish
o Winners, in order, pick their sandbags for the next part

Go to the field – ground your rucks – take your selected sandbag
o 4 corners
Corner 1 – 10 OH press
Corner 2 – 20 bent over row
Corner 3 – 30 Deadlifts
Corner 4 – 40 Flutters with press (double count)

MARY: No chicks

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read your newsletter

COT: The 5th Core Principle

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46th Birthday celebration with plenty of sandbags

300 yd mossy without ruck
Moroccan night clubs, windmill, low slow squats, SSH
Pick a sandbag and perform the following:
The idea was to get 46 reps of each exercise so I broke it down into 3 cycles, 15+15+16 with a 300yd lap with ruck and sandbag after each cycle has been completed. Use you sandbag for all exercises, ruck on at all times except for last exercise:
Sandbag toss
High pulls
Over the shoulder toss
Bend over rows
Chest press (no ruck)

As planned it took about 50 minutes to complete all 3 cycles
MARY: 10 minutes of broga
ANNOUNCEMENTS: the Manion is coming, Chupacabra is coming out of hibernation, AMRAP for autism is coming in April
COT: stays at COT

It was great to start my birthday with such a fine group of PAX; Jäeger beer to take home for each attendee.

Tinsel OUT

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A4A Dry Run

THE THANG: A4A Preview – show on 4/22 to Alcatraz to find out!
MARY: Plank
COT: We did it
MOLESKIN: YHC really appreciates what Cousin Eddie is doing with ROF and the sharing of testimony. Many of us don’t take the opportunity or are not comfortable or maybe haven’t taken the time to think through what our testimony is. In F3 fashion he is pushing us to grow. I will save the details of my story for an in-person conversation for anyone interested but the 3 lessons I am learning and realizing to have the biggest impact on my acceleration are COMMUNITY, VULNERABILITY & SURRENDER. F3 provides opportunity for each of these – it is up to the Pax to make the choice. I’m happy to walk this journey and learn from each of you.

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Valentine’s Day at Currahee

– Windmills
– Cherry Pickers
– Merkins
– Plank
– Down Dog
– Up Dog

Utilized the outer drive/loop around the school (.55 mi).

Lap 1 – Three pain stations during the lap.
Station 1 (Large South parking lot):
– 20 high pulls
– 25 ruck curls
– 20 ruck swings
– 25 ruck rows
Station 2 (East drive by Gold Hill Rd)
– 25 squats (ruck on)
– 25 flutter press
– 15 ruck ground to overhead
– 20 tricep extension
Station 3 (NE lot by baseball field)
– 15 merkin (ruck on)
– 20 mountain climbers (ruck on)

Lap 2 – No pain stations
– alternate overhead and front carry (no straps)

Rinse and repeat

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Moderately Rucking

Messaged Divac Monday to let him know the black diamond workout was gonna have to wait until my hips and legs would allow me to bend over again…. apparently I forgot I wasn’t in high school anymore and tried to lay down some fast times at Dam2Dam over the weekend. Paying for it this week.

WARMUP: rucks off – SSH, IW, broga things, MtnClimbers

rucks on and walk circle, ending up at the tiered walkways next to baseball field.

At end of each tier, perform groups of exercises IC.

merkins/squats, thrusters, curls, sumo high pulls, OH press, bent over rows

Return back to circle and continue doing laps, stopping for OYO exercises at various points along circle with stretches of using ruck to do rifle carries.

total of just over 2.5 miles with lots of great mumblechatter along the way.

COT: announcements/prayers/praises

Thanks for the nod Divac – black diamond next time

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45 min miles

Yes, we did that. Solid mosey for a while. Plank/yoga for the 6. Then the “Cha Ching” warmup, 5 minutes with 35 SSH and 8 burpees each minute. Followed by, IW, HW, Squats

mosey to picnic tables
11 merkins, 10 diamond merkins, 9 merkins, 8 diamond merkins, 7 merkins, 6 diamond merkins, 5 merkins (then YHC had to tap out….if you can’t do it, don’t Q it. Attempting the remaining 10 merkins could have resulted in a face plant)
Bulgarian Split Squats 10
Low Slow Squats 10
Bulgarian Split Squats 10
Jump Squats 10
Bulgarian Split Squats 10
Alternating Lunges 10 (each leg)
Pistol Squats (just 2)

Jack Webb w/ 4 count bear crawl and 1 burpee, 8/2, etc.
When we got to 7 burpees we did them in cadence.
When we got to 10 burpees we modified to an 8-count burpee with a plank jack before the merkin.

Flutters in cadence to 35
QL stretch
Seated forward bend
Pigeon Lunge
Wide angle forward bend

ANNOUNCEMENTS: the Jaeger is coming 3/11

All told we only covered a mile in distance today. YHC hopes the PAX still got their money’s worth of out this free workout, open to all men, held outdoors, peer led with no assumption of expertise, that ended in a COT.

Shot for the Prayer of St. Francis, but didn’t quite have the thing memorized. Memorize is my word of the year, I’m working on it.

Lord, make me an instrument of Your peace;
Where there is hatred, let me sow love;
Where there is injury, pardon;
Where there is doubt, faith;
Where there is despair, hope;
Where there is darkness, light;
And where there is sadness, joy.

O Divine Master,
Grant that I may not so much seek
To be consoled as to console;
To be understood, as to understand;
To be loved, as to love;
For it is in giving that we receive,
It is in pardoning that we are pardoned,
And it is in dying that we are born to Eternal Life.

An honor to lead such a solid crew.

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Bring da toyz!

WARMUP: We did a full body warm-up with a focus on the shoulders.
Timer: 60 lb ball lift over shoulder – 22X; We each did 2 rounds. We rotate exercise stations after the timer/PAX is finished.
55 lb RAM Burpees
25 lb ball with Big Boy sit-ups
Incline pull-ups
HIgh Incline Merkins
High Decline Merkins
Merkin power push
Wide-arm merkins
Ab role out
Sandbag carry to Back pulls (need red band)
Run with 40 lb sandbag around cones
KB swings
One arm power squat presses
Band curls
Band shoulder presses
Shoulder raises with 10 lb KB-AMAP
KBs: Sumo squats

MARY: American Hammers
I gave my testimony mid-way through the workout.
COT: We went around focusing on praises. Main standout prayer request: pray for the families, survivors, and everyone involved in the Turkey/Syria earthquake.

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Bring da toyz!

WARMUP: short full body warm-up with a focus on the upper body and shoulders
Timer: 60 lb ball lift over shoulder – 22X; once this workout warrior was done we switched stations; everyone got through 2 lift over shoulder sessions
RAM Burpees
25 lb ball with Big Boy sit-ups
Incline pull-ups
HIgh Incline Merkins
High Decline Merkins
Merkin power push
Wide-arm merkins
Ab role out
Sandbag carry to Back pulls (need red band)
Run with 30 lb sandbag around cones
KB swings
One arm power squat presses
Band curls
Band shoulder presses
Shoulder raises with 10 lb KB-AMAP
KBs: Sumo squats
MARY: American Hammers to finish
My testimony was given.
COT: Lots of prayer requests for Turkey/Syria and the earthquake victims and families
Praises focus around the COT. Good stuff.

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